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This is exactly why Isla acts like a spoilt brat all the time. Because she gets everything she doesn't need. You can always see the distinct difference between how the kids are treated... Isla needs to prepare herself for when the new arrival comes. The attention will be on the new sprog - not because they care. Just because... Views...
Isla is gonna be very difficult for them when the baby arrives. She's already playing up and they placate her with gifts ect but it's gonna be a totally different ball game when she's no longer the baby. They don't even seem to be doing anything to prepare her for this massive change either.
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Chatty Member
I personally feel although all 3 are spoilt Esme and Isabelle are still pretty grateful 95% of the time but that could be because they remember a time when they didn't get everything they wanted.
Isla on the other hand is completely different. She doesn't know the value of anything and it's going to be a massive bump down to earth for her when this shit show ends!

I agree with this too. And ultimately it’s not their fault. Chris and Sarah have spoiled them, given them far too much, and now they expect it.
I can understand when people have had very little and suddenly start making a lot of money that it can change them and they want to spend. But Sarah Ingham takes the biscuit, she just buys stufff for the sake of it. No one needs all of that stuff, they don’t even need. It for views. I find hauls really boring. And a lot of them are just tat.
We have one child and we’re so conscious of teaching her to be grateful and trying to teach her that even if we did have the money we can’t just buy everything and anything she wants. It’s so important.
I remember when she used to watch The Inghams, it was one of the girls birthdays and I asked her if she thought that was a normal amount for a child to get and she said no. I don’t even think she was jealous, I think she just felt it was odd.
She knows quite a few children who come from families who do live in poverty, and get very little for Christmas. And she’s started to understand that a bit more as well.
It must be difficult for some of the younger viewers whose parents struggle to buy much for their kids or even parents who buy a reasonable amount at Birthdays and Christmas. When they see what the Inghams children get no wonder we see comments like “I wish you were my family”

I try not to judge people who really splurge at Christmas, it’s their money and their kids. But the Inghams, especially Sarah seems to relish in rubbing it into people’s faces. And because now their children really do appear spoilt, because of their parents.
What will they do when all of this ends?!?
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Response from the ASA. What happened to following their rules fully Sarah?

'We very recently received a number of complaints about this particular account, and, having considered that the material may constitute advertising, provided the advertiser with guidance on our social media rules. We will continue to monitor complaints regarding the issue, and if we consider the advertiser is breaching our rules in future, may consider taking further action.'
How many ‘warnings’ do the ASA give, surely they’ve been advised on the rules numerous times now. They need to start hitting you tubers ( not just Inghams) with actual fines or repercussions otherwise they just keep doing it
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Also, a lot of us parents who can afford to do this, but just don’t ?

I’m sure lots of parents have better things to spend their money on than just tat that is thrown in the bin. It’s just a complete waste.

You would think that they would be saving every penny to make sure they can carry on to providing the education that they have started with for the older 2.

I don’t think Isla is going to get the private school education that her sisters are getting. Poor thing will just turn in to a carbon copy of her mother.

Also - do you think ASA contacted the Minghams to be told that Visit.Dubai cancelled the deal hence the reason they are not pursuing it under the code. As this is not the first time they have not declared properly sponsored/ad content.
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There’s no way that was an undeclared Costa as... they’re probably just trying to make it look like one and jump on the bandwagon in a desperate attempt at ‘people still like us we swear.’

I’m literally shouting at the screen when she calls the baby ‘it’ so gross! We had friends who did the same and even when you don’t know they gender there’s nicer words to use, they/them? I’d Never dream of calling my baby ‘it’ makes them sound like an object which says a LOT about why they’re having him.

Sarah’s so proud of herself with the picture advent calendar isn’t she. What a role model who truly understands the meaning of Christmas and just wants to feel nostalgic whilst opening her cute little advent calendar every day... what’s that? She’s got a chocolate one too? But I thought you just liked looking at the iddy biddy cute Christmas scenes. To be honest though she could probably do with the practice on number recognition, I don’t know why you have trouble finding the numbers either Sarah.
The whole point of manufacturers bringing out (reasonably priced) Chocolate advent calendars for kids ,is to get some excitement and build up to when Father Christmas comes.WHY on EARTH then buy your kids numerous gifts throughout December!! Christmas DAY is when you give them presents Sarah!Gese ,are you that superficial..oh ,don`t answer ,i already know! What`ll happen when youtube falls flat for you ,i despair.How will you explain to those girls the gifting has stopped??Oh and just one more thing ,QUIT hinting what you like/expect the ifam/companies to send you ,and whilst you`re at it ,SHUT THAT PO BOX!! Remember the homeless???.You`re despicable ,both of you ,and absolutely deserve one another.The girls on the other hand.My heart breaks for them..:(
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Sorry I'm a bit behind on this but could the cottage for xmas be a ploy to keep them hidden?

Why would she post an easily identifiable pool? People on here guessed their destination in seconds from a chair and panneling and Mrs meldrums murder house from a second of blury garden video. She would know that showing the pool would make it really easy to find.
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Departed member 294

Why can’t they just settle for a simple chocolate one. Both my daughter’s have always had chocolate one and they love it! Since when is advent calendars all about getting a lol surprise every day?

I noticed she was getting them in the DUBAI vlogs
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Watching the vlog tonight, their house must look total trash with the amount of decorations in it. Downstairs looks quite small even though Sarah claims it's huge. 2ndly how many jobs did Sarah claim to have? She wrapped some presents, went for scan, had Costa,(did notice yet again didn't show Sarah's crappy food) she didn't have lunch so filled up on kitkat and cake hmmm poor baby no healthy food then lazy?, then went to dance. Yeah really busy lazy.. Cor how do you manage? Most of us do that and actually go to work, minus the costa as most don't have that luxury during working week. Creepy saying comment down below to his little ifam members hoping it will get some teenage attention are you Creepy? Surely innocent or not you would want to avoid encouragement from young ifam. Cinema room ??it's a room with a TV on a wall its not a cinema room you deluded foools. This family are the most deluded.
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I don't know how to post photos but there is still fan accounts (who I can only imagine being kids/young teens) on Instagram replying to Chris's latest post with "thanks for following me" why is he still following children?!
This really annoys me as well. He shouldn’t be on Instagram at all. But the authorities don’t seem to care for some reason.

I honestly believe he will slip up again. But will he ever get prosecuted?

With the YouTube age we are living in they need to make new laws for influencers, especially ones that target children. It wouldn’t be acceptable for a teacher to ask a year 11 girl to drop that towel or meet him by the pool at night. Why is it ok for him to do it?

Bloody scary world we live in.
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How can she say she’s being transparent and open about it being a paid for holiday yet when someone questions the amount of money they spend she didn’t even say ‘we were very fortunate to have being gifted this holiday’ or something similar she rambles on about how she gives loads to charity (??) and she shouldn’t complain if she eats dinner
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Well-known member
So again, they spent their time doing the same things they do in the UK...went on some rides, to the pool, to a theatre. Can't remember if they even mentioned the name of the company but I don't think what are they being paid for then? Clearly doing business with them is a terrible idea. How many times do they need to be reported to the ASA for them to be punished? One can only hope that one day they're gonna start facing the consequences of every shitty thing they do. They need to stop getting away with everything. They're such morally bankrupt, self serving pricks.
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he had to spin a web of lies about being banged up in HMP Australia.
He wasn’t banged up he was stopped by immigration on the way into the country. I 100% believe this happened as there were a number of people that used the online dob in tip line, for more reasons than what he said. Many dobs were related to working on a visitor visa. If the immigration felt he was a danger to the Australian community he would have been turned away and refused entry, they didn’t find anything as he had given his phone away, they shut down the ingham family Instagram and had already ditched twitter.

Why do you think they are going to great lengths not to say where they are this time - the stakes are a lot higher than just refused entry. No messing around in UAE.

They were so stupid to
1. take this holiday if it is a freebie
2. There day to day life is so dull now they could have pre-filmed stuff and had it set to go up when away and nobody would have been none of the wiser.

But no they needed to click bait the holiday for their crap views.

Subs are still going up but views are coming down!! Total monthly views are 7m for Nov almost equivalent to what they were getting 2 years ago when on 50-100k subscribers. Difference is back then they were still renting, Creepy had a job and just purchased the Death Star.

It’s obviously from the other shopping channel floggers they only way they can keep up this lifestyle it the #ad #spon crap they do. Their shit merch not going to keep them afloat forever.
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Someone commented on Smug Sarah's vlog and says they commented on the Ingham vlog last night that they were in Dubai and it got deleted. They're as good at keeping secrets as they are in covering their lies lol
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you see this is what I cant get my head around why on earth with all this going round about Chris would any mother buy their child that shit knowing that there are lunatics out there who could potentially see the name on the merch the child is wearing and do something really bad , they have blood on their hands and there will be no coming back from that ,I noticed a woman had asked about merch for her 6 year old its crazy that mothers dont take the time to check out what their offspring are looking at ,my youngest is 11 and constantly watching you tube Im always getting on his back about what he watches , he is currently sitting by me watching prank videos so I can check without him knowing
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Yup. this person hit the nail on the head. I wonder if this comment will be deleted or get a bitchy response?
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The girls 'might' have got 5/6 hours sleep, but its not proper sleep that kids need, curled up on a plane seat. Plus the 3 hours they'd have been waiting around the airport as that's how long you need to arrive for International flights.

I do wonder if they were actually out and about in Dubai much or whether they did a couple of water slides, quick look at the mall etc to make it look like they'd be soooooper doooooper BU SYYYYY guyyyz.

Also, just me or does it really grate that she doesn't say a single word fully. its always A-MAZING, Su-per, Fan-Tastic etc....
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Was on Facebook today and for the first time ever there was a suggested group recommendation
“Support the Inghams”

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