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Well done @Kitty2020, great thread title
Great title,
I’m sorry but if that baby fell and hit her head I don’t think it would be on the side, that is quite the bump she has
Discipline your toddler before he really hurts that baby, because that is what she is.
If you don’t want her I would be more than happy to take her, at least she would be loved and protected
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I just watched the video where Chris told calamty kayaking they were famous

what an absolute asshole he is
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The Ingham Family posted:
Why We Didn't Film Jace Getting His New Bedroom..
View attachment 1743547
😂 i knew that segment a few days ago was a bit too rehearsed. ‘’Jace is in his room. I’m going to go up there and join him’’…. cut to him watching his own effing TV lmaoo who tf buys a toddler a bedroom telly and hangs it at eye height in their room. She’s only a Montessori yummy mummy when it means expensive toys. Doesnt actually give a fuck about their development.
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absolutely agree with you here. They are trying to portray that they are set for life or there own peversed idea of what being comfortable financially is. The thing is its the absolute opposite of what there doing. A 'set for life' person owns their home outright without a loan or mortgage, their kids are properly educated usually through school (although not all the time) they have nice clothes (dont need to be designer or expensive) they have shoes and clothes that fit their children. There homes actually look and feel like homes..... Sarah and chris have this belief that to be comfortable you have to have the big house, the multiple holidays and a load of 'stuff'. I speak for myself im comfortable i work and my husband works we are both hospital consultants and have a set of twins were comfortable. We have a nice house and have a couple holidays a year. Im extremely grateful for it and wouldnt swap my life for anyones. The thing with sarah and chris is they want to portray this amazing life when in actual fact they look miserable as sin and there kids needs are far from being met they say they are living dreams but whos dreams because it surely isnt those childrens who seem to be crying out for routine and there old lives. Its chris van life fantasy which lets be honest isnt even done correctly and sarah shopping addiction.They just seem to skimp on anything importand which to me doesnt scream 'set for life'. I honestly think no one on here or anywhere besides their deluded ifam would want there lives no matter how difficult ours can be at time and sometimes the sacrafices we all make to actually provide for ourselves and our familys.
Imagine thinking your set for life but have to constantly look over your shoulder because your husband fancies young girls.
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We used to do rewards for my son when he first started his epilepsy medication when he was about Jaces age. When I say reward though I mean a little sweet at the end of the week not a toy each day
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If they know what's best for the kids, I'd love to hear why filming Jace in hospital, distressed and in discomfort with cellulitis, and then uploading that footage to YouTube was the best course of action (for Jace not the bill payers obviously. We know why they think sick kids are best filmed) in that situation? One for the next juicy Q&A maybe...
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Isla needs more one on one time with an adult or parent, she is absolutely buzzing doing things she wants to do instead of just trailing around after the rest of them as usual.
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I don’t believe they are bruises, I believe she wants us to think they’re bruises. If hate is the only attention she can attract, that’s what she’s going to do her best to attract, regardless of what that’s doing to her children. You’ve got to remember that she’s a money hungry bastard. Nothing means more to her.

No child abuser is going to advertise bruises.
This is one sick individual. Either way she needs reporting.
I do think the bruises are real. The baby's physical reaction to her brother is enough for me. I do wonder though if this is all calculated. Part of some sort of behavioural disorder diagnosis for jace that they can make a series of videos over, and bring in the views. They seem to find something new to base their personalities around every few months, anything to use popular hashtags. The vanlife, vegetarianism, christmas, you name it. Why not add a diagnosis to the mix 😡

Also, on the subject of the 3 year old having a tv in his room: please be assured that there is absolutely nothing Montessori about that. What 3 year old needs a television in their bedroom?!
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Cockleshell Bay

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I noticed she told Mila off for touching Isabelle presents, however she was just copying Jaces behaviour and is too little to understand, unlike Jace who needs to be told. Mila at the end smiling at the Christmas tree was lovely shame Jace screamed over it.
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Please for the love of god … set for life but Esmè still wears that hideous sparkly pink coat. She looks like she’s 7, let her be unique but not at the cost of setting her up to be bullied, part of being a parent is at some point encouraging your children to grow up. Seriously.
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If these kids actually went to school, social services definitely would be involved. Just look at the state of poor Mila, bruises all over her. (And you can tell they come from Jace, he’s constantly grabbing her in the same places she has bruises?)
It’s heartbreaking. So much neglect going on. I dread to think of these poor kids futures. Everything must be so warped in their minds.
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Its not the same but didnt Baby Star who was abused by her mothers girlfriend have a face of bruises? I also beleive she didn't cry alot either.

There definitely should be more going on behind the scenes with this family and the social ect.
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I think Chris is being an arsehole pressing for another baby. I watched the q&a, I actually think she doesn’t want anymore, and he’s not listening, talks over her, won’t listen to her reasons, admitting he’s going to keep on til she gives in. Selfish.
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Mila looks depressed bless her which just isn’t right for such a young baby. Why are her needs so far down the priority list!? She’s a real cutie and so bright and not appreciated in my eyes.
Cannot bear Jace. What an awful child. Glad he isn’t mine. The ear touching thing makes me rage because i thinks it’s a crock of shit. I personally hate being touched or hugged unless it’s on my terms, always been like that and my 3 yo is the same. So the thought of someone grabbing at me or my child for their own comfort pisses me off!
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If that day wasn’t a wake up call for Lazy to spend more time with Isla, I don’t know what will be.
Isla was a different child in that vlog, happy, bubbly, free and just having so much fun! Not once did she have to do a silly dance in the background to get some attention, Sarah had to listen to her and she got to do what she wanted, not what Sarah wanted. I have honestly never seen that sweet girl so happy, now Lazy, make this a weekly thing, take her out just you and her! Do something right for once.
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