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So Josie visited FRK and gave her some sound advice: "Stay where you are. Don't go back to La Lande, because you'll never find a good boyfriend there." (paraphrasing)
Hopefully she'll follow Josie's advice...
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Who travels to South Africa for a 2 night stay? What else was planned after visiting IJ?
She could care less about her mom it was an opportunity to be in the college fashion show. Get thanks from the student she donates to. Get younger viewers and possibly get a discount to send Snorty to that college to be around people his own age.
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Look mummy …. I got a chateau

… and it didn’t cost granny 👵 one red cent

Dreams do come true
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Advent 2020 when SSB had control

Bed the under butler … not trained at sweet fuck all
One year … here’s his primary degree 📜 in table laying


On a branding deal alone - they’d walk by

Failure to deliver 😈
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Lady Avonlea

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Interesting take on Selmar. I mean how long does it take someone to finish a bathroom? He could just be stalling to bide his time. It was weird how he just showed up like that. I'll have to watch the kickstarter video, with a glass of wine mind you so I can get through it :)
In light of this silly kickstarter initiative I recently re-watched the interview SJ did with Selmar. He arrived at the shitoo right at the beginning of lockdown. He originally came through Workaway, but he arrived earlier than expected due to lockdown and surprised them. Selmar had been travelling through France enroute to the shitoo, but because everything was locking down, including borders, he decided to expedite his arrival at the shitoo. Since he had the caravan he didn't break quarantine in the shitoo, since SJ had just arrived back from Vietman and was still pretending she was Rapunzel locked in the tower and lowering down the basket.
Watching the interview, it struck me that they seemed so relaxed and friendly with each other. Selmar wanted to stay at the shittoo for 10 years and SJ seemed pleased for him to stay -- this was pre Squirrelboy's arrival. The dynamics definitely changed after Squirrelboy arrived.
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The comments are active...

12 seconds ago
I don't know Tatyana but she comes across as rather entitled and it leaves Selmar having to act somewhat out of character. YouTube channels on chateau life are wonderful but I fear we are on the cusp of "overkill" in some cases. This particular scheme demonstrates a less diplomatic and considered approach than Stephanie and some others have taken, and I felt too uncomfortable to watch the whole video.

Cristina Adlington
10 minutes ago (edited)
Yes basically, once they reach their target if for any reason they are not able to do the promised events there is no obligation legally to refund the money. I am not saying that this is their plan, but things can go wrong specially when the whole idea is bonkers.

Reeve Vermeil
1 hour ago
That caveat about the rewards not being guaranteed is a huge red flag for those who would buy tickets. So this effectively gets Selmar & Tatyana off the hook if in the end they managed to secure the funding but failed to put together the events they are touting and you don’t get the promised experience. They are banking on this loophole to basically get a windfall - free money; if you really think about it. They would have gotten a chateau and you can rant all you want but you cannot legally get a refund. All your risk and all their gain is the bottomline. How unethical is this? Stephanie is loyal to her friends and wants to be supportive and return favors graciously. But for the life of me, I cannot fathom why she would condone 2 people who apparently wants to pursue their dreams by buying a castle that is half a million $ over their budget and asking people to fund their DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR. This is complete madness! This is clear as day an attempted fleecing. You can dream big for sure - but to expect people to give you something so you can live in splendor instantly, you indeed live in fantasy. Try living within your means for starters and work your way up from there.
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You're welcome @KiKiGee

Here's Anna at work with Balmain (Balmain The Documentary - YouTube)


Well, well, well .. SSB blabbermouthed the fact that she should be in South Africa right now! and only for 48hrs. Thought it was odd that she would go just for her mother but then out it comes .. she was going to the Villoti (or whatever it is) fashion show. Don't know why she went red when she was blabbing about it. Guilty conscience perhaps? or more likely .. Realising you shouldn't have said anything but it's live and can't be edited out?
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So since it is so FREAKING OBVIOUS that the profligate princess and bjj read this hate site PLEASE READ THIS:

1. replace every window and every door in room for the paneling.

2. I don't care if it had paneling before-it didn't look like what you ate putting in - guaranteed. It was probably walnut/not painted/something but not what you have in there.
3. You need spray, closed cell insulation on those walls -"since you only want to do this job once". I'm sure you will make up a lie about why you can't have it-sadly I know you are lying. You kept saying how much insulation you had in there-huh-weird.

3. Your trees need the burlap and wire off-the burlap will NOT rot off-neither will the wire-they must come up and try again. More ready, fire, aim bullshit. Nice!!

4. Where the fuck is Ruby? How about the poor sheep? Jesus yoi are one selfish bitch. You are right to not have a dog. You are far too selfish you twat. Sad thing is, when everyone else is cuddled up with family ( after the ultimatum have been given -and they are coming...) a dog would be the only thing left to live you Miss Havisham, or is it Baby Jane?

I thought the same thing!

And, I finally broke down and started watching...or rather, listening to...the gift grab vlog...but I just could NOT listen any more when Stephanie started reading that poem one of her "fans" was just so...cringe worthy!

Also, loved seeing Annalise dancing and having a blast at the party...
But I am so freaking sick of the damn dress up parties!! 🤬 it's NUTS... I've never seen anything like it!! It's like a crazed cruise director has taken control of the whole place!! Ugh,
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Lady Avonlea

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Tatti’s statement that the Château Sainte Agil is the most beautiful one she had seen in 10yrs has been nagging at me. She has had this dream for a long time. I don’t believe that Selmar shared the same dream until she started dripping on him. Long before she met him in person. I believe she had him out looking at châteaux and vlogging about it long before we knew he was travelling around France with intent to purchase. She must have been perusing online real estate sites.
He did not actually meet her until his vlog dated September 6. So they have known each other for a hot minute!
His only criteria a ballroom. Hers apparently no limits.
She led that video and prompted him to say certain things. just a fast moving train wreck. I believe they have been talking online for possibly 6 months. Her dream and went in search of someone to manipulate to achieve her goals!
He came to Lalande, I believe, because he had become aware of the damsel in distress. Perhaps he was infatuated or more nefarious motives.
I don't think Selmar had nefarious motives, but I definitely don't trust Tatti at all. Tatti and Selmar are a train-wreck. It's like watching 90 Day Fiance - Chateau Style. You just know it's going to end badly.
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I see Tomaz has started a daily december vlog on yt. Not sure I can bring myself to watch it.
I have some free time on my hands these days so I might just watch some sleazy Tomaz and report back all the details. Just to torture everybody 🤗
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Dippy Hippy

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Bear in mind that Berry Limousin can be very cold in winter. Like a micro climate. They have ground frost. Etc.
Good point. If the ground has gone too hard to dig easily and the outside temperatures are below zero day and night you definitely shouldn't plant.
A cold night with a little ground frost, but warming up during the day will not harm a dormant tree.
They seem to have no idea what they are doing at Lalande. I wouldn't trust them with a cabbage
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Swimming pool is her most wise decision so far. Even if youtube and patreon collapse, she will manage bookings for her b&b.
You might be right about the swimming pool attracting guests but who wants to see SquirrelNuts in a Speedo?
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🧵#90 WOW!!! Thank you @MojoDublin ❤

Excellent 🧵title, VIP @Pekey and @Jules100

I used one of my alias and congratulated SJ & PJ on their new little bundle of joy and asked when the due date was .... and I have been blocked from the live chat!!!!! LOL I could see the live chat for a bit, though my comment was gone, now I can't see the live chat at all! Well, it was a fun idea!
...but I grab it before it was deleted...

Julia Gaspard I hear congratulations are in order @the Chateau Diaries @Philip Janssen When is the little bundle due.
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What do you bet Phillie will be giving her "secret" gifts he "bought" at every stop on their travels over the last year.

OK I'm done. This is like making someone lick an ashtray to stop smoking. I can't watch another CD.
My bet what 'surprise' gifts she'll receive from Snorts
Florence: Monogrammed Venetian slippers
Paris: Cire Trudon scented candle, mini size
London: F&M tea or an ornamental plate from Liberty's matching the set she buys.

I have a bad feeling he'll propose on Christmas eve.
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I get the feeling the Belgium chap has caught his eye ( not Davy, the other one who’s name escapes me)
The new gay! LOL!
The new gay who helped plant trees? Aldricht? Audrick?
He's a bit too flamboyantly effeminate for MPK, I think.
MPK seems to like the brawny, more masculine gay men.
He likes to think he's the missus in the relationship.

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I must say, at the risk of being too nice on a hate site, I liked today´s vlog. I liked the way Amaury adressed the panneling questions. And SJ´s effort to demonstrate that there was actual panneling floor to ceiling previously didn´t go unnoticed (she definately reads in here). I´m still concerned at the "french plummers response time", I somehow feel like it´s more a Lalande problem than a France one but I have never lived there so...
Didn´t particularly enjoy the party, but loved the SJ costume by the new belgian guy, made me laugh because for some reason my brain linked the wrapped towel to the beanies BJJ enjoys, wich resulted with a mental image of him with a head towel that somehow made me laugh out loud lol.
The big mistery: when will the chapel renovation actually start??
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SJ and the trees with Davy at 10.43, 'my bank account is terrified'. She has no shame. Her grifted bank account she means!!!

Teabeg looks so cuddly in his teddy bear outfit. Don’t you just want to wrap him in a big bear hug and take him home? 😆🤢🤮

errrrrrrrr no :eek:
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I see Selmar has put out another flog, with yet again no mention of the chateau project, and no link to the kickstarter page. It's completely moronic.
He and Tatty are supposedly planning to run a series of festivals in a few months time, from scratch, in a new country, from a new house, not speaking the language....
And what is he doing towards it? Going on another leisurely bike ride.
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