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There's a running theme with Snorts, he never gets up for breakfast or to go anywhere in the mornings when they stay at other peoples properties. It's the height of rudeness in my opinion... You are a guest, and the hosts have planned your stay to make sure you have a good time. Show up you asshole.
It’s unutterably bad manners. He does it. Stephanie does it.

Plus arriving late.

They both lack any form of couth and have not the first idea about even the basics of politesse.
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Where was it referenced that he bought the chateau and for how much - he was being very secretive for so long.
Well. to be fair, his vlog posted a year ago was titled "I just bought a HIDDEN ABANDONED Chateau ruin." so hardly secretive. He has always said that he bought the Chateau but has never revealed how much he paid and how he was able to fund the purchase. Perhaps he thinks that's his own business. 60k isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things . He must be raking in a fair amount from his vlogs plus a deal with Channel 4. Like Dan or not, you can see that the money is being ploughed back in to his project and not luxury travel, designer outfits and booze. I do wonder where Nick fits into the picture though.
I must say I was surprised to hear him say he had a wife who is now deceased and that she used to keep his excesses in check.
All bets are off now.
John's wife died three years ago. You never hear any mention of his son, daughter and three grandsons. Wonder what they think about the two limpets that seem to have attached themselves.
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Thank you for the new thread @ComtesseRose , also @Jules100 and @Lady Avonlea for the name and nom.

Start your engines and off we go gain!

Just thinking about the brief visit to the cafe opening. Now wouldn't that have bee a nice thing to have taken the Patrons along (seeing as they contribute too) to give them a taste of village Life.

The event would have gone on for a while, if true to French form, they could have mingled, spent money in the brocante and Marie could have been left alone to prepare a more relaxed meal for that evening. To me that would have been the perfect trip out for them all and I'm sure the guests would have loved it.

Fanny has never intergrated, as if she had everyone would have said hello when she arrived.

What a waste of a good opportunity.

As for the dog @Pekey, as predicted, he is becoming a nuisance. I'm a huge dog lover but ours were taught from an early age to be respectful, not to jump up and certainly not to get onto the furniture. Those guests were dressed up for dinner and I for one wouldn't want a dog jumping all over me at all.
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Stephanie Jarvis is doing exactly as predicted. Using the chapel renovation as an excuse to personally suck up $20,000 to $32,000 in Patreon funds per month into her personal accounts to use for her fantasy, life, vacations, shopping, sprees, etc. I need to hold any meaningful restoration work on the dump. We knew she was going to play her smoke and mirrors, control by chaos, sleight-of-hand accounting and promises as to renovations on the dump structure. They should not have been halted at all.

Stephanie Jarvis is a pathological, liar, every day, all day, always. She has already collected close to $400,000+ In rental star money. She has another $150,000 in rental star funds to collect wants new stars are painted on the chapel ceiling. She has also collected over $180,000 since November with virtually nothing done at the dump. She also claimed to have a fund set aside for the chapel work They contain more than $200,000+ prior to work commencing on the chapel. Total funds available after second star rental griftathon: almost
$ 900,0000 +
She has never shown a single estimate as to work that should be done on the chapel, or money paid for work done on the chapel. She is a scammer, a grifter and a fraud, every day, all day, no exceptions.

recall that it’s estimated that she makes probably about 15, 000 to $20,000 per month offer YouTube channel. So add $120,000 to the $900,000 figure above , bringing the total to over $1 million collected/ available for the chapel restoration since November, 2023.


What about the lake fund? Has she pulled the funds out of the “ lake fund” that in reality only existed in her mind and never was established since she keeps no more then €140,000 plus in the specifically established nonprofit French Association.

Meanwhile, she has been been busy spending $20,000+ monthly on lavish vacations, auctions, personal purchases, plus she probably spent some of that store money buying the expensive Porsche from the puff boys. Such a pathological liar. Now she is teaming up with the back of Johnny to come up with con tent for her videos, since Philip is so profoundly despised. Snorty doesn’t care because it gives him more time to satisfy his shopping addiction by shopping auctions online.

2 days ago
Will we ever see more renovations , just seems to be garden, chapel , food, shopping.


2 days ago
The chapel is the current renovation - as it's costing over half a million euros, it's blocking funds for other things at the moment!
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They're all telling her on the Gibbon's page to take more time off. 🤦‍♀️

Fuck me, she just might as well give up altogether as the wankers will still give her money regardless.

She's laughing all the way to her Swiss Bank Account.

Wonder when she's goig for her first fitting for her dress at Lena Hoschek

Have I told you all lately, I hate them all.
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Figure this out:

Last weekend she got sick after being at Dan’s on Saturday and auction with John on Sunday. If the people dining yesterday were last weekend’s guests, how did she also fit in that visit to the Brocante and new pub/cafe?
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I did love how Fanny brought in the reason why her Farmhouse is not going to rack and ruin like that ruin they showed...... it was because "of you , dear viewers and your donations" old LaLaLande will be there Forever!!! 💋

What a Greaser and a Grifter! :devilish:
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Found the Cafe website

She really missed an opportunity

The grand opening began at 2pm, there was food and a concert in the evening.

The guests could have had a HOT meal and some interresting conversation.

View attachment 2904398
Thank you v much for posting that. As an extra to that info, here’s the Association’s website. Home page announcing the grand opening on 20th April. There are some other details about the Crozon sur Vauvre community activities/fundraising. Forget Steff’s “excitement” about the electric scooters - electric bikes are available to hire during the summer. Not a new thing, either: they’ve been doing it since 2022!

It’s so tiresome when SJ pretends to be ultra enthused about something - in this case, the local community - which is clearly of absolutely no interest whatsoever.
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Hedda Hopper

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I think we can all agree at this point the vlogs are just a mishmash of snippets (borrowing the term from Marie) from whenever and wherever cobbled together to produce a 15-20 minute vlog. Personally, I have completely given up on the timeline being linear, it's more like a web woven by a spider on LSD. It certainly doesn't take Fanny four hours to put one together, more like forty minutes. I'm waiting for the day when she really messes up and duplicates scenes or adds scenes from years past, perhaps she already has. It's like she just puts all her videos in a Bingo cage, turns the handle, and pulls out a random collection of scenes. Once she fills up her Bingo card, she's done with the daily vlog.


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Lady Avonlea

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The Chateau Diaries2 hours ago
I’m so sorry, everyone, but I’ve been trying to upload tonight’s video for the last few hours to no avail. I have no idea why it’s not working as our internet is fine at the moment. The video keeps getting stuck on ‘processing’. I’m finally calling it a night and going to sleep and I’ll continue trying in the morning. This means that there will now be a video both on Friday and Saturday nights, as long as I can upload them! 🤞 Good night everyone, and, hopefully, a demain x
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Fanny didn’t stay up until 5:00 am trying to upload a vlog and then post that stupid excuse. Wonder what timezone she’s really in?
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In college I shared a house with a gay professor. He would routinely invite other gay professors over who were married to women and led straight lives in public. I'm not talking about sex parties, it was just a safe place for them to be themselves for awhile. I felt sorry for the closet gay profs as they had to hide their true identity to keep their jobs. This was back in the mid 70s at a fairly conservative university and the gay profs taught in the forestry and agricultural schools. The prof I roomed with was in home economics and was a textile instructor. We had a lot of fun together and he decorated our house beautifully! I know it was a tough time for him though because of the conservative town we lived in. It's not like that now of course.
yeah yeah, but look at this:

Gay john was married to a woman. She died. Now he is openly gay and lives in wealth with his gay partner.

Philipp spends much time with him. Philipp is learning….
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The mint is from the garden don’t you know. The only thing that is in that meal (oh silly me I forgot the radishes). Where are all the other vegetables and salads that should be available by now? What exactly are the 3 gardeners growing, not veg and no flowers, all of these are still being bought in. Rose in a decanter fuck off.
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How much money do you think Stephanie spends on flowers for the dump?

Ex-patron, Alice Allan is not sending boxes of flowers anymore.


An interesting comment was deleted before I could grab it.
My memory serves me well.
👇 It went something like this…

“Turtle slow pace. Maybe the main chateau has been “red flagged” because of the construction accident\death. Which means, no work can be done, until all work, permitted or non permitted, has been inspected and repaired, (if needed), with licensed contractors. Look at the work in the chapel compared to the chateau. Something is up.“

Dear Stephanie Jarvis,

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Lochness Monster

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custody battle? perhaps they are divorcing and he took the girl and run away to france?
Is the girl pregnant or has she committed a crime.? Either way paahfect for Liarlande cluedo.
Like so much in this digital age, it’s a bit Wild West out there with little to no regulation. One of the things that’s come to light is those Better Help was hiring had no qualifications. It’s pretty horrific.
My understanding too…Also the ‘ therapist’ only gets 50% of the fee charged.
Dreadful and utterly appalling making money from those in desperate need. I think there should be some legislation with these therapists. Anyone can set up . The harm they can do and as you tragically mentioned have definitely done. Devastating.

Speaking from my UK experience, even with the ability to pay high fees for properly qualified and certified therapists waiting lists can be long. The past five years and especially since COVID the need for talking therapy seems to have escalated.
The NHS give 12 sessions and that’s it , also a long waiting time to get this service.

My husband has been in secure psychiatric hospital since middle of January and was discharged at short notice yesterday.
The only psychological support available is a phone call from a MH nurse , probably… later today.
For all Fanny’s claims to support cancer charities.
There are so many comments saying she should interview John, what’s the name of his chateau, how did he afford those renovations,what was his job.
O yes do tell.

Does John have his own YouTube channel as viewers like renovations!

Flood gates opened?
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Ahh, okay, I rarely get into the comments on there, I'm not up on all the names.. Between Tattle and a few chateau and animal videos my time is took.
I haven’t kept up at all. It’s been close to two years since I’ve watched any CD’s. If it isn’t posted here I don’t see it. I am eternally grateful for the tattlers that put themselves in the line of fire to provide intel. For some reason the names of those commenters stuck. Possibly due to their strangeness.
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Cleo's Asp

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The dog loves Marie the most and that is unacceptable
There was a recent vlog where Marie was telling Leftalot how much she'd missed him and he was very happy to see her when the screen changed very suddenly to something quite different. It was very clear that the "editor/film director" did not want any more of that in her vlog, nasty bitch!
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