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I hope that during their open sex chats Lazy explains that despite what their dad’s idol Tate says, it’s not a woman’s fault if she gets raped.
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I can just hear his effeminate squeaky voice when I read that comment 🤢
It just shows how isolated and lonely he is in real life because no man of his age and supposed stature would speak like that, whether it's with their professional or personal peers. A group of friends his age would rip him to shreds for talking like that! He speaks like a chronically online teenaged girl because that's what his life is. And for what it's worth, as someone who spent a lot of time volunteering at my kid's middle school library this past school year, "sorry not sorry" is not in your average 13 year oldest vocabulary anymore.

So the reality of Chris Ingham is that he is a friendless, lonely, doughy, isolated, broke, gullible, simple-minded weirdo who kinda sorta peaked almost a decade ago and is desperately clawing at any way to get back to the top. Oh. And he also likes teen girls. What a catch, Sarah! 😆
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What is her obsession with 'being a very close family'? I'm currently sat in the living room with my family. But my husband and son will both still go to work in the morning. Son still has his gf and will be out at the weekend. Daughter still go to school and both girls both do their after school and weekend activities. 'Being close' is not giving up your life to be together 24/7
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I’ve never worked a job where I had to ask to go to the bathroom 🤷‍♀️

also, I agree with everyone showing concern about the “open about sex” attitude. It’s fine to be open to discussion about it and to feel that your children can come to you for advice but they’re literally sitting watching smut with their teen and pre teen daughters and thinking it’s okay. It’s tantamount to grooming them
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Nobody should talk about Children the way some of those people have responded on Instagram. However, Sarah knew this would happen and has Fully baited people by using her children! NO normal mother would ever ever do something like that. It's their job to Protect their children from the world not purposefully seek it out.
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Lazy says

Isla has never had autism
She isn't on the spectrum in any way shape or form
She has no sort of special needs
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way Isla behaves

She is such an ignorant fucking idiot.

I really really don't agree with people diagnosing a strangers child over the internet but what if Isla is actually autistic. She isn't going feel comfortable talking to lazy about it is she.

Another thing. How the fuck would Isla know if she was autistic or not. I found out I am autistic at 30!
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Big frank

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What the fuck is with that hideous fake voice that esmememe has started using? In her birthday haul vlog she's really fucking annoying. She's also showed spiteful during isabores fringe cutting video. She's a nasty NASTY kid. She really does have the worst bits of her parents running through her. They are defo attempting to make her a brand judging by her tacky new intro. Good luck with that, there's nothing likable about her and creepys reputation will follow her like a bad smell.
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Actually , no Chris. I’ve been working at home all day, going to pee whenever I feel like it, taking time out here and there to sit in the garden in the sun with my Dogs and I’ve even managed to schedule in my Daughters Orthodontist appointment, something which , with all the time and money you profess to have, you STILL haven’t managed to sort !!!
Tomorrow, as part of my working day, my boss is taking myself and another colleague out for lunch at a lovely spa restaurant to just have a catch up as we all work remotely.
He really does seem to think that everybody is as unhappy as he was/is with his lot in life, whereas there are actually many of us who are quite happy with the lives we have.
I wouldn’t swop what I have for what he has in a million years !! My kids wouldn’t want to live like those kids either !
Someone needs to remind Chris he didn't make that money, his exploited children earn all the income in that Lego house.
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What a flex, sitting in a Starbucks! Really trying all the local cuisine, aren’t they. I had to google an iced Spanish latte and apparently it’s made with condensed milk - a great one for the high protein diet he is on 😂 Even his drink choice is that of a 16 year old girl’s.
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Lady Mary

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Chris displaying the classic MLM techniques. "Earn money when I sleep" crap they all wheel out this line. Screenshots of money coming in which is so easy to fake. You're a mug for having a normal job. Says the sex pest who pimps his kids personal lives out for a few quid. I know who the mugs really are and it's not decent hardworking people who know how to look after their kids and can walk down the street without being called a sex offender.
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Lazy has just finished filming her Sarah Lies video, walked into the living room and her heart has never wanted to explode more. Jace is sat on the sofa holding a sleeping Aurora. He goes to push Aurora off of him. Lazy tells him to keep snuggling. She tells him she loves him so much she fell asleep on him. Another attempt to push her off. Sarah Lies is a long one but a good one. Everyone will love it as it shows each of the chuldren’s personalities. She had to keep stopping to change batteries. They’re heading to the “Silico” Mall to sort one of the phones out. They also need a barbecue. Then they’re going somewhere really cool that they researched in England but haven’t done.

Dubai Silicon Oasis Mall is one of Creepstopher’s favourites. They drive past it at night and it’s all different colours with a “really cool like weird” dome structure. Annoyingly they took out new mobile plans when they arrived. After they became official residents they got residents cards they have to go back and update their plans. Creepstopher didn’t have his card the other day so he couldn’t update his phone like Lazy. He woke up this morning and his phone has been blocked. Jace and Mila melt his heart when they walk around holding hands.

African drumming and dancing. Creepstopher practically shoves the camera in the performers’ faces. Maybe that can be Lazy’s next career with her A Level Dance and Music qualifications.

The first phone store doesn’t have a machine to scan IDs. The only one that has one is in Dubai Mall. They had plans to go to Love Lake today but Lazy’s filming plans have ruined his plan to have a barbecue there tonight. Instead they’re going to the marina. Lazy is going to have choice words as she doesn’t want to go back to Dubai Mall.

Esmé has cut her own bangs. She’s done side ones but now wants full bangs.

The Inghams have taken a wrong turn as the data on the sat nav isn’t working so they couldn’t reset it. They’re now at Festival Mall as they don’t know how to get to Dubai Mall. Creepstopher has gone inside to use the Wi-Fi.

Cackling at Esmé with a hair clip in her hair. She’s trying to persuade Lazy to let them go to Raising Canes because last time everything lived up to expectations except the chicken. It wasn’t super crispy like it says it is online. She wants a big pot of £10 sauce. Lazy says it was in the fridge for a week before being thrown out. Screeching. Aurora. Spider. Driving.

Isabelle pouts in front of a lift. They’re at the harbour and she’s so hungry. Lazy forces her to say what she had for breakfast; two nectarines, two waffles and two slices of bread with cheese, ranch and egg. Lazy says she also had syrup on the waffles. Isabelle wants paella and shrimp for dinner but Esmememe has got her own way again and they’re off to Cane’s.

Lazy says the hip looking ice looks delicious. Mila wants some raisins. Isabelle shows us everyone’s food. The chips are really salty. Jace wants to be filmed trying the chicken but it’s really hot. Camera cuts.

Lazy asks Creepstopher if it’s humid because they’re near the sea and he says definitely. The pram is soaking wet. Isabelle and Isla went for a quick look in Mumuso, the new Flying Tiger. Lazy suggests Isabelle film a video in there. Isla likes the perfumes.

Isabelle and Creepstopher have a burping competition. The girls begged to go to Raising Cane’s one last time and they’ll never go again. Esmememe needed to film a TikTok there. Sitting outside made the chicken soggy last time. This time it was delicious inside. No one cooks in Dubai. Lazy tells Mila she’s going to knock her out. Cackling. Mila squeals and walks away. Jace got Sprite. Lazy says he’s a lucky boy but tells them not to swap drinks as Mila’s isn’t the same. Lazy sniffs a paper stick.

Cackling at Isabelle. She was in her own little world when a man leaned out of his window saying “cutie cutie, come on”. Creepstopher attempts to impersonate the man but it’s hard when you sound so feminine.

End of vlog

The most interesting part of the vlog. Yes, really.

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Chatty Member
I had never heard of this family before, but I think because I live in Dubai they now keep infiltrating my news feed. How are they going to get visas? Does Chris have a job to sponsor the whole family ? I have so many questions 🤯🤯
The general consensus is that marketing genius Chris has moved there as part of his MLM campaign to flog the luxe lifestyle. He seems to think the move is permanent (or at least, he pretends it is) while it really screams of being a long holiday.
Take a look at the wiki at the top of the page, they are a bunch of feral, greedy, clueless chavs.
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VIP Member
Actually , no Chris. I’ve been working at home all day, going to pee whenever I feel like it, taking time out here and there to sit in the garden in the sun with my Dogs and I’ve even managed to schedule in my Daughters Orthodontist appointment, something which , with all the time and money you profess to have, you STILL haven’t managed to sort !!!
Tomorrow, as part of my working day, my boss is taking myself and another colleague out for lunch at a lovely spa restaurant to just have a catch up as we all work remotely.
He really does seem to think that everybody is as unhappy as he was/is with his lot in life, whereas there are actually many of us who are quite happy with the lives we have.
I wouldn’t swop what I have for what he has in a million years !! My kids wouldn’t want to live like those kids either !
Chrish... Did he forget to put his false teeth in (that he got on the NHS) when he was ordering? He's one of the most unfortunate looking human beings on this planet with the personality of a dishrag and yet he acts like he's God, it's baffling.

Screenshot 2024-06-24 16.30.26.png
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Neck lace

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Three memories for this week's Memory Monday. The first one is when, in August 2018, tattler @AmyT said that she had know Sarah's family since before Isabelle was born. She posted a number of times with revelations about Sarah and her family.

The second memory is also from August 2018. Two tattlers came on to tell us that what we haterzz were doing was a very lot wrong. The two tattlers sounded a very lot like Creepy.

The third memory is from September 2018, when Granny Groomer posted on her instagram stories. She told the Ifam to report any 'hate accounts' because they were preventing the famdom from being a positive place. People were just trying to raise awareness about the horrible things that her perverted son had done but, of course, she wanted to try and prevent that from happening.


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