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Mar 5, 2023

Jeeves said:
"During my short stay I witnessed 4 very unhappy volunteers, they had no heating in their rooms only hot water bottles, they were constantly on edge about receiving group messages from Nutty complaining about their work, regardless of their skills all Nutty told them to do was house work they said this was not what they signed up for and would have left sooner only they couldn't afford new flights. They all spoke about how nasty nutty was to them & said other volunteers had left before their time I can understand why."

There were four lesser known volunteers at that point (not including Russian Maria, who is "in" with the Lelande crowd.). Emilio and three girls - don't know their names. One of them had a dark bob. ( like Mireille Mathieu if anyone remembers her!)
I don't remember which female volunteer revealed that they were inadequently fed, left without transport, etc but which was well documented here at the time. Mary, the Chinese volunteer has also said that she wouldn't return to Lalande as so much had changed.
Here you go, just a few...




July 29, 2016:

Tons of great reviews should mean it’s safe, right? WRONG! I was told I could paint and decorate before I arrived. On the way “yea, just tell us what you want to do”. But, no. I had to do the laundry for 17 turning BnB bedrooms and cleaning each room/en suite bathroom. Plus, all the breakfast/lunch dishes for 15-30 ppl. They kept promising me “oh after tomorrow” etc. You’re supposed to work 4-5 hrs/day with 2 days off/wk. But, I was always pushed to do more by her lieutenant mother. “The bedding on the line is dry” at 7pm, after working since 10am. I didn’t get any days off either. Yet, three British guy helpers could paint the barn from 9-12 and then go frolicking during afternoons, even using the host’s car.

Despite the host’s daily trips to town, it took a week to get a card when my great uncle died. Looking back, idk how I even managed to stay the whole two weeks. Maybe it was the false promises of decorating/painting another day. Maybe it was the vivacious and entertaining host who threw costume dinner parties, karaoke nights, and once or twice took some of us on mini excursions to a winery and festival.

I wanted to leave soon after I arrived, but I felt a responsibility to my word. I was naive. They had a helper come to cook for everyone, but she was nasty. It didn’t matter, they needed her because they were short staffed. I wish I had left early. That was when I learned to look out for myself. I’m embarrassed by the amount of hours they made me work. I was exploited. It’s humiliating.

This host now has a massive following from being on a television show, and I’m sure, totally unaware of being exploitive because as she said “why complain if people are willing to come work for free”. They claim they don’t have the funds to run the chateau, but she also can travel to 5 star hotels, own plethoras of designer clothes and shoes, all while still owning a flat in London! #priorites

Walton in the bread oven.
This could have ended terribly.
vol. Walton (2).jpg

Emily and Tomaz summer 2020


Screenshot (199).png

Fanny the volunteer


Lalande resercher, Dr. Kimberley Preiksaitis


He looks like Ricardo's brother.

Screenshot (207).png

She did not return in September.

Screenshot (205).png

Rebeka Sastakovica
Janson Dubey's greeter

Screenshot (166).png


Mary Lee

Volunteer Mary Lee.jpeg

👇 2019 Mary Lee was an orignial slave/volunteer


Cara Winsor Hehir

Screenshot (202).png

Maaike and Sabine
Are they all looking at Philip??? They do not look impressed.


Emily Field and Stuart Folkes
Volunteers Stuart and Emily July 2022.png

Chloe Coco Galli King and Maria
Chloe Aug 2022 (2).png
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The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me" cried
The Lady of Shallott the lost lake
And look what showed up on my screen this morning?
The Lady of the Lost Lake!
A masterpiece by fellow tattlers, tattlerettes, hellhounds and hags!
Such fun to watch!
And All Done in the Best Possible Taste!:love:
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How long has this bitch been flogging? "Still very much a phase of experimentation"! Is she taking the piss? Oh, "let me know". All those long term, deep seated, sycophantic fantic fans should be offended. She's singing to a new audience!
She has put out 822 videos and this is a new experience for her? Bullshit Stephanie. Lying as usual, all day, every day, no exceptions. Her excuse was posted two hours ago, and there has not been a single viewer comment posted. She has no content because she isn’t renovating anything. She’s busy spending that 32,000 a month in patreon funds, or to be more precise spending the $20,000+ per month plus that goes into her personal pocket from the Patreon funds collected monthly.

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Wait for her next excuse.Mummy has just arrived, and we need to spend a few days of private time with her.
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮Snorts parents have arrived, and we need some private time to plan our upcoming wedding.
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 auntie and uncle have arrived but we haven’t seen them for so long we need a few days or private time with them.
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Sebastian the chapel restorer has been sent back to work at the dump and I haven’t seen him for so long. I need a few days to stalk him privately so no videos for the next week.

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Pottie has returned to the Dump for a several days break from F1 so no videos for the next three days because…………..well, you know.
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Cleo's Asp

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I was just thinking of all the "friends" who used to be in Fanny's vlogs and who appear to have vanished completely. They include: the Georgian chef/musician who was said to be a very close and old friend; his Dutch friend, whom Fanny so proudly announced was an aristocrat; another (French or Belgian?) aristocrat that she visited on one of her journeys; "lycra" cook, David, and Donna, (very old friends); the pub/hotel owner from Suffolk who came to cook; Ian, the sailing electrician volunteer who came very often; other chateau owners who were supposed to be friends: MPK & co.; Erin and partner; Tim & Rebecca; Sarah & George; the La Gorce pair; the peacock lady who lived fairly near; Nicky the cook (Marie's friend), and the lovely elderly gardner who was IJ's friend until she met wealthier Percy. Even Tess is a very rate visitor now. That's rather a lot of missing people and there are probably even more. What's happened to them all? Did they wake up to realise what Fanny is really like? Did they realise just how unethical she is and how much money she has grifted and how she spends it all for her own enjoyment and not on renovation? Did they decide they couldn't risk one more visit to a dangerously crumbing and filthy, unhygienic chateau? Are they just totally sick of being unable to sit down for a meal without a screeching bimbo sticking a phone in their face? Do they all hate Snorts? Many of them happily cooked wonderful meals and did other things for her and many brought expensive food, wine and other gifts. It seems that the only people who are still "friends" with the charlatan chatelaine are Kim, and hangers on like Permasmile who would appear on anyone's vlog in order to publicise her website. I just hope the Fleuries and Put Vidals will soon join the long list of disappearing former buddies. Fanny won't care as no one really means anything to her, and she's now trying to cultivate her richer chateau owning friend.
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Ugly people need not apply!!! Need more playmates in the Shittoo
I noticed the “ send a photo” also. Really? Stephanie wants camera ready “ pretty people.” So pathetic. Recall Clara said that Fanny hand selected male volunteers for their looks and desirability so she could get them drunk and get them to sleep with her.

Perhaps Marie is trying to select a potential baby daddy out of the recruits,

Looks like Pavlina isn’t returning to the Dump,
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Just Grift Wood

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No mention of how kind Andrew is to lend them the Porsche. We knew months ago…

Were those towels gifted from Yves de lorme or did Fanny actually buy 40? Towels at £129 for the label?
She said the B nB towels were last purchased 18 years ago-oooh what a luxury establishment she runs
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It's kind of sad when you think about it- after dinner, FRK and Dishpan Dave had to do the washing up, and then FRK had to set the table for the guest brekkie after making coffee and tea for the guests. I certainly HOPE Frugal Fanny is paying FRK a living wage, but we all know this is probably NOT the case. Stockholm Syndrome much?
I am not a fan of FRK but my god she is working like a skivvy !
So I do hope Dave and her are being given a bloody $$good wage ....... if Not you two- bloody leave and let Fancy Boy and Fanny do all the work for the B&B etc!
My god those two are just sooooo Lazy!
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1 hour ago
I do enjoy these videos as be seen la lande from the gate As we live not far from it Stephanie could we have the odd comment from you ? So many comment and no response ?

33 minutes ago
I’m so sorry that I rarely reply. I very much enjoy reading every comment, but if I replied to them all I wouldn’t be able to film as many videos as I do. But I do appreciate them very much

30 minutes ago
Give the poor woman a chance! She has been unwell, and filming, editing, and uploading on the same day is very demanding; even Stephanie needs to sleep, recuperate, and do administration

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So kinda a derail but not entirely. Hubster and I were watching a business webinar this afternoon from a very well respected company. They had a social media specialist who had grown a phenomenal business utilizing it who was talking through strategies. All good stuff and then ....... She start going through about figuring out what your hourly rate is and how much you want or need it to be. So her hourly rate equates to $1250 per hour. One of her top tips, employ virtual assistants from outside the USA, that wAy you don't have to worry about taxes etc and she pays her assistants $5 per hour. Now I'm bit sayig in certain countries this isn't a good rate and perhaps it allows for a decent standard of living but I was completely turned off at this point. She also talked about how over three years she had altered her assistant style of working to better suit her own. She then made the woman tell a story about how she'd changed which I did even listen to. She has just put me in such a feckin mood, WTF is it with people who gather money that they feel it's ok to exploit others to do their bidding. 😡😡😡😡😡😡

In other news ........ breathe in ....... breathe out ....... I got some Mooncat nail enamel today, color House of Hades (which I think I can no longer live without), and was thinking that's a great name for the CHMN. 😉
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I believe the first job that Grant will do at the dump will probably be shearing the sheep.Amaury what fed up with a sheep shearing last year, and did not participate. He will probably then help Amaury move truckloads of furniture into the storage units outside.

Grant does make Phi Phi look like a sniveling weak little girl. Good times! Have a great summer Phillip!
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