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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
"They are on to it quicker than Brenda's attachment to SJ's throat". Bloody brilliant! You have made my day!

Bloody brilliant! You have made my day!
Oh for Peter Kay
To dress in shat too shite
and create a series of Chateau Nights.

We've had Phoenix Nights,
Amsterdam Nights,
I need to see Chateau Nights!

They have some cocks, frocks and sofa covers
Could be more fun than Ibiza Uncovered
As long as they listen
And don't turn into Manumission ;)
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
Hello! Yes, lycra/dressing gown David that's the one. Obsessed with toblerone. Seemed sad.

Her one is called Château du Masgelier. Her fb doesn't really say what she's up to -i guess restoration is ongoing.
I saw it for sale this time last year on a French property website. As to whether it has sold I have no idea.
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My understanding, and I am quite prepared to be corrected on this, is as follows: SJ has handed over the running of the B&B and workshops to Nati, who is a paid employee, paid from the profit for these, or in the event of loss, costs are covered by SJ. B&B expenses will continue to at least cover the expenses of the volunteers and SJ herself with accommodation costs, food, car expenses etc. For personal income, SJ is and will use the ad revenue from all channels with the exception of the gift one. As well as her personal expenses, depending on income, she may be able to fund elements of the chateau works which do not meet the regulations of the not for profit Patreon account, e;g; the swimming pool. (although some of that might be able to be written off on B&B losses as guests will be able to use it), Expenses from you tube ad revenue that are for accommodation whilst filming, meals whilst filming, entrance fees, even clothes and items brought for demonstration, equipment for filming and editing should all be tax deductible from the monies before SJ receives a net amount. To me, all this is perfectly acceptable. SJ is providing content to subscribers in return for being paid. She therefore will not need, nor want to use Patreon funds for personal expenses. Obviously. if she has other income streams from inheritance, private investments, or subsidy from family, that is none of our business.
now she sure can do it like u said in case she had doubts =] swimming pool etc can be written of B&B and the whole filming gig can be marketing for the BB as well
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I don't watch the Cadeaux but I don't mind them. I do feel she is genuinely grateful and just well-behaved to want thank everyone, so no matter if an apron again or the super gift. Also she donates the revenue which she doesn't need to. But the very last group foto is really awkward, I wouldn't agree taking it as a volunteer.
I would kindly suggest that you watch the last one, i did bc so many ppl commented, you will see for yourself, I did and suddenly understood what everyone was talking about
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She's drinking $20 bottles of champagne, it's not Dom Perignon.

IMO The French are no more difficult to make friends with than any other nation. You just need to learn the language, even many French understand English, they feel uncomfortable speaking it.
Yes, also from my experience they tend to go out in crowds. It is difficult to find entry in a group of friends which know each other from kindergarten. Especially if you are not dating one of them. And even if you do date the friends kind of have to like you and accept you. I can imagine that quite a lot female friends will not easily accept Stephanie 😂

I think the majority of bookings and enquiries come from English speaking prospective guests and volunteers. The business correspondence will be passed to SJ as she is the one that can make decisions on that front. I think many people could do Nati's job but in Nati she has a person who, I believe, she does like and even admire. Nati is bi-lingual, travelled and has recently purchased her own property. She is always delightful, mild mannered, modest, and co-operative and prepared to appear in all vlogs whilst not wishing to hog the limelight or start her own. I also think she is a keeper of confidences. These qualities are far more important. If I had to choose my team, what she has, is actually pretty near it.
Really? Nati has bought some property? Near lalande? I would not know that? What are her plans?
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
All sort of brown sugar exist in France. If not in your supermarket, certainly in your Biocoop shop or other specialised shops which are numerous in every French town.
As the article you posted states, French brown sugars are very diversified : cassonade, vergeoise (soft), sucre de canne etc etc.
In French, it's called sucre roux (red colour sugar) not brown sugar. But I suppose that Stephanie's french is good enough to know this.
Good to know. (y)Thought it was a cane vs beet difference going on DL's article.
It is then rather shocking that she does not know this.
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Of course, how could I have missed it! 😆

Seriously though, we know thing for sure. Stephanie doesn’t slum it.
From what I’ve seen from the vlogs, it’s fully renovated inside and possibly on the top floor. Curious to see how she’s decorated it.

I know a lot of you don’t like Stephanie’s interiors, and sometimes, yes I wonder what the hell is she is doing. But I like that she’s a rule breaker and takes design risks.
In today’s Cadeaux at the Chateau she clarified that the Marquis’s apartment isn’t decorated yet 😉 thanks Stephanie. We were mystified in this forum about the hodge podge decorating scheme going on there!
it is not that I don't like it, it is fun in a way, I just don't get the esthetic of it
its like a puzzle, I am trying to find some predictors and common denominators of what to expect next, or why the previous stuff is there, but so far she buys anything outrageously expensive, collectible, antique (something that would have value if restored - nothing wrong with that) but it just doesn't go together
if you take the pieces and put them in different homes than it would make more sense, some of them you should get rid of altogether (there is a lots of kitsch and I dont mean the gifts)
so far to me it is not design risk (I really wanted itto be) but more like no taste of spoiled girl (it is all brands all value some memorabilia - we bought it somewhere with my father... but no coherence or style)

this brings me to the thought since she has home in London and one in SA, she still might restore the manor till she finds a baron, till the patreon money flows, till the naive volunteers put the work in, then sell it and make a serious buck on it as was the original plan
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🚨🚨🚨 It’s official 🚨🚨🚨

Last nights vlog highlight - sunset 🌇
Clarity was found 🦄💚🦄

I’ve a permanent allergic reaction to
His nostrils 👃
His prancing
His snorting behind camera 📷 to assure us all he’s still there

needs to realize she’s not a mythical figure
Neolithic man could distinguish weeds
And not stinging themselfs
And she’s not a nymph sipping Champers with her wedding bouquet

Reigns supreme 👼🏻

Has a sting in her smile and a glance you’d cease all activities at forty paces .....😐
Jury’s out on her

New girl
Well I found I was distracted by the VERY knowledgeable PP refusing to get out of shot for her premier introduction - trotted little bug 🐛

LOTL still buzzing ...... gotta adore that

Hello 👋 to all new members
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This came up before. I still think MP is the one not driving.
well I guess that’s up for debate . But looking at pics of mp these days, he always gives the impression he’s sucking his cheeks in to give the impression of high cheeks bones, :cool: especially in posed photos . It looks like the Driver is doing the same IMO. Must have been before he got chubby in ettc diy. ;)
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Well-known member
@Takeaway I'm curious now. How does she pronounce dahlias ? Or how do you pronounce it ?
I haven't been shocked by her prononciation as it's the way we say dahlias in french.
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@C'est la vie @frenchessence Yes I noticed the reappropriation of MPs bedroom! We should be thankful she didn’t say Ps new room🤭

I'm actually more worried that it means pp has moved into sj's room! I wonder if they'll reveal that they are hooking up in a vlog - i reckon public opinion of both sj and pp would plummet after that. He is over 20 years younger than her and sickeningly sycophantic. Hopefully, the whole thing will be extremely short-lived. A lockdown romance borne out of necessity, soon forgotten when new excitement comes back to the chateau.

i think mp has taken to sleeping in the more luxe b and b rooms. last time he was there, i remember the mention of the smell of his perfume when they were in one of the plusher rooms. take from that what you will. either sj distancing herself from him, physically and emotionally, or mp decides he is too good for the undecorated rooms and has more expensive tastes now...
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I noticed someone in comments is asking for a breakdown of where the ad revenue is going in the renovations...not been deleted yet and it would be interesting to know where the pennies made from that is used. (I used to watch them but stopped as soon as gift-gate started and patreon skyrocketed). Funnily they also seemed to sarcastically comment on the new porcelain straight after enquiring about fund usage....👀
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
🚨🚨🚨🚨 officially
had an accident
Laughing 😂

Superb 💝💝💝💝💝
Your officially ⛽
( it’s a good thing )

Well I voted for 2 of yours

Also for @66carola Hohoho 💝

#12 days of junk .....
decisions decisions 👁
Got it, daft person here thought there would be list with tick boxes somewhere. Oh dear lord, how formal is that 😂

"you can allegedly in principle absorb so much energy that you won’t even need food (no, the sungazers haven’t really managed to grasp the idea that humans lack photosynthesis)" 😂 😂 😂
Breatharianism is just another name for eating disorder or drugged up loon 😂
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Active member
Oh oh I see a trip to the brocante and/or expensive porcelain shop to purchase a specific plate to showcase said khachapuri

Good on Isabelle for reading through our Tattle! That’s the only way they’ll get any form of constructive criticism. What’s the saying- ‘keep your friends close but your enemies tattlers closer’ Not that I think in any way we are the enemy🥰 but couldn’t think of a better way of describing our ongoing interest/support/microscopic investigation.
Of course they read it, We discussed why SJ hadn't mentioned MP for ages, and hey presto! She mentions him twice! Telling him to come back to share their new his and hers mugs! And opens his pressie for him!

I gave up very early on, how many videos can you string painting a door over!!!!
And just because SJ manages to fill 30mins a video doesn't mean you have too.....stopped with the padding drone shots that take up half the video
Someone ,a patreon, asked on the Petherick's vlog where his vlogs were, as hadn't and put one out for a week, ol Ma Trotter said he was very busy, and would do one when he could! Really, they are so blatantly just money grabbing Con artists!
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Selmar seemed stoked to me. He took a chance, drove for a couple of months and then ended up there. Now he's permitted to work in France and he has his own business. I felt like it was emotional, but maybe some sadness thinking it's all blown up on a little corner of the internet and it'll change things. He ain't wrong about that.

I have full confidence in Dan now with all those piles of poo. Spring is going to be wild, and he's going to have a lot of things to be proud of.

I think we will see a lot more of Cat (in the soap that the Chateau Diaries indeed is) as she now has a bona fide real job as a manager of a virual choir.
She's my daughter's age and I just love her. What a weird time to be 25, in a virtual choir, living at an internet chateau and having someone ask you "what is your purpose in life". She's real cool. She'll have to commit to something someday, but she doesn't have to do it now.

Missing @Calvignac and @soll and their wisdom and contributions. There has definitely been a shift in the matrix over the last 48hrs. We seem to have gone from general banter and comments about the channel and the vlogs to some quite personal comments.
See you all on #5 x
I hope I'm not guilty of this, but I'm also not sure what personal comments refers to either. I'm having a conversation and now it feels like there are teams I don't know about. If I inadvertently joined one, could someone let me know which one?
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Good grief - that's a lot of work there - thank you for transcribing it. When SJ says to Selmar ‘you really *saved* me and mummy’ 👀 and ‘we’ve done it together Selmar’..... seriously Stephanie ?

As far as the tango goes ... yes it’s passionless (I also saw him change his grip on SJ) but ultimately this man is a passive admirer, he will occasionally inch forward in a sub manner, if he thinks it may not be noticed, but he doesn’t have the confidence to make any overt moves. I feel he knows his place in the pecking order of Lalande/LOTL but his eyes betray his heart. SJ would never be involved with Selmar. He’s a good guy but not one for Ms. Jarvis.

I see her as someone who loves to be adored - in friendships and personal relationships. I don’t want to use the phrase ‘dog in the manger’ but can think of no other .... she will always keep the men in her life close to her, even if they become ex-boyfriends. As @sandro37 says, she will tighten the leash if one of her pack makes a move to escape, albeit with compliments and emotional
when I was transcribing it I realized that
"I was on the beautiful place, on the farm, but at one point I got a feeling I had to go, and really I had to come, I don't, I cannot explain, I already was connected to it, to come here, so I drove months before I was expected here..." - Selmar believes that there was some unexplainable higher calling, something in the stars what got him there, that he was supposed to come and it was confirmed by getting his "business" off the ground in random country during pandemic

what we often see in these parasitic relationships is that the person believes/ is made to believe, that there is something more to their story what noone else understands just them, that it is so so special, all of it
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as a side note .. I watched a tv programme years ago with Jeremy Clarkson eating small birds with a group of people in France. They all had tea towels on their heads and ate the birds under that, bones and all. Twas very bizarre.
Once again, this "tradition' is from South of France, Provence. These birds are called ortolans and are seen as delicacies by Provence people.
The rest of France has never eaten this.

Just read it. Revolting....
Sd I said, it's a tradition from some part of South France. The rest of France has never eaten this.
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So, Dear Brenda has written a long, rambling (but actually quite factually accurate) rundown of Patreon and why her members of her ‘unofficial’ FB page should consider ‘patreonising’ LOTL. It’s not her post that raised my eyebrow but a comment. Can any patreons here who watched the Cat interview vlog enlighten as to what her ‘one comment’ was?

View attachment 324922
I think this might be what you are looking for:
Yes, and Stefanie was really nice to her, she is a fine interwiewer. Interesting that she is so into music. Would love to hear her properly sing. Quote about SJ: "You look so good in a suit, it's a pity that you don't have a real job"😂😂😂 But who was this Emily girl she mentioned?
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