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Chatty Member
I just don’t know why Alex is so keen to showcase aspects of her life that she’s pretty useless at, not in a turns out badly way, but more of a “how is she 38 and figuring this out for the first time” sort of way. No one is looking to her for cooking or gardening advice.

Stick to fashion Alex, you’re actually really good at it.
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Ah, to be lecturing others on the art of being frugal when in 24hrs you’ve grabbed a free pan worth over £100 and you also get a free dinner in London.
Great work Alex. frugal my arse

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Noticed in comments when someone asked for hotel recommendations she said “we stay in an apartment”.

imagine if she’d given the honest answer: “we stay in my parents apartment.... because I come from wealth, that’s how I manage to go on holiday after mat leave and live in an expensive house in London while working part time. Because, dear followers, it’s a lie that you can have what I do while doing what I do without some generational wealth behind you. So don’t feel bad if you’ve not managed to make do and mend your way to a house deposit, because the truth is no amount of supposed frugality could ever get you there. As a self proclaimed crusader for the average woman I’m just putting that out there so as not to perpetuate this harmful myth. The end. Love Frugal Alex”

I was thinking exactly this when I saw she posted the “tax the rich” dress & a post about childcare costs.
She’s lucky no one has taxed the assistance she’s gotten from her parents. Plus the amount she produces doesn’t appear to justify needing childcare.
Big house in North London & both of them appear to work part time at a push. “Tax the rich” indeed.

It’s not personal btw I have received some help from my parents, though Id wager not nearly as much. What grates is all the dishonesty.
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Apart from the glasses insanity - why would they repaint a bathroom instead of getting the tiles done outside. It’s been dry today - I do not get their laziness logic
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Wait, do they not have a mortgage? Or do they have a very small one because bank of Mum and Dad gave them a huge deposit?
They’ll have been gifted a massive deposit, she’s previously disclosed her salary and his can’t have been too dissimilar of giving up work to be her admin assistant makes sense.

I don’t begrudge her that as it’s literally what I’m organising for our daughter but idk if it’s a hangover from the budget’s harrowing reminder of wealth inequality in this country but I just find it insane that I’m her target audience as someone that could actually pay for Aesop alongside my mortgage, school fees, child’s savings, all the shit she’ll be given by her parents…. And yet she’s still moaning about money? And writing about it as if she has any authority? I want to hear from first gen everything who’ve built something for themselves from very little, not her. This content is just in such bad taste now, surely? Maybe I need to tune out of her content for a bit 😳
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They started the tile work WC 14th of June! That’s two months ago and they’re maybe somewhere about half way through. (Yes, I looked it up, I’m so petty 🙈)
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Specs savers is so not middle class, she probably aiming for Bailey Nelson but got specs saver instead
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Lmao I am going to put on more shelves in my home to distract myself from messy home. Smart
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I found that towel ad tasteless because of the way she used her child in it. There was so much focus on him in that ad! I find the way she posts about her children really problematic. Peggy got phased out of Alex’s posts the moment Cato was born. I’m sure that wasn’t the intention, but it almost feels like Peggy grew out of the cute toddler phase so she needed to be replaced by a baby.
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Also, you should really do them all at once to make sure they’re laid under the same conditions and any shifting that may occur happens at the same rate at the same time.
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New member
I unfollowed Alex just before her holiday, during one of her “I only talk about glasses” rampages. Popped back to nose at what she’s been up to (sad, I know) and she’s STILL taking about glasses. She has lost it.

PS. I I wear glasses. Thought I should say. Apparently its very important to tell people.
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Hear hear to @Exhaustednurse and @Polly Pocket for those posts! Influencers who haven't come from a wealthy background or received family help are few and far between, and Alex definitely isn't one of them. It is 100% insulting how the "frugal" slant of her blog/page has moved from showcasing clothes and accessories at a high street price range rather than designer, to "look what you can afford if you meal plan and do some painting in your house instead of paying someone". Ugh. And there is no way they should be able to afford 2 x nursery fees in north London with the lifestyle they aim to portray.
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She really needs to get this through her head. People probably comment(ed) on her glasses because she wears massive misfitted ones that don’t suit her. Her cheeks are very puffy and the science-lab style ones just sit on them so awkwardly.
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She always gives me a vibe of depression mixed with an undercurrent of anger or resentment. I never noticed this until after they'd moved into her current house. Even her description of her holiday was summed up with: she was knackered.
Totally she is so angry all the time, I think she is unhappy that her income and lifestyles is not as luxurious as her peers, but at the same time, her husband can work?
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Alex said in her stories today that she’d managed to avoid all Zoom meets since the beginning of the pandemic. She must be working so hard! 🙄
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I think quick solution would be to switch the office & the spare room. Have the office upstairs, it’s big enough to store packing boxes for the matches or whatever. Put shelves in the old office now playroom for all the kids stuff, & keep Penny’s bike which for some reason is buried in the sitting room etc in there. That way if toys wander into the kitchen or sitting room they can be put back easily in the evening. It’s much easier to keep small kids playing downstairs to allow you to cook etc. while watching them.
I was going to go to TX Max to pick up some baskets but she has put me off!
On the one hand I like that she’s being real, but I’m still a bit wow ok! My house is chaos but my sitting room doesn’t look like something from a hoarders programme!
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and it sort of makes me a bit sad that she is giving a review purely on price.
Agree massively, but with a lot of the Insta floggers I get the impression they resent having to spend on the children they pimp out for cash. Less so for AS (now…) but it’s not an uncommon thing sadly.

Ty for your reviews though, will take my little one when she’s a tiny bit older! 😊
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