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clickbait queens

Well-known member
My dad was short like brad (I’m 169cm and he was shorter) and he hated it, he would buy cheap rubber thong’s and cut them up to put in all his shoes to give him extra height and I bloody bet that Brad does something like that also 😂😂 luckily I married someone 193cm so I can wear heels and stand straight in family photos 😏 some of the greatest guys I know are short and I’d never look down on them or think less of them because they are decent humans!
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We’ll just have to keep dropping the name “project glow by Sarah kearns” into the thread to keep it at the top of google!
maybe the next thread needs to include it 😉
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This bitch is so irrelevant. Like ... hello... 2017 is calling for you Big Sez. Not a single thing is original, interesting or aesthetic. She is the definition of polishing a turd. No one cares whether this nobody has lost weight or not. The face, the teeth, the attitude, the Photoshop... it's not working sweetheart. The kids aren't cute. Never were. Give 👏 it 👏 up 👏
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Chatty Member
More nonsense. I’m about as good as remembering to screenshot things as Sez is at…..well, everything.
1. Sez posted her tights just so she could flex she’s a medium. Size up darls, you’re a large.
2. Show us without telling us you hate school holidays because it means you can’t parent from the sidelines.
3. Stop trying to make “I have never felt more seen.” happen, it’s never going to happen if you keep using it out of context.
4. Knox’s only friend is a bird. It tracks.
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Ok so I’ve stayed out of the kids + gym safety snark until I saw this.
That’s a fucking bumbo next to a weight set.
Like who the fuck would plonk their baby in a bumbo next to the weights they’re about to press??

this is OH&S lunacy and slaps in the face of gym owners everywhere who have to bend over backwards to be complaint to regulations.

fuck this shit


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team dudmum

Active member
Ugh, Sarah. Mate. You need to pick a fucking lane and stay in it. You're a hypocrite and a liar and I cannot wait to watch everything crumble at your feet. You're such a basic bitch, it's so embarrassing to watch you contradict yourself at every turn, you're the best train wreck to not turn away from (maybe besides Emmylou). You might have lost a couple of kegs in 2023, but you're gonna lose a whole lot more in 2024, I can guarantee it.
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Sarah Kearns Project Glow will absofuckinlutely blow, she’s go no skills at all to show, she’s a big gymbo bimbo fitspo pro, shame all her kids are few averages below.

Sarah Kearns
Project Glow
Why do people hate DadMum
Brad Kearns
Team DadMum
Kin Health is dangerous
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Just dropping in again to say good LORD her content is boring!! Keeping that “content creator” descriptor in her bio feels illegal at this point
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But why is it ok for her to advertise this sex toy, I don’t feel it would be received the same way if Brad was on doing ads for a rubber vag, saying his orgasm is better & the whole thing is an absolute game changer, thoughts?
Or even if he was advertising a butt plug, saying how it can enhance their sex life and spice things up, I thinks it’s bizarre.
Christian Hull fully embraced selling his own branded flesh lights and vibrators. Also a genuine hot mess. 🤣

Guys can go for it. I don’t care. Good on them. Just do a damn good job and maybe, if your audience is likely to have kids around (Eyes on you, Princess Fiona) give viewers a heads up so that if they don’t want their kids to hear it (or their kids to recognise their school friends mum’s voice 😳) they can skip through and come back later.

I genuinely think Sez should be promoting a toy cleaner if she’s promoting her game-changer (🤮) to people who clearly haven’t used one before if they don’t believe women’s pleasure is a priority. I haven’t had the displeasure of watching one of her pear an ads but has she ever spoken about the fact that not every woman creates their own lubrication easily? Or that not every woman can orgasm from penetration alone? Any sort of normalising that every woman is different?

One last thing. I couldn’t find a gif of a cocktail frankfurt being thrown down a hallway and now I feel very disappointed.
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Yeah look, I’m short as fuck, but that doesn’t stop me picking on Brandley Smalls, wearing his oversized NFL gear, his pathetic ice hockey cap, his youth sized footwear, he’s a fucking piece of shit.
He brings this on himself, if he was a nice human no one would care that he’s wearing the same size panties as as Charlie Kate.
I’m still going to roll with the rumour I made up that he fucked her and broke up her marriage.
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I think she’s trying to (I don’t know why ) emulate Leigha Campbell who does that super annoying sing song voice in her car chats while saying absolutely nothing !
Leigh is the absolute last person anyone should want to model their voice on 😂
I thought it was interesting how she was banging on about taking precautions with Knox’s hand. The complete opposite of what they said (and did) with Teddy. She took great pleasure in trying to prove the haters wrong and showing Ted constantly doing stupid shit and falling on it.

Does anyone else constantly refer to their carpet as “SOFT carpet”. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
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Wtf is she even talking about? He’s not a baby ffs. My kids played soccer from 18 months. At five, he could already be in a proper little team. He could join holiday sports camps too. Too young for play dates? I’ve never left my five year old worh anyone, but we do plenty of play dates.

Don't blame his age, just because you’ve babied him and shafted him to the side while prioritising his brothers. He had solo days at home to do all the things. How is this year going to be better when all three need to cram stuff into the weekend? Where the fuck is Brad?
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There are literally groups and sports aimed specifically at his age. She’s just been lazy. Sure, my kid didn’t really even walk until they were nearly 18m but you bet we went to playgroup, mothers group, hell, even a support group for PND. Turdy Spaghurdy has had heaps of opportunities but she didn’t take them.
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What a riveting school holidays these kids have had, shopping and following mum around to the gym 3 times a day.
If Brad is so amazing, why can’t he watch the kids at home for an hour while she pops into the gym? Doesn’t sound very supportive to me. I don’t buy the bullshit about how hard he works. The kids aren’t that little, he should easily be able to manage for an hour. They’re sitting mostly unsupervised on devices while Sarah is at the gym anyway, what’s the difference?
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Well-known member
I honestly wonder how much she'd be able to make from some kind of program.... surely it wouldn't be as much as 20-30k, would it?
We're not taking a $5/month sub here (I assume) and it would take a lot of work to get it off the ground and actually be meaningful.

What is she missing?
A personality

There is absolutely no way she'll be able to get anything off the ground.

Shes riding on the coat tails of Brad's post that got him attention.... but this is absolutely not sustainable for her. A part of me does feel a little bad for her. But then I realise she's a bitch and I don't care anymore.....
Yep. Am truly curious how on earth she’s going to do this and what it will look like.
The “branding” is pedestrian and unremarkable.
She already forgets to posts reels as it is for major content. (E.g. Cairns, GC trips etc)
Her “a ads” are unoriginal and lazy.
She works out in a gym so it’s not like she can run work outs herself for her subs.
She forgets to share her daily meals.
She wears the same 3 pieces of activewear every day.
Her podcast died after a very short life.
She doesn’t do Lives often and, when she does, they are boring and childish.
She has no qualifications.

honestly, I am ready to be suitably unimpressed by whatever flash in the pan “project” she has in store.
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