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I’ll just leave these here…….

I don’t care what size anyone is, but I have a problem with anyone altering photos to this extent.
People fall for it and think she really is this amazing person who’s been pregnant so many times and kept an amazing figure, she and her weirdo husband are dangerous people to be influenced by. Can’t stand them!
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Sooo bizarre - like me after a few wkd’s when I was 14.

His eyes were quite watery like he was on the verge of tears? Maybe it was the filter.

Living your best life at midnight ranting outside the caravan? K then.
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I want to VOMIT at the way she refers to herself as “Mamma”.


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Since when has the Ingham shitshow had its own Fandom Wiki? It's mostly crap but I spotted this one factually correct statement.

His pamphlet even gets a mention. Surely you're not supposed to use the Fandom platform to blatantly advertise and push dodgy MLM stuff? 🤔

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That caravan woman says stay not gifted so why on earth would she advertise the fact on instagram they are staying for 2 weeks, only reason I can see is because they thought cos of the gift they could use it for advertising, if someone booked and paid and the company put posts up on insta regarding guests staying sorry that is totally wrong, the caravan woman can say what she wants she gifted it for sure
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People only behave in the way creepy does when they are running scared. If he doesn’t care about what any of us think why keep talking about us, he is the one that sounds obsessed. If you really think you are winning in life then why you even giving anyone that calls you out the time of day?

Oh and I did comment on your page under my actual profile, shows my name and photo and you still blocked me when I called out how you was scamming people. Also just so you know calling people clowns is so 2019, stop living in the past with out of date lingo and stop using avve you are not black and never will be.
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Their channel really is done.
They're the social media equivalent of RAAC concrete....substandard, cheap and nasty, no substance just full of air, way past their best and nobody wants to go anywhere near them.
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I feel really bad for Isla, whenever she talks she’s cut off. Izzy and Esme have a close relationship and I feel like Isla is just in the middle with no one. Maybe the right thing for izzy was to be home schooled but Isla always seems to be hanging around in the vlogs looking for company, so she probably would be best going to school. Just because it works for one child it doesn’t mean it works for them all!
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No mention of any of the kids doing their schooling. Have they forgotten schools returned at start of September. Esme looks bored to tears. Why do they think so little of education.
I never understand how the education authorities can let this happen. They as well as the Inghams have failed these children horrendously. And just think about it, this family are documenting it for all to see, imagine how many more children like this exist all over the country? It's going to be an epidemic of uneducated and social regessive young adults in about 10 years. The mental health systems going to crumble trying to deal with them all.
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Considerate and the Inghams don't go in the same sentence. They won't abide by any of the site rules.

I bet Creepy's now looking over his shoulder wondering who the Tattler is and if they are going to confront him or tell everyone else who he is and what he's done. 😆 Love the fact he can never relax.

What a complete 🤡 in his flipping beanie in the warm weather. Imagine if he fainted because he overheated.
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Chatty Member
I'm repeating what I've said so many times before.
The time is fast approaching when Chris will become that sad guy sat at the bar in his Beanie who nobody talks to or likes because he keeps leering at women, is an expert on everything and tells big fat lies. He has no charm, no qualifications and jobs will be hard to come by.

He will leave Sarah high and dry and she'll find herself and six children in a damp rental. The six children will be bored, resentful, hateful, badly behaved and feral.

I'm a hater, yes, but I'm a hater who has a fully paid off house (it's shabby but in a lovely area) and an education; more importantly, nobody knows who I am.
You reap what you sow.
Well done, Chris and Sarah it couldn't have happened to better people.You will be complete unknowns within a few years.
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Creepstopher welcomes us to a gorgeous day in South Devon. It’s absolutely beautiful. His new favourite spot is in the corner of the veranda watching out on the ocean. You can't get a better view. It’s their third day there after a day off yesterday. They hung around the lodge and loved life. Today they’re off exploring as they haven’t seen anything on the site. They’re at the monstrously big Haven Devon Cliffs. They’re looking forward to going down to the beach. Devon is on the Jurassic Coast. It's been a lazy morning with Creepstopher and Lazy working. The sea looks rough.

Walking. They get some buckets and beach toys from the beach toy recycling bin. Jace gets a fishing net.

It’s Lazy’s crocs’ first trip to the beach. Babe giggles. She’s lost a gem already. Isabelle has dug a hole in the sand to put her feet in. They didn’t bring any beach towels. Beach footage.

Time for Creepstopher, Mila, Isla and Jace to see if they can find any crabs in the rock pools. Creepstopher tells Jace the crabs may be hiding under the plants. Isla says it’s warmer than the Island of Portugal.

Lazy is sweating after having to walk back up the cliff to the caravan. Everyone was looking at her like “you go girl”. More like “what the fuck is she doing? Should we call coastguard and get them to send a helicopter?” It was a turbo rough hill. Mila tells Lazy to shush. Creepstopher told her to stop taking her aciclovir tablets. It’s a five day treatment and the cold sore went after two days so he told her to stop taking them. He didn’t think it was a good idea to continue. Big Frank returned. Lazy wishes they’d been more prepared for the beach.

Bumpdate. Esmé thinks Lazy is smaller in this pregnancy. She’s 34 weeks prego.

Creepstopher forgot to take the camera to the supermarket so instead Lazy is doing a haul. Moaning about price of fruit now they have the Guinea Pigs. Strawberries and cream for after dinner. They’re having a random dinner of breakfast wraps with scrambled egg, hash browns, avocado, cheese and spam. The caravan has a DVD player with a big DVD collection but no signal. They’re having to drive to a 5* hotel everyday and sit outside reception to use their Wi-Fi to upload the vlogs. They can’t not upload for a couple of weeks. Lazy got Mila some boy underpants because she can’t get Peppa Pig underwear in her size. The 18-24 months pants are a big too big.

Lazy got Jace a present whilst she was out. She got one for Mila too but she’s asleep on the floor as she’ll sleep anywhere. Lazy has been promising Jace a water gun all summer. She found some for 50p in Tesco. There is one each for him and Mila. Jace gets to choose between blue and green as Lazy is sure Mila won’t mind. She also got Jace a new dinosaur cup. She got Mila a pink fish cup.

Jace and Isla are having an egg and spoon race. Lazy cackles at Creepstopher’s dad jokes. She pans around to the climbing wall in the distance. Esmé is cold. Isla has two wobbly teeth. Jace screeches at Mila to run “wike wis” but Lazy tells him she has to get used to walking first.

Creepstopher lurks behind Lazy. She cackles and tells him to go away. She’s about to give us a tip that could potentially change our lives. Go to Home Bargains buy the screamberry punch candle. She needs to stock up on them as they burn for 95 hours. It’s the nicest smelling candle you’ll ever smell. Lazy could fall through the floor. They went to Home Bargains yesterday to get Prinny a bowl, some more towels and cleaning products. Creepstopher’s favourite anti bacterial wipes are the 59p power action ones.

Jace asks how they put water in the water guns. Mila wants strawberries. Lazy says she can have the last one. Jace asks if he can have the last one and Lazy says he can have the last one as well. He asks for the biggest one. He goes to take a sip of his squash and starts coughing.

Lazy makes the breakfast wraps. After dinner Creepstopher says it’s movie time. They only have a DVD player as Netflix doesnt work. They have a large stack of DVDs. Tonight it’s Liam Neeson Unknown. It’s rated 15 so perfect as all the Ingham chuldren are teenagers now. Liam Neeson is Creepstopher’s favourite actor. Jace chases Mila in the background. If you like Taken you’ll love Unknown.

End of vlog
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He’s probably got quite a few phones for his various ’activities’. I’m sure the two top messages are when you are transferring between your own accounts i.e savings to current account. The bottom one where it says ”received from” is when it’s an outside payment coming in. Well that’s how my bank works. He’s such a bullshitting conman. Pathetic little creature.
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And this is the stuff we see imagine how much she is ignored and left to her own devices off camera
It probably works in her favour. The more they leave her alone the more she seems to thrive. She's like Matilda. 😄

As horrible as neglectful parents are, the fact she's ignored and left to her own devices obviously seems to be working for Mila, as she's already far more advanced physically, emotionally and academically than Jace. The more input Lazy has in a child's "education" the less they actually seem to learn. 🤣🤣
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Ava girl

Well-known member
Sarah says to the younger kids just take one bucket each so Isla takes three saying 'I have took the same one twice' Sarah replies 'that's ok Isla'
Esme Isla and Jace are all greedy and entitled and it's their parents fault, any self respecting parent would have said put two back for other children.
God help Mila she will be ruined too in a years time.
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People on Chris's insta asking why they have to pay to join the forum, they thought it would be free as they bought the book. His reply :

  • Hey ##### Thank you. Yes the forum is a paid subscription for anyone that wants to join. This is for a number of reasons. One being that you are receiving inside information and data vital to a successful business start up that costs me a monthly subscription to receive. Information and tools that are constantly renewed to stay up to date. That and for privacy reasons. The only way to keep malicious idiots out and from sharing the content inside is to make it a paid subscription. There a number of other reasons all listed on a document in the email I sent out to everyone that purchased the book. You can also find the same document inside the forum for all to view. If you want please feel free to send me a DM and I can certainly help you further x
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(Would screenshot but on a laptop )
Good luck Chris, you unscrupulous dickhead.
We'll see how many members you have after a month or two, certainly by Christmas. You will have alienated the very last of the loyal Ifam that are idiotic enough to pay for this tosh.
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He’s had to take it down before his mummy, wife or anyone else in the family wakes up sees how unhinged he is 🤣 He knows this is all now a sinking ship & I want to be there to see it finally go down.

How funny he’s said what he has about fake names when most of their fan base following have anonymous names that are actually related to this family. Now that is obsessive & creepy much like himself using Delonge.

I’d say it’s very Izzy has probably heard from her paternal side which triggered something off last weekend and alongside his failing attempts to get the numbers he (in his head) thought he’d get, he’s actually losing the plot now.
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