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Ohh yay, more content of the minghams at the beach 🙄 SUPER EXCITING AMAZING DAY AT THE BEACH!!
A comment on Instagram 7 weeks ago said I hope it's not going to always be vlogs in pool. Greasy creep replied no, we will be 'exploring'. Erm...every single fucking vlog is fucking pool or beach! Yawwwwwwn beached whale and pervy step daughter bikini shots. Oh sorry, fake open mouth crying for over priced shit concert tickets. Pretentious, smug arseholes.
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Chatty Member
I honestly don't think that at all, I don't think she'd listen. I'm as pregnant as she is and if I felt any of her symptoms then I'd take myself to be checked, I see that as my responsibility not my husband's. I don't think Chris is stopping her going anywhere - I thinks she's too pig headed, too selfish and too self-centred to go. She thinks she knows best and will never listen to anyone about anything for fear of "missing out" (on nothing) or maybe she doesn't want to risk being admitted and being out of the way leaving Chris unsupervised. Either way I don't think in any way she's a poor victim at Chris's hands, she's just a selfish bitch. She's equally vile herself and will just keep insisting she's fine as she's an expert on being pregnant.
This comes up on here quite a lot- whether Sarah is a victim of Chris's abuse, or if she's just a horrible person. But I think it's both. You can be a vile person and still suffer abuse.
Chris gaslights Sarah (and the children) that is fact, because he's done it numerous times on vlogs. He is very aware of her lack of intelligence and common sense and uses it to his advantage.
Sarah doesn't understand or care enough about complications in pregnancy to push to get checked out. But Chris knows this and isn't encouraging her to get checked out either.
And if Sarah had a sudden epiphany earlier on in the holiday and asked Chris to go home, there's no way he would have turned round and went back.
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She said her midwife called her this week to check when she is back, to arrange blood tests.

She claims she hasn't missed any appointments, but the thick twat said she pushed her 28 week appointment back to 30 weeks (going by her saying a week later than it should be) as she wouldn't be in the country. That IS missing an appointment you fool. Technically you haven't missed THE appointment, but you've missed when it should have been gestation wise by 2 weeks, not one week like you claim.

But hey apparently the midwife and consultant said it is fine. I doubt they said it is fine Lazy, and likely why they're calling and chasing up when you'll be back for the blood test and scan you should have had done at 28 weeks.
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That bottom comment is seriously disturbing - they must realise what they are doing by putting these pictures and videos out there?
A comment like that alone would be enough for any NORMAL parent to remove their kids from social media. Not the Minghams though eh?
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They can scream olli and living their best lives all they want but surely Sarah, Chris, one of them and the kids want alone time sometimes. Even the best parents on earth crave alone adult time.. to be with friends or do something as a couple. It's really sad and pathetic they are just with each other 24/7. It would drive even the most patient people crazy being around their kids/parents/significant other constantly.
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Big Saz and Creepy banging on about 2020 and how good it was every 2seconds 🤬for god sake 2020 was a terrible year for most people everywhere in lockdown and people dying right left n centre and family’s separated but not the Inghams they were still living it up travelling round Europe in the sun and in the pool everyday… Scumbags

I will say it’s good to see the family finally starting to get some colour after being out in the sun every day constantly for the last 12 weeks 🙄
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Malcolm Conkers

VIP Member
These lot are the gift that keeps on giving

They can’t seriously think anyone is jealous of them can they?
I think she actually does. She’s not right in the head. Creepy has also deliberately cultivated and encouraged this, to muddy the waters around him noncing - he gets to put it all in a basket with the comments about his bald son, or Sarah’s size, and it’s all just ‘hate’ that they can drive around in a van and ignore - he’s doing the same with Isabelle, and he’ll have to do it with the others too. They really are the most toxic combination, both feeding the worst in each other.
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Sarah does realise credit isn't a form of income right? You do have to pay catalogues and credit cards back...
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They don't half choose some rubbish images/video to illustrate what a great time they're having. The beach montage is so bad. Poor Jace being left awkwardly hugging mama's arse for a good five seconds while she stares wistfully out to sea (through a load of people who didn't manage to arrive late to a sunset) rather than acknowledging his true, pure love.
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It shows how the girls have nothing to occupy themselves with/no lives of their own when all they have to do is look at hairstyles for Jace, plan the lives of their imaginary pets and plan their outfits for a concert that is not until next August.
Most other teens and preteens would be too busy with their own hair to care what their little brother does with his and would have plenty of parties, nights out and other stuff to think about before planning for a concert in just over a year.

All over social media is Barbie, something else they are missing out on, dressing in pink and going to see it with friends. By the time they go and see it, the initial hype will have finished and of course all 7 of them will have to go.
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In every vlog screenshots posted here, they all look sunburned, greasy hair/faces, and like they haven’t washed in ages - before they even venture to the beach or local OLLI Lidl/Spar, where they would naturally sweat in that heat.
It’s total neglect of those children.
They don’t have adequate sun cover, lotion, hats or drinks to keep them all hydrated.

As for Lazy napping in the sun, with 2 much smaller kids running around, and the three older girls - and Creepy vlogging, and not watching the ones who require supervision properly (too busy filming Isabelle in her bikini 🤢) -
They are both a neglectful pair of cunts.
I can’t have any sympathy for Lazy, as there’s no way on earth they should’ve procreated again, as they can’t manage the children they already have 😑
Instead of turning back when the extreme temperatures hit, they ploughed on on their OLLI fantasy tin can extravaganza - despite Lazy STILL showing all the signs of pre-eclampsia.
She continues to show daily how little she cares for any of her kids, and carries on popping them out at Creepy’s behest, purely for YouTube views.
She chose to be heavily pregnant, and go on this ridiculous “memory” trip, when they could go home tomorrow - so I have zero sympathy for either of them.

If she was a caring mother, who ensured the best for her children, and didn’t stand by n*nce boy when she found out about all his horrid behaviour, I would feel totally different - but these pair don’t deserve any sympathy, when they continue to neglect, exploit and put their children in precarious situations just so they don’t have to both go and get jobs.
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Malcolm Conkers

VIP Member
He had probably blagged a load of free tickets for one of Shirley's concerts and went round all the local cafés looking for young dishwashers to impress . " I've got a gig on tomorrow night with my band... come along don't be shy".
Almost all of superstar Dave’s ‘concerts’ took place at 9.15, at the end of morning assembly. No tickets ever required. The whole ‘My Forever’ fantasy must have cost Zelda and Steve a fortune.
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New member
Easter just gone I had my sister (trained hairdresser!) cut my little one's hair into a bob cut. My 6 year old wanted long hair like Rapunzel - when I first mentioned I was planning to have it cut she did grumble a fair bit and argue against it. I showed her pictures of her cousin and explained they had the same haircut at her age to help thicken their hair. (My little lady was a preemie and was practically bald till she was 14mths so I'd let her hair grow out and only done tiny trims to neaten it).
When the time came, she sat and had her hair cut without fuss, as I explained that's what we needed to do to help it grow nice, long and healthy like Rapunzel. She was so excited by her new hair afterwards and has loved rocking a bob style and already it has thickened beautifully and looks super healthy.

It's parenting...making the choice that's in their best interest as they aren't of an age to understand what they are agreeing to.
Why do they allow their 4 yr old to decide, when they know he isn't aware that his decision is whether or not he will be bald as an adult?

Don't even get me started on exploitation of children online without consent !!!
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How many times do you have to say to yourself that you have had such a wonderful day….. when your parked up in a dirt covered wasteland - and how many times a day do you have to look at your child and say how cute/sweet/advanced/how they love their siblings….. just to fucking convince yourself - really think about it -do you say it to anyone 20 times a day … sad
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The issue Sarah has found herself in is she’s clearly over the long hair (whether it’s because she can see his hair isn’t healthy or because she fancy’s a change) she used Jace as an excuse to keep it long by saying he wanted it that way.

When one of the girls said well he can have a trim to get rid of the dead ends etc since he doesn’t want a change.… Sarah’s said she didn’t want it to be just a trim.

So is it what you want or what Jace wants? She’s dug herself hole. You’re his parent and CAN make choices for your toddler.
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