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Long post, my apologies tattlers⭐

I have messaged the game studios company that they were “trying” to promote their game in one of their recent vlogs (thank you to fellow tattlers for posting about this concern). Not sure if this is breaking any rules but if I was running a business similar to this person’s, I wouldn’t want a YouTube channel like their’s to be promoting my games; look at the daily view count, the history of this family’s career and how they handle their view buying and controversies...I wouldn’t want them to promote my work, it would be a waste of time and a loss of money.

I have taken (a much better) time to read throughout the recent threads and I agree with some tattlers saying they aren’t going home because they don’t have a home to go back to (if that’s the case- are they waiting on any list to find a new home?) but I also agree with some of you on them getting into trouble (ie. Debt collectors, started on the wrong person(s), other issues that relate to breaking the law) I could speculate that they have been thrown a lawsuit..but but who on earth would want to sue these two? They wouldn’t be getting a lot out of it and there’s no solid proof to show that a company or a person wants to send them to court. Do we have any speculations about Levi Solicitors perhaps? Chris could’ve been in debt with the company? Refuse to pay back whatever he had to? These are if these two would blatantly just open up about as to why (the truth will come out either way if it is dodgy- not by them though).

There’s a huge possibility that they don’t want to come home because they’re trying to start “afresh” (which isn’t going to work...their scandals and controversies are all on display for all to see on the Internet- that’s permanent). Also, they aren’t even trying to start “Afresh” by all means. They are mentally exhausted; they are showing it. I would be very surprised if Isabelle or Esme haven’t at least had an emotional breakdown or cracked towards one of them due to the constant travelling here, there (when the car isn’t broke down or when they can be bothered) not doing any activities other than going to beaches, shopping or eating, etc. Their home education isn’t even up to par and is going to have objectionable damage to their futures. Like with everything, they are incorrigible. Sheer amounts of money from getting cars fixed; down the drain. They say they don’t have anything to come home except for prinny?
Wether it’s to start “afresh” or something truly dodgy is happening behind the scenes and they are on the run, they clearly aren’t the best observants when it comes to their lives; I think it’s a mixture of this and a ton of deniability.
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I was puzzled that they said it’s normally packed with people - it was full of stones and rocks so can’t imagine people sitting there. I thought it looked more like the edge of a disused quarry!
I'd be so embarrassed to be sat on that "beach" completely alone given the current situation. They stuck out like a sore thumb, yet they still didnt seem to grasp the ridiculousness of their actions! Words fail me 🙄
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She makes it sound like they live in a bed sit! Not a 5 bedroom detached house! Cannot believe she had the nerve to write that. She really is so lazy, its easy to just film the kids etc on days out as she can't come up with original content when they are at home. I wonder why the beach they are at is empty on Sunday?? Because the locals are sensible not like those cretins!!!
This pisses me off, when my husband and i moved in together there was 6 of us in a 2 bed flat. We did the attic to give us 2 more small bedrooms but it was still a happy home. It's not what you've got but what you make of it that counts. not that Lazy would know a thing about that!
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I just think Chris is one of those people who at the slightest irritation in his throat, he decides it's tonsillitis. If he has a cold, he for sure has flu. His back hurts, it's definitely broken from all the hardcore skating trick(s).
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Poor Esmes finger nails look horrible .... they really need to take more care of their hygiene.

It just drives me insane when they had the drone shots and the beach was completely empty .... because everyone is sticking to the rules and stay home. Only the famous Inghams bum around there.

When most of us have to or had to cancel all their holiday plans in 2020. Its like a slap in the face of sane people
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They're so full of shit.

Just yesterday, they were telling us how great truck stops are. Now they suddenly need to be at a campsite because it's Halloween. What? They didn't know it was coming up to Halloween when they set off on their epic drive to nowhere? Why didn't they stay put with their good mates for an extra few days if they desperately wanted to be on a campsite for Halloween?
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All this "making memories" is bullshit! You could've made lots of memories at home.
Its been a shitty time for everyone, but, a few people I know have said it's been the best time too. Why? Because parents who have been furloughed or have unfortunately lost their jobs have been home and spent more quality time with their children. Those kids are going to remember fondly of the time they did a lot of crafting and baking, or going for walks with their parents when there been no rush to have to get somewhere for something.
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There's something seriously wrong with your home life if you can't make memories whilst at home.
Agreed!!! Strong believer that kids should be allowed to ‘get bored’ and manage the boredom. My own daughter is same age as Isabelle and my daughter is loving school...Covid or no Covid. Loving the challenge of the GCSE studies. And I’ll be really clear that there’s not a worksheet in sight! But the work she’s doing is challenging. That’s good for her brain. Kids wouldn’t be bored and they’d be making memories of their own at school

Isn't there anything that Child services can do to help those poor kids. Issy is at the age where she needs privacy, Esme could start her periods, Isla needs to be in school and Jace should be interacting with other toddlers and learning new things. Instead they are stuck in that tin can with a lazy can't be arsed excuse for a mother and a creepy penis nosed, sweaty headed excuse for a father. Please Children services do something. The mental health of the children is so important. They look dirty and neglected. Get them home ASAP.
Social care won’t do a thing. Those kids are fed, watered and looked after. They don’t meet any social care threshold of need
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Lazy said they did have plans to go to Switzerland for 2 weeks but can’t now .is she for real.towing that great big caravan and the very cold snowy weather in Switzerland.The best way to explore Switzerland is by train.oh lazy and its very expensive in that beautiful country
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As well as ill fitting shoes for their son, when was the last time these children saw a dentist or had a haircut. Again I bring up the question of basic hygiene. You have two menstruating women in that caravan and one chemical toilet that is being used at times off me when I say that it will be gross if they are not emptying everyday. A lot of the sites in the uk reopened but the shower blocks and toilets were kept closed for obvious reasons. If that is the same in Spain then all I can say is......GROSS AND DISGUSTING and I then wonder WHERE they are actually emptying it.
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why the hell is lazy asking for tips on tat and me? Is this to help pay for the “staff” wages? She really is a fucking COW!!!!!!!
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The Eskimo

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The ‘Four walls’ comment was the final straw for me. She has someone who is may well be vulnerable, in need of companionship and regular visits and yet she makes that comment. Why is no-one factoring Mary Shortle into the equation? The saddest of sad times.
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They’re so loud and disruptive I get serious second hand embarrassment. At the beauty spot in Ronda and with the door wide open on the ‘cara van’...Tone it down you anti social morons
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I wonder if she’s even bothered asking if the kids want to go home now. They’ll be trapped in a freezing cold caravan, sounds like absolute hell to me
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She's annoyed me so much with her "people are telling us not to come home because it's awful" no it really isn't! Iv been living in a tier 3 area for nearly 2 weeks, we can still go out, even the trampoline parks are open. Ok we can't (shouldn't) go out of our local area but thiers still things open.
They just don't want to be stuck in Bradford
Exactly! I'm in level 3 and it's not that restricting. They just want to travel and spread Covid 19 everywhere
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Betty Bujo

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Why are they trying to convince Jason that he loves dinosaurs. Whenever he sees a dinosaur-shaped toy he looks terrified whilst everyone else is saying "aawww, it's lovely, it's nice, stroke it..." Anyone seeing a grooming pattern here?
I have thought exactly that before. They do it with all 4 kids. They have eroded the girls' personalities and now they are not even allowing Jace to develop one. I think they have their idea of a perfect influencer family and won't let a small inconvenience like their children's autonomy get in the way
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There would be no way on earth would I let my 8yr old go off with 2 children they’ve never met before in a foreign country with a language barrier ... not a prayer or a hope in hell would I let that happen!!!
Thank goodness you said that. I thought that was just me being paranoid. I’m too nervous for that sort of thing I’d be scared they sold my kid into slavery or something. You just hear so many awful stories.
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