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Esme's birthday is in 3 weeks, she says Esme is at that difficult age where she no longer wants toys. How come Issy was still getting LOL and slime toys at 14 yet Lazy is happily turning Esme into a mini teen? The logic in that family makes no sense.
Remember the days of Lazy refusing to let Issy have make up at 12 yet she happily lets Esme at 10? The days of her saying if your 12 year old still plays with dolls and toys you've got parenting right?

As for Jace, without the continuous toddling and eating montages they would only have a 8 minute vlog. The cheeky boi is nothing more than filler and I'm not surprised fans are turning off. Who wants to see a baby having banana and snacks all day every day?
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Get ready, they are recording a reacting to assumptions video later and Sarah is inviting us all to send her ours on insta. Her words "the juicier the better"
So, Tattlers, unleash your assumptions on her! Go!!!
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Isabelles attitude is exactly same as Sarah's, full of herself. She's a child she needs to pipe down and realise who pays for her school fees and mobiles, because that girl wouldn't have Jack if her parents hadn't sold her childhood to those making the assumptions. And Chris your hair is a state not product. Chris says he has standards can't stop laughing at that, and how can they say they are humble and not big headed has he watched his meet and greets. Deluded and fake.

I found all the comments regarding OCD very difficult to watch. As someone who has been clinically diagnosed with OCD since I was a teenager, nothing infuriates me more than it being a term given to someone who likes things clean. OCD is not a comical lighthearted term. OCD causes me to have manic and devastating thoughts and forces me to complete daily actions and tasks to satisfy my mind that these thoughts won’t happen. OCD keeps me awake at night and then wakes me up early each morning, it ruins relationships I have with people and makes it harder for me to socialise at times. OCD pretty much controls my day to day life and how I feel each day.

They always preach that “mental health isn’t something you should mock” yet thats exactly what they did in this vlog.
Christophers top had holes in and was filthy.
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Chris if you are going to sit and do a speech on staying safe and catching germs stop touching your fucking mask you bellend. As soon as you touch it and then keep putting it on and off it’s pointless.

I assume your only wearing it to prevent people catching the constant germs your at the doctors with though

absolute bellend using all the stuff on the shelves for content too... try washing yourself
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No, he dyes it because he's ginger, and can't accept it. He wears the hat because he's gone bald and can't accept it.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Can see his beanie being one of those hats with the hair attached around the edge, when he takes it off he's got a head like an egg....!!! 👩‍🦲🤟🥚😜
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Just caught up with the assumptions video... Chris and his barely suppressed rage is something to behold 😂

Also for all their bragging - I don’t think they are anywhere near as well off as they claim.
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Well hopefully people will spread the word and the screenshots of her being racist on Facebook and she will have done all the hard work herself. Just when you think they can’t stoop any lower. I don’t even give a shit if the money all goes to charity she is fucking clueless and uneducated and jumping on something to gain awareness to her brand and eventually make money out of it. Arghhh I’m livid!
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Popped to my local Asda this morning at half 9 and it was dead quiet. No queue whatsoever. Just walked straight in.

If he’s really that bothered, he can go at a quieter time!
Except we know they’re not out of their pits that early in the morning.
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Genuinely quite sad that Isabel would prefer to get home schooled. I can't imagine at the age of 14 wanting to leave school and hang out with my parents all day, and thus missing out on seeing my friends etc. It's probably because she's bullied constantly at school because of her weird family and poncey dad. But they will never realise it's because of them that she's having a tough time and has zero close friends, and now is stuck at the age of 10. For once Sarah has got something right when she says she'd prefer them to go to school (even if it is just so she can head to B&M every day). Funny that Chris wants them to be homeschooled too - it's probably his controlling attitude, as we've never once seen him helping Sarah in the 'schooling' department. Unless skating and doing one trick over and over counts.

Also, what the hell was that whole weird segment about the protests and racial incidents in America? Not an assumption, just a random question to try and make them seem virtuous but instead they came across ignorant and ridiculous.
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Kikini Bamalam

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I'm glad you mentioned this. I felt she showed ignorance there and to cover it up, she pulls out the classic "I've got gay friends" like that's ok to be ignorant and pull faces as she says the word gay.
Ha! Like Lazy really has gay friends! The nearest she has to a gay friend is when she accidentally caught an episode of RuPauls drag race. Just my opinion but I reckon both her and creepy are total homophobes
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This is reading like an utter train wreck.
Stay in your lane, Inghams.
You understand fuck-all about politics, current affairs and social injustice. Absolute virtue signalling going on here.
Piss off back to your positive pineapples and loom bands.
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My thoughts on todays video.....

- I mean they could've at least got the time right...8:46 NOT hard is it to edit a black screen to the right time?
- I understand the video is demonetised, but why not monetise it and donate to all the places that need it?
- Also didn't they have to be prompted to put links in the description?

Just a few other things to pick at whilst we're on the subject of this campaign.
- They could have spoken out days ago on this entire black lives matter campaign, social media influencers and youtubers are only speaking now because if they didn't it would make them look bad...Like I signed that petition and donated money several days ago...they could have linked it or mentioned it days ago too!

- As someone who has spent the past few days learning and educating myself on the matter, reading books, articles, watching youtube videos to help me further my understanding, posting a black square on instagram doesn't really do anything. Rather than sit in silence all day I have been posting to my own social media accounts links to petitions, gofundme pages, websites of charities set up for this very campaign, urging everyone I know to sign, donate, educate and understand. Sitting and doing nothing will do exactly that....nothing. I can't imagine for one second that Chris or Sarah will sit down and properly educate themselves, reading books and articles etc(This is my personal opinion, I am aware not everyone feels the same on this matter).

- Also I'd be extremely disappointed if any of them (Whether it be Sarah, Chris, Isabelle and the travel page they have too) delete the black square tomorrow because 'it ruins their feed' or 'it doesn't look right' (Suppose if they read this post they will keep it). This campaign isn't a trend, its not a bandwagon to hop onto just because 'everyone else is'. This campaign is about justice, its about preventing any more innocent lives being lost, its about there being ACTUAL equality in action, not just some words written in the law.
- If they're keeping Esme of school and still homeschooling her, I beg they sit all 3 down and have conversations about this campaign, do some extra learning and properly educate them.

I know my siblings and their partners sat my nieces and nephews (aged between 4 and 15) and for the past 3/4 days have been educating them on the black lives matter campaign, why it is so important, how they can help etc. They've even done some extra work ontop of their homeschool stuff, in particular my older nieces who have taken a massive interest in learning and understanding, particularly because our family is mixed race and being black is part of our heritage and part of who we are.

Even my 4 and half year old nephew, who least understands what is going on, wanted to help, so he spent this afternoon baking cupcakes and went round and sold them to our neighbourhood (socially distanced don't worry) to earn some money so he could donate, and my other nephew and 3 nieces donated all their pocket money they had been saving up to the cause.
There is no excuse for Chris and Sarah not to educate their kids on this matter, and by educate I dont mean going 'this is what happened and now people are protesting', its about learning what racism means, what it entails, how it has been experienced, listening to people's real life stories and understanding how to overcome racism and combat it.

Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk 😂
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I’m back....after a very long hiatus. This is gonna be long. Nice to see Sarah and Chris are still purging their own careers and still pretending to be somewhat “good” people even if their toxic actions are spilling this way, that way and wherever.

“My daughter has not got mental health problems“ well, you should really be counting your lucky stars that she hasn’t got any Sarah...that’s what I would say if the signs to depression and anxiety weren’t shown mostly by Isabelle in every vlog. She hasn’t got any mental health problems that are DIAGNOSED. Yes, she goes to therapy but I’m telling you most young people and adults go to therapy because they have either undiagnosed/diagnosed mental health issues. They’re not just sitting there having a tea party with the therapist, Sarah. You and Chris have a horrifying history of stigmatising mental health and even if you did “apologise” for it, you or Chris still haven’t learned your lessons.

Like I always keep saying, I’m not making out that you are this “horrible and horrific” mother, Sarah, there are most definitely worst mother’s out there...but you’re aren’t doing yourself any favours or even rebuilding any reputation you had left defending your husband. I think you need to come to terms with what you guys are doing for the sake of an income on a social media platform. Some of your FANS are noticing some clear signs of your true colours, that’s why your viewing ratings have taken a hit, obviously, it won’t affect you THAT much but remember...Like you’ve been showing for a while along with is money at the end of the day, right?

As for Isabelle with her comments in that video, it’s clear that what she’s seeing from you and Chris, is being learnt. These actions you are using and showing your daughters and your son (in the future tense) they’re going to see that as “normal” and will be engraved in their learning as being “human” in today’s world. Why? Don’t you want your children to grow up and be better human beings for the future ahead of them? What good comes out to teaching them that lying, intimidating, breaking law rules and dangerously over leaping trust with vulnerable people? Nothing. Nobody is Perfect, I’m not, you’re not, Chris definitely isn’t, your children aren’t but as parents, you have the RESPONSIBILITY to teach them good morals, give them a voice and make a better future for them and whoever enters their life with good intentions. Please, don’t tarnish their personality and their thoughts on how to be respectful towards people and treat them as how they want to be treated by doing the complete opposite. Nobody wins. Not even you and Chris because believe me, you’ll be the two “down in the dumps” when things (your way) don’t go according to plan.
also, This vlog was made for poor and awkward viewing. it was all fun and games at the beginning but then things turned sour (like in most of the vlogs) and the claws came out. If you can’t stand answering these questions, then I would suggest looking outside of the box and finding other alternative topics to create vlogs about. Isabelle looked oddly “somewhat-off” in this particular vlog, we all know that you like to tell your children what to say before you start recording and how to act, so me thinking that this isn’t really in Isabelle’s best intentions and her just “acting out” or “pretending” to loudly voice these “comments” isn’t out of the ordinary. Kind to think of it, most family vloggers do it most of the time. However, I most definitely think the girls are learning these behaviours and seeing them as “rewarding” and “good” and not even seeing them as toxic or even un-pleasant. It’s heartbreaking.
Also, Chris, you’re not the one to be advocating about “weirdos online”. You’re broke that trust with those young, vulnerable girls. Don’t be preaching about serious issues like this when you are pushing a different apple cart.
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Isabelle's new video features her with a playsuit on backwards with the back of her bra completely visible.
And the playsuit looks awful on her, it's not flattering and Sarah's telling her it looks great. Meanwhile Isabelle looks completely uncomfortable and the playsuit is definitely giving her a front and back wedgie. But Sarah thinks it's nice...
I know this sounds twisted but I think Sarah wants Isabelle to dress badly and revels in laughing at her because she can see the relationship Isabelle has with Chris and she’s jealous of it 🤢
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