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They really are a pair of passive aggressive twats. They completely showed themselves up tonight. The poor kids must have wondered what the heck they were on about with all their little quips quite clearly aimed at us Tattlers. It’s just as well they’ve had such a busy Christmas with Granny and Grandpa, enjoying their children and Mila’s first Christmas with zero time to browse on here, really isn’t it?
Bloody freaks.
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Gutted no one got a screenshot of this comment from the catering company!
We are isolating again and I'm tempted to message a few catering companies that done Xmas Dinner try track down Wendy I'm that bored would love to find proof to post on the vlogs (although I'm blocked 🤣)

Also just look at the sandwiches today! When lazy cooks it takes all day and the mess she leaves is crazy yet Xmas day while cooking for guests also she bot only sorted it quick as we saw her lazy about in her phs during the present opening she also didn't make one inch of mess and served it all perfect I'm heaters! Oh and nothing on camera? We had to watch her chop veg for Xmas eve as that was a task for her+ 🤣 I don't get the need to lie wouldn't be such a big deal if they just said 🤣
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I just want to know what colour she has ordered Victoria’s staff to paint on the dolls head.
Ginger, but not quite ginger, with a hint of blondy brown, a completely unique hair colour that is definitely not ginger.
I hope the press do pick up on it again be nice if they drag all his dirty messages out again to remind everyone he should not have the platform he does.
I think they got a lot of sales in the Leeds branch of The doll store with it being close to home ( I know it was Bradford) but still 😂
This doll is going to be a mini shrunken Steve lookalike doll, I cant wait to see this thing 😂😂
They were still getting decent views when the first doll was released, I cannot see them selling many Meelaa dolls.
Only their hardcore fans will want one which includes many vulnerable people. Sarah will of course kindly let them know if they can’t afford one she has a payment plan they can use to get into debt for a ginger doll.
Shes kind like that.
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Not being funny but Sarah's got to be pretty thankful that all mila has wrong eith her is her hips which are going to be fixed in a cast, not pleasant at all especially for mila, however Sarah had no antenatal care , spent her pregnancy cooped up in caravan and camper miles away from home, came home had mila no follow ups as such, didn't take mila hips into consideration country hopping in camper. That girl has had no real life since being created. I mean she's barely ever with her family except when they want her for air time. She's either in bed, in another room or being handled like a stuffed toy .
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Good old Lazy, going down the jealousy road again! What in the world could we actually be jealous of?

Her sext pest husband?
Her ugly shopping centre/dentist's waiting room house?
The way they run away every other week to go on 'holiday' in the chavavan/DPD van?
The fact they sell every aspect of the chuldrun's lives, including turning two of them into dolls so they don't have to get a job?
Their aimless lives, staying in bed half the day and then chatting pointless shit and eating junk for the other half?
The chuldrun having no education, friends hobbies, hygiene, discipline and a lifetime of therapy if they ever escape the cult prison?

I'm sure we could fill a whole thread and more of all the things we are not jealous of, Lazy, please tell us just one thing we are jealous of.
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She obviously believes in any publicity is good publicity, but what a sad way to make a living lacking in morals and integrity.

I prefer to believe in what goes around comes around.
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Chatty Member
What a waste of time that was, another dig about not having caterers , then tells the world her 16 year old is on her period.
Goes to do a makeover in issys room which was putting up pictures two of which are the same but lazy only knows that because she’s read it on tattle and they moved a table but it now looks so cozy and soooo cute.
Some one needs to tell esme unless she washes her hair it will never curl the grease is weighing it down.
Isla in bed with Jace for story time I’m sure by next week that girl will start wearing nappies.
To top it of a fountain in the front garden southfork eat your heart out 🤣🤣
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Here comes the doll
It’s grim - no sane person would replicate their child especially as a money maker. I understand the role these dolls take for some people through sensitive circumstances whether bereavement, inability to have children, dementia patients etc but there are people out there we know all too well who are obsessed with those kids for all the wrong reasons - you just wouldn’t consider aiding that would you 🤢 Is that Shittle business one of their ‘many investments’ they were speaking about not too long ago? Lets see if they will declare it as an ad when they do vlog the doll.

As for lazy saying that they don’t care what people say - not sure who they are trying to kid as we’ve seen a lot of behaviours from them that say otherwise!
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Sarah reminds me of a lifelong friend (?) I have. Although we grew up in a nice-ish area, her mum was a single parent and they struggled. She was always very aware of this, it was a bit more unusual for parents to be separated back then. Eventually (during teen years) they moved to a slightly more notoriously poor/rough area and I’ll never forget the teasing she got at school for it. It was so sad. However, the scars from it have well and truly channelled her vision as an adult. She is obsessed with material gain, to the point it makes her unlikeable. She (eventually) found a partner who could offer financial security (in the form of a soon-due inheritance because his widower mum was very poorly) and they literally had the deposit down on a big five bedroom house in between her death and the funeral. She does spend money on her children in the form of every bloody hobby,skill and club going but fails to see their entitled attitude developing. We spent an hour at the park with them the other day and their whining about being cold and bored was insufferable. Her husband is the most emotionless, materialistic droid there is and judges any one who drives any less than a jag. He seems to have a bit of a ‘saviour’ complex towards her, despite the inheritance (and still now) he is an ordinary factory worker and they’ve bloody spent every penny of what they got and now live paycheck to paycheck. He picks and chooses when he participates in family life and uses days off for golfing while she juggles everything else. Their relationship is non-existent and she has been to me in tears before because he wouldn’t give her money to buy things like nappies, lecturing her on how she should have had money left at that point in the month and he wasn’t a bank. She has to give him every penny she earns towards ‘costs’. Slowly he has cut her off and moved her away from her friends. But it’s ok because, on the surface, they have a ‘perfect’ life. Everyone who tries to question otherwise is just being jealous 🙄
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Oh, that was about me. I’m still waiting for the police to come round.

I hate the whole be kind movement and it’s stupid mantras such as if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all and the chestnut here in a world where you can be anytthing…

no one is kind 100% of the time. Fucking sheep following, bandwagon jumping twats.

* this exact conversation has earned me a 30 day Facebook ban overnight because I called someone out for being a sheep and a massive arsehole 😂
The irony of them preaching kindness when it suits them, yet sending fans after his victims and kayak Paul to hound and threat online, isn't lost on me. 🙄
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Is saying “I’m scared” the latest thing to say?
‘I’ve noticed they all say it frequently these days. I know they all have limited vocabulary but what a stupid thing to say when opening up a present.
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Girly? It’s a basket on a child’s trike? Unless it has a vagina or a picture of a crossed out penis that I’ve missed, I’m pretty sure it’s suitable for either gender…
OK, OK. Its just my opinion. I personally wouldn't have chosen a bike with a wicker basket on the front for a boy that's all, no need to be so snappy
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Did anyone get the screenshot that Mary the caterer put on? Was it genuine do we think? Is Chris telling yet another porkie pie lie?
Also the Shortle gifts produced 21…. Yes 21 “So Cute!” s from the Ingham clan, must be a record!


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Why would any one be jealous of 2 narcissistic parents who rarely seem to wash and their feral chuldrun who also rarely wash ,who live in a cold lifeless house ,no friends ,crap diet ,cheap clothes and married to a camp man who dyes his hair,grows his nails and wears ugly beanies 24/7 whilst thinking he's some sort of gangster 🤣🤣
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I don’t even blame them if they got caterers it means more time with the kids, if both couples went half each why not? As others have said it’s the constant lies that are tiresome.
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I think we all could buy better presents for those kids than their parents. Give me the same budget! they would get way less in amount of presents but better quality and a mix of things they need and want. Definitely more cash or gift cards for Isabelle, things to support their homeschool ‘education’, name brand items etc.

Also agree with those saying how rude Esme was about Isabelle’s bag, you could see the hurt on her face! Now that I something that should have been edited out.
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