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Chatty Member
***** OPEN LETTER *****

Dear Tim & Ella. We know you are reading this because you saw our comments & did a video calling us out, trying to justify your behaviour. Please take on board the following.

Ella please stop doing that squeal when u laugh. And Tim, please stop copying her.

Please stop pretending your kids are the most mannerly kids ever. Their not, you allow them to kick a ball everywhere, screech, talk over each other, hit & push eachother. This is not manners. It's rude.

You can't claim to have Christian morals, then allow your daughters to wear crop tops, dance to age inappropriate music & make suggestive adult dance faces & poses and have your sons throwing gang signs. Christians believe men & women are equal, something you do not believe or practice. God says love everybody but you are homophobic against LGBTQ.

Ella STOP saying the kids with the "white texture" hair have nicer/better/easier hair. STOP jumping for joy that Rue & Hosanna are white skinned. It's hurtful & damaging to the kids. I understand you always disliked your skin & hair but work on self love instead of making your kids feel flawed.

Tim, it's insulting & disrespectful to mock black culture and accents. As a fellow white person I am embarrassed you think it's ok or that you have the right to act borderline racist and use black stereotypes just because you are married to a black woman. Its not cool, funny or respectful. Stop trying to speak Patois. You have never even been to Jamaica.

Ella you are a black woman. Tim you are a white man. Both of you need to be proud of your skin and races because your children are both. How must they feel when mum doesn't want to be black & dad doesn't want to be white. How will the kids ever be happy in their skin when their parents aren't.

Ella as a mother, you need to respect & stand up for your daughters instead of having them as maids. Teach them their value & worth that they are capable of achieving goals and dreams. You can't rant about independent women & then have them chained to the kitchen sink. All your teaching them is how to cater to men, run a house & boys are better than girls. Women & black people fought long & hard for rights, freedom and equality and here you are making slaves of the girls. The cleaning, cooking & child rearing is YOUR job not the kids.

The boys need to start helping out. They need to learn to help, tidy & cook. What happens if they live alone or become single fathers. How will they care for themselves, kids & run a home when they don't know how to wash a dish. Heze is 11. He should be able to do his own hair. How dare you make the girls clean up their brothers mess. It's disgusting that you prioritise the boys freedom, time, luxuries, hobbies & activities over the girls.

Tim, you need to start doing chores. You contribute to the mess, so you need to clean it. Your a parent. Cooking and feeding your kids is a necessity not a choice. How can you sit and watch your babies clean up your mess & cook your food. Disgusting, vile, sexist man

Tim, if you can't help out at home, go and get a job. Stop saying youtube is work. You literally record a 15 minute video and upload it with no special effects or transitions. The rest of the time you sit in bed or play computer games. How can you keep saying your bored when the house is dirty. In your bored moment, why not declutter and go to the dump or hire a skip.

Ella, you also need to do more around the house. It's always dirty, messy, cluttered, washing and rubbish everywhere. Why can't you get off your behind and clean it while the kids play outside or make Tim help. Instead you make your kids do it or the elderly grandparents and you have a cleaner. Laziest couple on youtube.

HOW DARE YOU deny your kids an education. The kids are behind academically and socially. You need to get tutors for these kids ASAP. What happens if YOUR dreams of the kids being a famous footballers & celebrities doesn't work out. They have nothing to fall back on & won't get a good jobs because they have zero education or qualifications. Deciding your kids careers at birth, boys will be footballers & girls will be actors & dancers is WRONG.

You need to let you kids socialise and interact with other people and kids their age. They lack social skills and clearly have attachment issues as Harper nearly had a heart attack because Tim & Halle got off at a different train stop. All the kids were in a state over it. That is not normal. They need to make friends. It's also ridiculous that the whole family has to go to every activity or sport. How will these kids have any "me time". They can't even play with friends their own age without the whole family there. How will they cope having to be alone as adults. It's not good for their development.

How dare you spend the money your children earn, buying yourself designer outfits, luxury hotel stays, apple watches, tiffanys jewelry when your kids only wear free clothes from sponsors, Houston only wears Pyjamas or a nappy & the kids recieve poundland toys, toothbrushes & magazines for Christmas. It's exploitation and greed. That money should be divided into trust funds for the kids.

You need to get Hosannas eyes checked. There is clearly a problem that is being neglected. The problem will get worse. If you can find time to get your nails done & go to a party then you can find time to make a doctor appointment.

Ella, You need to stop complaining about being pregnant, stop rolling your eyes & sighing over baby #7. There are women & couples who can't have kids that are dying inside when you say these things. Be thankful you have beautiful healthy children. Stop acting surprised that your pregnant. You had unprotected sex, what did you expect, a tv? Shows how irresponsible you are that you get pregnant when not wanting more kids & waiting to get your tubes tied. Foolishness.

You need to stop relying and depending on elderly grandparents to babysit, pay & provide for you. Your parents should not be buying your food. Tim your parents bought you a house. Be greatful not greedy. Ella, your parents are elderly & have a special needs daughter. How dare you expect them to csre for 7 kids. And have them clean your house, do your laundry & cook for you. HAVE RESPECT. You both should be spoiling the grandparents with a nice thank you gift for all the money & help they have given you . The disrespect is hard to take in.

Tim, your not American. We don't have basketball over here. How the hell have you got every basketball team jersey from the states but you dont even play it or have a hoop at home. I think the only basketball team any British person can name is Lakers & thats because everyone thought Kobe Bryant was hot. It's not even televised over here. We don't even have British basketball teams because nobody plays it here. Maybe the odd school team activity. Stop trying to reel in American viewers because Jesus, we do not need our American friends thinking we all live & behave like you. God forbid.

Please start teaching Houston to stop that shrill, piercing, screeching. She is at the age now she understands correction and basic instruction. But nobody can be bothered to teach her. It's annoying and she shouldn't be on the vlogs if all she does is scream. The viewers don't want to listen to roaring when people are screaming.

Please start allowing the kids to spend more time outside. It cant be good for their health being cooped up in that small, cramped, dusty, cluttered house. Why do you never open windows & doors even when the sun is shining? Why are you all sitting on the floor inside on warm days. Why have you not got some outdoor seating or garden toys. Those kids are homeschooled and indoors 24-7. You make lots of youtube money, so why not bring the kids on eductational day trips and outings.

You need to move house, build an extension or else re-arrange the home as the living conditions are shocking. Its disgraceful that pre-teens are sharing bedrooms with babies & toddlers.

You really need to re-evuate your lifestyle and make better choices for your children.

The whole world

You should post this on their Youtube channel comments. I don't think they saw this forum but all the critical comments under the video in question. There was a lot of them, even from some of their more... passioned? viewers. Besides, I think a lot of their viewers would benefit from these things being brought to their attention. I don't think a lot of people know that Tim's parents bought them the house. Or a lot of the things I've seen mentioned on this forum and I think the only way Tim and Ella would change is if more people started calling them out and their more crazed fans were made aware of certain things. Because if people keep asking, they'll have to address it.
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Ava girl

Well-known member
I agree with everything you've said. This is what I find a bit odd about them.
You can tell that the children are very aware of the camera and almost say things so that they can get feedback from the viewers.
I'm sure that the oldest girl is very maternal and loves to look after her younger siblings, but it doesn't seem natural anymore.
I just can't believe they're bringing out branded merchandise, who would wear jumpers with another family's surname on them?
The way all five of the kids were ragging that newborn about bathing her, rinsing her hair in soapy water then almost cracking her head on the bunk beds was horrific, the three older kids arenall very mature but it's to much of a show for me.
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so hopefully they’ll move into a larger home and send the older kids back to regular school or at least online school? I am praying for a safe pregnancy and delivery. She’s had some complications in the past, right?

It was cute to see Rue enjoy his football session. I may be reading to much into this but why’re the girls always the cheerleaders and never the players it would be nice to see them participating in some form of sport. It doesn’t even have to be stereotypical girl sort I feel like the girls could actually be decent at football also.
They were doing competitive cheer before COVID. It would be nice for them to do dance classes or something.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
What homophobic comments did they make? I missed that part. You should watch more of their videos and see how useless and greedy the parents are
Comments about marriage being between a man and a woman. Interestingly, it sounds as though her family are incredibly homophobic, which makes me wonder if Marvin Humes's side of the family are the same.
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Active member
Thanks for sharing. I had no idea there was any British basketball teams as we never hear anything about basketball here. Everyone here is soccor crazy. If Tim loved the sport so much why is he not wearing a British basketball jersey's only American..why has he not got the boys in basketball.... oh I know.... football makes more money here... i think most British people here will agree you rarely see anyone wearing a basketball jersey in Uk.. and if we do.... it's usually a black guy with a very hiphop/street vibe about him. And on the rare occasion you see a white guy with a basketball jersey on, the first thing you think of is America.... not meaning to cause any offence to black, white or Americans by making that judgement but i feel many British feel the same
You’re right football/soccer is like the most popular sport in the uk and that’s fine. He just moves like he expert but all he knows is how to dress like a idiot as you said he couldn’t tell you the names of present basketball players. It’s weird that he doesn’t seem that crazy about football attire seeing as he obsessed with the boys becoming pro. 🙄
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VIP Member
I think they try to overproduce their content when they should just do weekly blogs in a more natural way. Watching the kids play up to camera trying to get attention is not cute. Did anyone catch Ella in Rochelle’s documentary? I’m very here for bringing your family in but Ella didn’t really add much except say she was would have made more sense for Rochelle to interview another black mum who'd actually been affected by the scandal.
I thought this! I thought oh she’s going to have a story or experience to share. But she brought nothing?!
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New member
Most family vloggers are narcissists. They will ALWAYS be the victim, The Grimwade gang are no different. Ella treats pregnancy like a disease. If its so bad dont do it. Interesting she was gonna have her tubes tied, why not Tim have the snip. Surely thatsthe least he could do if his wife has suffered so much already! I do not believe Ella "suffers" as much as she makes out. If it makes you so ill then you simply dont want to repeat it. You never want to feel tht ill again. Speaking from all day sickness for 9m then it was a no brainer to never get pregnant again. Not keep repeating 7 times like them so from my experience i fail to believe she is so ill. X
I hear you..but that last video she did appear lethargic.. (the one before the covid(....sometimes when they say, (about things in life) it's in the Lords hands, etc., etc. then why even get your tubes tied then? Just practice "safe sex" then or, as you say, let Tim get snipped or better yet, do both.
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Well-known member
I know the family personally & there’s probably a few things you should know. Firstly, Tim doesn’t work & hasn’t really experienced a hard days graft in his life. Ella on the other is a workaholic, the complete opposite, and not by choice. If you go back to ‘how they met’, one of the first vlogs they made, dates were fabricated to make it seem like she was older than she was. That being said Tim’s character becomes clearer. He is extremely fortunate to have family who fund his life but he gives the impression he works ‘hard’ for it. All his chips are on Heze becoming a professional footballer. On the flip, Ella will wake up early, wash/dress the children, go do a full days work, then return home to an messy house & a husband asking where his dinner is. In my experience, the children are victims. All of them are so lovely by nature but unfortunately have been damaged by this ‘youtube celebrity life’. It’s ALL staged & extremely unhealthy! I could literally go on for hours but it’s better I leave it here. To summarise, as a brand they are full of crap.
What does Ella work? And if she goes away who is home schooling the kids, Tim?? Also she just had a baby so I am confused I really thought Ella is the prototype of stay at home mums.
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Well-known member
I think they only did one series but unfortunately they’re playing it again. My daughter unfortunately loves it so watches it when it’s on but it just gives me the absolute ick and makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon in the morning 😂
Same 😩😩🙈

…but it lets me drink a hot cup of tea in peace 🤣
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I am all for education which best fits the child. Some kids are better at home as may struggle with sensory issues and school is too intimadating but all the eldest 5 except Heze have never set foot in a school so they can not say that home school is the best for them. The down sound of home school for these kids is its a mad house literally, how can they concentrate with a baby screaming and shrieking and getting attention when they are supposed to be in school, also how can you teach all 5 when they are all different ages, while caring for a baby and also keeping house coz lazy arse Tim nice but Dim sits recording it all. The children 100% do not get the correct amount of input and parental focus required to do home school. X
And a camera in their face whilst learning. All so messed up IMO
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Well-known member
I think they’re playing mind games with their subscribers, they know exactly what they’re doing. They depend on views for their income so I don’t believe they can just stop cold turkey posting content. Tim was shoving a camera in everyone’s faces despite the fact that they claimed they had covid then suddenly puts down the camera, it’s all a ploy to leave their subscribers wanting more.
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VIP Member
It’s ok everyone, Tim has spoken. They are all ok and they will be back soon?! 🤔

just rue and Houston in the IG stories looked like they were in tv offices, hard to tell. They’ve been super busy apparently 🙄
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Ms Shenanigans

Active member
I cant exactly remember, i dont think there was an initial explanation but then they got called out n folks asking where they are so they glanced over it quickly and moved on.

To me, if there at home "bored" as Tim put it they could be having great fun with the puppy. Maybe Tim could muck his shithole of a garden out n make it nice for the doggy. No need to be bored. He could also decorare the girls bedroom instead of the wallpaper ripped walls they do have. Theres plenty to do.

Also just found this, £790 for a pair of Louboutin sneakers! Appears Tim and Ella just treat themselves rather than the kids who make them the money.
So Christian like!!
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Well-known member
Can’t stand Tim but Harry using his platform to speak Pitt against racism is hardly the same as Tim’s actions. One of these men is fighting racism and the other reinforcing it.
I see them both as different sides of the same exploitative coin
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VIP Member
I couldn't help myself but to rename her Elladerberry... thinking she cured the world of covid with elderberries. What a donkey....

Yea Tim can keep his Grimwade swag.... i for sure don't want any....

And what's with the "ya heard meee"..... No Tim, we didn't hear you BECAUSE Houston is screeching & screaming at the top of her lungs like a strangled cat every 2 seconds & nobody is teaching her to stop.

WARNING to all viewers, do not use headphones while Houston is around as you will be left with a burst eardrum & tinnitus.


▪︎Happy Birthday to ya
▪︎Hearddd Meeee
▪︎Hotel Getaway
▪︎Hiiiii Guys
▪︎Huzakiah/Hizariah/Hakaliyah/Hozamiya (Something mental to match Hezekiah & Hazariah)
Happy birthday to ya 🤣🤣 dead
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