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Chatty Member
I’m in no way defending Lazy, we all know she is selfish and has displayed a very nasty and ignorant attitude to many things... HOWEVER, THIS is a very sad and dangerous mind frame. I suspect Creepy has this ingrained in her mind and could add to why (as well as having to do things for herself) she didn’t leave him when the “no situation” happened.

View attachment 14099
How irresponsible to introduce a suicide theme to a bunch of impressionable tweens.

Great role model there Lazy, really don’t think this type of thoughtless comment will encourage any potential sponsors anytime soon. Please screw your head on a bit tighter and engage your brain you imbecile.
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Iconic Member
It’s 2.35am and I have a confession.


I could probably force down a Rolo or two. 😬
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the police n
For anyone who hasn't seen this from the Real Inghams' Instagram. If anyone is wondering why she said 'work' instead of 'school' at the age of 14, she meant her paper round. That poor girl. This is horrendous. I hope that she is getting lots of support. Chris Ingham is a monster.

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the police need to step up if shes still underage as hes touched her that's molestation it makes me feel sick
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Funny after all Sarah’s ‘were not a prank channel’ ‘I don’t like pranks’ talk, ending the video with we might do more. Clearly scraping the barrel for content and lowering her standards (not that they could go much lower)

You think they’d have learned from the last time 😡😡

On a lighter note. Bless Esme. She’s clearly so besotted with Jace.
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Slightly Bonkers

Chatty Member
It makes me sick to see the low IQfam absolutely fawning over that highly stupid, irresponsible and dangerous prank. The fact these idiots thought it would be a good idea to film and influence other young impressionable kids to try out the same thing on their own parents is infuriating. The lame prank was so set up and absolutely orchestrated 100% by creepy. His acting is so bad. Painfully bad. I cringe so much when he pretends he doesn't know he's quite clearly being filmed. Ghastly oil bucket he is.
It seems to me that he's near the edge with all the constant hate at him and Sarah. He put up that comment about the dislikes on their vlog and then the same day, or next day, he organises this "prank" with the hair dryer, the same prank that led to the vid being removed from their channel. only this time he makes the joke on him and not the kids.

I think he did it to stick two fingers up at all their haters.

I haven't watched the vlog so don't know what time of day he has this supposed shower, but he was fully dressed and rubbing his head with a towel? So he got dressed while his hair was wet 🤔
Don't think so. He stuck it under the tap to wet it a bit i reckon, and is it also normal for men with short thinning out hair to blowdry?
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The best thing about Jace is when he sleeps! Not when he coos, or looks at her, snuggles up to her, no when he's asleep! 🙄

That new picture on her Instagram is awful too. She looks exactly the same as in that picture of just her and Jace and I think the white washes them all out.
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Imagine how boring his life must be being stuck in that house 24/7 unless shopping or skating. I bet he regrets giving his job up now, the family are tainted because of his wrong doings and he's just stuck living that shitty life. They are just dirty dossers.
They’re basically unemployed and have little to no social life. How they can deal with that day to day is a mystery to me. Even more so how they think they can still be interesting.
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Well-known member
It makes me sick to see the low IQfam absolutely fawning over that highly stupid, irresponsible and dangerous prank. The fact these idiots thought it would be a good idea to film and influence other young impressionable kids to try out the same thing on their own parents is infuriating. The lame prank was so set up and absolutely orchestrated 100% by creepy. His acting is so bad. Painfully bad. I cringe so much when he pretends he doesn't know he's quite clearly being filmed. Ghastly oil bucket he is.
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I looked at their YT account for the first time a couple of days ago - it was the Easter one where they were eating some kind of cake for breakfast. For some reason I'd thought they were the family that bought a chateau to renovate in France when I'd seen them mentioned before.

Couldn't work out the accent at first, seemed like they were American then it was all very 'top o' the morning' Irish

The father rivals Chris for the Creepy Try Hard Father of the Year award. On the surface the father seemed very involved with the children but boy does he love his face on camera. For every interaction with the youngest he then play to the lens (look at me look at me look at MEEEEE!).

Anyway, long story short loads of people in the comments were saying it was a really bad time of year to go there due to the heat. There was some speculation that it was a #gifted holiday so they couldn't go at a better time of year.

Only made it about 10 (or less) minutes into the vlog because the father was very strange.
The Saccone Jolys (well the Dad is J. Joly and Mum is A. Saccone started their channel when they were a boyfriend and girlfriend living in Ireland but in 2014 they moved to the UK, ostensibly to get away from the 'hate' they received in Cork for vlogging and because of a supposed murder threat against their children, which many argue was faked for views. It is also is more likely that they would have got the social media deals that Zoella and others had if they lived in the UK. Jonathan met Anna when he was 26 (I think) and she was 18 in a nightclub. She already had a bf at the time but J's talk of being in some pop group as a dancer wooed her away from her boyfriend towards him. They had previously moved to the UK for further education then moved back to Ireland.

Anna's mixed accent is because she was born when her father was teaching at an Ivy League university in the USA, but she moved to Ireland several years later. Her father was Italian and a specialist in Italian literature and her mother was born in Germany to a German mother and an Irish father and her father managed to get a professorship at Cork University. She is a Kardashian fan, so maybe that's why she wants to sound more American.

Jonathan does sound like a leprechaun/plastic paddy in many ways! He purports to have ADHD which could explain his behaviour. There was an odd vlog last year in which he picked up his Deliveroo/Just East delivery from somewhere called 'Bill's Takeaway' and he sang an odd dick-joke song 'Billy Willy's on a Friday night. I've got a willy, so I'm having some Billy's. Does that mean Anna can't have Willy's' and he giggled then said 'just treat ourselves to some Willy's. Cause everyone loves a good willy, that's how you make babies!'

The Easter cake is something called 'colomba di Pasque' or 'colomba pasquale' which means 'Easter Dove' and is an Italian cake for Easter Sunday. The parents feed the kids pancakes with loads of chocolate spread every Saturday and Sunday for breakfast after they have already had chocolate cereal as a 'treat' in contrast to their non-sugary cereals on weekday mornings. Anna is obsessed with healthy foods like organic, gluten-free and dairy-free and the gluten-free cereal has, in fact, more sugar than Cocoa-Pops etc. !! This dove cake was also severed with hot chocolate (and they had dove cake on Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday if I recall!) and they gave the 2 year old baby it first cause they wanted to avoid one of her tantrums. Weird parenting.
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Iconic Member
Either this will make creepy look controlling, and makes her seem like a victim again. We often forget exactly how manipulative and controlling these pair of freaks actually are.
I fully believe this has been posted so people will start to see her as a controlled “victim” of Chris who had no choice but to stay put.
These two are dumb as fuck until it comes to playing people, Manipulating people and making themselves look vulnerable and insecure.

Sarah felt so bad she couldn’t feed her son properly, remember it made her feel like such a bad mum..
But what did she do? Refuse to wake him for extra feeding as advised because it would interrupt her rest periods and used nipple shields for her comfort.
Then went away even when he was being closely monitored.

I’m not buying it. Book thick. Street smart.

Maybe just me but I didn’t read it as “I would have killed myself” I took it as her being made to believe she was struggling / broke / on a bad path that would have killed her....but who knows with her. Probably just me really not wanting to believe someone would say such a serious thing just for a reaction 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I guess there’s no such thing as stooping low enough for Lazy eh?!
I think the fact it’s open to interpretation is exactly what they want. 😐
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awful picture that could've been improved slightly by clean, ironed shirts.

I feel like I could've taken that picture on my iphone in front of my bedroom wall. thought the photographer was a professional? but then again there's only so much you can do with Creepy & Lazy I guess. Esme looks great.
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VIP Member
Sarah just did a Q+A on Instagram. To sum it up
  • They hope to go to the USA on holiday basically driving along route 66 in an RV - yeah good luck with that one mate
  • They have a couple of holidays booked this year
  • Breastfeeding is going well apparently - so why is it taking so long for Jace to get back to his birth weight?
  • If they had a girl they would have copied the Labrant family and named her Everleigh. So original:rolleyes:
  • They did not like Crete because apparently there were no shops to walk to
  • They want to go to the Maldives and stay in one of those floating hotels. Oh the lols :LOL:
  • Chris wants another kid
On a side note though, will someone please take those mitts off Jace's hands and burn them? His hands are not getting any air.
Probably didn't like Crete cos everyone in the resort hated them being there and made it known to staff.

I second what others said - can't wait to see them attempt USA as I expect the majority of people here and on Twitter will be reporting them!

Does he think another kid is going to bring in the views that Jace didn't? 😂
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String Man

VIP Member
Please if any 100% evidence exists to put it up because I read one from a girl she is 19 I am sorry but at most he is an adulteress.
That is very very different from a pedalo.
Shaycarl he was an adultress all done online with a younger girl but never have I seen the word pedalo why?
Look, I know Chris is quite feminine but he's not an adulteress he's an adulterer.

Yes, I have probably upset a lot of folks but it is what I think sorry I am not an Ingham supporter but pedophile is a very strong word to call someone without 100% unquestionable evidence.
Pedophile is not only a strong word, but also an incorrect word unless referring to prepubescent children.

In Chris's case it would be ephebophilia (postpubescents aged 15 - 19).
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Thank god that poor boy has got Esme, the only one I've seen who's shown genuine affection.

I thought this was a really cute moment until Iddy Biddy butted in for camera time.

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Yes!Now THIS is the look of genuine love.Esme`s going to be his "go to mum" as he grows up.(Does he still look a little yellow here ,or is it because Esme has a paler complexion/She`s going to be really gorgeous ,inside and out ,the older she gets.x
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Why the need for 7 Year old in everything, it's incredibly odd. Unless you're trying to draw unscrupulous viewers into the video then stop tagging/using the kids ages.

It just cements what kind of people (very few people but still) this pair surround themselves with. Surely one of them would speak up and say 'uhhh yea the title is a bit inappropriate, especially when accompanied by the sex doll faces'

Do you think the girls ever get to approve the thumbnails before they go up?
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Wouldn't suprise me if he has a little group of Pervy friends that he does these titles/thumbnails for.
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