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Florida police were informed he was grooming a child at Disney (legal age is 18 in USA) and unlike the UK grooming is a specific crime there and with how tough the USA are on sex crimes/child abuse they would take that seriously even though Jess didn't meet with him, and even though they haven't issued a warrant for his arrest you can bet with how tough border control is in America that he would show up with a big red flag the moment he gets off that plane. He wouldn't make it out of the airport before he gets arrested.

I do actually think they'll be that stupid/narcissistic to go there again thinking no one would touch them. I hope so.
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I’m gonna answer this since I’ve been mentioned. 😬
The real Inghams started with good intentions, I do honestly believe that. Unfortunately that group and that account is run by a few different people, of different ages, with different agendas.
The fact check NOTHING.
So you might have one story that’s true, sandwiched in between numerous “victim stories” that were proven to be complete bull shit. Which do you remember?

Some ifam members were making up victim stories to show how easy it was to do, nothing was checked, it was all just posted.
The real Inghams started arguing with each other, we all remember Hayley posting on there asking for her evidence to be removed? Their very public fights on Twitter. I won’t be dragging up what else happened but I’m sure a few know or remember reading what went down.
The people running that account and their infighting was very obvious.
Then they went on a vendetta against other family channels they felt were “cashing in” Rees, Mcfee.
I’ve always wondered if a certain YouTube family were actively posting on the real Inghams social media . Can’t prove they are so I’m saying nothing 😬
They ARE bringing attention to this, but not always good.
They come across as obsessed and I definitely wasn’t the only one who thought this, not even close.
Show me evidence to back up what they post great, il support them
If there is none. I won’t change my opinion. But this isn’t the first “I’m 13/14/15 and Chris Ingham.....” style post we’ve seen.

They also set out to attack the “ifam” for supporting the family, these are kids, stupid kids maybe but still kids. Yes they celebrated “ifam appreciation day” but did they deserve to be dragged for it online? Most don’t know or understand what’s been happening with Chris over the last year. Calling them out or calling them stupid isn’t the answer.
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So no I don’t agree with their approach most of the time.
I assume they don’t agree with my view on this. You all might not either.
That’s ok.

Not the first time it’s happened. Not even the second. 😐 or third.

I have also watched this bunch of accounts because there are a few people that tweet with them retweet etc.
What I find hard to grasp is the depths they go to they do not care who they hurt or upset or threaten to get there point across.
For instance last week after the helium balloon vlog yes we all know it was wrong so that is not my point!
But an account that has since deleted it as I cannot find it tweeted an article from I think it was the daily mail not sure I did not read it all. But basically, the story was regarding helium gas with an image of a teen boy now as I say I did not read it all.
However, the story was very upsetting so what did the original person google to find that story to put her point across?
Did she consider the family of the person in the story no! That family had there loved one plastered all over twitter in arguments with kids adults basically a bloody train wreck.
And for what? to get a point across that family must have been so angry and upset.
And that is one of many many things that get posted every hour of every day.
If a 14-year-old girl had that happened to her I am sorry but no parent would let that story make its way to any twitter account they would have gone straight to the police and yes as she is 14 they will have gone right around his house the address is out there.
No police officer would say to any 14 year old oh yes we tried to contact him on phone it just went to voice mail!
Wake up.
Sorry if i have offending anyone but this really shows you cannot beleiev everything you read on twitter.
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Chatty Member
I always thought you had to have the baby with you to get registerd? We all went together, it was a nice little family trip out.
I was thinking that but apparently not! I work near the town hall in my city so I always see families going in there to register their babies together and always think it looks like such a special moment for them all
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Sarah said ‘what was it he put on Jane, 100 grams? Yeah I think it was about 100 grams.’ Why does she have to ask Jane? She should know these things. He still looks dazed and hungry constantly but he fits in the vest he wore when he was born so obviously they’re over the moon.

Isla pulled another tooth out so I’m expecting the tooth fairy will be stuffing another LOL doll under her pillow. Unfortunately she could only carry a £2 coin for her Esmes last tooth but I’m sure Esme doesn’t notice things like this. 🙄
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I can't believe he is still under his birth weight! Surely that's a major red flag to the midwife? (I've not watched vlog)
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This is probably going to sound a little far fetched but here we go:

What if Lazy was the abusive one?

I mean we all know how manipulative she can be, we've all sen how she digs him. She's trying to make everyone think she is the victim which is typical abuser behaviour.

Just an idea, probably overthing it though
I have thought this too! I worked with a woman last year that convinced me she had been abused by her ex and couldn’t bond with her baby because of it.
It turned out she was the abuser and had put it all on him to get the sympathy.
Abusers are good at manipulating.
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They're complete morons. Only skipped to that part and are we expected to believe that Chris didn't see all that talc pour out? They're really struggling for content
The talc came out before he even switched it on. It was so staged it was pathetic. Until lazy can go out shopping they are fooked for content,
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String Man

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This is probably going to sound a little far fetched ...
I'm sure I've seen posts saying that former friends (?) describe Sarah as the controlling one in relationships. I appreciate that's just hearsay but I'm sure her family wouldn't have allowed her to be abused by her partner. They are a right bunch of gobshites and not slow to issue threats of violence from what I've seen on their FB pages. As we know, Sarah is not afraid to bend the truth so I'm afraid I take anything she says with a pinch bucket of salt. I hate saying that about someone who claims to be a victim of DV but I just don't believe anything that comes out of her crusty mouth.
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Got to say I think that’s going a bit far (probably alone in my opinion).

My own view is that he thinks he’s still young and trendy so thinks she’s more relateable than the younger 2. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to hang out more with Esme in a few years time.

He puts Issy in the thumbnails as she’s popular and he knows she’s going to attract the pervs wanting to watch some teen flesh.

He was a plonker when he did that hiding under the bed stunt. I don’t think there was anything more to it though than him being incredibly thick.

I call my daughter “gorgeous girl”- I’m not a pervert!

I think It’s a massive leap to think whatever his predilections toward barely legal teenage girls and young twenty somethings - he would have sexual designs on his own children. And yes I know Issy isn’t biologically his but he’s treated her as his own from infancy.

I’m prepared to be shot down in flames!
He calls her 'gorgeous' and 'babe' yet never calls Sarah that. He hides under her bed, he barges into her room. He takes her out on 'secret missions' but never takes Isla or Esme.
She's uncomfortable around him, you can see it with the constant side eye she gives him and the way she covers herself when he comes into her room and sits as close and humanly possible to her on her bed.

I may be reaching but to me the worrying signs are there. May it is nothing but what if in 5 years Isabelle comes forward and says he was inappropriate to her?
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Let's be honest if issys dad was that abusive person lazy has made out he wouldn't of been anywhere near issy, we all know how controlling lazy is of her, if she'd reported the violence the court wouldn't of allowed him unsupervised access. This is lazy manipulating the ifam for the views, the likes, the sympathy and maybe she always planned keeping issy away from her dad so it was to plant the seed in everyone's minds so her beloved ifam didn't see the nasty vile controlling side of lazy.
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Chatty Member
I’ve done Route 66 and if you truly do the actual route it would be boring as hell for the girls. They would be purely doing it for the views
I cant see many of the so called 'ifam' wanting to watch creepy driving down route66 while Madame Le'Sloth and the kids inhale 7/11 hotdogs in the back on the camper van. I couldn't think of anything more feckin boring. But of course, again, they are trying to be like Fizz Family.
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Since you obviously read here Sarah, why don't you make some lovely, healthy meals for your girls. You could even put some in the freezer. Those sugary sweets Isla ate today are definitely not healthy.
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Chatty Member
It doesn't seem so.

I'm sure they can do meet and greets if they like. If they do, I'd happily join forces with whoever and stand there with my protest placard. Could be a fun meet-up.
I don’t think they would dare do a meet and greet
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As if the thought of how bad Chris smells wasn’t bad enough. The sweat, wearing same clothes for days, that beanie, not showering and awful breath from the shite he eats. Now to add stale cigarette smoke? 🤢

It’s a wonder the kids don’t wear gas masks when he’s around.
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They didn’t get her hair washed cut and blow dried? A nice experience when you have daughters especially so you can treat them to a bit of pampering every now and then. Looks as if they just had it cut and that was it also all the girls look like they needed a trim yet only Isabelle has gone !?!
My mum said she would use the family allowance for my haircut when I was teenager. We were skint but she knew it helped me and my confidence!
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