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Why is she moving the paneling now if renovations cannot happen during the B&B season????? Something’s up and doesn’t make sense.
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Lady Avonlea

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Some things don't add up!!!! Fanny is playing games with us.

Snorty drove to the Netherlands in the Porsche for Bubble Girl's 30th birthday party. Fanny showed herself flying alone from France to London and said she was meeting Snorty in London. If so, then
  • Wouldn't Snorty have driven in the Porsche from Amsterdam to London to meet Fanny?
  • Why did Snorty arrive at Ladbroke Hall driving a Kia?
  • Where's the Porsche?
  • If they have a car in London why are they taking an early flight back to France the next morning?
  • Why aren't they driving back to France?
Snorty apparently arrived at Ladbroke Hall separately from Fanny, all gussied up for the evening
  • Where did Snorty get dressed?
  • Did Snorty drive from Amsterdam to London directly to the fundraiser?
Fanny stopped at Yves Delorme to pick up sheets enroute to the evening fundraiser. Fanny arrived with bags of shopping which she and Snorty later tossed in the back of the Kia after the fundraiser
  • Who the hell arrives at a cultural evening fundraiser with their shopping?
  • Was there a coat check where Fanny & Snorty could stash their crap?
  • Why didn't they stash all their crap in the back of the car before entering the fundraiser?
Fanny enroute to the fundraiser and stopping to pick up Yves Delorme sheets

Fanny arrives at the Fundraiser at Ladbroke Hall

Lovely, tasteful setting with champagne and nibbles, then Snorty arrives all dressed up for the evening

Leaving the Fundraiser with bags and dumping their stash in the car boot. Snorty loves carrying that Soledad bag.

The car is a Kia. I'd rather sleep in the boot of a Kia than with Fanny.


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What a team.

Thank you everybody for the new thread and summary.

Also thanks to you for all you do.

Homeward bound this evening, having scattered Mum and Dads ashes and collected my stuff.

Let the La la unravelling commence.
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Philip gets angry when he is referred to as a cast member, because it blows his role as the devoted “ fiancé.” He foolishly believes that he will become heir to anything that Stephanie has one day. It’s never going to happen Philip.

Remember, the Jarvis family does not let go of their money for anything, or anyone. They are takers, not givers. They use anyone and everyone that crosses their path to enrich themselves only. You are not a blood relative, you will never receive any of her property, even if you do marry her. I don’t believe a legitimate marriage will ever occur, and if it does, everything will be so firmly locked down in a prenup, that Philip will flee the dump one day with two truckloads of porcelain and that’s it.

Talentless Philip is smugly under the misconception that he is the smartest person in every room and the best actor of all time. If he could find an older sugar daddy who will pay his way, he will flee the dump. But as Miss Havisham’s dress astutely commented, most available men do not want what Philip has “on offer.” Remember Philip being left all alone on one sofa as three men crammed themselves on a tiny sofa in the room at the soirée at the back of Johnny’s house, to avoid sitting next to him on the same sofa? He, like Stephanie, is a legend in his own mind.
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Toys in the attic

Chatty Member
I believe that Fannie’s new favorite color is going to be orange for the season because she has to wear the Mentos engagement ring at some point this summer.
In previous years, Fanny has worn blue and white as 'kitchen camo'. This year 'orange fence camo' has to take priority.
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Do you believe anything will ever actually happen to the not so grand salon or is removing all the furniture simply a ruse in order to pretend to make progress in the grand salon, so she can continue to take money from viewers?

Stephanie has 40 rooms at the dump. She doesn’t have one spare room to put the furniture from the not so grande salon ? What are the storage units really being used for? Will they be maintained at the dump for the next couple years while minimal work is performed on the not so grand salon? Do you believe in any of the storage units were actually filled with purchases from London that are being brought to the dump?

Why hasn’t Stephanie ever shown all of the 40 rooms at the dump? What are in the other 15+ rooms that she has never revealed to the public? Are they all step full of trash, Amazon boxes, pizza boxes, gifts, broken furniture, books, framed pictures, crap? Or is she hiding some of her more expensive antique purchases and gifts that she does not want the public to know that she has received or is keeping at the dump?

I believe Stephanie is a little pissed off at tattle right now. Three of her past six CD videos released have contained captions relating to topics we discuss in this forum:

The truth about LaLande
It is so much cleaner!
Too much travel?
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I am so tempted to make up a CV, send it and see what kind of response I get!
Unbelievable that stingy, greedy Stephanie pockets almost $400,000 yearly from Patrons ( $250 000 in her personal accounts) yet refuses to have the patrons day event catered or to pay for an extra cook for two days to feed the seven Patrons that will show up at the dump. That is just crazy. Stephanie need to crack open that wallet, let the moths fly out, and take some of her grifted funds to pay for a couple of decent meals for the people who contribute to her luxury lifestyle with no accountability. She needs to tell her broke ass stoneless brocante “ boyfriend” cast member to get off his ass, stop following his porcelain, and help Marie.
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One of the things I hate about the gruesome twosome is that they encourage and cheer on Ratso to dangerously and improperly chase, harass, and try to harm the chickens, the roosters, the peahens, the peacocks, and the sheep. They go so far as to actively take him into the sheep field so he can chase and harass the sheep. Stephanie would take Ratso into the chicken pen and hold him over the chickens and close up to the chicks. He often runs off into the woods when Stephanie is walking him or disappears behind trees out of sight. They would never be able to catch him if he ran off or something grabbed him. They not only put the animals at the dump at risk, but also the safety of Ratso. Ratso has into the streets in the gruesome twosome don’t notice

Ratso will now take off at top speed and chase anything, to include squirrels, foxes, birds, etc. He wants to do so when they walk in the woods or anytime he is out on the property. They do not protect him from himself. He cannot help that he has a high prey instinct, but he can be managed in a way they can keep himself and the animals at the dump safe. They just don’t care to do so.

You saw how Stephanie intentionally tries to amp up and activate Ratso’s high prey instinct by putting him at the window to growl, bark, become intensely focused, and excited at watching the peacocks in the courtyard.

They do not participate in activities to satisfy his high prey instinct in ways that do not involve the animals at the dump, e.g. , playing with him with toys for several hours, playing fetch a few times per day, wearing him out, and other activities so he doesn’t have as much pent-up high energy that needs to be exerted in some way.

The laziest, most careless, and selfish couple on this planet adopted one of the most high energy dogs, and they do nothing to help the dog release all of his energy.Ratso is bored, frustrated, manhandled, dominated, etc. This was a very bad choice of a dog for these two people. Ratso is not bad. He is just being himself. He is just not in the appropriate environment, does not receive the appropriate training or supervision, does not receive appropriate care, has a very unstable home environment, is likely overwhelmed by 40 room home and dozens of acres around him that he feels like he must patrol or control, and he’s being cared for by an unstable throuple who are careless and far too immature as a collective to take care of any animal properly.

They should send Ratso to doggy daycare during the B&B season on days that Marie has to cook. He can play and get worn out and then come home and sleep. I have a feeling that unless the little pink cameras is on, no one pays much attention to Ratso except to carry him around, dominate him, or toss a toy at him occasionally. I have a feeling the dog requires more individualized and active attention throughout the day, and he doesn’t receive it. They don’t pay much attention to the dog when the cameras off And they don’t respond, his whimpers or his attempt to try to get them to take him outside to use the bathroom or the play and release some of his energy, etc.

Selfish Stephanie expects the dog to accommodate her lifestyle instead of her having to change any part of her lifestyle to accommodate what the dog needs. Cast member Snorty does not want the dog to interfere with his dozens of hours of online auction shopping weekly. FRK is busy starting fires, gathering weeds to put in with the flowers, cleaning, and cooking.

Have you noticed that Stephanie still ignores the fact that all the chickens are gone? When she doesn’t want to talk about something, she pretends that doesn’t exist. Whenever she is confronted with an issue, Stephanie usually hides refuses to address or discuss it.
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Amaury hasn’t done Jack shit at the dump since the beginning of November, 2023. The kitchen countertop looks very nice, but was it worth about $30,000+ worth in salary to Amaury for six months for him to make a countertop for the kitchen along with the minimal other tasks that he has performed at the dump in the past six months? He has spent at least 2 to 2 1/2 of the past six months on vacation. He’s likely spent about a month working on the home for his parents.

What is Miss Chatelaine getting paid for now at the Dump? The gift grab is over and the lazy loser still hasn’t updated where the money went to in 2023 on the charity list on the YouTube channel. he has pretty much traveled and shopped nonstop since January. What exactly are his job duties other than laying a table 26 weeks year for the B&B season?

It takes about an hour to set a table, so that is about 26 hours a year for his B&B services. Even if you assumed that he set the table on 14 other occasions during the year, his grand total of work would be 40 hours for the year. We have watched them sit in the kitchen, manhandle the dog repeatedly, auction shop, put up some wallpaper, spent 1/2 of a day, moving a bed, took down and hung up some curtains, and I believe that is it

How much is he getting paid each year? Does he pay for a portion of the $50,000 + spent on the trips that he takes with Stephanie? Where does he get his auction money from? His travel money from? His poisonous porcelain money from? Who paid for the gas and mileage and airline tickets for him to go to bubble girls party? Does Stephanie pay for his toupees and hair styling by Anna Lise? Who owns all the furniture that he purchased for his little lady desk room? It certainly isn’t coming from his McDonald’s allowance. Why does Stephanie have to hire a third gardener? If mommy could mow the lawn at the dump, why can’t snorts?

Are Patreon funds diverted to Stephanie‘s personal bank accounts being spent on Snorty’s
  • New expensive clothing that he purchased on his trip to Scotland?
  • $50,000 annually on Snorty trips
  • His new jewelry
  • Over $1000 in Ratso clothing?
  • Did the money pay for the purchase of Ratso? The trip to Germany to get the dog? The $1500 Louis Vuitton dog carrier? The $1,000+ designer bag Ratso was carried in prior to the acquisition of the Louis Vuitton dog carrier?
  • Rothschild’s porcelain purchases
  • The four boxes of books he just purchased
  • The commode and other items likely purchase at the Château auction this past Saturday
  • Did the funds pay for his gas or his trips?
  • Are the gifts purchased for Stephanie allegedly from Phillip purchase with Patreon money? Likely yes.
  • Is it salary now pay for Patreon funds? What is his actual job description and what are his qualifications for any such description?
  • Snorty cannot Afford a jewel to fill the empty engagement ring. He gave to Stephanie. Where will the money come from Dubai sizable gemstone to fill the empty engagement ring? Story himself, realistically, could not even afford a real piece of Mentos candy to fill the empty engagement ring.

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Do you think patrons could sign the back of Marie’s new workbench as a special surprise?
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Smugtwat also said the Parmesan was in the freezer. I always keep a piece of Parmesan in the freezer as it can be grated from frozen. Surely the twits know this is possible.
Using great thick slices of unripe unprepared tomato instead of sheets of lasagna. This was in no way lasagna. It was nasty mince and tomato goo
The patrons are now paying for containers to store all the crap from the big room.
Next dinner service to become a family. What is wrong with the shopaholics? Smugtwat has a huge check list to ensure all cousins of the sets he is collecting are reunited. Get rid of the masseur and get a team from Better help in immediately.
The only storage containers these tits need.


I hope the patrons are content with paying out for heavy duty storage for all of their auction aquisitions.

I take it she's going to live in that Boden cardi until it walks off on its own.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
Whose pillows are on the chair? Where does your pre boyfriend sleep?
The alcohol in that side table…who has that in their bedroom?
Pee pee is covering her ‘ dressing table’ in tat.
Snorts ruins everything.
Fanny's bedroom reminds me of my great grandmother's grand boudoir. She passed away at age 101 in the last century, having been born in the 1800's. We would go to visit her when I was a little girl and approach her bed in the same manner as Marie approaches Fanny, bearing little gifts for our queen, the family matriarch. At least she had earned our love and reverence throughout her lifetime and had an excuse to be surrounded by fussy, frilly Victorian excess since it was the style of her youth.

Both Fanny and Phiphi are little old ladies and always have been it seems, surrounded by trinkets and sentimental possessions once owned by deceased family members. Fanny's sickroom one act play hearkens back to novels of old where the tragic heroine is attended by her bedside devotees, awaiting a brave and noble death from a broken heart, a sudden storm, consumption, not wearing a hat or a fall from a horse. This particular melodrama is poorly acted and even more poorly cast with a 50 year old mutton in the role of lamb and a mangey balding wolf pup in the role of her hero.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
What kind of fundraiser was it? Did they buy their place at the table? Were items auctioned? How was money raised?
Doesn't that organization only benefit listed properties? If so, why yhe F were those shitheads in attendance? Was she invited to bloviate about her grift?
Did anyone else catch, during the fundraiser’s subtitled commentary, the presenter saying that chateaux and historic property renovations in France are the mainstay of income for French craftspeople and building workers?
Meanwhile back at the shitoo, doing as little renovation as possible on her crumbling pile, Fanny employs mainly British expats, family members,and itinerant caravaners while exploiting the labor of volunteers from all over the globe but seldom provides paying work for French citizens, chapel restorers aside.

What a goblin.
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Darling, it's not a "bedroom" it's a "boudoir". It's a refuge from the madness that plagues the real world. It's where the top shelf alcohol is safely kept from the commoners downstairs. It's where the chatelaine and her poodle boy relax from shopping and traveling. If I had to spend anytime with either one of them, I would need a few good stiff drinks myself!
You can Google bar carts in bedrooms for additional ideas, there are plenty of them! Fanny is certainly not the only one.
Stephanie doesn’t even have a bar cart in there, just plopped everything down on top of a dresser / commode. Always keeping it classy.

Can you imagine walking into your mother’s bedroom, boudoir, bathroom, anyplace that’s not the set of Mad Men, whatever and seeing that much alcohol and not thinking they have a problem?
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