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Funny. Before Covid, I checked her TripAdvisor reviews in the French site. There was some reviews from French customers not really good. Recently, I tried to find these reviews again and couldn't find them. Simply disappeared.
LOL You are exactly correct! Unfavorable reviews are gone. When SJ first started blogging in the early days, when she was still interesting and I was an avid fan, I looked up her b and b. There were some good reviews but the bad reviews were about cleanliness and there were many comments about the chatelaine being nowhere in sight but off traveling.
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Tonight I watched "Opening gifts in the entrance hall" for a while. It doesn't make any sense to open Christmas gifts in May. It is time that SJ tells her fans to stop sending gifts. She got some nice and interesting presents but now it is a bit of junk.
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Dippy Hippy

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The Cadeaux grab is turning into" let's clear out the attic and get rid of Granny's awful old s***, and every unwanted gift we've ever been given" Some of the awful stuff arriving. That hideous broken dusty puppet, . It would give anyone nightmares. I wish I'd never seen it. I'm really surprised Stephanie can carry on. It's like watching ritual flytipping. People just get rid of your own junk.
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Madame No

VIP Member
I’m really surprised she lets them have their own vlogs. She could say it is her property so they can’t film if she really wanted to stop them.
Their vlogs are no competition for her. They're boring, and the only subscribers are from the Lonely Hearts Club that live vicariously through the cast of the CDs. I'm sure if any of them crossed the line, she'd set them straight or out they go.


Guess she liked herself in the outfit, got a lot of compliments, wanted even more so she posted it. Better would be instead to just dress like this everyday not just on occasion and feel good about yourself and not to rely on praise from 13000 strangers who never ever met you.
Yes, and the emperor thought he cut such a fine figure as he paraded naked down the street! The problem with having such a blindly loyal audience is that they won't be honest with you. They'll let you make a fool of yourself over and over, all the while, telling you how great you are. It's very bad for personal growth. When I was a teacher, I was very careful not to tell children that they were smart or good looking. I would praise work effort instead, or better yet, teach them how to evaluate their own self and effort and not to rely on outside praise.
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Madame No

VIP Member
I swear SJ and BG are still connected through the whole chateau tours scam that BG set up and SJ was profiting of. Money, getting it and not losing it, is what makes SJ tick. As long as BG can get her some, she will not publicly say anything about BG. Same goes for her relationship to Semi-Spanish-Trotter-Boy MPK. She has every reason to distance herself from the disaster he has created, but won't, knowing how much the grannies love them together.
I agree. When things open up again, the tours will be back on. Maybe Steve and Sarah could be on the grand tour. BG is a snake in the grass. Wouldn't trust her at all. She has anger issues and comes across as being very immature and ridiculous. If you are promoting yourself as a tour guide, you need to post a picture of yourself, no matter what you look like. She's insecure and childish.

But I wonder since SJ is such a sunny happy personality where does it from come if not from daily multiple orgasms?
No endorphins from exercise,
no high from overeating,
no euphoria from drugs or yoga/meditation,
not even the ecstasy when performing on stage...she is never outdoors so can't be the sun gazing,
she never works long enough to experience any flow... only from the occasional glas of champagne? 🤔 It is a miracle to me.
She's an actress! She gets high off all those gushing comments and adoration from her fans on YT. The incredible high she had after the FHS Zoom call said it all. She loves the camera, she loves being the center of attention. Who knows what demons she deals with when alone. Who wants to watch a Debby Downer. And how do any of us know what 'supplements' the woman is into or not. She, herself, is always going on about what a positive person she is and always has been. Hype? Reality? Don't know, but her audience loves it and she loves her audience so she won't risk letting them down.
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The Gardener

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Leigh Winter
4 hours ago
I really used to love your vlogs. I was just looking back at them seeing how wonderfully natural things were and flowed. I suppose with success comes expectation and I can really tell how planned and contrived your vlogs have become. Such a same as it was the naturalness that caught people’s attention. That said if you have people funded you this will lead you to a place of pleasing others and becoming beholden to expectations. Such a shame. I do hope this doesn’t end badly for you xxx
Read more

This is true. i had to catch up on dozens of vlogs and still have a load unwatched in the middle but the change from start until now is striking.

SJ used the same story twice, with different cats and different guardians. Both times it was her cat and she lied about it to pretend it was okay she did not look after them.
It's NEVER okay not to look after ANY animal in your care. If you don't want it or can't keep it then Im sure France has animal rescue organisations. Thank goodness Selmar is there and is a decent man with a caring soul. All this hoohah about allergies...yeah right...they live in a massive hovel with questionable food and they'r worried about a CAT?!

That might come across as a Cat Lovers rant. I dont dislike cats and would never harm one but I much prefer dogs :)
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That ratty blue and white Spode dress she can’t seem to shed was hiked up by a belt and he stilettos out in the gravels courtyard was so thigh high you could see her knickers !!!!! Come on woman save it for BJJ in your tartlet boudoir. Her legs are all over the place. Yuck 🤢🤮. Can just see them wrapped around BJJ 😳

you notice she NEVER TOUCHES ANIMALS!!!! They also don’t like her. Speaks volumes.
I didn't know it was a spode dress.(Male ignorance of lables) Aptly named then as clearly all is on a plate .
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In the style of one of my favourite actors Anthony Hopkins. ..I am receiving my lifetime honour 🎖 from Tattle and the lovely @MojoDublin from my retreat in the garden shed.
Mrs B, no longer graces my shed and Mrs G has kindly agreed to send me a celebratory cup of tea and a ginger hobnob.
I will keep it short.

My inspiration came from the many Vlogs that CD have spawned along with the banter from my fellow compatriots. Father O Malley, taught me to observe and reflect. I observe their hardworking lives that have inspired so many of us to be indignant at their content. More diary updates will be forthcoming in the future and I have a few exclusives that I hope to share. All I can say for now is ...we were not silenced!
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Yes I think Philip & Anna read Tattle. If a nobody like Thundercloud Sara is reading; someone with a vlog is reading. Anna and Philip need to be very clear on who they are targetting as patreons as it will dictate the tone of their vlogs (ie english speaking, interests, possibley cultural background for certain sensibilities and taste). SJ has dominated the cra cra club. There is an opportunity to attract a more refined crowd (ie more discerning, non bullshit crowd, more actual small time home renovaters). Less gush and blush, more daily life, reality of chateau reno and living such a life. They need a clear marketing plan. Enough with this writing names on tiles, panels and shutters. Add a patreon page to your website and replicate on a small digital screen somewhere in your chateau where you acknowledge patreons by name on constant public display (eg a small ipad). Take 1-2 projects the shutters or facade would be good, and film it in detail - so you have a project series spliced in over several months, so the right viewers can engage with the work being done over a longer period and be educated on the work/time requirements/pressures. Educate people. SJ's crowd do not appreciate real reno, they appreciate colour, movement and dancing in the kitchen. I would love to see how unique the patreons and viewing audience is between SJ, Dan and Phil/Anna. Often it seems the later 2 are just drawing from SJ's pot. I don't think many patreons would support more than 2 accounts financially (of SJ's crowd). Nicki Positiano's vlog spiked to 100k when she showed shopping in a local grocer. Also I do think Anna needs some speech therapy. That 'crack' you hear in her voice can be resolved with breathing and muscle techniques.
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Either SJ was having a little drinky poo while editing today's edition or BJJ was editing...or maybe "man of all but none" trades, Steve was...because the beginning of the vlog when Ian is discussing the cement truck and the film crew are leaving it is all jumpy and out of order. Disjointed. Weird. Great pay for great work. Not!
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2/5 Poor
Verified traveller
18 Oct. 2018
Disliked: Room comfort
The chateaux is very atractive but terrible wifi,dinner over priced,electricity failed on one day and we were left to our own devices
Stayed 2 nights in Oct 2018

2018 they were charging guest for dinner? I can only imagine what the menu was, table d'hote or the prix fixe.

I know that this has been mentioned before....

Property is also known as
Chateau Lande B&B Crozon-sur-Vauvre
Chateau Lande Crozon-sur-Vauvre
Chateau Lande CrozonsurVauvre
Chateau de la Lande Bed & breakfast
Chateau de la Lande Crozon-sur-Vauvre
Chateau de la Lande Bed & breakfast Crozon-sur-Vauvre
The name of the place comes from the tiny stream "La Lande" running across the property; it makes a marsh aka The Lake by SJ (so chic for a château; soon called "Le Grand Canal" with capital letters please - Versailles or Venice, up to you !-:unsure:) .
Then (less than 500m) the brook makes a marsh " étang de Bordessoule" -5.5 ha - to lead to "La Vauvre", another stream (> name of the village).

Someone here (TaxInspector ?) has explained "lande " in French is a poor soil (~moor).

Notice that the "département de l'Indre" is called the "département" of 1001 marshes (in fact between 3000 and 5000). It's still a very poor area (few centuries ago, marshes provided fish).
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Madame No

VIP Member
I think Selmar will be in his element there, especially when builds a fence. He's got a lovely woodland and stream, quiet, away from everyone. Once the dead trees are felled he will be yoga tango man all over the green space. I can see him happily living there for a few years and being a guardian of the woodland.
They need to cut the ivy off from growing on the trees as it impairs the health of the tree and eventually will cause the tree to die. It's easy to do. Just cut the ivy at the tree's base and pull up the roots. You do need to keep on top of it. I've noticed so many trees at the shatoo have ivy on them. Steph and the other botany challenged inhabitants probably think it's pretty. Speaking of tango, we haven't seen any dance lessons for awhile. I suppose the novelty of it wore off. I think Natti should give salsa lessons, much more fun than tango. Tango is so serious and dramatic. Plus all that eye contact. I can see why FlowerGirl never took part. Way out of her comfort zone.
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Well-known member
All the comments about when spring cleaning will happen, or who does it, makes me just laugh. It's clearly never been a priority in all these years ago so why does anyone think it's going to be remotely a priority now? They'll just carry on living with the guano, mildew, spiders webs, dirty clothes, moths, dust and general filth as always. The smears on cabinets, walls, splashbacks, floors etc just beggar belief. But hey ho, it's cocktail hour!
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The "how does Philip stay so thin?" Had me rolling. 🤣 If you watch for longer than 3 seconds his food allergies are mentioned. He can only eat Dutch mayonnaise and vinegar. 🤣
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Clara Burnett

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BG seems to just be just as much as a scam artist as the Lalande clan but isn't as successful at it. SJ has not commented on BG or corrected her,unlike the Pethericks and other Chateau peeps that have distanced themselves from her , so SJ silence is actually encouraging to BG.
I swear SJ and BG are still connected through the whole chateau tours scam that BG set up and SJ was profiting of. Money, getting it and not losing it, is what makes SJ tick. As long as BG can get her some, she will not publicly say anything about BG. Same goes for her relationship to Semi-Spanish-Trotter-Boy MPK. She has every reason to distance herself from the disaster he has created, but won't, knowing how much the grannies love them together.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
All of the bathrooms look pretty cheap to me. I applaud SSB's decision not to partition rooms and to put the shower rooms in the thickness of the walls but the fittings look more youth hostel than chateau.
Most of the bathrooms have leaking fittings that were cheap indeed. No pressure, no hot water. And they're not cleaned properly. One would be lucky if one only finds old hair in the drains. An average youth hostel definitely scores better in this department.
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Am I the only one who is watching CD (skip 📜📜 skip) just to keep up with tattle ?
She gets more and more on my nerves with her flipping around, giggling, not planning, putting pieces from the cutting room floor together for a vlog...
And you, tattlers, make me laugh and there's always something interesting, thank you 😘
Only reason to watch it now!
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Madame No

VIP Member
I think in the show Emily in Paris she lives in one of those apartments.
As I sit in my sewing room with my saucer of cream and a side of catnip I can’t help but think of our dear Sara. No, no I am not her! Was looking at her social media to see if there were any updates on their new digs. Well I noticed that she had been doing reviews of sewing patterns. Nothing wrong with that! However if you have watched any of the actual people that are fabricating true historical garments they do not use modern patterns like Simplicity or Butterick. They create their own as they would have in the past. I fell down that rabbit hole of YouTube at the same time I discovered CD. I am amazed that SJ possesses some skills in this area but I guess too preoccupied with other amusements to have done the work herself or maybe to have helped her guest out a little.
still can’t wrap my head around the whole historical costumes workshops in the countryside. Especially when they are not historical.
Sorry to change the subject!
Bernadette Banner and Kathy Hayes are two historical costume experts that are worth following, and there are many others that know what they're doing. It takes a lot of skill in the areas of pattern making, sewing, and fitting to pull it off. Then there's the choice of fabrics and trims. Quite involved and complicated. If all you want is a Halloween costume or something to do in a pinch for a high school drama, then by all means, go with the commercial patterns. You get what you pay for. So far, I haven't seen any authentic costumes at the shatoo. Also, the cost of replicating historic costumes is very expensive. They only use natural fabrics, such as silk, wool, linen and cotton. I truly hope no one wastes their money and time taking a workshop from Sara unless they just want make believe.
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Green Ink

Active member
On the French TV program Bienvenue chez Nous, the couple who got this bedroom....ended up putting the mattress on the floor to be able to sleep for what was left of their night.
No need to say that they were not impressed by the chateau 😅
I recall the vlog where she talked about appearing in this programme. Amidst lots of grinning and laughing it was revealed that nobody had cleaned the bathrooms because they all thought someone else was doing it. Yet they managed to win the competition. They are indeed charmed.
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