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Well-known member
Nosegate! Is anyone a patron of Michael? We ought to ask him in a Q & A if he has ever driven, or why he doesn't drive. Then I would WIN (Trumplike).
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Don't know about the singing or habits. I would assume SJ doesn't train her voice regularly like with the professionals, plus the lack of decent recording equipment and the space itself affects how the sound is picked up by the ear/mic.

On ETRF, got to say I'm not a fan of the layout of the kitchen. Bloody hardworking though, and neighbours Didler and Carol seem like really nice supportive people.
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I found it rather strange for her to say it was rather wingy getting up and working at a desk? Serioulsy? I don't think it was an intervention I think people were getting annoyed by it. As for Marie ohhhhing and awwwing over flowers that was a bit much last night. Cat is a gem, she's trying to get everything organized which should have been done years ago. It looks like the anitques road show threw up in there.
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I must admit that I dont understand half of this msg, but I tried to be as objective as possible nothing personal, just observation, I am not the fake one here
dont get me wrong, I watch her videos and they are amusing but at the same time I cannot help it and I analyze what I see
I would even go so far that I would say that I am learning from her - how to be charming to men so they do all I want and more, how not to show jealousy, snobbism, how not to offend the new partners of my ex BFs while still having dates with them ... all useful things
No worries, you just came across a bit too aggressive and bitter. This thread is also about live, love and laughter ;)
Nobody's denying SJ is ambitious, adolescent, attention seeking princess, who thinks her life is fabulous and superior to normal lives. She's vlogging about her life, for goodness sake, aren't these qualities fundamental? She's a great hostess, people person and entertainer, there's no doubt about that. Her flaws contribute to her interesting, a bit too much personality. In many ways her life is a charade and her castle a folly, it's infuriating how she decides not to see realities or act according common sense, but it's an essential part of her charm. Let's try to keep the conversation light and entertaining :)
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In the last vlog with Selmar's beautiful words, and SJ's too, I totally didn't get that he had particular special feelings for her at all. His eyes were on everyone, I think he values the whole community, and his place in it. He didn't linger on SJ at all which would have been telling if he did. But he didn't. I think he genuinely likes everyone, and their lives, but appreciates each person's contribution, which is lovely. Except Philip (my opinion). Who knows exactly what he was doing before but he seems to be very happy that he found this place at this time, and it's working out for him. Good luck to him.
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@Raspberrybrulee I’ve just watched the second part of Dan and Annalise vlog. Really impressed with how much he‘s getting done and ON HIS OWN! Poor bloke looks like it though... Its so nice to see how all their neighbours are happy to help so they must have a good relationship with them. I know Ive commented on the untidiness of their plot in the past but we don’t know what it was like before they moved in. At least they’ve taken on the renovation so it must be a relief for their neighbours that it won’t be a derelict heap for very long. Just shows what can be achieved when you’ve a Christmas deadline 😉
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La Brocanteuse

Well-known member
@Calvignac Yes it’s all changed in the last year and I blame the superfans! As soon as gifts started to appear and the adoration flowed SJ character changed and not for the better. The videos now are geared towards keeping the superfans and high paying patreons onside.
I wonder how long it will be before she gets sent the full range of last nights porcelain, discontinued or not? Fans around the world will be trawling websites, charity shops, cellars, kitchen cupboards, family airlooms......

Has this superfan not watched any of the other vlogs?
There’s already a link to this set on the Replacements website helpfully provided by a superfan should anyone wish to buy it as a Christmas gift...
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Can you imagine that Agent Isabel and the princess would use this forum as a review/rating source to know which volunteer/protagonist to keep and who to let go? Like it is done when filming reality TV?

They are for sure not using this as a source of constructive criticism - they are both thinking too highly of themselves to do so, the roles are reversed and we are observed as a little microcosm?
I imagine they’re reading like anyone whose life was suddenly in the limelight, and all of our observations fall somewhere on a spectrum between Cbomb to C U next Tuesday.
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New member
I make a rum cocktail with raw eggs in, never had an issue.
Same goes for (fresh, handmade) mayonnaise, aioli, caesar dressing, steak tartare... plenty of sauces and dishes out there include raw egg yolk. It's fine as long as the eggs are fresh and it's eaten straight away. Unless one's pregnant. Or if it puts you off, of course!
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Trotter Boy hasn’t come in terms with his mediocrity. His vlog will improve 100% when he drops his facades. That Michael we saw in Lalande a year ago needs to come back. Now he’s too self-aware, too obedient for the non-existent “how to do a perfect YT-video”-rule book that he’s managed to drain all relatability and emotion out of his vlog. Even Pa Trotter seems hilarious and interesting beside him. It’s just a boring documentary of building a gardener’s cottage, he hasn’t filmed anything interesting for a long time. He’s totally forgotten his main audience is middle aged women, he doesn't like this fact, but he hasn't got any street credibility with a younger crowd or DIY men.
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
Gosh, Stéphanie was so PROUD to introduce her baron as a "real aristocrat", it was even embarrassing for her !
Now, it's clear that her dream is not only to live in a chateau 😂
'Now, I ain't sayin' she a gold digger
But she ain't messin' with no broke'
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Very, very funny ... I thought the same ‘ooo flowers’ Cue the baby voice :) You are exactly right, it was as though she’d never seen a bloom before. It was ridiculous to walk along with a wilting blade of grass and slimy old fungi and not put them down to sip her drink, it was more infuriating than a toddler who won’t be prised from his ‘blankey’ . No wonder Cat gave her the side-eye. I feel mean to say this but I must be truthful, her flower arrangements are simply dire. In fact most of the time they aren’t even arranged , simply shoved in a milk bottle (ready for LOTL to be effusive over) The other night SJ fawned over ‘Marie’s incredibly pretty table’ and we saw the camera pan over a few untidy bits in vases & some knives and forks on the table. About as basic as you can get. I’ve worked as a florist and if Marie were in my shop I’m sorry to say I’d either be training her up or more likely looking for new staff.

As Heathcliff mentioned, Cat is throwing Marie some fairly dodgy glances, which really amuses me. I think Cat is THE most authentic person in the chateau and I really like her.

Marie definitely seems cheerier without Hanni in the chateau though much of her new found smiliness doesnt quite come off as before. It seems a bit forced. I’m glad Marie is still doing a lot of cooking. She shouldn’t give up her culinary skills for full time florals imo ! Just saying ......
The bit-what-I've-put-in-bold is what really gets me. I'm not a professional florist but have done lots of paid-for "commissions" for big parties, weddings, dinner parties, etc and Marie's offerings are, frankly, pitiful. I know she does flowers in her Patreon videos and maybe they're rather more inspiring. using the lovely (expensive) things she has delivered from the wholesale chappy. Goodness knows what happens to those arrangements afterwards. What we see in CD are leftovers-and-random-hedgerow-bits-shoved-into-a-jam-jar which sends Stephanie into a delirum of wonder. What we see isn't an awfully good advert for Marie's floristry skills IF she wants to makes a career out of it...which I think is her intention.

I realise she's not employed as the Lalande in-house florist but, even so, if I were her I'd use the opportunity to my advantage (in the nicest possible way, natch!) and plonk a large and beautiful arrangement, filled with delphiniums, lilies, etc, etc, in the grand salon - a bit of product placement, if you like!
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