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I don’t believe that’s where they’d booked to go when Jace got sick. They were in the caravan. Why would they have taken the caravan to those cabins? I reckon Creepy got on the internet when he was sitting next to Jace’s hospital bed and spent all of his waking hours trying to find somewhere to go. They’re on the run from something. Their behaviour is just too odd for them not to be.
They did have something booked that they were due to move on to they said
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Does this mean the (hugely retrospective) planning permission for the external staircase was approved ? To me it reads that way but it’s 7pm on a Friday after doing (an actual (not what the Inghams consider to be)) a long working week so wanted to make sure
That memo was sent back in February. A decision was due today , nothing has been updated on the application to say approved or rejected as yet. To me that just says that person or persons have no objections but since that memo Belton Parish Council have put forward their objections to the planning department with regards to the staircase.


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Did they actually go on a secret holiday tho? Or are they doing it for a reaction? Remember if it wasn’t blogged it didn’t happen!!! Xx
Think they put in some pictures in the vlog where you could see jace’s bad eye 😶
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Andrea has got Dan figured out pointing out to him he’s also put negative stuff about Inghams.
I don’t believe he’s a fan
Personally I think this Dan has special needs. He also posts on another which happens to be against the inghams so I think it’s just a case of he’s commenting on the wrong video.

I believe he is a fan of the Inghams Cos he posts so often … forst thing in the morning all through the day and the last thing at night. He can post about 10-15 comments In a hour …. If you wasn’t a fan would u really go to those lengths???
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So they can’t look after there children or there dog, why wasn’t he walking prinny, she’s never on a lead which is dangerous anyway but if he just let her out and stood at the door are they not picking up her poop? He just let her run round the other side of the lodge anything could have happened absolute arseholes the pair of them.
I don’t think prinny has been attacked I think she’s been sniffing and caught her eye on something, she’s definitely not been attacked by a hedgehog what an absolute moron lazy is.
As for that photo sorry but I had to laugh who other than the lowest scum would draw blood (badly I might add) on there dog for views.

Wow wow wow!! Have you not watched the wombles??? It was 100% one of those mad foooo’s who attacked prinnywonnniewooowoooo
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Simple fix lazy ,and one which will benefit your children.Get the eldest back into school/college ,JAce into nursery ,and when Mila naps ,you`ll get that time to sort out chores in the house ,and a quick cuppa..just like the rest of us mums!!:)

Katrina used to be the one to "do" for nanarr" ,not sure why it stopped ,except lazy probably considered what she`d gain from taking over.We used to do so much for my grandparents ,and i now do the same for my mum.We do it out of love.Our parents/grandparents took care of us for years ,without so much as a thought ,so to my mind ,it`s their turn now.Nothing gives me more pleasure than just taking my mum for a walk (she`s in a wheelchair) and cooking her a really good tasty meal, (not a pasta pack or lump of cheese in sight!) ,i know she`ll enjoy.THAT is "family" Sarah ,that is real love.You need to dig deep and see if there`s anything in that blackened soul of yours ,a tiny part which actually cares.Sadly i very much doubt it.You "do" because of what it`ll gain you and your kids.That`s awful.:(
Lovely to hear what you say. It’s especially nice to hear as it will all to soon that I’m needing to be pushed in a wheelchair and fed the ‘best option’ my care givers can mustered. Thankfully I taught them to cook 😂
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To be fair I think maybe esme could be shirt for her age, isla seems to be practically the same height but there is what 3 years between them and you would think esme would have a growth spurt around this age. Mila looks the same shape, short and chunky so maybe it's his families genetic make up and her side is taller. Her kids are not small though
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I know this`ll sound ignorant (i`m not up on youtube and how it works financially) , but can you be paid twice if it`s the same vlog? Seems to me nobody who does Youtube would bother if so??Just upload past videos and sit back and rake in the money.Wrong if it`s legit.
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Oh PLEASE ,someone who`s not blocked by the heavyweight ,send her this message!I really want to see her respond.:)x

yes!you`ve taken me back to my childhood.:) We`d go to see my great Aunt ,(lovely lady) and she`d always have those and Lardy cake..anyone remember that? I wish they still made that where i am ,and a good Chelsea bun..hmmm.
Lardy cake was lovely too. Old fashioned memorable treats.
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Chatty Member
Bloody hell, Jaces knees were almost under his chin in that car seat, it must be so uncomfortable on long trips. He's way too big for it now, poor child, but seeing him in that highchair and cot is just as bad at 3 years old.. Sarah let him grow up you selfish cow!
Their blatant lack of care for their chuldruns safety is appalling, god forbid anything happens to them in that car with no safe seating. They have NO intention of buying a new seat for Mila, its quite obvious by now ☹
Unless he's 18kg he's not too big for it? I dislike this family as much as the next person but i was happy to see Jace rear facing. Plus kids find legs up more comfortable than dangling anyway.
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Look at poor esmes little toes in the second one! Yet they still buy her cheap shoes and she doesn’t know what size she is.

Quick google would suggest those toes need looking at before they cause her any further damage. Does sarah not even look at her children to see this?

Poor little Jace on an older one too. You aren’t telling me that pretending the are sizes to small isn’t causing that? Yes things can grow twisted etc but surely if that’s the case you’d get them proper shoes
I see bargain on these feet thats all she ever goes for is a bargain poor kids honestly man
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Flavoursome 🤢🤢 which part? The baked beans or mountain of cheese?? View attachment 1099225

I’ve seen dog food look more appealing that the salt and sugar slop she serves up on a daily basis! View attachment 1099228View attachment 1099229
I’d rather eat my own shit then that 😂😂

I am not a fan of the slow cooker but do use one occasionally but cannot comprehend what Lazy is hoping to achieve in hers. There was a reasonable supply of vegetables that would be spoiled beyond recognition. Why didn’t she just pop them in some stock and then blend them into (a fatty mince slop and cheese free) soup and serve it with some crusty baguettes? A tasty, fat free nutritious meal. God forbid they were allegedly vegetarian not that long ago. The only decent food those kids got were school diners or at a pub carvery.
I didn’t see her drain the mince 😳
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