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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I suppose if you nit pick, a gite is not a BnB.
I supose if you’re SJ, that doesn’t matter, as long as it keeps her cashflow up to beat.

But why on earth does he still have so many patrons even if their number is decreasing?!
Because there’s many fools around. Also, maybe some have signed up for a year or so, paid in about fools
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Madame No

VIP Member
Hopefully! Job security for Selmar and a life of leisure making creative stuff and taking animals to the vet. I'd make that my retirement plan if I could. The fans love him. I love him. Selmar por vida. 🐶🐱 She should include some of his footage in her videos, so I don't have to listen to him breathe for an hour.
I like Selmar too but his video skills are lacking. I can never watch the whole thing. Too slow and jerky. Keep practicing Selmar! Maybe watch some YT on how to make engaging videos.

I rewound to confirm that as well! Probably another reason he doesn’t want to be in the house.
Selmar has it pretty well figured out. First, he just shows up during lockdown. He's got his own digs, no need to rely on anyone else. I suspect he has passive income from something or another. He's free to just drive off whenever he feels like it. He got SJ to commit to preparing a place for his camper van near the woods edge with running water and electricity. He has plans for his 'studio'. Pretty soon he'll have SJ funding a custom built chalet with a view of the lake with the deed in his name. Well done, Selmar! You got to look out for those gentle types.

Let's all face facts, Philip and MPK are not into girls. Get off that train. They're bff's without having to be caught wearing similar dresses, no wonky cleavage competition. Steph's got guy pals to shop and romp with. Seriously who'd want that dowdy Debby Downer (FRK) as a bff?
Classic definition of a Fag Hag! With the 'boys' she can be as outrageous as she wants. Female friends at that age wouldn't put up with it. She needs an entourage and an audience. Those boys provide just that and love it because that's also what they're into. I do think MPK may have moved on to only playing with other boys. He may just find going out in public with SJ too competitive now that he's had a taste of the limelight in Madrid. Phillipa is just a baby still. He may be intimidated by the whole adult gay scene. I also think Marie is intimidated by the whole adult scene. And add that weird asexual Hani into the mix too.
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I really don't like DJ's paintings and I really really don't like the frames SJ chooses for them. To me they are completely at odds with each other.
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Bleu Lala

Chatty Member
I agree with you. The whole food situation at LaLande seems as grotesque, with the lunatics in charge, as its ethics for the treatment of workers, animals and plants. Those huge vegetable gardens and the chatelaine doesn't eat vegetables. Goes on rants about why she doesn't eat soup. Or beans. Someone mentions she says she eats only once a day -- the quarantine (and other clips) showed her eating a large bread breakfast, her mother serving her a large carb-loaded and veg-free lunch, etc.. Alcohol is full of calories. Something is deffo up. If she were bulimic, her teeth would be showing it by now.
What’s the point of a massive garden, multiple gardeners, greenhouse, etc if they never eat any of the food grown there?

I enjoyed the videos where folks were cooking stuff. She could even do a series of videos cooking different recipes from the region.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Thank you, I've been reading the site. Is there any evidence Stephanie was not paying them for their work? Tomaz' video is the smoking gun evidence they were doing all the work for her private business. Question is, were they paid? Where is the evidence for or against?
To be fair, the Workaway site has tons of evidence in the feedback pages that Workaways do all the work of B and Bs around the world, with nothing said about their being paid or not. I was shocked.
I can tell you that multiple sources, let's stick with eyes and ears, have confirmed they were not paid. My friends, who basically have run the workaway program for her have told me too: it was all voluntary work, room and board for 5 hours of work.
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Green Fairy

VIP Member
Just see a few minutes of the latest Cadeaux. Some observations. Firstly, who on earth told our Princess that she looks great in lurid yellow? So much so that she's adopted it as her favourite colour. Yellow looks ghastly on her, she's much too pale. Secondly, when she changed into the black slinky dress with the sparkling headband Stefanny looked like Little Edie from Grey Gardens. Thirdly, that entrance hall wallpaper that was a huge secret and there was going to be a big reveal is ABSOLUTELY HIDEOUS. The scale and the pattern totally wrong for the hall, and teamed with those tatty secondhand Brocante sofas, it's just awful.
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Chatty Member
MPK has updated his fans via IG. The video is supposedly ready! Only one glitch though, he's waiting for YT to do something or other. Well, he's got two hours (Madrid time) to get the show on the road. We'll see, don't hold your breath. I love how he has already set up the blame to fall on YT. Oh, Mikey, so you're so clever! Who would've thought this up?
But notice all his updates are IG Stories, so no comments. What a piece of :poop: ! Yes Michael that is you, you are a loser and a grifter. Soon all your precious Spode will either be pawned or on eBay. You had such promise, but oh what a huge disappointment you turned out to be.
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Madame No

VIP Member
MPK has updated his fans via IG. The video is supposedly ready! Only one glitch though, he's waiting for YT to do something or other. Well, he's got two hours (Madrid time) to get the show on the road. We'll see, don't hold your breath. I love how he has already set up the blame to fall on YT. Oh, Mikey, so you're so clever! Who would've thought this up?
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Chatty Member
I noticed that and thought 'leave him alone, he's having lunch'. Frpm now on I am going to mentally record the number of times she does this. It's really bad of her (as well as other things).
No! You’ve got it all wrong! It was still early morning as far as she was concerned! 😀
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I'm feeling gutted today -- had a horrible day -- family drama..... But I had to come on here. Lifts me up..... I been thinking.. so amazing how one can create a whole personality online , then a following making bank with YT ad revenue and patreon. Back in the day I had a personal site and then years ago a celebrity gossip blog type site. I don't want to dive into it too much, but I miss the good old days. I no longer do any web related work, BUt I will never forget the time Rachel HUnter emailed me to correct me on a story from Page Six. She said they were wrong and wanted to tell me personally....

Now...... What I want to say.....I found this site by looking up Chateau Diaries gossip because I was watching it for a very long time with no feedback from any other person...and well I wanted to see if anyone was feeling what I was....
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I still can't believe someone sent toothpicks and common as muck spices (from a supermarket), opened during last week's CAC. I'm keeping track of the worst gift ever.
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Green Fairy

VIP Member
Even that is counter productive as it will need to come down when they resume construction. I noticed that Selmar didn't do anything in the downstairs loo even though that was part of the byline for the vlog. He just stood there spinning his hands around his head and emitting that dumb ass laugh of his. The 'golf' tournament was boring as it is every year. Nati looked completely ridiculous in that cheap gown. I'm surprised Sarah didn't don her orange and white historic costume. It was pretty lame that she just swung an orange scarf around her head to show her King's Day spirit. How come Steve wasn't in the tournament? Was he playing along with the orange theme? That made up cocktail by Phil didn't sound appealing at all. Where the hell was the alcohol? A shot of vermouth? Boring. SJ laughing hysterically when the men were spending too much video time deciding where to put the camper van. More garbage food for dinner. No wonder Selmar's skin is looking so bad! Ho hum just another mundane day at the shatoo.
Sarah DID don her orange dress for the evening meal.


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Madame No

VIP Member
Not to bring up the “slavery” subject. One thing that has been bugging me is that these people who buy these enormous chateaux don’t seem to consider the amount of work it takes just to maintain them not withstanding the amount of renovation and money it takes to keep these mausoleums functioning. There is a reason why these huge arcs of the robber barons and the aristocrats were abandoned. They ran purely on the backs of the slaves, the indentured servants and the uneducated underclasses. I too have been struck by the bros of decay episodes. Where the inhabitants have lived in squalor in comparison to modern day living.
I no longer think that there is a “romance” to these places. Especially when one reflects upon the times in which they thrived and the social and economic injustices that prevailed.
Oh and I have no doubt with my French& Irish roots I would have been downstairs. No illusions of grandeur!
I agree with your statement. I don't mind people fixing up these old ruins, but I do mind romanticizing the past. I have always been disturbed by SJs adoration of Marie Antoinette and the royal court. Most of these people were indifferent, if not cruel, to the lower classes which far outnumbered them.
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These comments from the peeple are hilarious! He's being called out big time.
They should call him out. One of the people defending him stated working on the chateau was not the purpose of his channel, it was about his art....his channel maybe but his patreon account (in his own words) is for the maintenance and progress of the chateau. If he wants to discontinue doing what he originally vlogged on and make videos about flitting across Europe then he should make a new channel and update patreon to reflect the true nature of where the funds are going.
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Good news, finally!
Selmar envisions the downstairs loo open and usable by Christmas Day 2021!
Let's hope he doesn't get distracted by another "amazing" discovery.
6 more months.png

With his new camper location, what Selmar doesn't know is that SJ has decided to banish him to the woods,
to live on the edge of the ravine so he has more time to spend with the fairies as the new Lalande hermit!

In other news:
Marie has a legitimate concern with her (actual) teats this time because the dress doesn't seem
to do the trick even with a push-up bra supporting her teats. Way to go embarrassing your friend cook, Stephanie!
doesnt do the trick.png


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