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I get the feeling Corey was willing to take charge of it and make changes, but John wasn't happy about giving up control and watching the content - that's been bringing in $ for him up until now - morph.
No... Corey has zero ideas
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Wish they'd edit the old thumbnails. Know that's an insane statement when they don't even care about the current. But YouTube keeps serving me thumbnails with Pete and :sick:
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While I realize new “tea” is chum in the water for this site, some of these posts are making me very uncomfortable for a different reason. I want to voice a request for caution in naming or describing in a way to “dox” potential or actual victims of crimes. They above all else deserve privacy. For example, just because a potential victim is deceased, I think it’s still pretty low to introduce his name into this conversation. His loved ones are still alive and unless they give consent, this whole thing feels icky. I say this with first hand experience of having loved ones (including ones now deceased) be victims of sexual assault and I’d reign down fire on anyone that would use them as fodder for internet gossip. JL is clearly okay with revealing her kids’ info online (I sincerely hope your daughter gave permission for you to share the details of her past mental health situation on this website) but it’s really another matter to reveal other people’s info.
Maybe I missed something but has that been done?
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@Charm “Deni always irked me because she also is a little stunted. I won't get into the fact that she films herself laughing at nothing, for me it's her language. She uses words like "hubby", and "kiddo" frequently. It's borderline insulting because she's old enough to be somebody's grandmother. Use your big girl words, you dunce, and stop randomly laughing at nothing.”
Add to this fact that she’s evolved/devolved from looking like a lesbian to 12yr old boy for some reason!
To be fair, the look she has currently is the look she always had prior to her growing out her hair for a bit. If you google her image you will find one with her hair short and red. I think she looked better with the longer hair, but clearly she likes it shorter.
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Thank you for all of your thoughts and feedback. They are important to me. I am trying to navigate this very difficult situation (one which I have no previous experience navigating) as best I can. I am not a professional in this area, but I have been trying to give every question a lot of thought and consider the impact of my words before I answer. I'm clumsily doing this crazy balancing act to 1) Support the victims of sexual abuse by revealing a bigger picture for examination 2) Help myself get out from under the weight of living through it 3) Shed light on the struggle of my ex-coworkers and 4) Let the community that funded it all be aware of what they contributed to so that they can make an informed decision about the role they want to play moving forward. Being a flawed human being, I may not stick the landing every time, but I am definitely trying.

@JaqAndGus, I hear what you are saying about the "doxing." I was careful not to use the names of potential or probable victims, but I can understand why you feel I got too close to the fire. It's a fine line that I am trying to walk because there are many instances in which my story overlaps with others. That is how life is lived. Contrary to your opinion, none of this is from left field. My story is not completely separate from Dustin's, Julie's, Teresa's, etc. It's not even entirely separate from those who worked at The Dis during different chapters than mine. It's not as simple as that. I wish it was, but it isn't. You state that you are "just sharing your reaction." But, in fact, that is exactly what my post did. However, I had to give some context around what I was reacting to. And as crappy as it is to read all of this, I'm guessing it was far crappier to live all of it and then feel a responsibility to explain it at the risk of being judged by others for not saying things perfectly. I'm doing my best here. Even so, I'll try to do better in this and future posts. You and Gossip Girl's icky feelings have been noted, and I'll do what I can to be sensitive to that as well (or you can always hit the ignore button if you feel you need to).

I'm going to recap in an attempt to be less clumsy with my points: I was asked about the thing that made me pull the trigger to leave. I answered because that is a part of MY story, and I tried to answer it with sensitivity while still being informative. I was careful to emphasize the trigger was hearsay and avoided as much detail as I felt I could without communicating ineffectively. In doing that, I may have done myself a disservice here because there has apparently been an assumption that people now know the story that I didn't tell. So to be more clear...while some seem to feel they have been able to pull the story from my vagaries, I want to *assure* them that they have not because the story that I was told was particularly dark and twisted and not as straightforward as is probably assumed. Because of my attempt to be sensitive, I left out a lot and tried to emphasize that if the story I had been told was true, then the idea that the studio where we worked, being dedicated to the employee that Pete potentially betrayed, was sick and twisted. I did state that it was relevant to me because it pertained to an employee's son. It seemed an important point because it touched my story for that reason--context. But that moment, sitting in the studio, hearing that story, and it triggering me to take a big step towards leaving The Dis, happened to me. It is a part of my story. And that is the part that I told. Anyone who feels they could have done a better job telling it....I would have gladly handed the responsibility over to you.

I have been asked in other posts if I truly thought the stories I heard could be true. I attempted to be proactive and explain why I did think what I heard (but did not reveal) could be true and pointed to something else that was twisted and could be verified by public documents. The connection was a pattern of twistedness in honoring situations that should not be honored and more evidence of a narcissistic personality disorder that has done more damage than can probably be covered in its entirety. That, in my mind and in my story, made the original story of hearsay (which I did not share and no one here knows) more probable. And that was the point of it all. There was no malicious attempt to out potential, probable, or actual victims. It was an attempt to support my experience--my story--with legitimate information because that is important as well. In my mind, that is *very important* because I don't want people to dismiss what we are talking about as "fake news." It's real people. Real lives. Real trauma that really happened and some of it can be verified. If that point can't be driven home, then there really is not much point in any of us sharing any of our stories.

If the posts are giving anyone icky feelings that is probably because these are icky truths. Like the detail about my daughter, which *I am comfortable sharing* because it helps bring the much-needed gravity to the seriousness of our story....if I had left that out people would have had an understanding that what I went through was bad, but they wouldn't have felt the actual weight of my experience. Because I shared it, many seemed to get it, and that helped bring healing--not just to me but also to others who may also tell their stories in time (related or unrelated to The Dis). I can say this because I have gotten quite a few messages from others telling me exactly that.

Thank you, again, to those reading who actually get what I am trying to say and accomplish even when it is clumsy. Your ability to follow is appreciated. And to the others who have pointed out what they feel are points of failure, I've heard you. I've learned from you. I will try to do better and ask that you give me some grace when I don't get it perfectly right.
Well now I may be swaying over to the icky feelings side of the house…

it seems this narrative is veering into rumors and hearsay regarding a completely different set of folks… why? This is all getting really weird…
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I was just thinking about this and wondering where all the Vloggers would end up. On Youtube a bunch of non-Disney reactors are being squeezed out due to new policies, so I was interested in the Disney Sphere. The fact that they banned the private tour guides seemed to be a big first step to reigning in what Disney will allow on property. I think the writing is on the wall on Influencers/Vloggers in Disney, polish off the resume because things are about to change soon. It is just not sustainable to have multiple Vloggers in the parks at one time as people are just trying to enjoy their vacation without being filmed every two seconds. The really interesting I noticed was the reaction to the Jollywood party. I wasn't surprised by the Dis reaction, they gave the good and bad. This was the first time I saw multiple Vloggers actually say negative things about Disney.
Actually had a couple friends do Jollywood last night and they live Tweeted their reactions. Interestingly enough, their takeaway was “Don’t listen to the influencers/vloggers; Jollywood is a lot of fun!”

I‘m not sure if more people are going negative to drive more traffic and clicks, but I feel like we’re at a point where it’s hip to hate on Disney for everything. And frankly, I’m getting tired of it.
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Can AI create videos? That might be the next best step for them. I, too, was really rooting for them but it seems like it's time to let it go and move on.
AI can create art so I can’t see how videos are out of the question.
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That "scandal" seems like a terrible situation.

To relate it to the DIS, when everything went down in July/August and then Amy and Paul and Big Fat Panda quickly began showing up on content with WDWNT, I felt it just solidified what an absolute cesspool, the "professional Disney Fan Site" community is.

If you (Amy and Paul and BFP) just finished getting out of an absolute mess of a situation at your previous employer, you think you would have taken a moment and said maybe I should be a little more thoughtful on my next career choices. I'll take some time to vet situations a little better.

Jumping "right into bed" with WDWNT and Tom Corless, (who has a complicated reputation to put it nicely) shows they just don't care. They shouldnt be entitled to the benefit of the doubt anymore.
I don’t think Amy and Paul have a choice. They probably have to go talk to whoever World of DVC contracts with. Any my guess is that dude Nick doesn’t care as long as business is generated by the appearance.

Can someone refresh my memory on the TC relationship scandal?
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Did anyone notice the Moving to Orlando YouTube was stripped of all branding and the videos were removed? Hopefully there was progress and the channel can move forward since the content was fun and informative.
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Erica is leaving? Also doesn’t seem like Panda is going to go help if what he said on Facebook is true.
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I think it's hard for Ryno, Craig, and Corey to have too much enthusiasm for the whole project because they don't own it and I can't imagine they get any real bonuses for doing anything extra to do whatever the hell they call their show now...Zoom Buggies? You have to have some semblance of ownership to be good at the YouTube game in this space now. AllEars...who even talks about AllEars any more? No knock on Quincy, but if she left and began her own channel, she'd get paid more and more attention, but she'd also have to hustle more. You get enthusiasm from independence, and that plus compelling content and good personalities equals watchability.

Which is not to say that independence always gets you enthusiasm (see The Trackers). It's just that if you are getting paid the same no matter what the channel size or ad revenue is, then you're only going to be so invested.
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She said something to the effect of "I might still be in some dining reviews, you just won't know it." No idea if when you're hired as a 'friend of' a character if you're also hired for a specific spot/restaurant or if you could be deployed anywhere on property.
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For real? Ick.
Just a rumor. But around the time of their first kid I read a rumor that Tim cheated on Jenn and she said something along the lines of you have to give me a baby or I’m leaving you. Again this was all rumors. I believe it though, Tim seems like the type that would be a sleeze bag and cheat. Just like Tom
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How do they know it's you? Or how do they know you?
I don’t know, but my YouTube isn’t private and has most of my name. I also follow them on IG so I’m assuming they realized it was the same person. These friend requests literally came in seconds apart from each other, so fast in fact that I thought they were for sure fake accounts, but it’s them. They were looking for me for whatever reason, fuck if I know 🤷🏻‍♂️
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