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Chatty Member
Is she Chris's parrot? Right at the end she pretty much copy's what he said on insta about kids getting the right amount of sleep "who made up the rule kids have to be in bed by 7"

I skipped a lot of that rubbish.
Actually Chris, nobody made up a "rule" that kid's have to be in bed by 7. However, there is information out there that shows that children need a certain amount of sleep at night to be able to go through the day without being tired or unable to concentrate. Sending young children to bed at 10pm is not appropriate and most parents follow a proper bedtime routine even in the school holidays. Sleep is good for children's brain development, it isn't good for them to constantly have late nights. Also, Sarah admitting she let's her kid's do what they want, when they want. That is usually called Lazy Parenting (Like her nickname) these two really shouldn't have children.
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Calling it now… creepy will go get the snip ‘done’ ALONE as lazy needs to baby sit the kids. He will come home being a big fat baby like he is and act out a recovery. Whilst not actually getting it done at all and the lazy will be pregnant again. He’s got a pregnancy fetish and it’s the only way he can feel attracted to his big lazy wife. He’s made it clear plenty of times he wants more kids even when lazy has said no.
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It’s ironic that creepy should mention the passing of the great Sinead o’ Connor. Sinead was a fierce opponent of people like creepy and those who sheltered them like lazy.
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Actually Chris, nobody made up a "rule" that kid's have to be in bed by 7. However, there is information out there that shows that children need a certain amount of sleep at night to be able to go through the day without being tired or unable to concentrate. Sending young children to bed at 10pm is not appropriate and most parents follow a proper bedtime routine even in the school holidays. Sleep is good for children's brain development, it isn't good for them to constantly have late nights. Also, Sarah admitting she let's her kid's do what they want, when they want. That is usually called Lazy Parenting (Like her nickname) these two really shouldn't have children.
You only have to scratch the surface on the subject of small children going to bed early to find that there is a hell of a LOT of evidence that it makes a huge difference to their physical, emotional and psychological development.
Studies also show that sleep itself is of a better quality in the earlier evening so by them allowing those kids to stay up until late they are not getting proper restorative sleep. It doesn’t matter that they still might sleep 8-10 hours, by staying in bed until 10am the next day. Restorative sleep happens early evening , 6.30 - 8.30pm ish, so those young children are constantly missing out on that.
I always had what might be considered a rigid sleep routine with my children when they were little. If we were on holiday etc then yea, it goes out the window, but other than that, I stuck to a good routine. My kids are ridiculously smart ( way smarter than me and their dad!!) I have always said that a good proportion of that is down to them getting a proper decent sleep at the right time and always getting up early and feeling refreshed and ready for whatever the day might bring. This lot drag themselves up at the middle of the day and none of them ever look raring to go!!
Chris really likes to think he’s intelligent and has many talents but he really is one thick Twat in a hat.
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This entire holiday, I can't get out of my head that she reminds me of WWF's Tugboat. Ridiculous.

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Do you think, when the go back to their mansion, they'll be able to call it a holiday? They spend more time away from it than in it? Imagine - "GOING ➡➡ ON HOLIDAY➡ TO OUR➡ OWN➡➡ HOUSE"

Edit - sorry, ➡ meant to add, I've decided ➡ just to randomly ➡ chuck arrows everywhere now, cause I feel ➡ like it 😂
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It won’t matter if they call the baby Aura or Orla. Jace will pronounce them both the same way.

I don’t know how we’re pronouncing Morwenna but in my head it’s ‘More-weena’ which I believe is what Creepy went to Florida with Justin for.
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For anyone feeling depressed and in need of cheering up remember it could be worse you could be a mingham stuck in a steaming tin with creepy and the gang I must say it always works for me 😂
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Mila says “cheese”. Probably the most entertaining part of the vlog and we’re not even a second into it. End of vlog? Unfortunately not. She says good morning, asks how we are and says she wants to play. Lazy is absolutely not sat behind the camera mouthing the words to her. Lazy’s sausage fingers reach over to tickle her and Mila tells her to go away.

The van is packed as they’re checking out of the campsite. Creepstopher is having a shower. Lazy is excited to go somewhere they went when they last came to Portugal. They made friends there and they live in Ireland. They have another part of the place they visited before to visit. Lazy prepares some tomatoes for Isla and Mila.

Creepstopher heads into Lidl. They just drove past Turiscampo and Luz. They’re on their way to the most southerly point in mainland Europe. They went to the most northerly point in mainland Europe at NordKapp. They said it would be cool to go to the very northerly point and southerly point of mainland Europe in the same year. The sunsets at Sagres "sag-rez) are insane. They used to drive up there all the time for the sunset and stars. Lazy says some people will say it’s not the most southerly point but Creepstopher says it is. She might be thinking of Scotland with John O’Groats. Sagres is the most southerly point. They’re in Lidl picking up bit and bats. They’ve got a menu for the next couple of days to be purely wild before they do a roundup big ender. He’s looking forward to it.

Lazy and Creepstopher reminisce over their vegetarian diet from when they were last in Portugal. They were full veggies. Falafel was on the menu more than once.

Annoying ‘rock’ music as Lazy waddles and the kids walk to the beach. Creepstopher hopes he’s pronouncing Sagres "sag-rez" right. It’s the town where the most southerly point of mainland Europe is. They’re off to the cafe as he’s dying for a beer. Being strictly vegetarian when they came here last time, they came for cheese toasties. Isabelle took a picture in the bathroom in the cafe.

Footage at the table. It’s the same woman serving and Creepstopher recognised her. The snack menu is the same. They’ve ordered omelette baguettes thingymabobbydodahs and cheese toasties.

Creepstopher cunt has realised Sagres is not the most southerly point of mainland Europe; it’s the most south westerly point of mainland Europe. The most southerly point of mainland Europe is Punta de Tarifa in Spain and they drove past it so they kind of did it.

Creepstopher stalks Isabelle with the camera. Beefy Lazy is in front of her. Funeral music plays. Jace is too lazy to walk so Isabelle has to carry him. They walk over rocks to the sea.

Lazy and Mila are back at the van. It’s so windy outside and she could only film a montage. Mila was almost being blown over. The chuldren and Creepstopher love rich tea biscuits but to Lazy they taste of cardboard.

Lazy has been thinking about having Jace’s hair cut because Tattle told her it needs cutting it’s always in his face or scraped back. She’s been thinking of long styles but a cut. He doesn’t want it cut and it’s ultimately up to him. She’s going to try and encourage him. Head of household Esme really wants him to have his hair cut. Lazy has googled photos of boy haircuts. Esme doesn’t want it above his shoulders. Jace doesn’t like the first haircut Lazy shows him. She wants a style, not a trim. Esme says he needs a side fringe. The girls start arguing. Esme liked it when he had cute curly hair down to his shoulders. Lazy says a bob will be harder to put up. Esme is scared it won’t be Jace that emerges from the hairdressers.

Lazy shows us the hairstyles Isabelle and Esme like. They don’t want a bombardment of comments saying he looks like a girl and that they’re neglecting him because it’s irrelevant. Jace has a cute little face. They’ve been to Sagres Fortress and it was windy so we got no "chatty chatty". Cape St Vincent will be bad. They wanted to sleep around here but Lazy thinks they’ll be rocking.

Funeral music. Shots of the van. Walking. Selfies on the beach, one of which Creepstopher can be very easily cropped out of. Jace hugs Lazy and she strokes his hair. Sunset. Focus on Isabelle. Creepstopher has proper 2020 vibes. Staged clip of Jace hugging Lazy from behind. Later Mila does a similar pose but is stood in front of Lazy and touching the bump.

Clapping because the sun did it’s job and went down. People begin to leave. Shot of the lighthouse. The kids look out of the window.

That was one of the best experiences ever and topped off Creepstopher’s trip. They have a lot more to come in Portugal but it’s topped anything else for him. They left Cape St Vincent but then returned as they realised everyone had left. They went back to watch the stars and then went to a cliff. They can’t sleep there but have a place around the corner to sleep. They’re having a cosy cup of tea whilst they watch the stars. It will tick a million boxes.

Cosy tea at the lighthouse. Creepstopher has parked the van sideways to block the wind. The stars are insane and the universe is out above them. Esme and Isla head up onto the roof. Creepstopher turns all the lights off. Photos of stars. Isabelle spots a satellite but Creepstopher is convinced it was a UFO. Hopefully coming to take him on a one way trip to somewhere far far away. It’s hard to tell the difference between a satellite and UFO. Lazy says UFO is a triggering word but it’s more accepting these days. Creepstopher says that anyone who doesn’t think there is life out there has a pretty small mind. No one has a smaller brain than your pea brain Creepstopher. Isla says that with all the stars and galaxies it's not possible we're the only ones that can form life.

End of vlog
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I was watching zoe’s vlog earlier (I know some people don’t like her) but I wanted to say that Ottie is far more intelligent and has clearer speech at 2 years old than Jace does and he is older than her. Her and Alfie also don’t speak to her in a stupid baby voice. Lazy and noncey boy really are the most deadbeat and neglectful parents, and it’s just gonna carry on when their kids have kids.
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My youngest had a haircut today. Went from long hair to super short. He wanted a change after everything he has been through the last 6 weeks.

As a family we certainly didn't have a fucking debate about what style haircut he should get. Regardless of the fact he is 16, even if he was fucking 6 years old, it wouldn't require a bloody family meeting for all to agree on it.

And his dad and sibling certainly didn't gather round the front door when we got back from the barbers, to reveal the standard haircut they class as a makeover.

And I'd like to also point out, I do not usually accompany my 16 year old to the barber. However he had two major abdominal surgeries recently, so I wasn't letting him go out alone.

Unlike Lazy and Creepy, I give my children freedom. They are not restricted to being with their parents 24/7.
You don't get a 4 year old the choice of getting a haircut or not. You give him the choice between 2 styles. Hey Jason you are getting a haircut tomorrow. Do you want to look like this or this. If Esme also want to get a haircut why don't get her into getting him exited also. let her make it sound fun for him.
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My home was broken in to a few weeks ago. Let's compare my actual experience to their clickbait and guess which story is true and who is telling big fat lies.

It was 6:50 am when I was awakened by a stranger opening our bedroom door. The door jam is sticky so the noise of it being pushed open was enough to wake this sleeping giant.
I leapt to my feet, completely naked, as it's how I sleep unfortunately. More on that later.

At the top of my lungs I shouted, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" When he didn't move quickly enough I tackled him. I'm just a 50+ something with a big old brain tumor and Igrabbed the SOB by the throat and pushed him down 2 stories of stairs and out the front door. My wife was a solid force right beside me. The kids were awoken too by my wife's and my shouting and they called the police and they called the police whilst hiding in their closet.

I kept that fucker down on the ground until the police arrived and took him.

Meanwhile, Creepy Ingham adds a few screws under a door handle and everything is just fine and dandy. No one else in the RV even knew it happened. Everything is fine. It's like nothing happened. Litchurrrallly.

As for us? We are changed after that. I can't get past how I was ready to end his life to protect my family. He could have ended our lives. Our kids terrified. The police. The sirens. Seeing my wife so scared. They are afraid still for now weeks now afraid to be alone at home. Having an intruder changes you at a cellular level . Don't sleep as much these days. There is nothing easy about it.

But nope, it's not the even a little bit the scary for the Inghams. Nope. Everything goes on as normal for them. No one was awakened, no one shouted. no one called the police etc..

Because IT never HAPPENED.
Exactly this . We were burgled many years ago. I got home from work with my then young Daughter who I had picked up from her grandparents house, went in my house and realised something wasn’t quite right. I very quickly ran next door with my daughter, left her with the neighbours and went back inside my home with a rather hefty cast iron frying pan. I was so angry that there was potentially someone in MY home.
As it was, they were long gone, along with my valuables, money, electrical items. It took weeks for me to feel comfortable in my home again. Even in the daytime I was scared of being there on my own and shut myself in one room .
You’re telling me that they got over it just like that?? When you consider those girls are scared when they open a frickin’ present , an intruder would kill them off. No way, not buying it.
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So Lazy claims she's exhausted and falling asleep/nearly falling asleep all over the place and Creepy's priority for the next day is to go get the flipping potatoes.
I bet his trip will take twice as long as expected as he makes the most of his freedom.

I wonder if all this almost obsessive nostalgia, especially where they say "the girls wanted to do X again/go to Y again/eat the potatoes" is the girls desperate for routine and some familiarity as they live in chaos most of the time and are always bracing themselves for the next 'surprise'.
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I have zero issues with home education when the parents are engaged/ organised and know what they’re doing. Sarah Ingham is an illiterate bum that can barely string a sentence together let alone teach children of varying ages so they’re screwed and she’s pissed because deep down she knows it’s true. I would rather be a slave to the system than keep my kids like slaves working daily for no pay and watching their toddler siblings get all their hard earned money while they’re stuck with no life no friends and definitely no future
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Chatty Member
Also meant to say, the acting was shocking with Chris showing he couldn't open the door and saying it was meant to be a smooth transition and then Sarah screeching that they were going to have to explain why they did it now. Firstly you could see he was pulling the door in a way to show it wouldn't open, rather than just trying to open it as normal. Secondly, if it really was an accident and you didn't want anyone to know about the "incident" you'd just refilm!
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Esme very clearly shouted to Sarah “you’ve always said you want Jace to have long hair” - Sarah has conditioned that boy into believing that long hair is what makes him “beautiful”. How the hell does the entire family get a say in Jace’s hairstyle!?? They are creating so much tension and anxiety over his hair which works perfectly in Sarah’s favour - I’ve never known anything like it… it’s a f*cking haircut for God’s sake!
I wouldn’t worry Jace won’t have hair for much longer considering the way he’s balding the poor sod just like daddy pig oink oink
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you can just see I’m Isabel that she has no idea how to be her actual age. She’ll fall for the first lad that shows interest in her and she’ll be under his thumb. Sad, it really is.
Yep, you can already see the type of guy she will end up with (and it will be a guy no matter how much Sarah tries to make out she likes girls) He'll be at least 4-5 years older and treat her like his property, probably with a vulgar nickname like sexytits, but she won't care because she's desperate to feel loved and wanted and her only experience of relationships is the dysfunctional one between Chris and Sarah.😔 Before you know it she'll be living with him and there will be a baby on the way. She'll be another vulnerable young woman trapped in a relationship with no job, and no way out. 😔
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You can see why Creepy wants her permanently either pregnant or with a newborn. She gets high on playing dress-up as a ‘mama’. Must make his life a lot easier with her not thinking about what he did/does, and the unsustainable mess they’re in, how she’s failing her other children, and that it hasn’t ’blown over’ in the slightest.
I think he feels a sense of power when she's pregnant, like an 'I did that' sort of thing.
He's actually not achieved anything off of his back in life, the YouTube channel was Lazy's that he took over.
He might've liked to call himself a pilot but he never had any chance of achieving that.
He's a useless waste of space, who thinks editing a crappy vlog and fixing up multiple vans is a job.
When she's pregnant he has something he can point to and say he did, like an achievement.
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I don’t know about anyone else but I’m a very lot pleased that Lazy doesn‘t owe me an exploration! I wouldn’t want her sausage fingers exploring anything anywhere near me, tbh!
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