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The Inghams are getting a stomp on this morning leaving their musty, dusty, dirty van. Cackle. The roads in Norway are dirty as the snow is disappearing. They’re going on a fjord boat tour. Tomorrow they’re driving home so they decided last minute to squeeze in one last thing. Lazy’s favourite place in Norway is Lofoten. Me me me me me; and we wonder where Esmé gets it from. One of the best things to do in Lofoten is a 4 hour cruise.

The Inghams board the boat. Tour of the boat. Lazy and Aurora. Lazy films the sunshine through the filthy window.

This boat is super super cool because it’s a silent electric boat. Lazy has concluded that Norway is her favourite country in Scandinavia because you can’t beat the unmatched beauty of the mountains. Lofoten is her favourite place in Norway with unmatched beauty and it’s stooooonin and magical. She wanted to create one more memory before going home so they decided on this. The fjords and mountains have been a big part of the trip. Only because they’re free and the skint Inghams can’t afford any proper tourist attractions. They’re doing the Trollfjord trip; the irony. Careful Inghams, you might bump into some of the haterz who have escaped their parents’ basements. Fisherman’s wife statue that’s waved goodbye to and welcomed back fishermen for decades. This is a unique opportunity as the fjord is only accessible by boat or a 10km hike over mountains. The lazy Inghams would never do the hike though, even if the kids were older.

The guides on the boat are knowledgeable and “gave lots of knowledge”. Lazy loves history and learning. Funny how when they go to London the history buffs never visit historical tourist attractions such as Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral. There’s an outdoor deck and indoor deck. Today the girls learnt that a fjord is a part of the ocean. Lazy and Creepstopher thought they’d learnt that the last time they were there. Home schooling is going well!

Lazy and Isabelle collect five hot chocolates. Footage of the sea. Jace and Isabelle drink their hot chocolates. They want to sit at the back of the boat and refuse to join the rest of the family as they have windows all around them. They’ve just seen sea eagles. They saw four sat down and one flying. Does Lazy realise birds STAND not sit on cliffs. They’re STANDING on their LEGS. Thick piece of shit she is. I bet she didn’t know what a fjord was either. Screeching about mountains. Lazy is fascinated by the water as it looks like a lake.

Sea Eagles are the fourth of the largest eagles. They used to be heavily hunted in Norway, partly for their meat but also because they abused farmers by eating their sheep. The farmers started hunting them using a pulley system of sheep intestines. They’d grab them and kill them with their bare hands, chop off their feet and claws and sell them. Such family friendly content for their young audience. Sea Eagles are white feathered and 4 year olds have very bright white feathers. They get whiter as they get older.

Creepstopher tells us the water looks translucent and crazy. Pearlescent. Sailing into Trollfjord. People have gathered outside.

Creepstopher heads inside to get out of the wind. They’re in the fjord and the boat is about to turn off all its engines and run on one engine so it’s silent for 40 minutes. It’s blew his mind as they turned into the fjord. Everything is insanely beautiful. Footage of the fjord. They reach the end of the fjord and are turning around to go back. This is one of the best things Creepstopher has seen in his entire life.

Mila is colouring a picture of a sea eagle. Creepstopher and Lazy have learnt they if you zoom in on the west side of northern Norway on the map on your phone you can see how wet it is and how many fjords there are. One things they didn’t know is there’s only one opening to a fjord and it’s both the entrance and exit. There’s a water mark on the mountains where the water level rises when the snow melts. There’s teeny tiny icebergs. Creepstopher wanted to buy a house on a lake in Sweden last week but now they need one in Norway so they can explore the fjords. You’d never get bored in Lofoten.

The boat is sending down the water drone. The guide points out the sea urchins. They’re made into lights in Lofoten.

Creepstopher heads outside to his hot wife overlooking the ocean. Leonardo DiCunt and Kate Wanker spend some time together. Mountains. Funeral music. Jace runs around the boat. The Inghams disembark the boat. Lazy tells Jace to be careful. He runs in front of Mila and almost knocks her over.

The Inghams are in a restaurant. It’s the very last day of the trip so to celebrate they’re eating out for a change. They haven’t eaten out so much on this trip. It costs the same to buy ingredients as it does to eat out. They’re at a gorgeous Italian place. Esmé and Isla have carbonara. Isabelle has shrimp and mushroom pasta. Creepstopher has a pepperoni pizza. Of course we’re not shown what Lazy has.

The Aurora appears as the Inghams return to the van. Isla spotted it. It’s very faint but you can see it very well. It’s 7pm. It will be an active night. Time lapse.

The trip has been so much more fun for Lazy than the last one as she isn’t pregnant. There will probably still be a vlog tomorrow but they’re taking a few days off as they’re driving and don’t want the pressure of having to find things to vlog. They’re making a stop in Germany. They’ll probably film something to put together. The girls take the mick out of her for the Mini Vlog Mondays so she doesn’t do them anymore.

End of vlog
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Another insurance claim !!!!!

Hang on a minute,the freezer defrosted?
Before they went away they filmed the girls eating the remains of what was left in the freezer because it was being switched off.
If any of their mouths move you know they are lying :mad:

First thing big Saz did after sitting on her arse for weeks was........sit on her arse and talk a load of shite.
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Chris been busy reading Tattle again I see 😂Mentioning about everyone having a ‘low IQ’ because Sarah said no one would get his joke & then a really stupid pronunciation of co-op after posts made about how they pronounce it on the vlogs.

He’s hitting the stage now where he knows that they will soon be back in the UK so he starts to lose it a little more. He knows this trip hasn’t brought in the success he’d hoped for and even his clickbait driving incident has only reached 45k views. He’s going to be hell to be in that van with and even worse when they are all back home.
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Remember the time when lazy said creepy keeps his T-shirt on to swim ‘out of respect for the girls and others’ he certainly didn’t worry about ‘ respect’ when he was dipping his wick in anything that moved - the jury is still out on whether we include boys (wasn’t it Justin he ran away to America with) in the tally of his playing away
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Wow, that's a serious lack of respect for roller booting, just speechless 😲😲😲😂😂
I know, right? Skills like that will come in handy for absolutely loads of worthwhile jobs, like advertising female sanitary products, for one. I could just see him rollerbooting down Miami Mablethorpe promenade to the pumping beats of Dr Albarn's "It's My Life", wearing Jane's snow-washed jeggings and cropped vest and leather shacket combo. He's got one trick and he's not afraid to drop it...any day of the month. 💪👊💥
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Nothing to see here, just Christopher Ingham threatening to knock his 4 year old son out. What a delightful child you have Jane and Steve!!

Love that Jace called him fat though. Missed that one last night. That must’ve hurt.

Joking aside; Lazy I hope you realise that letting behaviour slide based on Jace being born male will not help. 12 years later: “I’m sorry I punched that man. I did it because I’m a boy.”

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Rosie Tatler

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Hey Lazy.... those fighter jets you saw are doing exercises because we are on the brick of a world war. it's not cool you saw them, it's fucking terrifying. Watch the news and stop listening to your tin hat wearing creepy husband.

How do these people not realise how significant that was?!
She is so stupid , she probably has no idea about the current tensions around the Norwegian /Finland / Russian borders .

As long as it’s not a shortage of cheese she doesn't give two shits about current affairs ( even her husbands)
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So are we going 3 days in a row without a video?
I’m sure they have needed a few days off from their hectic lives to just sleep in, chill in their pj’s, do absolutely nothing but watch movies all day and spend time together as a family… you know, all the things we never get to see on their vlogs 🙄
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Lazy and Creepstopher could've saved some cash and looked in the mirror.

Creepstopher breathlessly waddles towards Andenes Whale Safari. He eyefucks a leopard print sprinter van on the way. Orcas were seen yesterday but this morning it’s foggy. He had a stupid nightmare last night. The sea is calm with no wind.

The Inghams board the boat. Lazy has Mila firmly by the hood of her coat because it would be too easy to just hold her hand like a normal mother.

Lazy has never been so excited in her whole life. They’ve been told they’ll probably see the whales. Sperm Whales are monstrously big. If she gets any more giddy she’ll need to use her spare Tena nappy. Esmé remembers seeing the bone of a sperm whale at a museum and Isabelle measuring herself against it.

Funeral music. Sailing. Ingham kids looking out to sea. Creepstopher heads downstairs to show us the sea. He and Esmé are excited for the free tea and cookies and soup on the way back.

Whale fin from a distance. Isla says they saw the tail of a Sperm Whale. They also saw a Blue Whale’s fin. It’s currently underneath the boat. Mila has been vomiting so she’s had to go downstairs with Creepstopher. Poor attempt at zooming in on whales. Whale tail. Lazy screeches. Photos of Jace and Mila.

Lazy asks Mila if she’s good and she says yes. She just had some soup after her nap. Lazy asks her if it was a fun trip but she doesn’t know. Cackling. Mila likes boat life and she says “good”. Please don't tell me the big life change is them buying a barge.

Lazy and Isla look at the whale chart. Isla doesn’t remember seeing whales in Australia as she was 6. Lazy tells her at least they have the YouTube videos. Very lucky as they definitely can't afford to go back with these views. The fin whale is the second largest animal in the world.

Lazy wants to tell us a few things. It was a small boat and there was indoors but it wasn’t appropriate to vlog. It was windy so they couldn’t talk. She was really looking forward to this part of the trip. It was a once in a lifetime experience. There’s no guarantees as the whales weren’t performing. Lazy wanted herself, Creepstopher and the girls to enjoy it so vlogging came second. Jace asks whether the Hulk can kill a Killer Whale because Creepstopher said he could. Lazy says he was telling lies. A fine art. Whales don’t dance on the water; they come up, blow and go back down. Not long after leaving the harbour, Mila vomited and then fell asleep. She woke up as they pulled back into the harbour. It was choppy. Creepstopher went downstairs with Mila as he didn’t feel well. He filmed down there. They had unlimited coffee and biscuits on the way out and soup on the way back. Creepstopher and Esmé didn’t eat due to their phobias. They were surrounded by Sperm Whales.

Lazy has brought Isla to the shop because she saw a cute teddy. Lazy thinks the humpback whale toy is a sperm whale. The crew were very knowledgeable and she was impressed. She was blown away at how nice they were. They brought blankets to people who were cold and offered to sit with Mila whilst Creepstopher filmed. The lady helped them carry the soups upstairs. Everyone was allowed to use the earphones to listen to the whales clicking. Isla says the clicking is them sensing what’s around them. Once they stop clicking they surface within a minute or two. They spend 5 minutes on the surface. Everyone was told to get their cameras out because the tail was about to flick. Then it scooped down to hunt more. Fighter jets go overheard. So cool! The girls are desperate to get back to the van to get internet and research whales. This is what Lazy loves about homeschooling. Creepstopher makes a shit joke about Wales. Trolls online call Lazy fat and her family bully her. The girls weren’t enthusiastic about work when they were at school but now they’re enthused and want to learn about what whales eat and where they sleep. Travelling is the best experience.

Time to go and get dinner because Creepstopher is hungry. It’s 2pm. They’re collecting stickers for the van.

Creepstopher puts the stickers on the garage door. When you say moose you must say “mus” like he does because of the wine gums ad from the 80s.

It’s the end of the day. The Inghams have driven for a couple of hours. They’ve stayed in incredible places but are in a car park tonight. There were a few lay-bys on the mountain road but it has to be a decent size for Lazy to feel able to sleep there.

Isla has been doing loads of research on whales. A Blue Whale’s heart is 5m tall and long and weighs 400lbs. Lazy says that’s incredible and adds that a whales arteries and veins are so big that a child can swim through them. It’s mental. When they saw the Sperm Whale today it’s the biggest predator on the planet with teeth. The biggest predator after Chris Ingham. A lot of whales don’t have teeth and instead have something beginning with ‘b’. A horse could fit in a whale’s fart bubble. Cackle. They open their mouths and swim into the school of fish to eat them. Lazy says it’s a boring way to eat. She wonders whether whales are ever full. She encourages us to go and see whales in the wild as it’s fascinating and so inspiring to see them in real life.

End of vlog
So that’s why they leave their shit and piss on the side of the road.

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Well here's a lesson in how to spoil a good photo. I don't even want to say what his hat looks like but THOSE SHOES!!! The first time I saw them I said they looked exactly how I imagined dolphin feet would look (if they had feet!) and I am standing by that.

Also I don't know what the hashtag #bro even means but surely it doesn't relate to this!

I love it how he's stuck himself in front of the lovely backdrop, carefully curating the shot as if he's the only one there, contemplating the meaning of life and connecting with nature on a spiritual level....when everybody knows that just out of shot are about 60ish other people, including some yacking up, and his beloved banshee of a life partner is cackling away and screeching at him to stop hogging the railings because she wants her Kate Winslet moment. Hilarious.


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I knew they wouldn’t be able to pass on a chance to use a sad death for self-promotion. His wife must have found it a huge comfort that you ‘forgave’ her for talking about Chris trying to engage a child in sexual activity.

Excuse my language, but fuck right off, Sarah. Unbelievable. Shame on you.
Making out the Ravenscrofts were in the wrong.
Shame on you Sarah ingham
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Good electrician friend...

I've text my plumber friend.

Whilst lazy says we've called an emergency electrician hahaha..
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Chatty Member
Esme should be nagging her parents to get vlogs out because the drop in views means school is getting nearer where she'll realise she is an under educated, ill mannered girl who is nothing special and has no chance of being an Influencer. Nobody in the real world sees lip-synching to Taylor Swift as being a life skill.
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They are reorganizing and redecorating. (what's the point you will leave before you are even finnished and then start over when you get back home)
Have you ever seen such unsettled adults? The constant redecorating is so strange to me. When you redecorate, don't you pick a style/colour that you are going to be happy with for at least a few years? Even in a normal household where you actually live in your home, you don't redecorate more than once every few years, right? And the constant reorganization! How are you needing to reorganize if you are never there? Just how much shit do they own that it needs to be reorganized that often? And yet, they next few weeks will be constant shopping and hauling. What an empty existence 😕

Sarah. MATE. None of it will fill the hole. You're going to need more than a lick of fresh paint and some B&M sheets to make your life look appealing to the average outsider.
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Rosie Tatler

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Sarahs face when she in response to Jace saying Dad said the Hulk could knock out a whale
“Yes daddy lies” she said and the look on her face !

Why does Chris tell Jace about knocking people out all the time ?? Great parenting !!
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