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VIP Member
Aoibhin might do a mediation for the SP HSE ad :
‘ as you turn on the tap Let the water remind you of the flowing river of life. Take your right hand, gently place it under the tap, not too fast, breathe in as if your on Spanish point on a sunny day. Repeat with the left hand, if you are breastfeeding seven babies all at once when trying to wash your hands, I encourage you to by the BEO BABY SLING for just €4000 to take that weight off your hands, your back and your soul. Use the soap, crafted on the hills of moher and lather your hands up as you wash away the worries of the west. ‘
A bargain the €25 tickets for nee virtual beo baby event - how to be Mother Earth. God wish it had been available before I had my baby 🙄🙄🙄 baby elegance down as involved too. After giving all the free stuff to much in need famous for no particular reason other than the FC sister and the thinks she’s funny but not other dose sister.
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Active member
ah now. Be nice! There is nothing wrong with that name if she gave him a strange outlandish name people would say she was wrong too. I do find her a little bland she isn’t my type of person but it’s a nice sensible name and he won’t be teased for it at school! I wonder will she do a spread for RSVP.
Hardly, no where near interesting enough for a RSVP spread ! She can’t top big sisters Vatican style kitchen.
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Are opinions not allowed?
Opinions definitely allowed. And I see where you’re coming from, this isn’t giving out about someone’s online persona it’s potentially outing a family man which could destroy a family. I’m conflicted myself over discussing it!
Thank you!
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VIP Member
Well it's stupid that restaurants are closed anyway...they closed and cases went up so they clearly weren't the cause.

And Influencers should 100% be careful with following guidelines and what they post considering people listen to them and if they see them breaking the rules they'll think "sure it's grand X was doing it so I can too"
Yes - you put it better than me!
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VIP Member
Has anyone listened to the podcast? I found a few of the episodes good to be fair but I don't like that she gives all of her guests the questions before time and makes them come up with a scripted answer. It reminds me of the leaving, rote learning your answers. She's doesn't have the skill have a natural, meandering interview with people, its all very rehearsed.
I listened to two and the same questions were asked.
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VIP Member
My hubby would do it at the drop of a hat if he could. Major life goal for many I’m sure. I don’t think it’s weird at all,didn’t she go with him for some of it.
Agree I don't find it strange at all.
He did it for charity and set up a teenage mental health charity.
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VIP Member
She needs to quit it with the stupid impersonations. They’re absolutely crap and embarrassing
I don't mind her but then again I only check her socials when I'm super bored every 6 months or so. You'd swear it was the same reel. She's probably nervous nothing else will work for her so she's stuck in that schtick now. Hate that.

I gave up on Doireann earlier on in the year but couldn't help myself. As of 5pm this evening a 4 legged dog has 1700 followers. Not even doireann can get the blame for this. People. Idiots. Is it any f*cking wonder
Bet 1700 of them don't wear masks!!
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Way back Doireann was chatting to her mum.on stories. It was when her mum was cooking or something. This couldve been around 2 years ago. She was "interviewing" her mum and asking questions like who is the most beautiful of the sisters, most talented etc. I cant remember exactly what was asked but 100% she asked her Mum about who was the best looking and her mum said Ailbhe without even thinking. I thought it very strange that she had even thought about this and it did make me think how much were they compared as kids, teens, young women etc and also how much they competed against one another.

I may be reading it this too much but I just thought it strange that the Mum had thought about it and had an answer ready.
She said Ailbhe was the prettiest? Huh? Allow me to be shallow for a moment but while none of them are ugly I would have said Aoibhin > Doireann > Ailbhe
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People just want a proper gawk at the house. Nothing to do with liking her or not. I like that she hasn’t gone with the normal grey but I think the house will look very dated in a short time.
She said herself she didn’t like the world of acting where you can go months between jobs. She wanted to be her own boss. As for the husband, I’m guessing hotel management means long hours.
I genuinely hope work is all that keeps him busy & the rumours here aren’t true. I would have thought he’d come along to the magazine photo shoot. Maybe not his thing but it comes across like she’s a single mum.

Off topic but is there a thread for Emma.. tiny humans? I always loved her page and I do think she comes across as a nice person, cute kids etc. But the swipe ups and gifted stays are getting to be what the page is all about these days.

She got a gifted hairdryer after asking for recommendations for a new one and telling the story about how the toddler broke the last one....
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Felt like commenting telling her to stay home. Does she really need to come to her parents holiday home ffs during this time. Not like she hasn't been away🙄
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Chatty Member
What do you mean, cos he runs a hotel? How do you know this ?
Not the hotel it’s much more personal then that. It’s commonly known in the area what their difficulties are but I think it’s unfair to put it on something as open as this.
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