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Well-known member
Are they…. Wearing trash bags? They really couldn’t pick up actual Halloween costumes? It’s not like they can’t afford it.

ETA: also trash bags that close to flame gives me anxiety.
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Malcolm Conkers

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Leaving those green bottles in shot has proved a good idea, Creepy. I’d run with it. Keeps the attention off what you did for a bit.👍
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Lazy sits in the corner of the van drinking a cup of tea. Creepy can't think of a better start to the day than the view. The window is dirty because of Jace. Footage of the girls on the beach, mountains and Jace playing with his cars. Drone shots. Lazy can't cope with Jace because he's walking around saying "I love you Esme" "I love you Mama". Mila fell asleep in her chair an hour ago to the white noise machine but she's not strapped in so Lazy is sat with her. She thanks everyone for tuning in and watching the vlog. Yesterday was Lazy's favourite day of the trip. They've been travelling for a monthish. She doesn't know why yesterday was her favourite day, but it's probably because they did nothing. Jace and Esme covered themselves with mud, then they cooked baguettes filed with lasagne and watched the stars last night. They saw 12 shooting stars and there was "so many stuff" in the air. UFO literally stands for unidentified flying object and they saw some. The shooting stars were all so different. Creepy turns the engine on because they're filming something for the van tour. They saw a green star, had cups of tea, got into bed and went to sleep. Today they're finishing off the van tour they started filming two weeks ago. Creepy needs to film the bed part as he wanted to do it somewhere nice. The tour is going up tomorrow. They're going to drive further around the lake.

Only five people and no babies are allowed on the pedalo. They drove around to where you get them from so Lazy will get an hour to herself with the rest of the children whilst Creepy looks after Mila. Normally he would take the kids on the pedalo but Mila is older now and it's easier for Creepy to pacify her. Lazy is excited to have proper time with Jace and the girls. Jace wants to go on a green boat but Lazy tells him they're all white. She tells Isla they'll take it in turns to go at the front.

Lazy and the kids are off. She tells Jace to stay where he is. Drone shots. Jace is trying to get into the water and Lazy is holding him over the side so he can put his feet in. More drone shots. Lazy screeches about the view. Jace is pedalling the boat. They're heading over to the cave. Esme wants to jump in. Lazy sees a beetle drowning so wants to save it with her flip flop. Jace wants to hold it but Isabelle isn't keen. The mud is like jelly. Lazy tells Isabelle she should get in. Jace want to go in the sand but Lazy says no because it's mud. Lazy laughs at Esme and Isla struggling to hold onto the boat.

The situation is Isla is getting a ride on the back of the boat. Jace is screeching at the drone. They're heading back because the gorge is shaded. The Inghams are making lot of noise and Esme is screeching at Lazy not to leave her. Lazy tells Jace not to stand up because she doesn't want him to fall. Isabelle will have to be the one to save him if he does because Lazy is sitting back and filming herself without a care in the world. I hope Esme is enjoying herself because next year she won't be able to swim as she will be babysitting Mila. Lazy forgot how hard it was being on a boat with a two year old. She says it's a relaxing sail back but then films Esme and Isla and says it's not. Jace is being good. Apart from their voices it's calm and peaceful. The girls are getting back on the boat. Music to footage of the kids on the pedalo.

Lazy laughs at Esme trying to get into the water. Isabelle is joining her but makes a song and dance about it. Lazy laughs at them and films them swimming. They need to go back because Creepy is pacing up and down the beach bouncing Mila.

Back at shore Isabelle tells us she thought she was going to pass out. Lazy is laughing at her as usual. She couldn't get back on the boat because there were other boats next to her and she was getting squashed. Lazy said she's have to pull her onto the platform but isabelle says she couldn't get on because she's too long. Lazy corrects her and tells her it's because she has no upper body strength. You need a lot of body strength because it's higher than the water. They came back to a sleeping Mila and a singing Creepy. Jace is washing the pebbles.

Creepy wasn't ready to let go of Lac Sainte Croix but they are saying goodbye tonight, and maybe even to France as well. They didn't intend on stopping in France on the trip yet and it was meant to be a blow through. They stopped at Lac Sainte Croix because the weather was good. Before they go they're cooking dinner with a view of the lake. It's the most pretty scenery ever. This is why van life is so fricking awesome, as you have views like this. Funeral music to shots of the lake and surrounding area.

Lazy and Esme are having some time together. They're about to get a crying Mila to bed. Jace is in bed already. Lazy wishes we could see what they can see. It looks like the whole universe. they decided to stay at the lake tonight so they can wake up and have coffee before they head to a new country, one they've never been to before.

End of vlog

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Why, why would you film your 12 year old child, bent over in a swimsuit?! WHY?! Absolutely disgusting, that poor girl!

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Considering they spent most of their time at campsites, there is no excuse for the kids and their hair to be so filthy, you could fry chips in their hair.
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I've been wondering what they'll do for Vlogmas and if they'll do their usual massive Christmas present haul this year. Perhaps it's just me but in the last year or 2 I feel there's been a huge shift away from buying for the sake of it, and giving less. Perhaps it's for environmental reasons, or because people can't afford to spend as much as they might have done a few years ago, but i've definitely noticed a trend for smaller more meaningful gifts. It would be interesting to see the viewers reactions / comments if the Inghams go all out and have huge piles of tat for their children. Although maybe they'll tone it down this year as they can't afford it with the rapidly declining views.
They will have about twenty plastic Christmas trees throughout the house and the presents will probably be piled up the marble staircase on Christmas morning since that’s the centre piece of the house.

you probably won’t ever see anything they open again just like most other Christmas videos and there will be an ugly Mary shortle doll thrown in somewhere. Probably for the 16 year old knowing these idiots.

Either Jane will come round to cook the dinner or sarah will say family time is more important than cooking whilst putting 3 microwave Christmas dinners out between the 7 of them.
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Chatty Member
Could someone please explain to the ifam the difference between their, they're and there? I would but I'm blocked and it's doing my head in.
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Joris Bobson

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Can someone please tell me why the sad fucks ifam worry about who the fuck is first to comment? Why would you even comment in the first place and watch that shit unless you’ve had a full frontal lobotomy?
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Orange lilly

Chatty Member
Sarah worried about her falling out! Well perhaps if she was at home, she could get medical help for it! Think the last time she cut it ,was last year in a carpark in Scotland! No wonder it's falling out, the condition it must be in! Although I do u
Understand that hair falls out after having a baby, but come on!
Lazy your hair falling out is probably to do with your thyroid! You know that medical condition that you have that creepy said gives you low sex drive ,the excuse he gave for bedding a young vulnerable fan!
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I don’t chip in here very often but a couple of things…
1. The length of Jace’s hair is the very least of their issues!
2. Didn’t Sarah38teen bang on about that 7 seater Merc they rented after the car broke down? The one they pranged in a car park? Not sure THIS Merc was what she had in mind!
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Chatty Member
I feel so sorry for the poor girls, no trick or treating with their friends, no fun costumes. Instead they are being paraded around in thrash bags by their trashy parents.

At least they got a break from the awful #vanlife torture.

Couple of things I noticed in the vlog were :

1) when Esme broke the plant pot, she showed no guilt over it and Lazy just brushed it off. How rude and inconsiderate. I mean I am not surprised, they are Inghams after all.

2) I noticed Isla seemed surprised when Lazy responded to her with a fake "Yes darling?" Clearly not the tone she usually uses with her chuldren then.
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Yes. Yes he did. And then 'OCD' Chris likes to go and get young girls to sleep with him without a condom on, as is his preference... I know what you did Chris, you little bitch ;)
I wouldn’t let that filthy letch near me with 100 condoms on
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They're an hour away from Toulouse. Lazy says "there's nothing Toulouse" and starts cackling, thinking she's the most hilarious person in the whole world.
I fucking knew it. Everything they do is a recycled version of the same old shite they did previously. Twats.
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Isabelle should be spending half term with friends , so should Esme I have 3 my daughter had her friends round on Weds girls and boys for a birthday gathering while we went out with our 2 boys, she turned 20 and isnt streetwise but is popular, her friends are all respectful and tidied up after themselves although ive got to say they didnt have much to tidy, My 17 year old son again went to the cinema with girls and boys and for a meal he thoroughly enjoyed it and hes very quiet and my 13 year old went with his current school friends to play football and go to McDonalds as kids do all 3 mentioned how glad they where to be able to have the best of both worlds and be with family but have the release of friends , my youngest also has a 12 year old cousin who he hangs out with and he came to see us this week so theyve had a fun week, which is what Isabelle should be doing , be with family by all means but give her the freedom at least once a week to see friends , it will be the making of her .
We live in the same area as them & my daughter is in the same year group as Isabel would of been. My daughter & her friends r often out & about going shopping all together either on the train or bus. There r a few big cinema complexes, ice rink, nando's ect close enough to get on public transport where they go. Its heartbreaking to c how much Isabel is been isolated 💔
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Sorry if it’s “off topic” or irrelevant to the thread, but you’re all just amazing honestly. This site gets so much bad press, but we are all here for one reason, this family are a car crash! And our main concern has and always will be those children & the dog. Those children are suffering, even if they don't realise it, they 100% are.

they are so spoilt with regards to holidays and possessions at Christmas, yet the things they really need and crave, such as, a safe homely home, parents who care about their health, medical attention and medical care ON TIME SARAH and NOT when you can fit it in around your shopping/travelling schedule.

I hope to god these fame hungry pair crash soon, so that all they have left to focus on is their children, but in my head I just know if they loose it all, they won’t be any more interested in them kids (and the dog) they will still put them last and themselves first 😡
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I don’t know what you guys think but I feel like a few alarm bells are ringing!!!
Unfortunately alarm bells have been ringing for years, but the children have no one in their lives looking out for them and protecting them. :(
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They got their 16 year old to wear a bin bag for Halloween? Seriously! Not being funny but at 16 you usually want to dress up as something cute to impress your mates/boys not a bloody black bin bag,
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