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I came across this family last night and I have been stewing over them all day. I accept that they are entitled to their opinions and entitled to have homophobic views. However I don't agree that they should be able to make homophobic comments on a monetised YouTube channel (their own private Facebook accounts etc is different). Can you imagine the outcry if a YouTube vlogger was making racist comments on their monetised channel? Hate speech is hate speech, regardless of what group of people it is aimed at.
What homophobic comments did they make? I missed that part. You should watch more of their videos and see how useless and greedy the parents are
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Chatty Member
Ugh... Where do I start? I have been watching this family since practically the beginning. They've changed a lot, to say the least... Or their true colors have really started to show the past couple years. Not sure which... But I tend to think a combination of the two. The elder girls seemed to have much more of a childhood and were allowed to do fun stuff line dance and gymnastics before they pumped out "Reu bear" and Houston. Now they're nothing but domestic servants.

Who else saw the episode before it was swiftly deleted where they pranked Hosanna into thinking that Houston was kidnapped and blamed it all on her? They let this "joke" go on for like an hour before telling her that it was a joke. It was horrifying and she was hysterical, crying and hyperventilating... Meanwhile, they had another kids hiding with the baby down the road. This was the LAST STRAW for me. So many people unsubscribed and said how cruel this was and they deleted the video in like one day. They could have made an apology video but no, they didn't. They scrubbed it from the internet. I hope someone screenshot that mess of a video to prove exactly how messed up this family is.

I used to love them and they would shout out me and many other regular subscribers - they were so humble back in the day and really exuded warmth and love. At first I thought the spiral down might be from Tim but I see that he actually a nicer person in general, albeit lazy and sexist... Ella is just always smug and has a something mean to say about "haters" and doesn't want any criticism. She also gets very snippy with those children, and they seem scared of her. Heze is 11 and can't even choose his hairstyle and she insists on having it that awful blue. Like why??

They clearly have grown up privileged and got a free house from mummy and daddy and Tim doesn't work a real job and never has. He's been a rapper in the party and Ella was the breadwinner working some sort of corporate job until she had Reu. Now they monetize their kids with all these ads and shows on British TV.

And then the COVID?? Like none of them wear masks. Tim was at a huge party for some other vloggers (James and Kimmy) and either went right after having COVID Or perhaps it was filmed beforehand and that is where they got ill. The party was packed and nobody wore masks. They aren't vaccinated either. If they were they surely would have said. And how irresponsible to send off Heze and Halle to live w grandparents while their whole family has COVID. The kids may have tested negative But they could have had it and transferred it to grandparents. My guess is Heze had football and Hallie had some acting shit to do, so they wanted to keep the money flowing in so they sent those kids off.

Greed has ruined this family. It is hard to watch anymore!

I am a long time subscriber to Tim and Ella and interacted with them a lot for years before they really went down hill. I defended then a while against "haters" but over the last year really have seen how bad of a turn they've taken. I saw this post on their tutor YouTube comments and then discovered this gossip board and I really agree with all you've said. I used to think the kids were so incredibly well behaved. It is obviously all a ruse that they've put on for all this time. The family are charlatans.

I want to know where Astro went!!! I guess wherever the other two dogs went. 😢
Welcome to the party 😂😉 xx
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Their content is just aimed at the American market what’s with the mom business sorry but it’s mum. Reading the comments is so funny I think their American viewers have really romanticised them being English. Tim is the perfect gentlemen when In reality he’s doesn’t work sits around all day editing YouTube videos wow! 😂 The way he drops slang acting like he’s cool is sooo annoying. As a POC it’s actually so frustrating seeing him impersonate what he thinks the way all black people act. Then you’ve got Ella pretending like she doesn’t know what’s going on and is clueless letting her man do all the talking and rambling. I’m so intrigued by what the kids will be like when they’re older with very little education. I know we only see a small part of their day through their sub par vlogs but I really don’t think they actually teach the kids. What happens if Heze doesn’t make it as a footballer what’s the back up plan?
I always think this

It’s great that you have something you’re passionate about but I think they should be telling him if football doesn’t work there’s other options for a career
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VIP Member
What is his actual job does anyone know ? Because if Tim’s job is to preach aload of shit and talk like he’s from the Caribbean while shoving a camera in his kids faces he shouldn’t be preaching to his kids about how they should live 😂
No idea but it wouldn't surprise me one bit lol. They're greedy for YouTube fame and they don't care if they sell their children to YouTube.
They might believe that they're the best family etc but they're far from it.
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Chatty Member
I was the same, have multiple health issues and had 2-5% of maintaining the pregnancy. I did but that was not just morning sickness, was all day sickness for 9months. I have absorption issues due to a high output ileostomy and anything i eat or drink isnout within 1hr. I suffer with chronic daily migraine 24/7 due to brain surgery from a tumour and epilepsy. I get the dizziness, nausea, fatigue and sickness because of the migraines. Thats just my daily life. I was putting my life at risk to maybe have a child. Not once did i complain or moan because it was our decision to try and its not other peoples problem.I have a beautiful daughter but we decided that trying again was just to stupid. I couldnt be pregnant and look after a toddler and because of that decision i had the coil and my husband bags up. Thats how it has to be because I can not be pregnant. So if she was going to have tubes tied, you do anything not to be pregnant. You both use something or abstain. What you dont do it is use nothing and go by when you think its safe to go bareback. These people are thick as mince, fake and complete liars. X
Omg you are amazing ❤❤ I had all day sickness for 9 months aswell 😒 drinking a sip of water or even just a smell made me so unwell. I am glad you have made the right decision for your health and tbh even having 1 child is such a beautiful blessing ❤❤❤
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I came across this family last night and I have been stewing over them all day. I accept that they are entitled to their opinions and entitled to have homophobic views. However I don't agree that they should be able to make homophobic comments on a monetised YouTube channel (their own private Facebook accounts etc is different). Can you imagine the outcry if a YouTube vlogger was making racist comments on their monetised channel? Hate speech is hate speech, regardless of what group of people it is aimed at.
Do you mind if I ask in what video they made those comments? Would like to watch it to get a proper picture of this family
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Chatty Member
Another new tracksuit at over £100. Think he needs to invest in a stylist and get rid of his shit chavtastic wardrobe, his stupid squinty eyes and learn how a man his age should dress, not like a teenager hanging round street corners looking to buy drugs. X
He wants to be American so bad😭😭
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New member
Can’t stand this family at all anymore find them so pretentious and their whole video set up always seems so forced and unnatural.

Heze and that fuming football, I understand stand he loves to play etc but does he really need it by his side 24/7 especially when took it with him to the hospital and was kicking it around the waiting room, come on have some respect.
But what really pissed me off was that comment the mum made about girls playing football or sports in general. What century are they living in?!
Absolutely....sometimes it is inappropriate and dangerous to others . As much as they try to teach their children, they should teach them that sometimes, the ball needs to stay home.
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So little Harper has learned to ride her bike.

Don't get me wrong I am proud of her, it's a great achievement for a child so well done her.

However the way those parents talk about it.. it's like she is the first 5 year old on earth to learn to ride a bike.

What happened to safety though? She is riding her bike in the middle of a road (it wasn't a main road but if a car came speeding around the corner) on the concrete with no helmet on. Not one of those children had a helmet on!
That's bad! Yes they are a very competitive family!
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Lol, yes, about something "really important" to them - Going green! Have you ever seen them at all make any comments about caring for our environment?!
Anything for more exposure, I guess.
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I looked up Mimi Shelini she is a influencer on Instagram looks like a model not sure about the pampering link. Maybe hired or gifted a foot spa? I don't recognise this flooring in their house does anyone else? I doubt they have room for this in their tiny shoe box house.
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I guess they realise they need to rest and get Berger instead of fannying around vlogging
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I know the family personally & there’s probably a few things you should know. Firstly, Tim doesn’t work & hasn’t really experienced a hard days graft in his life. Ella on the other is a workaholic, the complete opposite, and not by choice. If you go back to ‘how they met’, one of the first vlogs they made, dates were fabricated to make it seem like she was older than she was. That being said Tim’s character becomes clearer. He is extremely fortunate to have family who fund his life but he gives the impression he works ‘hard’ for it. All his chips are on Heze becoming a professional footballer. On the flip, Ella will wake up early, wash/dress the children, go do a full days work, then return home to an messy house & a husband asking where his dinner is. In my experience, the children are victims. All of them are so lovely by nature but unfortunately have been damaged by this ‘youtube celebrity life’. It’s ALL staged & extremely unhealthy! I could literally go on for hours but it’s better I leave it here. To summarise, as a brand they are full of crap.
Yes, they become stereotypical y/tubers. First they preached holistic like "green" living, being humble, etc. and I saw that at the beginning but after Rue/Houston were born, they went from wholesome birthday parties for the kids and just fun simple stuff to Tee=Pees, ATV rides, Horsebackriding, Spa-days, penthouse birthday parties, LouBoutin shoes (red bottoms), Apple watches, etc. Things change when money changes. It's not like you can't do or have those things but they really went out of their way with the gift exchange. At first the girls would get lipsticks and jewelry sets but now the shopping sprees. I don't know. But I do know if they come back in a huge mansion, it'll be confirmed, they're going full throttle for the money. The content did seem to wain. How many times can you show hair being washed or dinner being prepared or, coloring hair. We'll see.
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VIP Member
The new video. There talking like they’ve been in multiple relationships when they’ve only ever been with each other and did I hear that right. Ella was just 14 when they met? How did she know all this shit there spewing at 14!!? Tim was 17
Omfg they're ridiculous
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