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Derail: attention 15 hags, smart creative intuitive & multi cultural people who I find intellectually stimulating. I’ve found myself in a conundrum. And I know so many of you have many health and family issues, that I do pray for. But i need advice as many of you are in long time marriages and partnerships. I’m embarrassed to talk to my people. I’ve been married for 34 years and have been working with my husband 6 days a week for 25 years, lately he has become so disgruntled, dismissive and angry. Going as fas as embarrassing me in front of the staff. I try walking away and he hates it. Besides medicating myself to numbness I’ve no idea how to handle it!! Please advise!!!
I personally would bring it up when you’re alone. I would ask what the fuck is your problem and why are you embarrassing me in front of the staff? Then brace yourself, because something is wrong. You’ll have to find out what it is. If he won’t talk, tell him you’re not going to put up with it, and that you don’t deserve it. Tell him if he wants to fight he needs to fight fair. When you’re alone, he can bring up his grievances and you talk it out. Not in front of other people.

One other thing is men act like this when they think they want out of the marriage. That want you to leave so they aren’t the bad guy. They acts like total shits to make you be the one to end it. They also act like this when they are really resentful about something. You’re going to have to find out what is up with him. In the meantime, live your full damn life. Do everything you want to do and keep up your end of the bargain, whatever that is.
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C'est moi

VIP Member
Derail: attention 15 hags, smart creative intuitive & multi cultural people who I find intellectually stimulating. I’ve found myself in a conundrum. And I know so many of you have many health and family issues, that I do pray for. But i need advice as many of you are in long time marriages and partnerships. I’m embarrassed to talk to my people. I’ve been married for 34 years and have been working with my husband 6 days a week for 25 years, lately he has become so disgruntled, dismissive and angry. Going as fas as embarrassing me in front of the staff. I try walking away and he hates it. Besides medicating myself to numbness I’ve no idea how to handle it!! Please advise!!!
It's horrible when we have to go through this on top of all the other things we have to function with. Be strong and be honest. Find a time when you're just the two of you and talk straight and plain with him. He may not even realise he's doing these things.

I sometimes feel that himself and I have got this far more through luck than judgement, if you know what I mean! There is no road map to a super happy marriage/relationship and each one is different. I have often found that the most open truths come out in the heat of the moment. But then at other times I bide my time and wait to see what is causing the problem knowing that, eventually, it will come out in a totally unrelated conversation. But always go with openness and honesty. Tell him how you feel and how he's making you feel, those two things are not the same.

Look after yourself and be kind to yourself ❤
It's not a life you'd be proud to tell your friends your son has accomplished... What can they say? "Oh Philip? He's shacked up with a 50 year old who grifts money from gullible people. They live in a stone house with no heat.. No he doesn't work. He lives off of what she grifts, he's found an interest in E-Bay and she lets him buy whatever he wants with the money she grifts.. They just travel a lot on the grift. No, there's no pension or benefits package, she bought him a dog though.. 50% off".
And I bet there's no dental.
But….only Steph and BubbleGirl find Snorts attractive and will overlook the hair system. No one else in the world finds him sexy.
But does BubbleGirl find Thrush attractive ? Or were they just friends in crisis? I got the feeling, from her IG, that 🫧 Girl bats for the other side ?
Sometimes husbands are dicks.🤷‍♀️
Ain't that the truth 😉

View attachment 2930137

As I'm sure you're all aware by now, last night there was the most extraordinary northern lights display over parts of the world that usually never see them. Lalande was no exception! The I glanced out of my bathroom window at 1:30am, I noticed strange pale whitish streaks in a pinkish sky. I'd heard that the lights are more visible on photos, so - not expecting much - I took a photo of the dark night sky on my mobile, and the first photo above was the result! I couldn't believe it! I threw on my dressing gown and ran out into the night. Half and hour - and one drenched pair of slippers - later, I had taken all of these stunning photos around the chateau. It felt totally magical. In spite of travelling to the arctic circle, I've never seen the northern lights, and I can't believe that my first experience of them was from my bathroom window at Lalande!

Please feel free to download these photos for your own personal (but not commercial) use - I think they'd make marvellous screen savers!

Lots of love to all of you from Lalande,
Stephanie x​
The bitch has traveled to the arctic circle and wants you to fix her dump! Unbelievable! Don’t you love how the idiotic braggart had to get that info out in her message when she has been ebegging from people on fixed incomes for years!

Now she is trying to curry favor and act like she is the best friend of viewers by suddenly offering photos to download as screensavers? The poor little orphan princess, even put on a dressing gown and got her slippers drenched “running” around in the dark, taking photos for you, her dear viewers and Patrons 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. Is that worth $32,000 per month?
I picked up on that too. Bitch.
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pink roses

Well-known member
Questions ,questions ,questions? Why do they keep mentioning thanksgiving ? the Brits don’t celebrate, the Dutch don’t celebrate it , what is the deal with that?
Those coral plates? How the heck are they supposed to get them to South Africa? Do they ship them on a slow boat? There’s no way she could carry them in her luggage.
Tacos ! there are not enough there for all those people? What are they thinking?
Why does fanny always talk like a 15 year old school girl, giddy, giddy, giddy over everything?
( all this is pertaining to the last video)
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Just Grift Wood

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Oh dear that was a frightful flog. Fanny the frump in the worst pale colours that just drain her, the navy suits her but everything just accentuated her rather doughy middle.

The dinner looked ok but the size of beef allocated to each diner was just insulting-one slither per diner. Fanny leads us to believe that guests have just gone to bed at 1.30 and that her bed was empty because Snorts was clearing. Yet the next night which we know was weeks ago they are all in bed before 11pm. The rambling on about the cutlery, with the fork tines facing down (which is very none you in England and she is English)

Brocante pronunciation is the new sandwich not to mention how she says Ibis.

I was thinking that if Fanny had been wise she would have had Amaury working on projects that fulfil him. over the last three years it would have been superb content and I think he would have stayed and been satisfied. As it is he has already left and didn't appreciate being a waiter. Stephanie could have been even more wealthy with a bit of work.

MarIE's existence is just so awful she is really isolated and needs to have some friends and a bit of light and life.
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VIP Member
Derail: attention 15 hags, smart creative intuitive & multi cultural people who I find intellectually stimulating. I’ve found myself in a conundrum. And I know so many of you have many health and family issues, that I do pray for. But i need advice as many of you are in long time marriages and partnerships. I’m embarrassed to talk to my people. I’ve been married for 34 years and have been working with my husband 6 days a week for 25 years, lately he has become so disgruntled, dismissive and angry. Going as fas as embarrassing me in front of the staff. I try walking away and he hates it. Besides medicating myself to numbness I’ve no idea how to handle it!! Please advise!!!
I’m so sorry you are going through this at the moment. There have been some great suggestions from others which I hope help you both. I wish I could come up with something as well but sending you virtual hugs and I will be thinking of you. 💕💕
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
That flog was atrocious.
Ratso crying endlessly was really distressing. Snorts is an ugly dog owner.
The hair system needs a rethink.

Snorts speaking was so affected. He sounds like a real idiot not the educated one he thinks he is. A real plonker.
Oh look something vaguely oriental… oh yes pahhhfect for Nattys room , the one we know as Fuk tat that was the dining room then petit salon is now Nattys room. Are they hoping viewers will forget about Nattys apartment?

An elephant, then an elephant as a coffee table , oh I was thinking for SA. What an absolute idiot.
It seems he regards the beach house in SA as one of his properties so he will start filling it with his purchases! Is he for real, wanting to send an elephant to Africa? He is also completely without taste; the paintings and other objects he fancied were dreadful! As soon as Fanny agrees that she likes something, he immediately wants to buy it, whatever it is; he has exactly the same disorder as Fanny has and I am being serious. People with that disorder just cannot leave any retail scene with nothing. It really doesn't matter what it is, even if it's something they actually don't really like, they cannot leave empty handed.I can't understand why their loved ones (if they really have any!) don't persuade them to get professional counselling.
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After at @Pekey comment re the boxes in corridor I fast forwarded to the section in video. OMG/JMJ! 66 - 67 boxes of books, weighing up to 15 kilos (as per Grant’s comment).

Grant has packed her father’s art books (I thought they were not going to be packed). So a maximum estimate of up to 1000 kilos (1 tonne!) of books which aren’t looked at, dusted or ownership remembered. I just can’t fathom this.

How on earth are they going to get these down stairs? They don’t even own a hand trolley. I remember a guest/patron gifted Amaury 2 small wheeled platform trolleys for moving furniture.

Grant insist Stephanie hire conveyer belts to transport them down the stairs. When Stephanie said a ‘team of us’ is needed she means a team of you…and your daughter.
Was just telling this to Mr Spratt, his thoughts, like others on here, are that maybe there's been an inspection and that she's been told to offload the weight ASAP. He said the lack of attention to the buildings problems is now really going to cost her money as she's having to pay for all these extra things, like the containers.

Had she have done what she said from the start and just got on with the work, this would not be happening. Even Potts has actually voiced concerns in the past and she's just brushed it aside.

Stop the travelling, excessive personal spending, knuck;e down and get these structural things sorted before it's too late.

P.S..someone get in touch with Alex Polizzi and send her in. I'd love to see her rip Fanny and Trixie to shreds.
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Imperious Me

VIP Member
The grey, short-haired lady with black glasses looks the same.
Not sure about the bald fellow - maybe if he was wearing glasses.
View attachment 2928317View attachment 2928318View attachment 2928319View attachment 2928323
FRK needs to learn to shut up. I don't want to know that this is an emergency soup. Why do the main course and the dessert appear to be the same size? Snorty bought a new coffee service at auction - another one of his hidden shopaholic purchases,
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Gosh that's a scant meal. Soup is the cheapest thing you can make to feed a crowd. ONE scallop?? with two small pieces of pork belly... smh. If there were 5-6 courses you could get away with that... but this is NOT acceptable.
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VIP Member
So tonights shite will be meeting up with Tata and pissedup Tonton, Brrrrrrrrroconte, let's she a tear at Granny's flat as Daddy loved it here, flouce about in the new silk getups, drag the dog about and stuff him in the LV dog carrier that he's too big for. Trixie and his performing hair system sheltering from the sun's rays under a parasol trying to barter for porcelaine.

Mabe a visit to Tat n Tons gaff to show what cuz has been doing.

Chateau cam with Grunt carrying boxes and Marie blowing her nose.

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Hey ho off to Limooooooooges for more sodding plates. I was thinking why buy more bloody stuff for her elderly Mother but then of course it's of herself isn't it. They got the more expensive ones too, just didn't show it.

Then off for some traditional food from the Region, fish and chips what else. Trixie's parents must have the same ******** palate as their son.

Certainly rocking up the mileage on th Puff's Porsche. Wasn't that the restaurant the puff's were sort of interested in as it was up for sale?

Reading Trixie an ickle story about herself me me me.

Vents in the containers 🤦‍♀️ more tacky cache pots.

Traditional French food for dinner too, wow pushing the boat out:rolleyes: Sorry but fish tacos....nah....A classic tablescape, paaaarfect

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Well-known member
14 minutes ago
Look at all my porcelain. Blah blah blah. At least Dans show is interesting. Getting mighty desperate when you have to pull out the china. I've never seen a straight man so giddy about flower pots and porcelain??? How about an actual renovation video of your doing Stephanie. Must be too busy taking another "frugal" trip somewhere with another x.

2 minutes ago
I don't understand why people watch something that obviously makes them unhappy. And then they attempt to hurt those people, who are truly doing no harm, just living their lives the way they choose to. Maybe it's time to unsubscribe and find another vlog that is more suitable to your tastes

55 minutes ago
Will there ever be a moratorium on buying dishes? I'm sure there are other things that are sorely needed rather than more's getting a bit tedious and smacks of excess and over indulgence. The chateau already has so much that overflow is given to the brocantes. For those of us struggling to scrape by in this economy, it's becoming increasingly difficult to watch. We all like pretty things, but at some point - enough is enough.

1 hour ago
What's the deal with blurring your earrings?

1 hour ago
I wonder why you had to blur put your earrings. They looked like cameos buy why would that need blurting
2 hours ago
I’ve noticed Lancelot’s eyes are runny. Is he allergic to something?

2 hours ago
You drive that Porsche like you own now

57 minutes ago

Of course it‘s the loons car. No one with any common sense would lend someone else their car, let alone a Porsche and take on that kind of liability. The grifters would have to be insured on the owner’s policy. Not a chance in hell did that big boy let her drive his car for all this time. Fanny Fraud ain’t that special. Then there’s maintenance, not exactly the kow’s forte. These two trashy people are blatantly rubbing their grift in the faces of their patrons. Too bad so many of them buy every load they dish out. Truly disgusting.

Fanny is full of 💩.
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C'est moi

VIP Member
1 hour ago (edited)
Has the room with the panels that had to be stopped to put new support beam up under upstairs bedroom done yet? Did I miss seeing it finished? My hubby’s excited to see it too View attachment 2928348Excited to see itView attachment 2928349View attachment 2928350View attachment 2928351️is your Mom coming soon? Is there a bookcase for Marie’s cookbooks where they’re stacked on the chair in kitchen now? Soo many exciting additions.. was brilliant seeing your cousin build the top looks great!

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1 hour ago
I am so so sorry for asking this .....but is Phillip gay... not that it would matter anyways but just curious... been watching for years and never do we really get a look at Philips life before he met Stephanie ....

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1 hour ago
I live in Chicago ILL. and always just wondered...

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10 minutes ago
If you are sorry for asking, why just don't? It is none of our business . He is in love with Stephanie , that is all that matters
4 hours ago
I enjoy the simpler things... Like heating in the winter. Cooling in the summer. Comfortable furniture. Not a host that cannot stop talking.
View attachment 2928369
5 hours ago
You are struggling for content, which is understandable after a few years. Please understand that not all your viewers are here for porcelain and guest dinners. If you care to grow your channel, go back to your true self as vlogger. Your first two years of material were great.

View attachment 2928370
5 hours ago (edited)
I am loving this, this was her day, so it is what she is vlogging about. There is always Dan’s channel for renovations ;)

View attachment 2928371
4 hours ago
I love the daily life videos! Keep it up Stephanie 🇦🇺

View attachment 2928372
4 hours ago
I think we are seeing an evolution, which is to be expected. It feels a bit more organized and with a structure to each episode. I suspect that much of the interior jobs needed to be paused for various reasons but the Chapel restorations are impressive.

View attachment 2928373
4 hours ago
The large renovations can't be done during the B&B season because of the noise, dust, and the need to leave the hall intact for the guests to walk on. After the chapel is finished and the heating system is finished in the fall, they can tear out ceilings, floors, and create bathrooms. In the middle of the countryside, it takes months to order the materials and schedule the workmen. There were workmen over in the second yard doing stone repair last week when the guests weren't around.

View attachment 2928374
4 hours ago
I’m happy she shared her daily life and what some people might consider mundane. There’s nothing mundane in seeing the fountain and roses and what Ondine does to make the garden great. Marie’s cooking and her planning and doing so not feeling View attachment 2928375 % yet producing such works of art in the kitchen. She shared the joy Phillip feels when sharing his new coffee/tea set with his guests. How is that running out of content??? That’s enjoying the simple things in life! The above comment is cold!



View attachment 2928376
4 hours ago
Life evolves - it’s not a static story and Stephanie’s vlogs have evolved accordingly.



View attachment 2928377
4 hours ago
I love seeing her daily life. It is what she is doing. I love her authenticity.


View attachment 2928378
4 hours ago
I agree, I was looking forward to seeing panelling done etc..There was an awful lot of travelling this year too, perhaps less travelling may mean more DIY.

View attachment 2928379
4 hours ago
@user-iu2ny5iq2r reminder that they need to fix the beam in the ceiling before they can do any paneling. The paneling is essentially the last thing they are doing to the grand salon. They have to fix the beam and that takes time which is probably why they paused that renovation. They have to block off the rooms above.

View attachment 2928380
4 hours ago (edited)
@paulakershaw5452 All of the chapel renovations, the room with the heating utilities built, and Amaury's workshop moved. The staff rooms were started last year off season and two were done except the new shower room. Pavlina's room and two other rooms are started now. Channel 4 shoots causes months delay in us seeing la Chapelle finished but it was. All of the forest management was worked on and the fence material set out for seasoning. All of the gardens doubled, the new trees added including fruit trees. All the surveys for the lake completed. All the plans for the B&B improvement decided. All of the B&B rooms refreshed including ceilings plastered and painted. Cloth walls like in the grandmother's room will be worked on as soon as the Expert arrives.

View attachment 2928381
4 hours ago
Couldn't agree more. I long for some actual restoration of the chateau. All this silly content is somewhat annoying. Heartily sick of guest dinners and the endless quest for more and more porcelain.

View attachment 2928382
4 hours ago
Some of us don't mind at all. I just don't know how bloggers do it. It's a job for them and entertainment for viewers. I suppose you will no longer stay with LeLand?



4 hours ago
I just love being in their company for a few minutes everyday. I think she does an amazing job!



4 hours ago
I love the every day life! Don’t like it …….don’t watch! Geez!



4 hours ago
I am truly enjoying the daily vlogs. I don’t care what you are doing. I think it depends on who is watching. Some people are easily bored. To my knowledge I have only ever been bored once in my life and that was a few years ago and then I needed someone to tell me that I was bored. I didn’t know the feeling just thought I was a bit restless. I’m 81 yesrs old and find the days are not long enough.



4 hours ago
@helenpalmer869 then don’t watch! Simple really


4 hours ago
This is her true content, bits and pieces about what's happening in her life. And I'm happy to see it come back.



4 hours ago
@jagilo9677 Amberline, not Ondine



4 hours ago
@lenoxlenox9447 And there are some of us who totally enjoy the dogs.



4 hours ago
In what way are they struggling for content?. You have obviously seen something I haven’t. Or should I say you haven’t seen something I have



4 hours ago
The wonderful thing about YouTube is that no one forces you to watch it. Daily content creation is much more difficult than viewers realize, and evolution is one thing that keeps creators from burning out. If the changes are not to your liking, simply unsubscribe. I've done it before; it doesn't hurt a bit.

4 hours ago
@User-iu2ny5iq2r Less traveling then she has done in the past. Her vlog has never been about the renovations. It's about her life.

4 hours ago
@helenpalmer869 What you long for, has never been what her vlog is about.

4 hours ago
I'm always so surprised when random people make comments like the one above. Start your own channel

4 hours ago
Moaners, check back later. The rest of us are enjoying love, life and laughter as presented.

4 hours ago
@carolinegooder7091 not real renovations really, attic bedrooms, a little paint job & not really finished, I’m talking about the grand salon, the crumbling walls & terrace, the rotten windows, the shabby kitchen, Stephanie’s suite, Natty & Jerry’s apartments, china pantry, the lake, the heating basically the main living areas that we see on the vlogs

3 hours ago
Perhaps you could put together one vlog to show us all how it should be done!!! Pretty please!!!🩷

2 hours ago
Personally, I’m enjoying the daily vlogs. I find that watching vlogs of construction piece by piece, whether it be tiling, plastering, pointing, laying a floor, or cutting and slotting in noggins galore to be less than engaging over time. If you would rather see that content, there’s always “cracking on” with The Pethericks, Dan’s Escape to Rural France, or Bordeaux Life. I’ve never asked that they entertain me with something different on their channels, all they’re doing is filming their lives, as is Stephanie.
For the love of God, Gooder, shut the fuck up! Mind you I reckon Thrush was pissed last night. He has let a lot of information slip in goodytwoeshoes-gooders' diatribes. Ceilings down, floors up. Bedrooms finished. Behind the scenes tv filming. Really, Despicable fanny, you need to keep a tighter leash on your bitch. He's dropping you in all sorts of shit. I would urge banning the use of computers and the Internet after dinner. Might save you some fans. And a huge amount of embarrassment.
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VIP Member
This is so gross, I had to take a pink bismuth! Imagine being a BnB guest and eating Marie's boogersnots! Blech!
From Chateau Grift on FB:
Watch from 10.36 - Ugh! How did this escape the edit?

FRK 's presents her chocolate mousse face. More toddler teatime than Michelin starred!

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 05.51.05.png
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