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I just can’t take him seriously as a man anymore. He’s got a bigger bust than some of my friends and don’t even get me started on his nails and womanly curves 😂 He must have very low testosterone levels because that’s not right for a man with his camp voice and mannerisms. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he is taking female hormones at this point as he has a proper bust.
How on earth does sarah look at him and think she wants to breed with him. He’s absolutely grim and thats even without all the texting fans stuff.

imagine his comb forward flopping around and his moobs. He must just have a long mane of hair down his back that he brushes over 😂
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:sick::sick: anyone else notice when Isabelle and Isla were swapping food? Isla sat there slobbering with her hand in her mouth then with the same hand gives Isabelle a piece of pasta and put the hand back in her mouth for another slobber. Ewwww
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Can I just say I’ve seen Tiana Wilson and family are taking a long break . As much as I don’t agree with them working their child either , it seems they are doing the right thing and taking care of Tianas needs ! Maybe the ingham family should follow suit . Their girls need it desperately ! They are such money grabbing idiots . And big respect to tianas parents for putting money aside . Inghams are disgusting . Isla looked so happy to be away in some normality ....
Tiana is minted and set for life. Minghams still live paycheck to paycheck (whether they'd like us to know that or not). They'll never give up.
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I have only just found this blog existed. I live near the inghams and they are renting the new house as they are moving abroad to Spain at the end of the year once sarah has had the baby. The viewings will triple once they move to Spain they always do with other youtubers. I know their dog will be staying in the UK though as she can't handle the heat and they've decided its best that she stays here.
This is hilarious. Views will triple, so still only 180k ish then 🤣🤣

The only thing remotely plausible about this is giving up Prinny and I'm thrilled for her.
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How can Center Parcs allow this creep to film around their park especially in their playground, this is a serious safeguarding issue!
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Safeguarding against stalkers? The first thing you'd do is filter words. Including the bloody independent builder who built the house, you are trying to keep a secret!
Screenshot_2021-04-25 RENTING A REMOVAL VAN AND STARTING THE MOVE - YouTube(1).png
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Creepy puts Jace in a chair outside the cabin. It's a peaceful day at Center Parcs. It's half 10 and they're having a chilled morning relaxing. They rush out on the first day to see what their is but then take it easier as the week goes on. It's really nice weather an there's a lake for sports activities. They're not all open but there's an inflatable course similar to the one they did in France. Legend has it that the Go Pro is still at the bottom of that lake, waiting to be found. Lazy wanted to book a six person electrical boat but it had sold out. The lake is nice and all the children play in the sand and paddle in the water. Lazy drinks her coffee.

The Inghams are getting on their bike and heading to the beach for a picnic. Creepy asks Jace if they're going to ride the bike and Lazy gets him to say yes. Time lapse of bike ride. This must be the most exercise Lazy has had in years. Footage of the closed pool. I bet Creepy cries himself to sleep every night because he has no excuse to get footage of the girls in their bikinis for a thumbnail. You have to go through a central area where the pool and restaurant are in order to get anywhere. The pool looks incredible so they will have to come back to check it out. There are two Starbucks. They're filling the pool up today and Lazy points out it's May next week so it will be opening soon and they will be heating it. Isabelle and Creepy wish they could try out the slides.

Lazy feels like she could be in Majorca and tells Creepy it's a lake, not the sea. Jace need a sandpit in the new house because he's loving the sand. He lays in it and Lazy cackles at him. You're not allowed to paddle because of the boats but the area here you can paddle is further along. Lazy has made cheese, quorn ham and salad bagels. Jace tries to throw sand in everyone's sandwiches. Lazy takes Jace's jacket off because it's too hot. Creepy was moaning at Lazy not to put shorts on Jace because it was freezing but its a hot day.

Creepy and the younger girls have gone to look at the activity they did yesterday. Jace wants to go and find them but Lazy says he has to stay with her and Isabelle.

Esme and Isla have convinced Creepy to go on the zipwire with them. He couldn't do it yesterday because he had to take lots of phone calls about the new house. More like you wimped out because Lazy could've easily taken those phone calls. Moving day is fast approaching and lots of things have to be sorted out. The staff from yesterday invited the Inghams to come back and take their cameras on the course. Footage of Creepy and the girls doing the course. The platform is squeaking as Creepy and Esme stand on it. He has no idea how people do things like this because he has the worst vertigo. Vertigo or fear of heights? They're NOT the same thing, but I guess you would know that with your medical degree. Creepy is definitely putting the camera down when he goes on the tyres. Why not just wear a Go Pro? That's a very expensive purchase if you drop the camera. He moves the camera along as he goes through a tunnel. Creepy feels like he will die on the zipwire. He has the worst shaky legs and vertigo he's ever has in his entire life.

Jace has gone to paddle in the water and gets his shorts wet. Lazy zooms in on the fish. Jace asks where the ducks are and she tells him they're in their houses or nests. She cackles at him because he's looking at and trying to catch the fish. Isabelle is bribing Lazy to get a Starbucks by saying she will look after Jace. Isabelle says Lazy offered in the first place so she wasn't going to say no. Lazy then said she wouldn't bother so Isabelle offered to stay with Jace. Lazy says she will go because Creepy left his wallet. Isabelle holds her drink in the next shot and says she has the best mum ever. They're going to sit and drink their Starbucks. Lazy would do anything to see Creepy's face because she bets he's pooping his pants. Lucky he has his diarrhoea coloured trousers on then. They're waiting for them to get to the zipwire because it's right in front of them. The course takes an hour and Lazy hopes to be able to capture them on camera.

Creepy has reached the tightrope and pretends to cry. Isla fell on the net and is now stuck on her back. We get a shot of the diarrhoea trousers as he walks along the rope. Creepy and Esme reach the net Isla fell off. She's underneath a bridge further up the course and Creepy tells her he wouldn't do that. He says he can't do then net. Then they reach the final zipwire, which Creepy is terrified about. Creepy tells the instructor that he has no idea how he does this as a job and stands up there all day. The instructor says he's not afraid of heights. I bet he doesn't lick his lips at 16 year old girl either. Esme and Isla walk down the ramp and the instructor shouts 3, 2, 1. Creepy films Esme and Isla (and woohooohooos) as they jump off. Lazy gets some shaky footage from the ground. Next it's Creepy's turn. There's a bit of woohooing but for once there is mostly silence. In the next shot Creepy is back on the ground and has never been more grateful to be on solid ground; he's not going to lie. Isabelle is glad she tried it but will ever do it again. Creepy says your fear and vertigo kicks in when you're up there. Esme would do it 10x in a row. Creepy had a choice of having a panic attack and being lifted off the course or manning up so he manned up. Isla was throwing herself off obstacles and dangling mid air; she dangled off the net on the side on purpose to prove she wouldn't fall. Creepy's belly couldn't deal with it.

It's later on and dinner is done. It's the Inghams' final night so they're ending it in a cool way. The sun has set behind the forest and Creepy has loved it so much. They have an insanely busy week back home so Creepy isn't feeling his melancholy sad to go usual self but is excited about the next chapter. He wants to come again and they're ending it on a good note with a barbeque and chocolate marshmallows to say goodbye.

Jace got a dinosaur lollypop yesterday and loves it. Creepy lights the barbeque. Lazy asks Jace if it's fire and he says "I did" so she tells him to say "yes Mummy" and he does. Hi Lazy, nice to know you read here. Isla watches the fire and then the girl toast their marshmallows. Iphone footage of the girls and Jace. Lazy seems to be sniffing her marshmallow, rather than eating it.

Esme is holding Jace, who is wrapped in a towel. Lazy tells him to do it so he says "1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 7, shampoo". Creepy says everyone has had baths and Isla is sat on the sofa wrapped in a towel. Isla then snuggles up to lazy. Lazy says she is still her littlest girl. Creepy tells Isabelle "don't worry sweetheart, you'll always be the biggest" and tells her she's the godfather of the kids. Isla says Isabelle's role will never change, although hers will. Lazy reminds us that she went from being the littlest to getting a brother and now she is getting a sister and being a big sister. She's now the middle child. Lazy asks her if she wants to be the middle child and Isla nods; Lazy says she wants to be the middle child with Esme. Sounds like Isla has been a little upset about the new addition. She says there will be "three middles and two out ones" and tells Isla she will be her little girl until she's 27.

Lazy says Isabelle is causing stirs online by drinking "ciders". Isabelle explains that Creepy offered her the last bit of his drink. Lazy has seen comments on the vlog of Isabelle trying to hide the cider. Lazy told her to hide the cider to avoid criticism. Creepy shows us the pack and says he treated himself to a pack of alcohol free "koppers". Yeah and you'll be meeting the real coppers one day if you're not careful. As he holds the pack up to show one is gone, he flips the bird at us. He says he has 3 Koppers left. Lazy looked in the alcohol free section the other day.

Its the Inghams' last night tonight and they've had the best time ever having family time. It's more special because they haven't left the house in six months like everyone else. They make it sound like they haven't been out at all. Jace is getting jealous because he wants to cuddle Lazy. Lazy says they can share. It doesn't matter if you go halfway around the world or to a caravan site, it's amazing making memories with your children. Jace has learnt to count to 10.

End of vlog

Pretty sure this was aimed at us
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Hope he took a good bra
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Jesus christ, a beanie with a helmet over it!
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The Inghams are so selfish. Other influencers often do giveaways to fans with pricey items to show their appreciation for following them. The Inghams rarely do these giveaways and when thy do it's basically just a box of match makers and a hairbrush. They're so greedy, keeping everything to themselves all the time and only gifting things to their family. I bet Jane and Steve will use the caravan one and then it will sit on their drive to rot.
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Chatty Member
So #theinghamfamily seem to have a way of convincing people that certain events did not happen. Maybe we should put reminders in threads .
Have a look at this at the six minute mark. #chrisingham

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I agree, most people would prioritise a safe car and if they had the money they make out they do they would have a brand new car and the kids wouldn’t be walking around looking like utter scruffs.
Taking the elder two out of private school saved them a ton of money too. However like everything else the money they did spend on education was utterly wasted as they’ve unpicked all the good it did by home schooling them. I can’t actually call it home schooling as they haven’t done anything. We laughed about the Anger-low Saxon’s but really it’s desperately tragic. Those kids need education. They need routine and to feel like they can contribute to discussions, to develop independent opinions. To discover new interests. Chris failed the family with his messaging to young girls and Ibis shagging but Chris and Sarah have failed those kids in preparing them for life by denying them any kind of education.

I hope Isabelle reads here or googles Chris and can see what an utter scumbag he is and what an enabling piece of work her mother is.
I desperately hope she can get back into education. She will need solid qualifications behind her to move out of the cult of the Ifam and to carve a life for herself.
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Chatty Member
What on earth could go wrong with storing the prinny treat jar in the same container type and next to the laundry tablets 😐

Why would you want to decanter laundry detergent and display it on the windowsill? It comes in a box with a child safety seal.

Ignoring the tragic sofa and bathroom, this new house is giving all the unintentional lolz 😆

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Lazy is such a moron . All she does is moan about having to actually do any work . Imagine ordering from places like Matalan , new look etc and also receiving a video of them moaning about having to make your product 🙄🙄🙄🙄 not only do the deluded ifam buy her crap , they then haveto watch her moan about it . She’s very unprofessional . That business should be kept separate from vlogs . Silly woman .
Completely agree, totally unprofessional. She started yesterday’s vlog with such a face on her, I was almost expecting a mini rant! She then explained she had been up early working on orders, and I thought “well, that explains it”. She’s maniacal when spending the money, but furious that she has to actually fulfil the orders.
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I just can’t take him seriously as a man anymore. He’s got a bigger bust than some of my friends and don’t even get me started on his nails and womanly curves 😂 He must have very low testosterone levels because that’s not right for a man with his camp voice and mannerisms. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he is taking female hormones at this point as he has a proper bust.


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Malcolm Conkers

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Absolutely HILARIOUS that creepy kept his beanie on with a helmet on top. Who does that?! We've laughed so loud at that here. What a dickhead.
Legend! He never lets us down. He must have broken out in a cold sweat when he realised he might have to take it off and have his last remaining strands blowing about all out of position - this way, his secret’s still safe!😂😂
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I can’t stop thinking about how awful their bedroom will smell with the open plan bathroom. Especially when you think of their appalling diets. 😩
Sarah definitely struggled with her bowels last pregnancy. Chris forgot to edit out the industrial sized prescription laxative in one vlog that was classily left on the bedside table
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Chatty Member
So the lazy, cock nosed, big titted creep wants a later check out, doesn't spare a thought for the poor cleaners having to deal with the muck these freaks leave behind before the next family moves in. He's such a prick.
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