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Isabelle is so full of herself she tag’s Instagram model with every picture not trying to be mean but Isabelle is not a model nothing about her is model like
I feel like Lazy and creepy probably tell her to put those captions and hashtags in the hope she'll get scouted and then not need a 'real' job. She's got the same dream as most girls her age who think a few instagram selfies will get them scouted for them to be a model - (and as my sociology/psychology knowledge has taught me, being a model means girls think they are found pretty by societies expectations and boost their self-esteem/make them more popular and give them validation where they fail to have it elsewhere - and I have no doubt the same applies to izzy - probably doesn't help thousands of fans go 'omg you're so pretty' , yet being pretty and being a model are different things)

However im not being funny, but some people just aren't meant for modelling, im not saying Isabelle is ugly, because she isn't, but she isn't what agencies look for in models. You have to be a certain type of person and have a certain type of look to be a professional model.
They look for people who are tall, slim, have amazing skin, beautiful hair, a pretty face - I know things like lots of freckles are in, bright coloured eyes, flawless jawlines and on top have a really good personality.

I have a good friend I went to school with who was scouted when she was a little older than izzy, maybe 14/15 and you just knew she was going to be a model because she is naturally gorgeous, she's tall, slim, naturally tanned, freckles and bright green eyes, and the most beautiful shade of dark brown hair, not to mention immaculate skin and she's just such a lovely person, so bubbly, chatty, funny. (She gives me the low down on the modelling world all the time so I have inside info here 😂 )

Like izzy just isn't what agencies look for - she isn't model size (usually you have to be 6/8 for mainstream modelling and be really toned, healthy, workout 4/5 times a week), (although nothing wrong with anyones size, I personally think izzy has a nice figure, and i'm all about body positivity but i'm just comparing it to mainstream, editorial modelling here) she doesn't have immaculate skin, she doesn't have a unique face, you have to extremely mature and be professional from a young age and I feel like izzy being babied all her life means she isn't and can be quite childish, (my friend used to travel down to London on her own when she was 15 for shoots - can you imagine izzy doing that?), her personality again is quite childish, I can't picture her being professional at all.

I feel like lazy and creepy have probably filled her head with all this nonsense about putting these tags in her pictures because they think she can be a model, but she isn't cut out and I know it sounds harsh but thats exactly what the modelling world is like. She's going to be disappointed when her dream of a model comes crashing down and she has to find a real job to do that isn't taking pictures/selfies with your phone camera all day.
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Ughh I’m so over Chris’s hypocrisy moaning about people being out, you are OUT to! But bloody hell they actually took prinny 😱
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They hate being at home for more than 5 minutes but they'd actually have more to do there at the moment. Another vlog of sitting on the grass eating a crappy picnic and filming Isabelle in skimpy clothes, Creepy's going to have to think of a clickbait title for tomorrow's vlog.
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As creepy has said time and time again vlogging is his job and it’s a damn hard job.

Can’t upload his vlog until around 9pm.... worst employee ever 🙄
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The whole Creepy non incident aside. I found that vlog in the last thread about them moving into their house quite telling. Compared to what they churn out now it was so much more watchable, Sarah was like a completely different person, even her voice was different. How can they not look back at old vlogs and understand why their views are bottoming!
Egos. They moved from the cosy 3 bed to their "huge" new build and in that house their egos grew and grew. Now the ego is literally oozing out of the grey dull holiday home they need to move into a bigger house to expand further....before the fall and they end up back with our Katrina in the chavavan on her driveway 😬
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Not been on for a while. I notice it’s since they did their questions blog the views have just dropped. They were so arrogant and rude to fans on that video in regards to our entertainment only vlogs and you don’t know us etc..... they have done the damage themselves

A US family vlogger has said that Adsense is down 80% as no companies are spending on advertising right now. They don’t have the money so aren’t spending. So no doubt they will get more desperate with their vlogs
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You need to watch his legendary rant in the vlog 'No-one bullies my children'. He compares it to racism a very lot in that.
I've seen it but don't remember much of it. I tend to block out unpleasant imagery.

It's ignorant anyway but considering they'd literally just spoken about the real life racism happening and spoke about how disgusting it was that a man was murdered, it's pretty sickening that he then went on to compare racism to the fact that people are calling him ginger.

People aren't even being horrible about him being ginger. Literally nobody cares about that - It's the fact he denied it for so long and got pressed when people told him he dyes his hair, when his own daughter is a redhead. but yeah, clearly that's the same as racism!

They've really taken the cake tonight with that for me.
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His arm was constantly
He seems very possessive of her!
His arm was constantly round her and when isobel claimed to be straight his body language changed and he was shifting around. Chris has such a hold and way round Isabelle that you never see with his own daughters it's weird
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After seeing last night's video it wouldn't surprise me if Chris was the one behind Isabelle not seeing her dad anymore.
Always thought it was Sarah's doing but now Im not sure.
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Chatty Member
Chris can’t go out on his own, people know what he’s like, he couldn’t even come out during the clap for nhs and when he did, he was constantly avoiding eye contact with everyone. So much for this “all our neighbours watch Chris out when he’s skating” BS, not one person did and you’d see their outlines if they were watching from the window I bet they can’t WAIT for the minghams to move
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Yeah didn't he make a joke when he was talking about click bait saying we can't very well call a vlog "a great day on't grass" as no one would want to watch that. I don't think on' means anything 🤦‍♀️ he means on't (on the).
He certainly did and low and behold he's titled his vlog that because he thinks he's clever but in reality he's a dirty sweating greasy joke
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Lazy tells Jace to go and get his baby. Training him up to be a babysitter for the next baby clickbait? It's someday, during some week and some month. Esme tells Lazy it's Tuesday. Half term last year they were in Majorca on the beach having amazing family time. Jace is in a bad mood. Lazy has been up for a few hours but the girls have just surfaced from their pits. Esme is having some berries for breakfast and Jace steals one. Isla is making a toasted bagel. Jace wants a snack and Lazy gives him a banana. Jace takes the skin off and gives it to Lazy.:rolleyes:

Jace has been moved to the high chair because the floor was too exciting for him. They can keep a better eye on him. Lazy says fruit tastes amazing. Comment down bellow how you say 'raspberry'. 'R-A-S-B-E not R-A-Z'. Everyone rips Lazy for how she says 'raspberry'. Please no one let Lazy homeschool those kids.😬

Jace is playing with his sloth and throws him in the balls.

Creepy lets Isabelle into the house and she says she's getting her hair cut. Isla asked to have a bag of rainbow drops instead of lunch. No one is watching Jace and he falls onto the patio. In the next shot he is crying his eyes out. Creepy says he's being too much of a big man. Lazy asks if he wants his brush and Creepy assumes he is upset because he couldn't get to the brush. Lazy corrects him and says he fell and 'tonked' his head again. I wonder how often it happens and they just cut it out. She gives Jace the brush and he stops crying before saying he scared himself. Footage of Jace walking around the garden.:rolleyes:

Jace is back in the house eating a rice cake. Back to Sarah's salon. She's cutting Isabelle's hair and is nervous. Isabelle will be miffed if she messes it up. Lazy's hair is awful and might need Isabelle to do hers because it's really bad. Isabelle's hair is quite long and first of all they need to sort the parting because Isabelle isn't good at doing them.:rolleyes:

Side one us done and it was harder than the younger girls' hair.

Lazy has told Isabelle she's nipped in for a glass of water because she's very thirsty but she's actually going to cut her hair bad on purpose and pretend it's gone wrong.:rolleyes:

Back in the garden Lazy pretends she's cut a bit really sort. Isabelle asks where her hair is. Lazy starts cackling and tells her her hair is still there. She's left some longer bits in the hair. Lazy asks if Isabelle is crying and tells Isabelle it's done. Isabelle checks her hair and sees the longer piece. Lazy starts cackling. Isabelle says its not funny and Lazy tells her it's just longer pieces she left in on purpose.:rolleyes:

The hair is cut and Lazy tells her it's so much better; not 100% perfect but not horrendous. It was harder to cut than the younger girls'.

Creepy says there's a lot of hair on the ground. It's not the gorgeous sunny weather it was supposed to be today. He asks Lazy if she wants a cup of tea. She does and says she needs to go to the post office to send the packages from yesterday. Creepy doesn't know why the post office was shut yesterday.🤦‍♀️ Isabelle asks if Creepy can make her a cup of tea.:rolleyes:

Isabelle has made herself some 'yummy' lunch. Jace is having his lunch of orange, rice cakes and biscuits.:rolleyes:

Jace is off for a nap.

Footage of skating. Not 100% sure why they take Morrisons bags out with them but ok.

Isabelle tells us Creepy is outside with the younger girls skating, Lazy is doing work so she is taking Jace for a walk. Creepy asks what Jace has and it's a ladybird. There's a cat rolling in the dirt behind a fence and Jace watches it. More footage of the walk. Esme's helmet is on wrong as usual and won't protect he front of her head if she falls. Jace goes to kiss the camera and hits his lip. He starts to cry.:rolleyes:

Creepy is proud of Esme because she has been jumping off kerbs.

Lazy says Esme is learning the hard way about scammers in life. She's about to do a swap on 'Adopt Me' but Lazy doesn't want to because Isla hasn't received what was agreed in the past. Esme says she can't trust the other person. Isabelle wants dinner outside so she's taken candles outside. Lazy has made some salad and they have cream cheese. They're also having croquets, wraps and chicken goujons.:rolleyes:

Isabelle shows us the table. She's made some place names with complements inside. Isabelle explains about the message. Isla squeezes past Esme without any manners. Lazy says Isabelle is cute. Then she says Esme isn't good with emotions because she doesn't like hugs except at bedtime. Isabelle and Isla hug all the time. They read the notes. Lazy's note says 'insirational & beautiful'. Please, please, please don't home school.:rolleyes:

Creepy has no hat on for the first time in about a year. He looked into the camera and saw how badly he needs a haircut. Isabelle is editing video. She nearly falls off her chair in the video. It's towards night time and it's getting dark. They're getting Jace to bed and then Lazy needs to go to bed. She's shopping for Esme's birthday presents and Creepy wonders if they will still be in the current Ingham Towers in three weeks. Usually Lazy has a lot of presents by now but she hasn't been able to because of lockdown. because of her age Esme is growing out of toys and this year she wants more outdoorsy things.

End of vlog

Such a healthy lunch :sick: Maybe she should take some inspiration from Stacey.
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Meant to be at the post office but too busy reading Tattle. Hi Lazy
Hopefully your blankets will be posted some time this decade ifam.
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Stretch 1.. 2.. 3... well that's her exercise done for the day
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State of him 🤮 Don't worry Creepy, hairdressers are opening again in 5 1/2 weeks so you can get that bird's nest sorted. I would be charging double to sort that out.
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his hair looks like when the lego mans hair goes on the wrong way , Hes one fugly mother f***er
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Annnddd here we go...thoughts on todays vlog

- Ooo another surprise...totally was not expecting that to happen... :rolleyes: - why does every little thing have to be a surprise?? Can they not just tell them get in the car we're going out?? I dont see the point? We know the reactions are whats the point
- Izzy's headband......ermmmm kinda makes her look about 6? I know they're the trendy thing right now, but not ones with a big bow stuck on it. Feels like it was something I wore in primary school when I was 8 😂
- Why does Lazy use 'juicy' to describe everything....what is that about?
- 'We're already judged for everything we do'....ahahahahahahaha HI SARAH LOVELY TO SEE YOU ON TATTLE AGAIN?👋
- Lazy we know your fed up, the entire country is fed wait the entire world is fed up, you don't have to spin it out as a whole 'woe is me' situation for the vlog to get a bit of sympathy and comments going 'awww its ok love you guys' its just a given that everyone is fed up no matter who they are. Stop asking for some sympathy :rolleyes: 'Its ok to feel like that' - hun you're about 5 weeks to late to that convo
- Surprise?? But they know they're going to a reservoir?? Hmmm
- Ooop is Creepy still banned form driving?
- Ahahahaha 'we're going to go somewhere that theres going to be no one else' - *literally turns up to the most rammed place* - surely you must know that if its nice weather everyones going to be going out and social distancing at local beauty spots ahaha
- More use of those bloody play with all this babyandme merch every 5 seconds.
- 'IsAbElLe LoVeS pHoToGrApHy'
- Oh no god forbid they forgot the Pringles :rolleyes:
- Did I just hear Lazy go 'pic-a-nic' 😂 new word for the mingham dictionary
- Was today a 'yummy lunch'?? Do we know? We haven't been told?
- Im not surprised that other family left when they turned up...I bet they took one look, thought 'oh my god its that creep' and pegged it.
- Why do they feel the need of filming every single day (Aware their merch shop states they film every single day without fail) but surely taking one day off won't hurt, loads of family floggers take odd days off...are they really that desperate for cash?
- 'We can make something out of nothing' - you mean you make every tiny little thing a surprise...waiting for them to go to Morrisons together and making it a surprise.
- 'she's got such a great imagination' - NO LAZY, she's stumbled upon Pinterest and Tumblr and trying to take all those cute edgy pics every teen has tried to do....Hand in front of the camera with the sun poking through and some trees? Been done 1000 times before
- *cackle cackle cackle* - im not surprised you laugh at your own jokes lazy, no one else is gonna find them funny
- Oh my god creepy none of us are interested is this whole space/NASA thing....screaming lack of long content
- Lazy's burn lines omgggg

Annnddd thats another day from the minghams x
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