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I think I have to block her eventually, she keeps banging on about glasses. Who cares. I mean tell me which bride would want to wear glasses on their biggest day, unless your eyesight prevents you from wearing one. Most people opt for contacts on their wedding day because THEY HAVE NOTING TO PROVE. Can she join a PTA or something, find herself a more worthy cause
The glasses thing is so unbelievably boring. Has she considered AT ALL that glasses aren’t the go to because they reflect back, so can’t be worn on the red carpet etc because of flash photography??? Is she that dim
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I’m planning to save money by watching people bodge some DIY projects thus saving me the expense of making the same mistakes myself 👍🏼
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The Raa’s!! Went to an Oxbridge reject uni full of private school (like very top boarding school) girls with perky names and perky outfits and I had absolutly no idea what was going on and couldn’t work out how to talk to anyone at freshers week and didn’t have a laptop and had never been skiing and I hadn’t quite realised until this thread but Alex brings all of this back for me. I used to watch those girls with a sort of morbid fascination. The confidence and the security and the ease that they moved through the world with just sort of knowing that everything would be OK. But do you know what? Almost none of them that I still know are at all happy and I don’t think the Insta huns are either. It’s all a bit empty, a bit void, a bit too easy, all built on sand. Not all that glitters is gold...
You're so right, they're all miserable, that's why it's all about competitive consumption - fills the void. Also yes to the skiing thing, I didn't even know that was a thing people did for holidays until I met poshos at uni! I'd assumed it was only Winter Olympians who did that kind of thing!
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Yeah I’m probably going to as well? I used to wear glasses but then got LASIK and much prefer it. But I also don’t “look down” on anyone who wears them. Such a weird crusade??
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Chatty Member
😱😱😱 is she for real with the stories on how to wave her greasy grey roots? My 4 year old can do better?
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The only reason you ever leave the hairdressers with wet hair is if you’re too tight to pay for a blow dry. Or at least a rough dry, why would you not do it, there’s no way you can see the actual colour when it’s wet. And why is she asking about tipping? Same as always surely?

Also won’t pay to get her hair dried but happy to drop £56 on some pointless jug and £44 on a set of mixing bowls she could get from TK Maxx for a tenner…I’ve said it before they spend their money on very strange things…and also if I was that skint those are not the things I’d be spending money on, to sit gathering dust…but when you’re faux poor I guess your priorities aren’t the same as someone actually struggling to pay the bills
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Are they having a fucking laugh!!! Its lovely weather at the moment the evenings are still light. I've never done tiling but would waiting a year to do it not put the others out of alignment? No way could I be with a man who fannies around like him. Pathetic.
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I still can't get over that they've pretty much hidden the existance of a whole room in their house o_O 🤯
Wild isn’t it. I hope her sister didn’t get grief for confirming it. (and there was speculation long before so it really was only confirmation).

Influencers are under no obligation to share anything/everything and of course it’s ok to keep some things private but the secret second story is such an odd omission when so much has been shared about the extension construction, layout, even how it’s been financed etc.

Even thinking about how carefully cropped all their photos of the back/side of the house & garden must be.. gosh. And all for what reason? If it was the front of the house of course security comes into it but otherwise?

And then to so casually show it in a ‘look how messy we are!’ reel makes it even more suss.

We’re here to gossip and speculate anyway but I wouldn’t be surprised if even loyal followers of Alex feel deceived.
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😂 I’m certainly not complaining if the glasses crusade is over!
Maybe she didn’t get any offers for an ad campaign from any spectacle manufacturers, or maybe she did and we have that to look forward to. I can’t understand how she’s a stylist and she gets her glasses styles so wrong.
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When I posted earlier I hadn't seen the 20 second home tour video. WHY would she post that? Despite all the comments I really don't think that is normal, is it? It can't be good for their mental health at all!
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VIP Member
I think I have to block her eventually, she keeps banging on about glasses. Who cares. I mean tell me which bride would want to wear glasses on their biggest day, unless your eyesight prevents you from wearing one. Most people opt for contacts on their wedding day because THEY HAVE NOTING TO PROVE. Can she join a PTA or something, find herself a more worthy cause
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She is such a witch. One question re: visually tired and she has to be snarky about it in her sign-off. I’m prob going to block her instead of unfollow so I don’t continue to see any of her things on the explore page and won’t be tempted to check in with her.
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Well-known member
Love the direction this thread has taken.

It’s nice to hear insight from genuinely successful people who haven’t had a leg up from parents and can also, despite achieving success, see through the middle class insta bullshit.
I hate the m/c Insta bullshit, it's not even limited to the actual influencers either. The mums I met in the baby groups are all trying to become #reno #makingmemories #mummylife accounts, and it's driving me nuts. Filtered to fuck images of their perfect, boring as hell houses, separate accounts for their hideous extension projects, kids always perfect angels in designer outfits. Meanwhile my ankle biter is whacking me at bedtime, will only eat marmite on crumpets and refuses to bathe 🥴
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She's actually pathetic. She wants everything for free, but expects people to pay for her content! Mind boggles to her logic. The 'free' tapas isn't actually that, the waiters prob want the miserable cheap fuckers to go so they don't sit there nursing a coke for hours to get 'free' tapas. She's in the family home, if you're that hard up get food from the supermarket and cook in the free apartment you're in.

she's just a miserable moaning resentful cow.
Especially with the family home local you’d imagine they’d have built a rapport with local restaurants? It’s embarrassing they haven’t tbh? But like they say if you sit there nursing soft drinks for freebies, just want to buy a few sides, probably don’t tip and I can’t imagine they clean up the kids’ mess so you’ve got the poor waiters having to scrub soggy bread out a high chair on top of it all it’s no surprise they’re not served to the standards they want?
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Chatty Member
I think Alex is retiring The Frugality brand and now it’s all about the Ads, one or two big brand Ads are probably enough to cover all bills and live well and also enable both herself and her husband to work petty much part-time.

The old Alex would never have advertised towels or saucepans but it’s ok now as it’s enabled her to take a month off work.
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Cue incoming angry series of Instagram stories showing the world’s most beautiful women in large glasses, proving nothing other than the fact that the world’s most beautiful women can wear virtually anything and still look beautiful.
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Also the extension / shape of kitchen is weird. Why wouldn’t you at that expense give yourself a bit more room. I didn’t realise until the ill thought our tour of doom how pokey is it.

Nothing wrong of course with a smaller house, just don’t load it with so many crap filled baskets
Her kitchen is 7.2 meters long and 3.5 meters wide, giving them approximately 25 square meters of kitchen. I would hardly call it small.
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Chatty Member
How to style a corner:
- clear all the crap that is usually there (cement, cardboard boxes, kids toys) out of the way
- add some more crap that is not child friendly or child proofed in any way
- light some expensive scented candles and add some diffuser sticks to maximum clutter
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