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Chatty Member
if Creepy wasn’t such a disgusting human being, I’d feel a bit sorry for him. He’s bought into the Tate thing, wholesale. God knows what he’s spent on joining this pyramid scheme but that rant was pure believing he’s a G or whatever and that ‘all the little trolls’ are beneath him. The trouble is, his conviction doesn’t quite reach the eyes. He’s faking it til he makes it. He wants so desperately for it to be true. He so desperately wants to be Chris Ingham of 2017 but now with added cult members. He wants it so bad, he’s blind to how he’s crashing and burning the channel and how he’s being ripped off.

you know, I’ve talked myself round, couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke!
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I bet Creepy's hanging around the 5 star hotel on the off chance some desperado is looking for a shag with Compo from Last of the Summer Wine/a garden gnome.

What a complete waste of time that vlog was.
Nothing happened, well apart from yet another visit to a beach and some off camera shopping. 💤😴💤
They'd taken the previous day off because they'd not done anything, when do they do anything?

Love the way he kept starting to say caravan then quickly changed to lodge. Living your best life in your pretend lodge by the 'ocean' eh Mr £10k a day.

Lazy listened to the Dr Creepy and stopped taking the cold sore medication and now Big Frank has joined the amazing adventure.
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I love when they go on about us being obsessed and spending all day on here talking about them. There's hundreds of members on here, so yes the chat moves fast, but each individual contributes very little by themselves. It's a bit like a hobby, something to entertain yourself with for a short time, then you go back to real life. Sometimes I come on and read every day, sometimes I'll not be on for a week or 2.
If I've been away for a wee while and come back to loads of new pages, I'll have a chuckle that they must have done something stupid again.

They on the other hand, are 2 people that can't take a break from tattle ever. They need to know what's being said about them and they obsess over it. As much as they like to say that they don't see the hate, at this point, it is the core of everything they do. Every decision they make will come back to what will be said or what has already been said. They ruin what should be special family time like a holiday or an 18th for example, by sitting online posrants. They've done this to themselves and they could stop it by taking themselves off the Internet, but obviously they won't do that.
It is quite ironic how they have a paracitic relationship with this 'little forum'. He's like a tick on a dog.

Truly worried for their children because he is spiraling. The renewed attention is feeding his narcissism and he is playing a very dangerous game with his mental health. No hope that Jane and Steve will step up and persuade him that he needs treatment, as they have enabled him his whole life.
It's a car-crash waiting to happen and as much as I can't stand the two twats, the children are always the ones who suffer.
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Something I did notice that makes me think even Sarah knows that Chris didn't write the book. She said "he's had the book for 6 months but was too scared to launch it".

I would refer to it as he wrote the book 6 months ago, or he finished the book 6 months ago (even if he then doubled the pages at the last minute). "Had" makes me think more of something you get, not something you created. But she struggles with her words at the best of times so it's always a bonus if I can understand what she means at all, so she possibly does think it's his work.
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That caravan woman says stay not gifted so why on earth would she advertise the fact on instagram they are staying for 2 weeks, only reason I can see is because they thought cos of the gift they could use it for advertising, if someone booked and paid and the company put posts up on insta regarding guests staying sorry that is totally wrong, the caravan woman can say what she wants she gifted it for sure

Exactly my thoughts so either stay somewhere that gifts family holidays to child sex pests or stay somewhere which brakes GDPR and gives the name and Instagram accounts of their guest out while also saying how long they are away from home and creating a security risk (burglary and so on)
Either way not great business sense!!!
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Chatty Member
Somebody’s touched a nerve I see.
Must be such a great family holiday when you hit the booze and feel the need to do a drunken rant in the early hours.
He’s absolutely livid that people are calling his scam out for what it is.
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Chatty Member
Not even a single shared insta story wishing Izzy a happy birthday from friends. This is a very normal thing for teenagers to do. My heart breaks for not only her, but the rest of the kids missing out on building relationships with their peers.
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Ha ha ha, Creepy's scared about a Tattler joining his secret grooming group.

It will be interesting to see what Isabelle actually got for her birthday as going by normal standards Lazy buys any old crap, not things that the person would like, and quantity over quality. This is the first adult birthday even though Lazy thinks of Isabelle as a child still and will continue to do so for a very long time.
I can't imagine the ifam enjoying this vlog as Isabelle and her hand over mouth and mumbling about nothing isn't very interesting.
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Chatty Member
So she got crocs while other kids get real DM boots or Nike air trainers etc lol
Gets a car but she needs driving lessons and has to past her theory
A bratz doll lol
But never saw any big bank account cash for the years of working on YouTube sure Sarah and the n said she will get at 18 does she now have to wait till she’s 21
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I don't know if anyone else picked up on this but Lazy said the last 2 presents were from Hi Steve & Granny.
The last 2 presents were the clothes with guts on and....drumroll please 🥁 🥁 🥁 that crappy mushroom light 🍄!!!!
So one of Creepy's sales on his store was from his own mother 🤣🤡
We said half the book sales and youvirus sales would be from family and we were right.
Imagine buying your step granddaughter a piece of shit like that for her 18th birthday! Izzy's face when she opened it immediately took me back to when she had to open that shitty doll lamp from Mary Shortle one Christmas, you see she was cringing!
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Poor Isla, so the only child who had to go along with the "laptop is your main birthday present" shite.

I did notice how when they said the third ticket was for Esme, and panned the camera to her, lazy deliberately kept Isla out of shot. So as others have said she was probably clearly upset. I mean Esme's presents were loads better than the absolute tat Isla received, even Issy's presents were what she'd obviously asked for. Whether people liked them or not, it was clear it was stuff she'd sent links to.

Lazy, creepy you're both absolutely disgusting human beings, the way you treat that poor child is disgraceful. Stop bring more children into the world, especially when the ones you have already are clearly suffering. There was no need to do that, to her. It wasn't Esme's birthday, why include her, or why feel the need to tell her in front of Isla, knowing she's got nothing. Also sort your son out, he should have started school this week, yet here he is drinking out of a bottle. A bottle he's nearly 5, not 1.
Personally I reckon it’s a night away in a hotel deal and Sarah isn’t stupid enough to let her husband and his 18 year old stepdaughter go by themselves despite her defence of creepy on the internet
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