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The weather makes Lazy not want to go home. They’re going home earlier than planned as she feels like she needs to be at home. They were in the middle of nowhere in Scotland at this point in Mila’s pregnancy and didn’t get home until she was 37/38 weeks. It’s nothing physical; just mental and emotional. It isn’t like her to want to leave a holiday. Pregnancy doesn’t stop her doing anything ever. Creepstopher feels like they’ve exhausted their filming options. Ah so now we finally get to the real reason. They took a couple of days off to do the things they couldn’t vlog such as the swimming pools and the spa. They don’t want to travel out to find places. They’ve already filmed the park and beach. Their autumn/winter clothes aren’t suitable and they’re spending a fortune on laundrettes to wash the same clothes over and over. Lazy is desperate for a bath and she’s had restless nights with her hips.

Mila strokes Prinny. Isla is on the laptop in her Christmas jumper. Cackling at Jace saying “Mewa”. Lazy tells him he looks like a cool dude. He looks a total scruff. Creepstopher wants Lazy to drive home. He packed the whole of the cabin. Isabelle has forgotten her mug. They were supposed to leave two hours ago but Creepstopher got chatting to the neighbours in the cabin behind as they were intrigued about the Inghams’ lives. He does this every single time. He acts like everyone’s long lost friend and yaps away. He'll have plenty of time to chat away in prison, Goodbye to the caravan.

Driving. Services. Lazy and Isabelle leave Creepstopher. Lazy was nervous for the drive home with Mila in the car. She slept for an hour. She was convinced she’d have an accident but she didn’t. They have two more hours to go. Upstairs Starbucks is closed. Devastation. The one downstairs is open. Isla says the pumpkin spice tastes like Christmas and Halloween put together.

Creepstopher can’t tell if they’re having a glitch in the matrix day or if this is normal. They left Devon what felt like an hour ago. They’ve lost four hours and aren’t far from home. They journey down took 7/8 hours. Lazy has driven the whole time whilst he worked. They’re and hour 1/2 from home. Lazy has been chatting to herself. Creepstopher has conversations with himself when he’s working. Everyone in school used to say that talking to yourself is a sign of madness, and so is having hair on the back of your hand. Did Creepstopher go to Hogwarts? Speed limits and ‘smart’ motorways suck. It’s a waste of money in his irrelevant opinion. Devon has blue skies but now it’s cloudy. Lazy starts singing Green Green Grass. Cackling. There were two spitfires flying over the caravan all morning. They met a lovely couple too. Creepstopher isn’t looking forward to how much the grass and weeds have grown. Lazy is feeling a bit better now they’re near home. Creepstopher had to change his chai latte as it was hot water with froth on top and no chai. Lazy thought it had been made with oat milk. It didn’t taste like coffee at all to her. Creepstopher is warming to iced coffee. It’s 7pm and getting dark. Why? He doesn’t want the 4pm dark nights.

Driving. Home. Mila is sobbing. Lazy says she bumped her head. I bet the cool dude brat was involved. The heartless bitch rolls her eyes and after a camera cut she cackles. Lazy says that Jace and Mila like to play tig but because Jace is faster than Mila, she tries to run faster than her legs can carry her. She slipped and tonked her head on the floor. It’s always her head or her knee or her elbow. The girls are sorting out the piggies. They’re making a quick snack of cheese on toast, carrot sticks and lettuce as the girls and Jace wanted some. They always eat iceberg but the Guinea Pigs can’t have it so they’ve been buying another one.

Lazy feels so good to be home. She wants a bath. She never feels sad leaving but Creepstopher does, although when they get home he’s happy to be back. There’s more to do at home. Lazy hates the mess of unpacking. The car was so full and it will be a massive job for tomorrow. She feels very relaxed now they’re home. She felt relieved to see familiar streets. She may have felt better if they’d taken the hospital bag. They wouldn’t have been able to fit it in the car anyway. Their boot is massive. How many clothes did they take? Couldn’t they have vacuum packed the clothes to make space? Maybe take a few less toys. Celebrate Isabelle’s birthday early? Or better still; out the hospital bags in the boot first and add all the other crap afterwards. I’ve never knows such dumb people. Lazy wants to crack on. She’s 36 weeks tomorrow. Crazy. They were due to come home on Saturday. Lazy is 36 weeks tomorrow. Today is Thursday 14th September.

End of vlog
Was reading this afternoon and this made me think of the legend that is Big Frank.

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Whose side are you on though?! I don't understand why you can't just say.
Maybe because she lives close to them, spilling the tea now would blow her cover, or she doesn’t have all the details and wants to be sure what she says is factual or she’ll end up with Creepy’s solicitor letter through the door 😂
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The thing that’s struck me about the accusations in the Russell Brand matter is that Chris should keep looking over his shoulder
if he thinks he’s got away with his pervy ways he hasn’t
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Why does she have to get her naked pregnant belly out all the time? She wouldn’t dream of showing her flabby non-pregnant belly off, so why when she’s pregnant? Put it away.
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Squatters? 🙏🙏🙏
- Katrina and the kids have claimed squatters rights.

- Mice from the garage have claimed squatters rights.

- Dave "My Forever" is turning Mingham Mansion into Wembley 2.0 (and by that I mean a new local primary school) for his gigs.

- The Stag Manor neighbours have ran out of room for their stag ornaments, so have claimed Mingham Mansion as their own.

- The poorly build scrap heap has collapsed.

- Isabelle's pretend boyfriend has shown up.

- Creepy drove the caravan with a speedboat attached through the small front garden wall and into the front doors.

- The vagina tables came on their period.

What could it possibly be....
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Rosie Tatler

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Can we please not have any what is the baby going to be called posts !

Inghams are already as boring as fuck without pages and pages of boring name speculation !

Now pass me that bottle of wine and massive bar of cadburys whole nut !
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Cockleshell Bay

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The multi millionaire who can’t edit the Vlog correctly…. Could Sarah have looked more disinterested when Isla was speaking at the beginning and Esme whispering, maybe the king of social etiquette needs to tell Esme it’s rude to whisper…
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😂😂 Chris calling a chai latte a ‘G 💪’ drink. I’m picturing everyone in Top Boy walking round with chai lattes and guns 🤣 he’s such a twat 🤣🤣
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Thank you to everyone on here that uploads videos, screenshots and information, these things are the Inghams worst nightmares. They love to delete and conceal so when we have such a huge archive of their behaviour we are able to hold them accountable.

I truly believe one day it will all be worth it when everything documented will come to the surface, in front of a judge, and they won't be able to lie it all away.
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Exactly the same thought here - he just can’t help himself, he knows a boat wouldn’t be a viable option so a new van is the most likely reason. Of course he’s has to take children for back up the little wuss he is 🤡

Taking this with a pinch of salt but just seen these comments on a certain channel - it wouldn’t have been days ago if it did happen though. Monday at the earliest if they came back Friday as Chris went off on Sunday didn’t he?

Is this simply someone stirring the pot to get the has she/hasn’t she debate started up or someone in the know - wouldn’t surprise me if it was one of Katrina’s lot 🤣
"Injuiced" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Best start reading up on them I guess 😂
Welcome to the Ingham threads you 🤡 G. You must now remain in your parents’ basement until the rv arrives to take you to the prison in Switzerland.

FYI: Chris likes having sex in his t-shirt, socks and beanie with no condom. His favourite place is the Ibis but he’ll do it anywhere; against the coats, in the car, in the garage, in the pylon field. He’ll shag any girl as long as she is a teenager and under 25. Then he’ll write them an NDA on a napkin.
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Not Creepy talking about people draining "free money" when he literally admits tax avoidance as well as fraudulently claiming the COVID business grants. Who's the "brokie" again, Creepy?
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Cockleshell Bay

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I am surprised safety officer Jace allowed the boat trip to happen, even more astounding is that his Mum didn’t suggest Jace and Mila stay with her while their Dad acts like a Pratt in a hat on the ocean waves. You make yourself comfy on the shore Sarah while your kids are yet again acting dangerously and without thought enabled by Chris who is so removed from reality he still believes he is a multi millionaire while he flogs the 2023 equivalent of Tupperware on instagram
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