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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
Don't know if they did here but Sarah's had comments. Personally I just think he's under socialised
Precisely. It's criminal the lack of socialisation that child has experienced. All three of the younger ones are scarred by the utter dearth of any kind of peer group exposure. They've not even had the extended family experience the older three had. Their Aunts & Uncles & Grandparents were once very present in their lives. They had school friends and did normal kid things with them. Once.

But the younger three have been stuck in Chav Hall or crammed into some sort of recreational vehicle & dragged from carpark to truck lay-by all their lives. They have no concept of what Nursery is. No idea there are libraries that have story times for toddlers. They have no idea what a play date is.

So they have no idea of social queues apprpriate to their age. Their language is delayed - which in Mila's case is a fucking tragedy because for the first two years she was as bright as a button and very advanced. But they never let her get past that two year old stage. The idiots speak to them all in damn near pigeon English "Does Jacey Wacey want some more chippees?" or "Is Mila feeding her baby-waby? Is Mila good mumma?" "Is Rora hungwy?" "Does she want a nar-nar?"

Those poor kids probably think the camera is something that everyone in the world has shoved into their faces day & night. That it's normal to taalk to a camera or a phone but have no clue how to interact with a passer-by.

It's environmental retardation & it's recognised as abuse ffs.

Well unless you do it on YouTube with midroll ads apparently.
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Big frank

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I have a suggestion. Creepy's 40th birthday is fast approaching and I feel we should do something to mark the momentous occasion. Cast your minds back to last year when creepy started to get too big for his boots and started trolling in his own name (instead of sock accounts that he'd hidden behind up to that point). Most of us temporarily changed our avatars to clowns in response. As creepy still insists on using the clown emoji to even the slightest hint of negativity whilst simultaneously being THE biggest clown on social media, I propose that for the week of his 40th we change our avatars to clowns again! Just to say crappy birthday to the delusional twat!
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Chatty Member
For the last time Chris, if Tate ever came face to face with you he would be paralysed with laughter at your little beanie, emo fringe and high voice. Giving him money is a lot like giving the bully at school your lunch money so he'll be your friend. *and* him.
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You’ve got to laugh at little Miss never been kissed using “rethinking my taste in men” as a caption 😂 Ugly Betty has had more boys than her.
The attitude on her since pulling her 2.30am all nighter in her broom cupboard. She'll be pregnant by the time she's 45 at this rate, the wild child 🤘
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Poor Internet? I thought the have super pow woo hoo pow pow 5G that makes UK Internet look like dial up IN DUBAI?
Just keeps selling dubai to me more and more, first sarah with her dodgy amazon, now crappy Internet. Anymore of this greatness and I'm applying for my visa.
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Chatty Member
Probably already been mentioned but love the way sarah went on about this dog teddy jace has been supposedly attached to. She definitely reads here.
Just responding to tattlers commenting the other day on how the children have no well loved cuddly toys or blankets that go anywhere with them!

So predictable 🙄
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*All 3 girls in that cake clip 🫣skin sickly white they looked ill all pasty and sweaty 🥵 they’ve been out in Dubai nearly 2 months and they all look pale as anything ( kids in the Uk go 1 week to turkey which is same temperature just now as Dubai and have back all tanned and healthy looking.
Sorry but this is a hideously outdated and dangerous way of thinking. Looking tanned is not an indication of health! There is lots to criticise about the way that family lives but having white skin should not be one of them! They certainly don't eat healthily but are they actually ill or anaemic, or are they staying pale because they're being cautious about filtering out the sun's harmful rays?

Tbh I fully expected them all to burn to a crisp as soon as they got there so I'm glad if the kids are still white and its hardly surprising if they are looking sweaty in such extreme temperatures!

I know it's ridiculously hot and they're staying indoors a lot but still, if they're being sensible whilst they are outdoors and using a lot of sunscreen then for once I'll actually give them a bit of credit.
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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
Oh my fucking god she's putting ant bait down in that tiny little box house with a crawling baby a toddler and six year old who functions like one! You cannot use ant bait on floors or any surfaces they can reach when you have kids those ages. Ferfuxake! That shit works by disolving the exoskeletons of the bloody ants. Wtf does she thing it does to babies & toddlers?

She's a dangerous, thoughtless, stupid fuckwit.

On a lighter note, nice to see she's madder than fishgrease at him about the entire fiasco. I only made it as far as 6:16 in on that vlog but she'd damn near bit his head off three times before telling everyone he's full of shit about loving the weather and called him a crying softcock over the bbg debacle.
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VIP Member
Big Saz was 100% baiting (although no need to come at a child) comments like that about Isla with the individual questions about each child. It was obvious horrible comments would be submitted.
And even if Isla "doesn't have social media" , that little bitch sister of hers, Esme, will a thousand percent show it to her.

But let's be real, the q&a box was exclusively to invite nasty comments so she could increase engagement. She doesn't give a shit if Isla sees it, in fact she's probably hoping to give her an ED like the one she seems sickeningly proud of in her older daughter.
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Loving the typo of putting ‘a Muslim over your shoulder’ 😆😆😆
I’m sure you meant muslin or something 😁 I’m not sure, but I think they are in Dubai, yes? 😉 Actually, Sarah probably could lob a Muslim over her shoulder, given her sumo wrestler appearance 🤣
Sorry, that’s given me a good laugh and a great visual 😳😆
OMG - pissing myself here - of course meant muslin but actually the the thought of an actual Muslim over her shoulder is priceless 😂
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The irony of him saying anyone who has an opinion about them must be living in their parents basement, when his adult step daughter is pretty much doing the same, albeit in a broom cupboard! 🤦‍♀️
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Normal and natural, like a 16 year old and a 30 odd year old man?
Introducing underage girls to sexual content is how groomers operate. With the amount of n0nces in Sarah's immediate family it's no wonder she thinks buying erotic fiction for a 15 year old is "natural and normal".

Her sexually repressed 19 year old included Esme in a Tiktok telling her imaginary boyfriend to 's**k his own damn d**K"

They are a whole family of weirdos and perverts , theyve no idea what's normal
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