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Well-known member
I don't think.there is anything wrong with the standards just because they let latecomers to Dance start at grades? I gather they are fairly new.
It's not that they're letting latecomers start with lower grades. The dance school only offers a primary level class for up to year 4, and a grade 1 class for years 5-8. If you aren't familiar with dance, year 4 is considered late to be in a grade 1 class. The entire dance school is operating at a very low level age-wise- they don't offer higher levels. But the Ingham girls aren't new to dance. Pre-covid, they'd been dancing for years and were doing multiple show routines a year. Esme had done her grade 1 and Isla had done her primary.

Even if they were new to dance though- and for the other children- there is no reason a child of Isla's age with no dance experience couldn't go straight into at least a grade 2 level class. The primary grades really only exist for little kids who are too young to learn grade work.
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Jace and Mila lie on the living room floor. Jace doesn't want Mila eating his dinosaur. The Inghams got home a few days ago and Isabelle had her final IGCSE maths exam yesterday, she found it easier than the first. The girls have had their school dance show rehearsal and cannot wait until the weekend. They love being onstage. Lazy has spent the whole morning packing Tat and Me orders but came in because Mila needed feeding. Jace comes over and puts his arms around Lazy's neck for a cuddle but squeezes too hard. She had a shower and Creepy is in the makeshift office putting orders in Post Office bags. They need to pick up their old caravan to take off a few things and make sure it's ready for part exchange at the end of the month.

Isabelle was pogging with Jace so she hugged him but he told her it was too much. Mila is having time out of her brace. She learnt a new trick recently and will soon be crawling. She tries to crawl but falls down and then gets herself up. Lazy says she's a splits baby and a cleeeeeeever giiiiiiiiiil. Time lapse of Lazy playing with Jace and Mila.

Creepstopher says they were supposed to be taking the roof rack off their caravan today ready for the new one but today has got away with them. Lazy, Jace and Mila fell asleep on the sofa and Creepstopher took a photo but he doesn't know if Lazy will let him share it with us. He spent two hours picking every weed out of the driveway before they went away, every single weed, and made it look banging but every one has grown back. Some of the driveway looks cracked already. The £90 trees are dead. It's weed breeding season and he had the tractor out yesterday sorting the garden out. Time to take matters up a level as Creepstopher isn't getting on his hands and knees again. He went on Amazon and bought himself heavy duty pesticide.

Shopping addict Lazy hasn't had time to film anything today so thought she would open Amazon packages with us. She cannot remember what she ordered. The first box has swimsuits for Mila. Lazy was panicking all the time in Dubai that she would get sunburnt arms. A tip from Mother of the Year is to get a small paddling pool, fill it up with water, let it heat up in the sun and the kids can then paddle in it at the side of your sunbed. Package 2 is cute 'Where's Mr/Mrs' books for Mila. There are also revolutionary packing cubes which hold "so much clothes". There's nothing worse than not having your clothes organised. She also ordered earmuff up to 3 years. Lazy ordered revolutionary lilos, which are amazing as the only bit you inflate are the ends and the middle bit it a net. Lilos take up a massive space in your suitcase. She tells Jace to look at the cute and pretty swimsuits. Lazy will link everything below. It feels like Christmas when the Amazon man arrives.

Time for the weeds to go. Creepstopher has his ghostbusters backpack. Footage of him blasting the weeds. He the moves onto hoovering.

Esme sighs and starts moaning about being hot. The dance show is from this Saturday until Sunday night. They have two shows on Saturday and one on Sunday but Esme isn't sure when. Esme hasn't done a show in 2 1/2 years. She's excited because she belongs on stage, loves dancing, being in front of crowds and has confidence. She's ever nervous and loves performing in front of people. They had a rehearsal the other day. She's showing us her dance costumes, her favourite ones she's ever had. Esme and her friends got into the wrong costumes when they were rehearsing so they had to run back and do a massive quick change. Theatre craft is Esme's favourite and they're dancing to songs from Wicked. Esme wants to be an actress. She shows us the other costumes and moans about the tights. Lazy and Isla are in a tap dace together, despite being in different grades. They always practice together. Esme wishes they could keep the costumes but she's not allowed. She loves the tap shoes. The ballet dance has a full on tutu. Pink is not Esme's favourite colour but it's cute and sparkly. The dance teacher told her students not to wear the costumes as she didn't want them creased.

End of vlog

State of their drive 😂
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Her skin looks really bad
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So most policy is geared towards staff who work there given the close contact between them, however there are more general clauses within a number of policies which mention 'any other persons' which constitute parents, carers, guardians, other family members/friends, or even any member of the public.
So a couple of policies I seem to recall we had were:

1) maintaining an environment where children feel secure (obviously an alleged sexual groomer violates this if he is present around other children, even if he is just dropping off/picking up. If any older children or parents google him and see all these articles, any one of them could express they're uncomfortable with him being around the school which would violate this, even though he hasn't been charged there is still a risk to consider in case he is ever found guilty)

2) Taking steps to prevent any staff, persons working for the company, or any other persons/member of the public putting any child in a situation which compromises their health and safety (again similar reasons as above concerning safety and security of children)

3) Taking steps to prevent any staff, persons working for the company, or any other persons/member of the public from physically, emotionally or sexually abusing any child (this is more specific in terms of sexual conduct, and so again even just an accusation of being a sexual groomer would violate this as an accusation still maintains a risk)

Every dance school has their own set of policies, but they tend to all follow along the same line in terms of safety, security and well-being of children, and obviously instances like accusations make things a bit more tricky when there is no charge, but given the amount of fuss its been given the school will have to do something about it.
Would they also have something in there about filming the children? I’m sure most places have banned filming now or allow for personal use only not to be uploaded on social media. He was filming other kids in the background
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Chatty Member

Creepstopher starts the vlog by telling us they have a mad, insane day. It kicks off with a haircut, although it isn't filmed as he has his beanie on. He promises to show us when he's home but never actually does. Today is a jam paced day as they're dropping off the van for 2 week to have a major job done. She will look totally different when she returns. Lazy is behind the van in the car.

Lazy and Mila are home from playgroup. They drove to Creepstopher's hair appointment and they then drove to the MOT place to drop off the van. They're now in Asda to pick up pharmacy bits. They're off on holiday tomorrow and Lazy couldn't find Jace's clothes so he needs a shorts set. They're not going on holiday tomorrow but are going to the airport so need to get packed tonight. They only got back from Dubai a week ago today and since then they've been packing, Esme has had her birthday and the girls have had their show. They have so much to do.

Lazy shows us the beige clothes she wants to get Jace. He's dinky and 18-24 months won't fit him for long so she needs to get 2-3 years, but Asda don't have them in that size. She finds him some shorts in 18-24 months. Creepstopher is walking behind Lazy with Mila. Lazy finds a towelling dress robe for Mila but Asda only have one and it has snot down it. The girls got 3 towels each for summer. Nannar got Mila a shorts and t-shirt set but Lazy wants something for when Mila gets out of the pool.

Creepstopher puts sunglasses on Mila but she takes them off and Lazy says she's so strong willed. More shorts for Jace. Creepstopher isn't interested in the clothes but the price tag instead so he's sent back to the car.

Creepstopher asked Lazy if he had anything on his face before he started filming and he had a massive lump of cheese on his face. Cheese or something that dripped out of his beanie after he wiped his winky earlier? He has no idea how it got there.

They're now at the hospital for Mila's 6 week check up on the brace. Lazy hopes it's good news. Mila would then have another 6 weeks before being free. Creepstopher tells foooooo Mila that he hopes she appreciates the x-ray that was just taken of her. He just took radiation for her. Lazy says he got more radiation on the flight last week. Mila hates having x-rays taken because her legs have to be stretched. Nothing is private with the Inghams so of course we're shown the x-ray. Everything is looking good and the consultant has gone to speak to the surgeon consultant to see if Mila can move down to 18 hours a day instead of 22.

The Inghams are home. The camera was in the back of the car and Mila fell asleep. This was unexpected at first and nothing is wrong. Lazy questioned the 18 hours a day because she was told that Mila only had to wear the cast for bedtime for the final 6 weeks. The doctor had to go and ask the surgeon. There was a change of plan and they're now doing 2 hours less in the brace each week for 3 weeks. It's simple; from today she can have 4 hours out of the brace a day, week 2 she can be out of it for 6 hours and week 3 is 8 hours a day. For the final 3 weeks she only has to wear it for bedtime and naptime. The bone wasn't solidifying yet and that isn't uncommon as it solidifies as her strength increases. It's started to form on her right but not the left. The hips are symmetrical to each other and stayed where it should be. It's been 6 long months that felt endless when they were given the diagnosis but they're now in the final 6 weeks.

The kitchen is a mess of clothes and packages dumped on the floor. there are Tat and Me parcels to be dropped off. Lazy has made a pile to pack. Lazy screeches at Mila. She had to run back into the hospital and ask for a clean brace as she forgot to ask for one. The lady said she'd seen worse and told them to keep the old brace so Lazy will be feeding Mila in the old one. The hospital probably didn't have the facilities to deal with that sort of biohazard. Shot of the kitchen, which now seems to have turned into Beltoft Tip. Isla says it looks like an airport. She's got Jace a little green suitcase because he loves pulling cases. The case is for his toys.

Lazy shows us the clothes she got today again. Packing time lapse, probably of unwashed clothes straight from the shop that 25 people have tried on. She ordered Mila long sleeved UV suits on Amazon. So cute so adorable blah blah blah. She has got Mila a pink dinosaur one which Lazy will probably try and squeeze Jace into at some point. Cue the vlog where a sobbing Lazy tells us Jace wants to be a girl and will now be known as Primrosabella. Apparently the swimsuits feel really good quality. They look small to Lazy but she got 6-12 months, and she's usually in 6-9 months.

Why is packing so stressful? Why is Lazy so hot? She's packed her sun cream bag that she found in Primark. The sun creams are all factor 50 and 30, also in the bag are hand gels, make up remover, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Lazy is proud. There is another toiletry bag that is so so cute. Jace asks Lazy to open some mini cheddars.

Mila is trying to crawl. Esme and Jace are being so cute tonight. Mila tries to get up but Jace steps in to try and help. Lazy tells him to Mila her do it herself. Esme grabs hold of Jace's leg and drags him away. Esme helps Mila sit up and Lazy tells her she's a cleeeeeeever giiiiiiiiiil. She waves goodbye to Esme. Jace screeches in the distance. Lazy tells Mila she's a big girl and so clever. Creepstopher comes into the room and makes a weird noise. Mila will be crawling so quickly now she has time with the cast off. Yep, one kid is off walking so now onto getting knocked up with the next baby clickbait. Creepstopher tries to tempt Mila into crawling by going into Christine mode.

Creepstopher moans about the state of the kitchen, which is still a mess. However to him it's done and clean. The suitcases are ready to go to the car. The chairs need to be put away. The day was a marathon but he bossed it. Esme had the last of the milk and they didn't go to the shops to get more so Creepstopher is devastated. They started a new ITV series on the night before last called Angela Black. Lazy cackles about the wrap slap challenge and says they need to do it. Creepy says they will but lazy says he'd get too serious and knock her out. Really? Or would sausage fingers ham hock hand give him a good wallop and leave him looking like he'd done 10 rounds with Tyson Fury? Angela Black is really good and he recommends it to the ifam if they're into thrillers.

End of vlog

That yellow mark has been on Creepstopher's face for weeks now and I'm now inclined to believe it's a build up of dirt due to the lack of showers
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Those two pink packages on either side of the picture - do we reckon they're blanket returns?
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VIP Member
Regarding the new schools bill. This part will certainly be an issue for them as time goes on and the youngest educate too

21. Any ‘setting’ which provides education to one child with an EHCP or 5 or more without an EHCP will have to register as a school: no exceptions are made for childminders, tutors, after school clubs, forest schools, relatives and large families who home educate.
It won’t be a problem for them because by the time Jace and Mila are CSA Isabelle won’t be CSA so they will never be home educating 5 or more children simultaneously unless they have more.
TBH I doubt that part about large families will pass anyway.
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Can someone time stamp where Chris said they were the only ones smiling? I can’t find it. I only see the bit where he said they would stand out because of their smiles.
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Active member
I just don’t understand why for her 13th birthday Esmé got decorations, sash, crown etc. yet poor Isabelle on her 16th didn’t get anything of the sort? To me, and everyone I’ve ever met they make a bigger fuss of a 16th than a 13th🤷‍♀️
Because Esme is PREPPY duhhhh….
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Can someone time stamp where Chris said they were the only ones smiling? I can’t find it. I only see the bit where he said they would stand out because of their smiles.
Did he definitely even say that? Because I can’t find it either, just looked. But again he may have done his oblivious delete and edit then pretend it didn’t happen.
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Comment on the dance school’s appreciation post - brought it on themselves but what a shame they’ve had to single handedly ruin something normal for their children once again. Wait for the blame game rant somewhere incoming because it’s long overdue
Must be a child, grammar is very poor
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What was the results of the x-ray? Does Mila still have to wear a brace?
Yep, gradually reducing the amount of time she has to wear it each day until she only has to wear it for sleeping. In 6 weeks it will be reviewed.
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