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Well-known member
Wow they’ve had a blinding week between them. Sarah stating “I can’t breathe” days after the George Floyd tragedy and then designing a money making blanket around the black lives matter campaign.
Then Chris calling our key workers fools!!!
Set of absolute bell ends.
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Isabelle basically getting radicalised ingham style in that defensive 40 minute vid, just fuck off
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Goodmorning fellow tattlers! Hope you’re all safe and doing well😊 showed off my “creative” side and gave the makeover lazyitus snarkella mingham and dr Phd, world renowned, “woohoo man of the decade”, sweaty beanie owner, skating doode and ain’t nuttin’ bout the truth, Creepius sweatium mingham!🥳 (I honesty don’t know how I manage to type all of that so fast and not welp, god help me), what do ya think eh?!🤯 really shows off their “natural vibes” and their true emotions just “pouring out”🧐 sometimes being the class clown never really goes away and with these two, they have juicier red noses, you can take the class clown out of the class clown but ya can’t take the class clown out of Lazyitusaella and Creepo Weepo Gingo🤡 (I screenshotted these from dougal’s videos, don’t worry, I wouldn’t even THINK of giving cackling, proud echo falls fan hyena Sarah and sweat factory of Bradford galore over there any views!👏🏻)


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This'll be the only time the street will come out clapping for you Creepy, not to see you skate but to wave you off!
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The way Sarah says if the girls or Jace wanted to be gay just pissed me off she talks about it like ok so on Tuesday I have decided I would quite like to be gay it’s not a choice ffs
I'm glad you mentioned this. I felt she showed ignorance there and to cover it up, she pulls out the classic "I've got gay friends" like that's ok to be ignorant and pull faces as she says the word gay.
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Have they actually loaded an 8 minute video of a black screen ? Did it still take Chris until 4am to edit?

Bet Sarah loved this, 'babe, we don't have to film tomorrow, we'll get on that bandwagon'
Chris 'yeah foo' I'll still sit and edit it to make sure it's proper good though...

Why could they not speak about it, give links to things - Didn't even have to be 8 minutes. Lazy AND bandwagon is the ONLY thing that springs to mind. AND if black lives matter and they care, they would cut business ties with Mary Shortle who sells and thinks its fine to, golliwogs according to trip advisor
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Bradford lass

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So tonight's vlog has been edited and the fool comment has gone but according to comments on a certain racoons channel it's been shared on fb and local asda workers have seen it !? Not sure where it's been shared as I haven't seen it.
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Fairy Godmother

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Hi, been stalking on here for a while & after his rant about key workers thought I'd say my bit. I myself am a "key worker" I work in a school looking after the children whilst their parents are out saving lives, stocking shelves so we have our essentials, keeping us safe etc. I've to work during this pandemic with no PPE & work with children whom have little understanding about social distancing.These two have no understanding of the real world, anxiety my backside, I too suffer this & only leave the house for work (have to provide for my family I don't get anything for free) I won't even walk around my local area as I'm too scared whilst also dealing with panic attacks. How would they cope having to leave their family to put "pasta" on the table, or having their children watch them leaving the family home scared they'll catch this deadly virus. They work "hard" for a living, maybe a day in a key workers life is what they need to understand what working hard means and really appreciate what us key workers are doing.
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He just seems so arrogant about the fact people have to work? Like they have to stack shelves otherwise theres no food? I know when I've gone and done some shopping for family members, if theres workers in the aisle stacking shelves you can simple ask them to move so you can get something and they are more than happy to do so.
He probably makes it harder with that huge camera, stopping every 5 seconds to film, just go and do the shop quickly without a camera and you won't encounter people, if you stop in the middle of an isle then people are going to want to get past, and it doesn't help he's in a teeny tiny Asda, obviously there isn't going to be much room.
Exactly the same when they go out for their picnics. They both sound annoyed others are around and shouldn't be there. It does come across as they feel everyone should vanish when they appear.
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Aside from everything else wrong with that video Chris needs to stop licking his lips and putting his face up close to the camera, honestly makes me feel sick
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Skipped to the end. Watch Chris looking at himself in the viewfinder (or whatever it's called), every time he does it he pulls his creepy Insta narc face. Such an insecure weirdo.

Look at these exact times, see him look at himself then as he looks away his face relaxes, then looks back again and does it all over. He's so wrong but so funny.




Screenshot 2020-05-28 at 17.11.53.png
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Chatty Member
I haven’t commented for awhile because there is a lot of stuff going on in the world right now. There is so much I want to tell those two idiotic specimens of human beings, but I just don’t have the energy right now other than to say fuck off creepy and lazy. Everyone please stay safe.
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Isabelle starts the vlog. She's going to do a morning home school routine. She just woke up and has finished her school call which she has every morning. Now she's about to do maths. She does her hair and gets a coffee. Isabelle has a rash on her neck from the grass the other day. She has to do maths, history and drama. She's currently doing drama and then has her history work to do.

The work is finished and Jace has come into Isabelle's bedroom. Isla comes into the room, climbs onto the bed.

Isabelle shows us her outfit for the day. She needs to clean her room.

Time lapse of Isabelle doing her hair.

Creepy tells us the typical British weather has returned. e says it gets to June and it turn out bad weather on Esme's birthday. Creepy has a delivery and is looking out for the delivery van. The girls are upstairs doing their homeschool routine.

This is the day of the week Creepy dreads the most; he has to get his mask out and go and do the shop run.

He gets into the car. Creepy doesn't mind going to an outdoor space to get exercise etc and being around people social distanced but going to a shop freaks Creepy out; going to an enclosed shop where there are loads of people about and the shops are very busy. Not many people aren't giving thought to social distancing and climb over each other to get to shelves. Lazy is a good'un and does the shop the most of the time but Creepy has agreed to do it today and is off to a smaller shop.

As long as Creepy remembers what Boris told him to do it should be all good. A clip of Boris' speech appears in the corner of the video. The first step for Creepy is to stay alert. There doesn't appear to be many people around.

Creepy has switched to his phone. No way is he taking his camera into the shop right now. So infect your phone with the corona instead or is it because you're not meant to film in there? There are people everywhere in the shop. Next step is control the virus so Creepy picks up some disinfectant wipes. Then he picks up a bottle of disinfectant off the shelf and sprays the handle of the basket cleans it with a wipe. He reassures us he will be buying the products. Oh what an idiot you are Creepy; you touched the handle before cleaning it so the germs will already be on your hand and you will just be transferring them back onto the basket handle. Another clip of Boris saying 'you must stay alert' over and over. Music plays as Creepy films his surroundings in the shop.

Creepy is back at the car. THe shopping is done for a few days. people don't care; only two people in the shop were wearing masks. Creepy repeatedly touches his mask. Don't get Creepy started on the Asda workers; not one of the fools were social distancing. They were trying to walk around him to stack the shelves. People are forgetting we're in a worldwide pandemic. Another clip of Boris and Creepy says 'stay alert, control the virus and save lives' with Boris. This is the same man who went on holiday abroad during a global pandemic. Creepy hates doing the weekly shop. There's bad stuff in the world and you have to take care of each other by staying away from each other. He was making a joke of the 'stay alert, save lives' to give us a laugh. Even though people are going back to work and school; things won't be normal for a while. The cleaning products Creepy used in the store were bought by him. Don't tag the fuzz.

Time lapse of clouds.

Jace has got an Old Mcdonalds truck for his birthday. It scares him and he hates the wheels going around. He runs away behind the sofa. Prinny rubs herself on the carpet. Isabelle runs to get Jace. They bring Jace to the truck and he continues to get upset. Lazy gives him some of the animals. He's fine with it as long as the wheels don't go around so Lazy says they will have to take the batteries out. Jace picks up Creepy's hat.

The tractor has been put away because Jace was having none of it. Lazy thinks he hates the noise. Some children take a dislike to certain toys. Lazy was always terrified of Jack in the Box. Creepy says Jack in the Boxes are banned now. Lazy doesn't think they are and asks the ifam to comment down below and tell her.

It's been a nice day today. When it's a rainy day Lazy can't help but think about Christmas. Lazy wanted to put on Home Alone today but Creepy said no. She wanted to look up Christmas tree ideas all day. She gets the warmest feeling in her heart when she thinks about Christmas. Jace is having a nap and the girls have been decorating their old clothes. Esme has decorated a leotard.

Lazy goes in to wake Jace and Isla comes into the bedroom. They're going to read the octopus book because he's wearing octopus trousers.

They had tuna pasta for dinner and Lazy is opening a box of sweets. She gave Jace one because he isn't being patient tonight. Creepy loves the alphabet letter sweets and he's been sent some. Lazy advertises the discount code again. Lazy has ordered a big tub of sweets for Katrina as a surprise.

Jace is sitting on the floor eating bubbles off a sponge. Lazy tells him not to eat them but lets him keep the sponge. They're ending the vlog to get an early night.

End of vlog

He definitely didn't pay for the disinfectant. He put it back on the shelf. Isn't that viakal? A limescale remover, not disinfectant! He should know that with his cleaning obsession. 🤦‍♀️


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