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Esme was literally hurtling out of control in that river, while her tosser of a "father" had his back to her imagining he's Tom CruisedeLonge. Keeping his bald head out of the camera lens was the priority. She was clearly distressed and struggling to keep her head up out of the water, while her 'mother' sat laughing. They targetted visiting the area specifically to do that for views. Premeditated recklessness and stupidity by the Creep and his enabler.
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Cockleshell Bay

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In a lot of ways Isabelle acts no older than Esme, she constantly looks anxious and the root cause is Chris. Imagine being terrified that every time they are out they are likely to get things shouted or said to them. Esme and Isla are really still too young to grasp what their Dad is like. Esme is very much like Chris in her personality and I think she will react as if it didn’t happen. The family have created a cult, simple as. Of course their childhood seems wonderful they have nothing to compare it to as their parents have cut off any sense of normality.
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Lazys Instagram 🤦‍♀️ I know creepys in the water but away from Esma and holding a camera and at times she looks like she's going under and lazy thinks it's funny? 😡🤦‍♀️
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issbelle Ingham at 17 the most feral of the lot.
She is not the shy girl they make out
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If you reread Lazy’s announcement about Issy’s results it is very carefully worded. She doesn’t actually say Issy achieved a 9 grade, but she just insinuates it. Very misleading and manipulative.

I don’t believe Issy got anywhere near that grade in English, and looks like she failed her other subjects as they didn’t even get a mention.

anyway even if she did pass English I hardly think she’s a walking advert for Homeschooling. Most other kids are sitting 8-10 Subjects AT ONCE, not fannying on with taking 1-2 at a time. And they’re passing them all and have Moved on to A Levels, not fannying about with more GCSE’s or a ‘year off’ 😂.

They are letting those kids down so badly, it’s sickening. I honestly don’t know how the LA can be so lax about it, given that they come down on families so hard if their attendance drops or take a term time holiday 😂.
Lazy and Creepy should be in the courts for neglect. Even just Jace’s hair warrants a conviction 👮🏻!
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Keep thinking about that reel she's put up saying "no filter needed" of all the things she's lied about, its obviously very low down the list of importance, but it's just the blatancy of it.
She has also tagged nofilter.
The name of the filter is on the reel and underneath the post it says "made with effect"
Did she just not realise Instagram would give her away (I thought she was an Instagram expert) or is she just that detached from reality now, even she doesn't know what real and what's not.
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No. They’ll have told them it’s all a hoax by jealous haterz, who then went and spread it all online. We already know that’s what Sarah Ingham tells companies to con them into getting freebies. I still have the response I got from one that said that it was all a hoax and I’d basically been taken in by jealous haterz.
The girls are young with such a small amount of life experience they’re sure to have found out about deadly dad but the parents have blamed the teens probably along the lines of them leading him on and he wasn’t well in his mind and they stirred it up for clout. Whatever tale they told I guarantee it’s not truthful with a heavy dose of victim shaming.
Maybe that will fly right now because they’re young and heavily influenced by the parents, I think they ditched school because of bullying from both the school kids and the parents, school gate parents can be brutal, so the girls felt victimised and bullied by the awful haterrrs and their parents are their protection from the bullies. The truth is with emotional maturity the truth will come out it’s all there on the internet waiting.
ETA with mother dearest admitting the allegations were true so yeh there’s that.

Something that has crossed my mind a few times is the fact that these children have been convinced that Daddy did nothing wrong, and it was the girls who were in the wrong. So what happens if, god forbid, any of them are ever groomed or abused by someone? Will they know how to spot someone who may be dangerous? Or will they just think that this is how adults behave around children? "Accusing a man of that could destroy his business and his family. Keep your mouth shut, or they'll sue". It makes me feel ill to think that maybe this is all by design, crafted by the groomer dad himself.

And worst of all, planted deep inside their minds is the knowledge that, if something terrible did happen to either of them, mummy probably wouldn't believe them. Makes me want to cry.
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Isla swimming with flotation aid on - all good, later on paddle board with Esme going dark neither with them on
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Find it hard to believe with what little education she’s received, she’s managed a 9…..just my opinion.
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Sarah missed a trick here. If she’d given Izzy's true results for all subjects, it would have made them more relatable and humanised them a bit to ifam. Not all kids are going to get 12 A* grades, most won’t. Nothing wrong with celebrating the 3,4&5 grades. Lazy could of emphasised these grades aren’t a failure , not every child is capable of top grades and getting a 4/5 is a massive achievement to a lot of kids. Instead Lazy boasts about one grade that no one can be sure is true.
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Any decent parent would have told Isabelle to make her account private, keep only KNOWN friends and family on it, and protect her from online abuse, it’s bad enough they’ve exploited her but to then sit back and let her go through that, and then encourage her to take part in it, they are pathetic.
Whilst at it any decent parent would say your a young lady Isabelle, nothing funny about burping for haters, take it down!

Also Sarah, no filter is going to make Isabelle burping look insta perfect.

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Elizabeth Allen

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Sorry, I meant me personally not we should stop talking about it.

I just mean personally I am becoming irate with it, like I’ve said before where I live, we have tourists not respecting the sea daily and it’s just so sad.

100% we need to keep talking about it, this morning is proof of that. That river thing, again with no buoyancy made me feel sick, Sarah won’t be able to save her, Chris is incapable is saving himself, you’d probably end up with Isabelle jumping in and something horrific happening to them all.

She isn’t a mother she a sloth with a credit card! Even in those reels she plonked on her arse, holding her latest money maker with her sausage paws, doing nothing!

The laziest bitch on YouTube

One comment to just sum up how fucked her parenting is. Esme felt confident enough not to wear one, the same kid that can’t wash her hand after going to the loo? Fml 🤦🏼‍♀️
I don’t care how confident swimmer she is, there is no way a child should be in that river. They don’t respect anything or anyone😡😡
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I can’t believe they think these are quality travel vlogs. All sat in the van on the road filming, paying for a sticker, more on the road, a toilet stop and excitement over a service station.
Then in Switzerland and amazing shop doors, clock facts, a super cute shop they couldn’t pronounce but it was the cutest shop she’s ever found in her whole life! Blister chat, tooth fairy chat, so many pools that are soooo cool. Oh shame camera died, don’t worry they just ate cheap food and parked in a car park, the end!
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