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Just watched Sadies is always easy to critisize ...but i must say it is a very nice vlog..doing some gardening..looking after Ernest...and i must say..Ma Trotter for sure knows how to grow tomatoes..just like you should do it..i remember the tomato forest last year in Lalaland...Mini apron doesnt have a clue how to grow tomatoes..nor does Dan...

That George in Fanny Flash het latest vlog is surely very full of himself...he talks about the place as if it is filled with earlooms..from his family...omg..what a snob..and that dress or shirt thing that she is brings her whole vlog looks like it came out of the ass of an elephant..she bought it at the brocante, not quite an antiquefair..probably not even washed nor ironed..horrible..
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Mummy Dearest

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Coming soon on The Chateau Diaries' Sunday at the Chateau.

View attachment 615103

Join us for an adventure with Stephanie as she travels to the Netherlands and encounters BJJ's family for the first time, and will most likely be introduced as his significant other. That'll be interesting.

She will also take us on a side trip to Belgium to visit Castle Ten Berghe, and stop on her way to meet Davey's parents to thank them for the antique things she got from them.
Considering she’s old enough to be his mother, it will be interesting! BJJ’s parents and Steph can reminisce about the 80’s and 90’s. She can talk about her party days at Oxford and they can tell stories about BJJ running around in diapers.
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they stopped to assist the hedgehog because it made for good content
To add to that, I've never seen BJJ give any attention or affection to Ruby or Diesel... he think its cute and funny to like these rodents, but doesn't seem to care at all about the actual pets
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I have been reading tattle for some months..... its time to join.
I too loved CD in the beginning but it started to 'grate' on me . Nothing was being done let alone finished. SJ used to make curtains, IJ got things done in the garden and I did not know about Peacock poo.... but I do now!
I felt I was "mean" that I did not like her fathers artwork ,that weed girl. , Nutty and Squirrel Boy were the pits ... but I am not alone.
Then the freebie's came via post ..... all I could think about was the $$$ postage ... such big boxes !
That skinny IJ hand that clawed out at the presents made me ill but I have to hand it to her Mother .... she looked after the fragile stuff that SJ just plonked down !
The cherry on top of the cake that really did it for me was Teabag and his wanting of a Christmas Dinner in his cottage . He had this huge spode platter and it broke and he smirked about wanting someone to send him one - Only Joking !!!
The spiv got one!
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Kill me now please... not sure when she stopped traveling?

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Right! Avignon with Hanni and Mummy last year. Bordeaux recently. Chateau de la Basmaignee last year for a live YouTube chat with MPK (when he needed $ for a laptop.)

With that and MPK to "Peter Rabbit Land" in the UK, Madrid for 2 months and his Lalande trips - you'd never know we had a quarantine and pandemic. Poor things were so bottled up at home and needed breaks away. Welcome to the club...but we stayed home, unlike you!
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Not Stephending, but for 15 of those years there was a limited budget to tackle the issues. But there certainly was time to come up with a master plan and to set some priorities in a logical order.
Even on the tiniest and tightest of budgets you can clean, sand and paint. The entire place is just dirty and gross especially that kitchen.
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Chatty Member
Speaking of restoration, here's an image from FRKs IG account. It's the room she is currently staying in at the shatoo. I would not like to stay anywhere with windows in this condition. Just plain gross!
I've been looking at the deplorable condition of the windows in that place for a long time but all our Shitelaine does is have shutters painted and buy shutter dogs which don't even get installed. I don't remember one mention of getting the windows fixed. And then she continually complains about how cold the place is. How about changing to double glazing? But we already know that having silk curtains is more important to her.
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We can't get over the sheer amount of money being poured into Lalande and how it's carelessly squandered by STEPHANIE JARVIS, who bought a fixer-upper chateau but can't afford it! When will people realize that they are being USED and ABUSED? They are financing the renovation of a house that will never ever be theirs. It's not even an investment where they can expect a return. It's just one eccentric, selfish madwoman who is living her pointless dream at the expense of others in exchange for bread and circuses on YouTube.

Stephanie Jarvis, IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, YOU DON'T DESERVE IT. If you can afford it by using other people's money, you still don't deserve it.
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I TOTALLY agree!

I can't believe she provides this insane "wish list" of everything she wants to get done, and people just throw money at her to do it!

Obviously no real real estate investor would give this woman money because she has absolutely no business or construction plan at all! She really should be providing monthly a detailed schedule of projects (when they are to begin, end, and current status), show the different quotes for each project to show she is not squandering the money, and be totally transparent with her books - showing every single penny accounted for so it is clear she isn't pocketing it. Of course she would never do this but one can dream! It really is sinful the amount she is making stealing and the lack of accountability or clear progress makes it so much worse!

WHY is it taking a year to get a 50 square foot bathroom done?!
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Dippy Hippy

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In my opinion, she already is an "old, lonely woman with a crumbling pile falling down around her". The writing is on the wall, her fate is already sealed, and it is anything but pretty.
Rather a bleak view of old age. She will sell the chateau and buy a pad in Venice and have admirers hanging on to her every word. She'll become an eccentric. She dresses like one now. She's got a wide social circle, always going off to stay with friends. She's got the kind of charm that will always attract people to her. The money from the Patreons and the sale of the chateau plus the many other properties she owns, and Isabelle's money will give her a comfortable old age. Her money will ensure she is not alone. I can see her living in hotels being waited on. The reason she seems to "be alone" is the pandemic. We've all been alone for 15 months, unless we had a family with us in lockdown. Not defending her, she will always find people to use. Willing victims.
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Help me understand—that a handyman can tell the owner of a property which trees he would like cut down so he could park his van there away from the WORKERS! I’d tell him where to park his van lol.
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Mummy Dearest

Well-known member
Help me understand—that a handyman can tell the owner of a property which trees he would like cut down so he could park his van there away from the WORKERS! I’d tell him where to park his van lol.
Yeah that was really ballsy! I would love to have been a fly on the wall to see what parts of the conversation were cut during editing. They both sounded a little pissy during that exchange. Selmar’s taking advantage of her allowing him a space on her property. She’s taking advantage of Selmar to get content for her vlog. LaLande is a round robin of taking advantage of the person to the left and the right, they are all parasites feeding off each other.

Well, if Selmar does eventually leave, Fanny can open up grounds for camping and charge $500 a night to “glamp it up with the royalty of LaLande”
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Madame No

VIP Member
I guess SJ "mirrors" (!) her own needs when she furnishes a room. I suspect she frequently looks at herself in mirrors so that is what she would like if she were a guest. No doubt, for some less fathomable reason, she also feels the need to have lurid pink things (wall lights?) on the wall and some ostrich feathers in a vase! There's no accounting for taste (or lack of it).
I'm not a germophobe, but having feathers and excess crap in the bathroom where the toilet is located is disgusting. Every time you flush, spray from the the toilet and whatever is in it contaminate the air and land on surfaces. Imagine what's on those feathers! I'm sure Fanny either never took a biology course or flunked it to not to know how germs are spread. I do wish one of the gifters would send her the device that the Hotel Inspector uses to scan for bacteria on surfaces even though the dimwits probably couldn't figure out how to use it since it's something practical.
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My prediction when Marie moves to England ; It all falls flat on its face. She will soon lack patreons and goodwill. She will need to go into hospitality and serve again. I think a lot of her misfits pay for patreon because she is part of the Lalande gang. Once she no longer is, I bet their interest in her will fade quickly. I bet she will blame Stephanie for her misfortune, in her bitter way. She will think that if Stephanie had given her more opportunities at Lalande, she would have been a success. She is tolerating her mistress now, because she must, but the jealousy is so close to the surface, green. As she ages her "cute as a button" act won't work, it is now she should have put in the right work, done the right things. Instead she is manifesting fame and trying to be Stephanie, won't work.
I agree wholeheartedly. I started as a fan, became quite suspicious, and now watch to try to figure out what the hell is actually going on. I suspect many watch Marie for clues. Same with Selmar. When they are out of the sphere, there’s no reason to continue. I do continue to believe that Stephanie ran out of cash and used what little she had to keep up appearances by still traveling and partying with her old friends. She’s hung on to the old designer clothes from a more lucrative time and had to budget to be able to do that. Now, she’s able to spend again. She’s not going to stop unless the money dries up. She didn’t work on the chateau or get anything done because she was depressed that she was cash poor, and developed a drinking problem along the way. She won’t admit that though because it doesn’t go along with the appearance she’s trying to maintain. She’s basically still in college, competing in the pageant of Fabulousness with her old friends. I do think she’s grateful, because she had no future whatsoever before her youtube success.
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MPK comments section : his fans are after Stephanie now... and he didn't delete their posts (he read this part of the comments section) :

Debra G

18 hours ago
Completely understand the ‘no more gifts’. Michael needs to create his own memories about the things he chooses to have around him, without accommodating other people’s detritus. ‘Stuff’ is a massive physical and psychological burden, and a financial burden too if duties must be paid. If people are upset about Michael setting sensible boundaries then that’s on them to do some soul searching as to why.
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Nannie G
Nannie G
16 hours ago
I find it quite uncomfortable to watch the ‘cadeaux’ vlogs, I’ve stopped now and unsubscribed, I’m glad Michael has asked for no more gifts, of course people are kind and generous but it has become embarrassing.



Sean McGuire
Sean McGuire
16 hours ago
I don't watch the cadeaux vlogs at all. It's a nice thought, but it's boring to me



susan brown
susan brown
16 hours ago
Yes ..where does it all end,keep accepting presents.



Darlene Chandler
Darlene Chandler
15 hours ago
Brilliant comment, so true and what does one do with all of those gifts.



Barbi Button
Barbi Button
13 hours ago
Living tiny is difficult enough. I am glad he stated although I am sure he has been more than grateful. I'm glad I didn't send the Beatrix Potter teapot. Only if he says, I can't find one anywhere and I'd like to buy one; I would then send it as a gift, of course



10 hours ago
I think calling it "people’s detritus" might be a bit harsh. You can be assured that Michael's not considering sending any of that free Spode to the tip. Getting an expensive Christmas plate replaced by a viewer certainly didn't seem to place any undue psychological burden on him. I think it's admirable that he's trying to stem the tide of gifts, but if he were ascribing any deeper meaning to it, he would have said so. I haven't given him any gifts, but I neither resent nor disparage anyone who has, nor do I assume it necessary to preemptively project any negative assumptions on or about anyone who might be disappointed that they missed their chance to give him a gift. Better to let folks feel how they feel, rather than invent a hypothetical gift giving strawman fan to white knight against on behalf of Michael. We're all fans. No need to make a show of who's the bigger fan or to judge other fans. People care enough about Michael to want to give him things. That's great. He has everything he needs right now, and that's great too. I salute anyone and everyone who gives of themselves for others, and I thank those who have done so for Michael, now that I've taken the time to comment on it.
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10 hours ago
@Nannie G Other than watching 10 minutes of a random one once, I've only watched the 1st one with Michael, because it's Michael, and I still haven't made it all the way through. I've been watching it in pieces. I understand why they do it, but it's not for me.



Julie Weaver
Julie W
8 hours ago
@Nannie G I'm happy to read what you said because I also don't watch "Cadeau" anymore. I'm embarrassed watching Stephanie always grabbing other people's gifts to look at them before they have had a chance to finish unwrapping it, or tells someone what their gift is even before they open it because she received the same thing from the same gift giver. I'm sorry, but she looks a bit greedy and/or impatient opening gifts and doesn't like it when Antoine does the same thing to her <clearing throat>. I would think she has enough goodies by this point in time. Soooo, Michael had the grace to ask for no more gifts. Good on him.
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Rainbo Catz
Rainbo C
4 hours ago
@Julie Weaver : remember, Stephanie is an only child........just sayin'


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Lalande seems very excited about a pumpkin patch. Since they look here for inspiration....

images (33).jpg
Woodland Watch

Selmar's autumn get away


Carving ideas
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I follow several vloggers on YT. Mostly gardening, how to, and craft channels... Some cooking, history and art...
They all hit the big BIG numbers when it comes to views and subscribers.
Some have links to products so maybe they have kick backs or sponsorships...

One thing I noticed about these vloggers, they NEVER mention money. They NEVER EVER say anything along the lines of the teaser if you want to see more it's in my Patreon vlog... They never say gee whiz I wish I had ________. They never say thanks to you I bought this. They never say Patreon makes the videos possible...
Nearly all of them do NOT say anything about like and subscribe, ring the bell, turn around three times and spit over your left shoulder...

The just do their thing and if there is money to collect any reference is absent.

Seems like many of the chateau channels pretty much all have the same common denominator of the hints, ask and beg and veiled please keep it coming if you want to be entertained, pretend, and live vicariously through me...
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She's clearly planning to "forage" someone else's garden for her floral "arrangements." Taking grifting to the next level. Imagine being her neighbour and coming out one morning to find that your roses and peonies had disappeared!
I was pretty much thinking the same thing! She wants to have it all served in her lap, beautiful gardens that she can video, then get applause from her misfits, and stuff some branches and ribbed flowers in milk bottles and rustic jars. If she was truly interested in flowers, she'd grow them, learn about them properly.
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Chatty Member
I love this comment (from the latest CD vlogs about Chateau de Brives :

James S
12 hours ago
Stephanie's reaction when told it's an IKEA kitchen!! LOL! Maybe you could use IKEA units for your room just off the kitchen, rather than having a custom one built in England.

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