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Lazy starts the vlog telling Jace to get his ball. it looks like it will be a beautiful day. Yesterday they did an assumptions video. They spent the day catching up on work and went to Nannar's to give her some shopping. Nannar got him the ball. Lazy tells Prinny to get off her. Everyone is getting ready and they need to work out what to do. Lazy needs to pop to the office to do some work and then they will go out somewhere like the other day because it made a big difference getting out of the house, going outside to explore. They need to figure out where to go. Prinny is playing with one of Jace's toys; he kept giving them to her so she kept one.

They had a couple of zoom chats today and they're speaking to Chantella, who has been part of the ifam for ages and ages and ages and ages. She wants to be on the vlog. Creepy says she has a YouTube channel and they will link it down below. There's no link. Chantella says the name of her channel. Isla loves her t-shirt because it says 'Chantella is #teamisla'.

Time lapse of driving.

Lazy is in the passenger seat of the stationary car. Creepy is out of the car and walks around to the boot. Lazy says they took a 40 minute drive to the reservoir but it was too busy and so was the place they went to a couple of days ago so now they're at the Caw and Calf rocks. It's busy but there is loads of space. They will walk somewhere for a picnic. They have no shoes for Jace because no one thought to pick them up.

It's windy but Creepy says it's stunning, it's not far from where they were the other day. There's usually not many people around today and the Inghams have found a little cove. Prinny is with them. Lazy takes the dummy out of Jace's mouth and says e doesn't need it because he's a big by. Footage of Jace and the girls walking.

Isabelle says they're climbing up the rocks. They're not wearing appropriate footwear and Creepy says they won't be able to do it. The girls are going to do a Tik Tok of the walk. The girls climb up the rocks and Isabelle pretends to nearly slip off the rock.

They're at the top and it's not as windy. The girls were talking about a money tree and Isabelle said they should've gone their for the picnic but they couldn't because of the pram. The find a drop into a quarry and Creepy says it's 'cool'. Being in lockdown for two months makes you appreciate the world again. It makes a big difference to your state of mind.

The walk down a hill and Creepy says this is why you shouldn't wear flip flops for this. They reach the money tree. It has loads of coins buried into it. Isabelle takes photos of Esme. They're In a field in the quarry and Creepy says Lazy would've gone to town with photos here. Isabelle thinks it feels like they're in France.

Lazy and Isla have been trying to have a game of dominoes. As soon as they start, Jace comes over and wants to 'play' so they're teaching him animals instead. Footage of Jace walking and Prinny being walked with a lead.

They're back home and it's straight into the bath for Jace. The girls are bathing their feet in the bath too. Lazy says they've used too much soap on his hair When you bath Jace you realise how tanned Jace's arms are. He has skin like lazy and tan really easily.

Lazy went to start the vlog today and realised they didn't end the vlog last night because they were too tired. The watched TV and went to bed.

End of vlog

So they do have a lead for Prinny
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Still deny you’re ginger you prick!

Also Isabelle, do yourself a favour and stop with the seductive poses. It’s like you’re trying to flirt with your stepdad. I know he maybe the only one who gives you any attention, but we all know there is only one reason for that.
He will shave his ginger arms after reading this
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Surely if his OCD is that bad he wouldn't go to the shops. Can't granny groomer whip up a few tuna sarnies and give them a few tins of spam and bagels. That's all they fking eat.
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Izzy supposedly being “quiet at home” rings alarm bells, most people are quiet in public but are loud and confident at home where they feel safe
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That shein haul, probably a load of bikinis, you re too late love, Mia Fizz has already done it, playing catch up again Inghams.
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Get ready, they are recording a reacting to assumptions video later and Sarah is inviting us all to send her ours on insta. Her words "the juicier the better"
So, Tattlers, unleash your assumptions on her! Go!!!
Do you think she would use any assumptions that might touch a nerve. NO HELL NO 🤣🤣🤣
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I found all the comments regarding OCD very difficult to watch. As someone who has been clinically diagnosed with OCD since I was a teenager, nothing infuriates me more than it being a term given to someone who likes things clean. OCD is not a comical lighthearted term. OCD causes me to have manic and devastating thoughts and forces me to complete daily actions and tasks to satisfy my mind that these thoughts won’t happen. OCD keeps me awake at night and then wakes me up early each morning, it ruins relationships I have with people and makes it harder for me to socialise at times. OCD pretty much controls my day to day life and how I feel each day.

They always preach that “mental health isn’t something you should mock” yet thats exactly what they did in this vlog.
I know someone with OCD and it practically took over their entire life and that of their partner ( who ended up leaving her in the end)
What pissed me off more was creepy saying he ‘has’OCD but then in the next breath saying he ‘had’ OCD or he hasn’t for a while. I guess it’s like his tonsillitis/ sciatica/ backpain.
Only suffers with it when it’s convenient or he needs more pain meds.
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After seeing last night's video it wouldn't surprise me if Chris was the one behind Isabelle not seeing her dad anymore.
Always thought it was Sarah's doing but now Im not sure.
He seems very possessive of her!
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He's replied to get a reaction from here. He's feeding the concern to make him and his family look like victims of hate. Your post probably got a woohoo and gave him something to smile about before bed. That's the type of man he is. He sees the genuine concern as pathetic, nothing will change his opinion until something happens to his family.
It's not hate Mr Ingham though is it? It's us showing our great comcern that your 14 year old daughter may be being targeted by a paedophile. The last thing in the world you should have done was encourage that account by writing 'that's cute'. The account needs properly checking out, not encouraging. And if you've written it to get a reaction from here, you are one sad little man.
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That's probably Creepy's main reason for homeschooling, keep Isabelle in the weird Mingham cult bubble so she won't meet any boys.
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Lazy starts the vlog telling Jace to get his ball. it looks like it will be a beautiful day. Yesterday they did an assumptions video. They spent the day catching up on work and went to Nannar's to give her some shopping. Nannar got him the ball. Lazy tells Prinny to get off her. Everyone is getting ready and they need to work out what to do. Lazy needs to pop to the office to do some work and then they will go out somewhere like the other day because it made a big difference getting out of the house, going outside to explore. They need to figure out where to go. Prinny is playing with one of Jace's toys; he kept giving them to her so she kept one.

They had a couple of zoom chats today and they're speaking to Chantella, who has been part of the ifam for ages and ages and ages and ages. She wants to be on the vlog. Creepy says she has a YouTube channel and they will link it down below. There's no link. Chantella says the name of her channel. Isla loves her t-shirt because it says 'Chantella is #teamisla'.

Time lapse of driving.

Lazy is in the passenger seat of the stationary car. Creepy is out of the car and walks around to the boot. Lazy says they took a 40 minute drive to the reservoir but it was too busy and so was the place they went to a couple of days ago so now they're at the Caw and Calf rocks. It's busy but there is loads of space. They will walk somewhere for a picnic. They have no shoes for Jace because no one thought to pick them up.

It's windy but Creepy says it's stunning, it's not far from where they were the other day. There's usually not many people around today and the Inghams have found a little cove. Prinny is with them. Lazy takes the dummy out of Jace's mouth and says e doesn't need it because he's a big by. Footage of Jace and the girls walking.

Isabelle says they're climbing up the rocks. They're not wearing appropriate footwear and Creepy says they won't be able to do it. The girls are going to do a Tik Tok of the walk. The girls climb up the rocks and Isabelle pretends to nearly slip off the rock.

They're at the top and it's not as windy. The girls were talking about a money tree and Isabelle said they should've gone their for the picnic but they couldn't because of the pram. The find a drop into a quarry and Creepy says it's 'cool'. Being in lockdown for two months makes you appreciate the world again. It makes a big difference to your state of mind.

The walk down a hill and Creepy says this is why you shouldn't wear flip flops for this. They reach the money tree. It has loads of coins buried into it. Isabelle takes photos of Esme. They're In a field in the quarry and Creepy says Lazy would've gone to town with photos here. Isabelle thinks it feels like they're in France.

Lazy and Isla have been trying to have a game of dominoes. As soon as they start, Jace comes over and wants to 'play' so they're teaching him animals instead. Footage of Jace walking and Prinny being walked with a lead.

They're back home and it's straight into the bath for Jace. The girls are bathing their feet in the bath too. Lazy says they've used too much soap on his hair When you bath Jace you realise how tanned Jace's arms are. He has skin like lazy and tan really easily.

Lazy went to start the vlog today and realised they didn't end the vlog last night because they were too tired. The watched TV and went to bed.

End of vlog

So they do have a lead for Prinny
prinny 2.PNG

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We know that the Inghams read here. If by some miracle, Chris and Sarah haven't read here for a few days, Hi Steve will surely have passed on our concerns about the WizzlesPlanet account. The WizzlesPlanet account who wrote that they 'couldn't physically touch Isabelle' (and seemed upset about that 😦. There's no way that that is a child). Here is Cbris's comment on Wizzlesplanet's latest post, written yesterday. Where is the protection and concern for Isabelle? That account should be blocked and reported by them. Not told that their posts are 'cute'. 😠
Is chris commenting to take away the fact it's him behind it. Could he be talking to himself.
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Ha! Like Lazy really has gay friends! The nearest she has to a gay friend is when she accidentally caught an episode of RuPauls drag race. Just my opinion but I reckon both her and creepy are total homophobes
Her ex friend Charlotte has a lot of gay friends. Sarah they aren’t your friends, they are Charlotte’s. Who doesn’t have anything to do with you now anyhow. Newsflash you have no friends, and your making sure it’s the same for Isabelle.
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Lady in Wales

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my niece went to school with a girl who happens to be married to a famous footballer, whilst at school she was full of herself and used to get the pee taken out of her and bullied because she always wanted to be a model and say someday she will make it, she did as well but shes more famous for being this particular footballers wife, I guess what im trying to say is if Issy has an attitude like people say then the modelling people wont look at her . This girl apparently had a real knack of turning on the charm and not letting the model scouts see her real attitude, it also helped that my niece said she was tall, slim and very pretty in school and she did feel sorry for her at times. Maybe thats why issy gets picked on because I think shes a pretty girl and sometimes other girls see that as a threat .

shes unbelieveable, our youngest cried for 2 whole years never could pacify him, we had doctors look at him, we stimulated him constantly , he wouldnt sleep through the day from quite young and by night time he would be so exhausted that he would just flop. I personally thought he was hyperactiveas hes 12 now and still doesnt sit still, we used to have a job getting him to sit and eat at a table when he started finding his feet, I couldnt just pacify him with ice cream what good does that do to either of them?, once my son started to communicate properly he and we understood more of his needs, it is hard work but she needs to stimulate him more with play and not just food , hes not being taught anything other than when he cries he gets food whether he wants it or not
I completely agree, they spend all this money on all these toys in the hope that he will occupy and amuse himself, so she can sit and do absolutely nothing all day. It's not going to work, he needs parental stimulation and he needs them to interact with him. It's quite sad to watch him really, you can see that he is craving attention, poor boy!

What I meant by my post yesterday was that if she feels that he needs a snack, then prepare something more healthy than a big ice cream! Food should never be given just to pacify him, all that's doing is making him realise that if he plays up, she will give him anything to eat just to shut him up.

Play with the little boy, read to him, sing nursery rhymes with him, try finger painting or potato painting, all these things cost next to nothing and will be so much more beneficial to his development. Just enjoy him for goodness sake, this inquisitive stage of his little life will be over in the blink of an eye, just make the most of every day with him. Some people who would make fantastic parents are not lucky enough to be blessed with children, so be grateful for all your children, step away from social media and start acting like a proper mother, because if you don't, your children are going to resent you forever!
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She's got to be taking the piss, wanting a reaction surly. I was going to say if she's not that stupid. But then remembered. Even took their tshirt down. Sarah if this is your way of clapping back at those from last night it's going to backfire badly.
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So Stacey been filmed for gogglebox. Give it a couple of days, and Sarah will be saying how much they’re enjoying just sitting watching tv of an evening and discussing the programmes, in the hope gogglebox come and film them as well! Maybe that’s what all the waffle about the space launch was in aid of 😂
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Mini skirt and flip flops for climbing rocks. 🤦‍♀️

That's a very lot stupid. They're so lucky no one got hurt.
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