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VIP Member
We need to make a bingo for their vlogs.

Mentioning that they're IN DUBAI
The girls doing work
Lazy and her baby talk
Some form of shopping
Creepy with his squint
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Sarah said “Mila, I’ll knock you out” in a vlog the other day. It was said in jest but who the hell says that to their child? It’s a vile way to interact with your kid. The basic language they use with their kids dumbs them down at best and creates monsters at worst. Dismissive of the older three, speaking in baby talk to the youngest two and speaking to the boy like he’s the second coming.
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Neck lace

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How can it be that a man who was caught wanting to have sex with a just turned 16 year old when he was 33, held a huge position of trust and was married with children, be so arrogant, ignorant and cocky? What a total embarrassment and loser you are Chris 🤣


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Actually , no Chris. I’ve been working at home all day, going to pee whenever I feel like it, taking time out here and there to sit in the garden in the sun with my Dogs and I’ve even managed to schedule in my Daughters Orthodontist appointment, something which , with all the time and money you profess to have, you STILL haven’t managed to sort !!!
Tomorrow, as part of my working day, my boss is taking myself and another colleague out for lunch at a lovely spa restaurant to just have a catch up as we all work remotely.
He really does seem to think that everybody is as unhappy as he was/is with his lot in life, whereas there are actually many of us who are quite happy with the lives we have.
I wouldn’t swop what I have for what he has in a million years !! My kids wouldn’t want to live like those kids either !


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Chatty Member
Poor Chris(h), he bought that latte specifically so he could take a photo of it and post it on his wee scam page, only for them to call his Chrish and ruin it.
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15 years old and don’t know the difference between a fork and a knife no wonder they eat like they do and don’t know how to use cutlery🙄
Why did I only understand that squeaky "got my own knife" and not a single other word? Isabelle sounds like a glitched computer program, ffs! I can totally see what everyone is talking about now when they say that the kids can't string a sentence together. Awful! They have been failed on so many levels! Meanwhile my 13 year old just got back from his morning rounds of walking three different dogs in our neighbourhood, and helping an elderly neighbour with her garden. And to be fair, he probably made more money than Chris Ingham did today 😆
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Chatty Member
How many times can you say Dubai in one vlog title?! Please Dubai some new music, Creeps!!
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Chatty Member
Chris, Sarah as you both read here just a quick note for you to read-
Chris no matter what you do in life or go to in life everyone is always going to refer to you as the guy from YouTube who groomed a child in Florida
It’s now stuck with you for the past 6 years and it will always follow you in life for ever and you can’t do nothing about it
It makes no difference which country you hide in if there going to call you out as a n0 nce they will call you only difference most countries will call you in their spoken language but you will have no idea what your being called unless it’s in English
If you don’t believe me it will follow you for life ask your brother-in-law Damo as he knows once your know as a no nce it will never go and it stays with you
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Hey Ingham parents it’s Eid .
Perfect time to teach your children about the country and traditions you now call home.
You really havent given much thought to what it will be like to live in the UAE
You can run but you can’t hide Christopher Malcolm.
Eid Mubarak.
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Just for my understanding , Jaceus the golden child has lost his toy dog because he couldn't pay attention and mother dearest is buying him a new one as a treat ?!?!
and someone took it within 2 mins.....but Dubai is so safe that you can leave your car unlocked with all your life savings inside it xoxo
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Are those nail scissors she’s using? 💀 Brokies in Dubai 🤣
Normal kid: childhood rite of passage, giving yourself a shoddy haircut in your bedroom

Ingham kid: we only get one professional haircut to share between us once every four year, so here I am, screaming into the void for validation because i am lonely, understimulated, bored out of my mind, trapped in this tiny brick oven and desperately trying to find ways to market myself as cute and relatable 🍍🍍🍍
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These ones? 😂😂😂
He is so feminine isn’t he 😂 Even the way he poses in pictures makes him look womanly! I don’t care what anyone says but that man has very little of anything manly 😂😂 That’s why he’s constantly making fatty carry babies around for him. Because it makes him feel manly to produce one.
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The only family I know where they were also ‘open about these things’ it turned out the dad was a pedophile.
Sarah needs to realise that she’s sexualising her daughters, which is not the same as being ‘open about these things’
I’m open with my daughters, but about the things that matter like contraception and the importance of respecting your body. I wouldn’t however sit and watch sex scenes with my 14 year old let alone my 12 year old. One thing if they watched these things alone unbeknown to me (I’m not naive) but another me as their mum sitting there condoning explicit material. Just wouldn’t happen in my house.
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Christopher Malcolm said he never cries About anything
1) Isabelle on his lap in the cinema watching some Disney cartoon CRYING (remember the lazyone saying that’s what a real dad does
2)Watching the Disney parade (Crying)
3)Losing drone (crying)
Being held by Australian airport officials and being outed as a n on the front page of The Sun. Was probably crying 😂
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Tilly Kister

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Absolutely and autism can be an advantage especially educationally speaking I’ve made no secret that some of my family members have autism (high functioning) and their intelligence is off the scale and look at all the Uber successful people that have autism, I read recently that Anthony Hopkins has autism he said his amazing memory was an advantage in memorising his scripts and Helena Bonham Carter has alluded to Tim Burton having Autism and the list could go on and on.
Autism is something a professional should diagnose for sure the sad thing with the Ingham family is that even if Jace has speech issues and the like they would never get him the support he needs and this will impact his education going forward because in life we all need a helping hand sometimes but lazy would rather bury her head in the sand.
ETA I follow someone on TikTok called Dr Katie and she made a video the other day that her son is eighteen months old and that she was worried that he couldn’t say five words yet and she has arranged to see a speech therapist to make sure that there is nothing wrong even though she isn’t that worried at the moment she said it’s best to check.
I’m with her I would rather know and get support than let my child down.
Both my kids are ASD - a boy & a girl. Several of their therapists have told me I'm not far off the spectrum meself. We've all done rather well academically. My son has the turned eye too like Jace.

My daughter was damn near non-verbal till she was over 3 but she communicated very well. She'd take us by the hand and show us what she wanted or what lovely thing she'd built with blocks or the tadpoles she'd discovered in our pond. Or she'd do drawings of herself doing what she wanted to do...having a bath or holding the dog's lead so we knew she wanted to go to the park.

Then one day she just began to speak in a posh English accent nothing like her father's laconic drawl or my dead common Manc. It was RP was what it was.

I will never forget the first sentence she said to me. Appeared in my bedroom doorway at first daylight one morning, stark naked and said:
"Excuse me mumma if you would be so kind, please open this." and handed me the pot of purple glitter body paint she'd snaffled from the art box.

I was so over the moon I opened the bloody thing for her and helped her cover herself in it. Six months of speech therapy and we thought it hadn't taken. But she'd just been practicing in her bed at night till she got it perfect.
After that she never shut up.

She's 22 now & still talking 19 to the dozen. Still sounds a bit like a Mitford sister too, tbh. But she says fuck a lot more often. She's got that from me.
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