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If SJ is there, BJJ is most likely there with her. Just not in the same room as Trotter.
BJJ just isn't "cute" enough for Teabag Trotter's IG stories! Those two have always considered each other abrasive.
They both think of themselves as experts in cutlery, crockery, painting/art, music and upholstery...They're in serious competition at kissing SJ's butt! They can't be in the same room together! Their combined gay power would emanate gay energy so strong either one of them are able to withstand. It could only result in a gay catfight.
When two tops go to war
A point is all that you can score
(Score them all, score them all)
When two tops go to war
A point is all that you can score
(Working for the back gas)
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The Gardener

Chatty Member
So Selmars Patreon Site is up and running. I was saddened to read...." While I remain happily employed at Stephanie’s château for the near future, I have a growing aspiration to begin focusing on my own projects " Near future is short term. :(
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There is a lot more under Manor but too many for me to put here but they have itineraries listed there no pricing. Must be like cruise ships whereby you choose your excursions with additional fees.
Just had a thought since they are limited in accommodations down from eight to four maybe five. Could it be that they are renting? Could it be the place where SJ & Phillip were for her convalescence that seemed very small though.
E995pp to watch FRK put weeds and grass in a jam jar! E2500 pp for the Disney sewing experience. I think someone is having a laugh!
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Reminder of who she thinks she is. This is her bio on YT...

Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill
36 subscribers
Independent Producer/ Indie TV Presenter/ Content Producer of Television Programing(Factual)
From her unsuccessful Just Giving page (circa 2010)


I trained in visual and performing arts as a youth, and later majored in sculpture and design at Syracuse university, where I had the privilege of training under the late, great Rodger Mack. I moved to London right after school and have had a pretty full life in that time. After almost a year starving on £3.50 an hour (one of my best jobs!), I started worked for myself and have since been involved in a variety of projects mixing the creative and emotive with the practical. I've had luck and misfortune and more than my share my share of thrilling success and agonizing failures, both professionally and personally... although I could have done with less of the misfortune and failures to be honest (not that I am being ungrateful).... After a very, very, long roller-coaster ride, I finally realized business was not only not for me – it was killing me! So, about 3.5 years ago I left my defunct business head behind and started a small production company (by small I mean myself) writing, presenting and producing positive based lifestyle programs on video and also writing screenplays, which is what I am doing now. For my future I hope to one day create an animal sanctuary, or some other sort of significant animal related foundation, to continue my writing professionally and perhaps in later years to eventually be able to return to visual fine art as a hobby.

My vocational interests lie mainly in animal welfare – specifically the protection of orangutans and other great apes. Another main concern is with the protection and ethical treatment of factory farmed animals (that is animals “mass produced” for human consumption). This is an underrepresented area – even by those who make animal welfare their focus. And yet in order to nourish and clothe most of the world, commercially farmed animals typically suffer the vast majority of the continuous and shocking daily cruelty inflicted on animals on our planet. With all their fur and teeth and claws animals are fragile. Their suffering at the hands of ignorance, greed, heartlessness, human desperation and apathy, is not something we can ignore as we sit looking down from the top of the food chain. For the great privilege of primacy, the welfare of the other species we share this earth with must be our responsibility. Animals feel pain and fear and sadness. They feel love and comfort and joy. Animals are innocent and their plight created by human kind touches me more than I can say.

with Love - Tatyana

Their suffering at the hands of ignorance, greed, heartlessness, human desperation and apathy, is not something we can ignore
Maybe this explains her attraction to Selmar?
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Couldn't believe how small SJ was in the car.

I see tonight's was filmed before the gift grab which showcased Marie and Antoine's new hair before tonight when we saw it getting done.
And the fact she wasn't wearing her expensive driving glasses!
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My apologies if this has already been discussed but it was new to me today and I thought I would share. Can’t believe the pivot methinks comments from tattlers may have had an effect. Now providing accommodations including food and transportation. Disney inspired! Look out for copyright issues. Disney very protective of intellectual property. Marie W pops up as an expert now we know why she needs a vehicle & why she is not moving until later in the year. They’ve been busy! Any thoughts? Sorry it may have downloaded in the wrong sequence.
I literally can't imagine anything more meta than sitting in the Dordogne sewing Disney princess costumes with three other Martians.
Nothing is real to these people.
Note how carefully they stipulate there will be no expert instruction -- you're on your own, with your fellow ninnies as teachers.


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He said he was a top on his Grindr. 🥰

Oh Davey. We can never get together. :cry:
I'm purely a LEGO girl... woman... Human female who collects LEGOs

Comment of the day:
View attachment 580204
I'm a lego man, but my one of my brothers had play mobile and we used to gang up on him and make the characters do rude positions.
I enjoyed reminiscing tonight 🤣
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I just want to see the terrace updates ( or stagnation), what is going on with the water situation for the garden, how the trees they bought( stupid, thoughtless choices... Come on Dan, speak up!!), the progress of the koo koo China pantry.....AND last but not least......drum roll.....if the bird poopy tub of water got cleaned up!!!!

I know. I am asking for the world.
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I was so happy to see the Lalanders getting fed this evening. I was worried that they starved before. Michael Potts added that extra something this evening.

On another note, Marie (bagheads wife) looked gorgeous. For the tractionist sewist, she could take note of a classy dress made from organic material with a V&A print. She can only dream...the little sour Puss that she is. She looked like she was chewing crow tonight.
I think I have a bit of a crush now on Nick's Marie not the 'ist woman 😍

I thought Philip looked a bit like Hitlers' long lost son this evening with that weird little 'tash' thing going on under his nose.
He was pretty unconvincing in his statement re their routine of "being regularly tested"...hmm🤔 At least the nurse had no trouble finding your nostrils Philip. I hope he wasn't allergic to the cotton bud!

Steph, Is in need of a botox boost or relaxer on that right eye. I learned all about Botox from the lovely ladies on here who explained it to me. I have not yet suggested to Mrs G . I value my privates too much.

Talking of privates...much discussion was had on the size of feet tonight and Davey is getting a fan base. I think Steph has been in lockdown too long as many crotch shots were forthcoming. Philip of course covered up with his manly badger apron.

The Play mobile brought back fond memories of torturing a younger Gibson brother. I felt like doing the same thing to Davey and Philip's little playmobilefest. Dominatrix mobiles characters are the best.

All in all, I can happily say I earned top dollar with my humble review. :)🤣
Dang it! This made me laugh out so obscenely loud here at Starbucks, everyone looked at me with disgust! Good one!
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Active member
Can someone please explain to me what Disney-Bounding means? Ive no idea!
Apologies if someone already answered, but adults can’t wear costumes at Disney parks. But if you wear street clothes and that look like the character, that’s fine. For example you could wear a blue shirt, red cardigan and yellow skirt and be Snow White. Which makes no sense for a workshop, because it’s not sewing! It is just putting together casual clothing to look like a Disney character.
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My vote is on Trotter too. And I too would love to see them spar....with vintage cutlery no less! Ouchy....mommy Steph -anyyyyyyyyy👶😥😭
I personally think Trotter knows more about everything than Snorts... ( no! Not just THAT!) HA HA.
Trotter knows more about AGA cookers than BJJ for sure, but BJJ seems a little more cultured, while MPK is a social climber F&M/Spode kinda guy who comes from a long line of Pavees.

Grifters of a feather grift together ...
In the Sara Cole vernacular: Griftists of a feathist grift togethist.
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BJJ relegated to the end of the table!
I have a hunch that when SJ gets together with her fellow chatelains, she excludes her staff from the gathering. They are, after all, her servants.
She lives in this imaginary modern-day-yet-Edwardian aristocratic bubble where she believes she can't mingle with servants in real life unless it's to oversee with her phone in hand what they're supposed to be doing. Nutty, and FRK seem to find their own fun, which leaves BJJ out.

*and no, that visit to the Fleuries was an exception. Marie was the "guest of honor" on that visit.
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Marie is heading to Edd and Anna's Chateau Lagorce, a popular hangout for Billy Trotter! Michael Meth-Rick just turned up.

As @Marquis de Potpourri predicted, Marie is there to pick up Michael.

As Anna and Edd run a wedding business, I'm hoping Marie is there to learn how to make wedding flowers, not to teach!!
My prediction turned out half correct. As it turns out the whole Lalande gang is partying at LaGorce!

sj at lagorce.jpg
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Lalande has a new volunteer : a young woman looking healthy and "normal"... so far. ;)
I am terrible at first impressions but the first thing that came to mind as I saw the new volunteer sitting there is, "She will kill them all in their sleep"! Ain't that terrible? But it is what went through my mind!
The gift grab was so dull I fast forwarded thru it in less than 5 minutes.
I found a better more interesting video of a 107 year old "true" grandma ( not a gangster granny) that was MUCH more watchable. I am losing interest in the crap Fanny is putting out.
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Selmar is the type we all know...a bit strange..a bit of a lazy in a dreamy fantasyworld of his own.. rather then going on with life like most people do...I dont think he is well educated..probably went to a school where he had to work with his hands...nothing wrong with that btw...more into animals then interacting with people..totally unsuitable to work in a normal workingplace..cannot handle presssure or stress..He wanted to be a model..ended up in the danceworld as a DJ..Dj he did that for a while..and through that started with tangolessons..and then to preform as a tangoteacher..he did events as a Dj with tango..mystic, middle age festivals.. and so a tent..The last 5 years before he went to Lalaland he was living in his campervan on the camping of a carefarm who takes care of vulnerable children ,doing his events there..I suspect both his parents died, and with the money of his inheretance he bought a new camper, and went off to France..Planning to do his events there...he said something about putting up a tent at lalande..but now i get the feeling he wants to put up his tent somewhere else..He is working on his support him doing so..All the things he talked about in his vlog, while viewing the sjetoo..are all the things he already did in the Netherlands.. Its just a childlike dreamer..who cannot cope with the real world and tries to escape..doing the things he wants to do..and hopes to find the same souls who will support him..I think he knows by now...the Lalaland circus is not his place..but he is very carefull not to sell his old shoes before he has new ones..

Sewer is a generic term used for people who sew. Not all people who sew are skilled enough to be considered seamstresses, dressmakers or tailors. A sewer simply knows how to either hand stitch and/or us a sewing machine. Many people sewing in factories are called sewers because they just run those machines in a straight line all day long, doesn't take much skill. I would say Sarah is a sewer at this point in her life.

Tatayana's IG account photos of herself do send up red flags. That's why I keep going on about Sillyman being scammed by her. She's playing him. She's probably playing a lot of old farts. All that business of posting innocent images of flowers and animals is a ruse to get these lonely old guys to think she's just a sweetheart with a heart of gold. I'm going with my gut feelings on this one. I think she's put him up to the idea of buying a chateau by scamming an begging. He never discussed this idea before he got caught in her web as far as I know.
I think she wants him out of lalaland..she probably said he can thing do better on his own,,,and all his fans are there to suport him..I bet he still has some money..otherwise he wouldnt have burnt his ships in the Netherlands..his Campervan also wasnt cheap...I also think he must be very carefull with that Tatyana..Those two are very alike...but i think she is smarter...He surely has to be very careful with his money...i suspect he can only lose..and earn very little...
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Didn't Marie introduce a new face fairly recently, an editor or something to help her (cos she works so so hard don't you know)? Can't remember her name, but she seems to have vanished? Maybe she's been stuffed in with wherever they've put Hanni.....
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Tea Bag has an entire set of butt ass ugly LV luggage. You know he had that shit with him to make him appear upper crust. Maybe they'll tie it to the bumper.
:ROFLMAO: 🍸 Quite. I never travel economy, and I would never be caught dead with LV luggage, it is a tramp stamp.
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