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Wait a second, I realized I might be missing something that Coolwhip inadvertently pointed out when they mentioned this

“major factor” long after the rest of the story
JL’s story does change the narrative. My understanding has long been the others on the team were in the dark and totally shocked as events unfolded. (I have been doubtful of this, but whatever.)

To be clear, I don’t want to identify the person impacted and I am not asking for more details of any story. I am just exploring who on the team has HEARD the stories.

There is a story that JL acknowledges is hearsay so I will refer it to it as the “hearsay story” to be consistent to JL’s wording. Now Dustin has come to confirm his knowledge of hearing similar things?

I can 100% agree to JL’s story the same as Sean has. We all heard the same things.
Dustin just to be clear are you confirming that you had heard the story involving Pete’s father or heard the hearsay story or both?

Regardless if Dustin heard it or not, we are to understand from JL there was this hearsay story (whatever it entails) that was being shared among the team?!

JL called it a twisted betrayal and stuff of parent’s nightmares and wanted to protect her son. I say that conveying that it held a lot of gravity to her and I do believe she took it seriously.

If JL heard it, clearly it was passed down to her years later. So others on the team also have heard the story!? Wait, so did they know as it was originally transpiring, shortly after or years later? How did the story even first become known to the team to even be passed down to JL?

So that means one of 4 things

1. They have never heard the hearsay story and have zero idea what JL is referring to.
2. They have heard the hearsay story, didn’t believe it was plausible and didn’t investigate it.
3. They heard it, look into it and determined it was false.
4. They have heard it, think it is plausible and did shit all about it.

Now I feel like we are back to revisiting an earlier question from months ago? How much did others know?!! How many warning sign did the others have? And when?!!
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Active member
Off topic a little, but just wondering if anyone else follows "Here with the Ears"? Just saw that the husband got banned/trespassed from Disney in October for unauthorized tour guide services on property for commercial purposes. I read that Disney was cracking down on that activity, but had no idea that channel was involved.

Is Brayden from Mickey Views the only decent person out there? Sweet Baby Walt, please protect Brayden.
Hadn‘t heard of them but looked them up & watched the video. Apparently the husband is now a travel agent (Okay?), and the idea of living in Disney resorts for a year is a pretty ambitious yet crazy idea. Once you get past that though, I don’t see what differentiates them from other vloggers.
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New DCL show today about rookie cruise mistakes to avoid. Craig, Jackie, Elaine (Dreams agent), and the new gentleman (also a Dreams agent) who was also on the parents panel show. It was fine - though I'm not a big cruise person. They posted it on the main channel not the DCL Fan channel -- not sure if it was intentional and they're listening to feedback or if it was a "mistake." That's three shows this week ... somewhat encouraging. I'm a glutton for punishment but still rooting for them to figure this out and turn things around. But agree with all other comments that their window of opportunity is closing quickly as people tune out.
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When I went on the NJ Court Site, it said to contact the Court County record room for cases prior to 2017. You can request the records, they just didn't digitize them prior to 2017.
Good. I feel better knowing that one way or another this can be proven or disproven.
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It would be good to debunk this as another lie that Pete made up. There is nothing that could make my day better than that, but it does explain a lot, right? Anyone else know how to crack something like this when a man has been dead for so long? Do they just chuck records when a person dies?
Someone else may correct me, but I believe in NJ criminal records are not publicly searchable. Depending on the date of the crime he may have been registered as a SO under Megan’s Law, but not if the crime was committed before the law went into effect.
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Chatty Member
So I take it you didn't sign up for her new Patreon? LOL
LOL I liked her in the beginning because, in comparison to the others, she actually spoke intelligently. Then she settled in, and morphed into this weird, dumbed down, version of an adult who lives for a fantastical world of never growing up. I suspect that she's doing it solely for entertainment purposes, but to dumb yourself down for the sake of the audience is what bothers me. As if the people who have the money to spend on these vacations do not also have the intellect to be spoken to as an adult. Even cast members, who are typically college age, don't treat guests that way.
I don't think that Erica is acting like anything other then herself, though, and she should get therapy. As I have said in the past, I can't even watch PMM.
I may be alone in my opinion, though. Tim Tracker does an OK job when he films by himself, Adam The Woo, WDWNT... Heck, even Brayden, who seems young to me, is capable of behaving like a person who has taken the basic knowledge that they've learned over the years and builds on it. I can't imagine saying the words "sky boom booms" when referring to fireworks. Not in my normal day to day life, but especially not while at work as a person professionally covering a topic for an audience. I realize that the word "professionally" is questionable in this situation, but that's what she's attempting to do. She lackis the capacity to be intelligently witty, and contributes nothing of use to the conversation.
At the end of the day, I'm just a person who attempted to get some insight into these parties and became annoyed at how a couple of people chose to deliver the message.
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Chatty Member
Weird. Wasn’t Pete pushing some other car service with a prehistoric website before he got banished?
They had a different car service that was a sponsor for a long time. FL Tours, I think it was called? No idea what happened there or how Pete ended up involved with this other company.
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VIP Member
Wait a second, I realized I might be missing something that Coolwhip inadvertently pointed out when they mentioned this

JL’s story does change the narrative. My understanding has long been the others on the team were in the dark and totally shocked as events unfolded. (I have been doubtful of this, but whatever.)

To be clear, I don’t want to identify the person impacted and I am not asking for more details of any story. I am just exploring who on the team has HEARD the stories.

There is a story that JL acknowledges is hearsay so I will refer it to it as the “hearsay story” to be consistent to JL’s wording. Now Dustin has come to confirm his knowledge of hearing similar things?

Dustin just to be clear are you confirming that you had heard the story involving Pete’s father or heard the hearsay story or both?

Regardless if Dustin heard it or not, we are to understand from JL there was this hearsay story (whatever it entails) that was being shared among the team?!

JL called it a twisted betrayal and stuff of parent’s nightmares and wanted to protect her son. I say that conveying that it held a lot of gravity to her and I do believe she took it seriously.

If JL heard it, clearly it was passed down to her years later. So others on the team also have heard the story!? Wait, so did they know as it was originally transpiring, shortly after or years later? How did the story even first become known to the team to even be passed down to JL?

So that means one of 4 things

1. They have never heard the hearsay story and have zero idea what JL is referring to.
2. They have heard the hearsay story, didn’t believe it was plausible and didn’t investigate it.
3. They heard it, look into it and determined it was false.
4. They have heard it, think it is plausible and did shit all about it.

Now I feel like we are back to revisiting an earlier question from months ago? How much did others know?!! How many warning sign did the others have? And when?!!
I feel like 2 scenarios were tossed over the fence and most people only caught one…
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