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But Fanny did purchase herself a cashmere jumper, which she did not have cleaned, but instead wore straight away for the charity event!
She is so gross. She is doing damage control and pandering to her viewers and Patrons Now with her parade of used clothing and older and inexpensive clothing. She didn’t want to be seen purchasing anything pricey at the auction on Saturday. She has been pretending to be sick for the past week. All to detract from her nonstop traveling and expensive purchases made behind the scenes, as well as her extravagant sexcation with Pottie in Japan. She will be waxing poetic this weekend about the three radishes harvested from the most expensive vegetable garden in France.

She must be preparing to spend a boatload of money at the Chelsea flower show and is trying to behave as if she was poor for the next couple of weeks.

I believe that she is nervous that other viewers or patrons will finally understand that Stephanie is keeping the majority of the Patreon funding monthly as her own personal honey pot to use in any way that she desires and that the association is pretty much a façade to hide what really happens with all the money she ebegs and grifts based upon promises to restore the dump. She is playing the role of the thrifty, poor, 50 year old little orphan princess now to make people feel sorry for her, and never believe that she would do such nefarious acts as blatantly lie for years in order to collect money to put in her personal accounts to spend upon herself and her cast mate/fiancé Snorty as well as the hapless co-owners of the dump.

Her naked in the bed routine is getting very strange at this point. Perhaps a lone Senior Onlyfans member is her greatest contributor to Patreon each month, and she will do anything not to lose his support, to include lovebombing him via videos while naked. Stephanie still looks like Gerry in a blonde wig.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Fanny is so thrifty she traveled all over London via bus, but not so thrifty when traveling to the airport.
Fanny was too tired from all her shopping to bear taking the Stansted Express train from Liverpool Station.

Instead, they traveled to the airport via black cab so Fanny could lay on Snorty's lap. I'm sure the taxi driver thought it odd to see Fanny lying in her son's lap and Snorty stroking his mummy's hair. :sick::sick::sick::sick:

p.s. - Fanny got gypped on her facial work.

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4 hours ago
the delta between Amaury and Philip personalities is abyssal, one creating and designing from his own style and reflection, the other blablahting about design and style of others !

3 hours ago
Why not be tolerant towards people who are different from you? We admire Amaury for his craftsmanship. He is an excellent manual worker and he explained that he didn’t enjoy very much school as a child. Obviously Philip is an artist and an intellectual. He spends time reading books and is knowledgeable in history of art, architecture, decoration, tableware. He has very good taste. I am fond of both of them, equally. Each one is an asset to the chateau.

2 hours ago
@mireille4751 "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles." F.D
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It’s always very pleasing when a ‘alternative’ site like this gets views and followers.
I wonder how many CD Tattlers are amongst the 200 🤔

Well done Lancelot 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Long may you continue with your ‘Life, Love & Laughter’ with Ruby & Henri, even if its from a lonely, cold, crumbling heap run by your narcissistic grifting Mummy & Pa


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C'est moi

VIP Member
What a team ❤

Bravo and thanks @Jeeves for creating the new thread. Thanks to @MRShavershamsdress @CatInTheHat7 @Fleur du mal for all taking on the mantle.

@ComtesseRose you are our rock. Hope your day goes well.

Congrats to @Lady Avonlea for name and @Tartuffe for nom.

Thanks, as always, to @tuffiti for making the Patreon flog available to all.

Last thread was excellent. So much detective work going on within tattle. So many lies picked up. It appears that everytime Despicable fanny opens her mouth she drops herself in it. She should just insert one of her hideous, gnarly feet in her gob. Surely she will implode and self destruct before too long!

Happy tattling .
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Any takers out there? You must meet these requirements though!
Fanny, you tight ass! Hire a damn caterer for the Patreon Day, along with a proper tent and furniture. There are lots of caterer's in the area, so while you're apparently laid up sick in bed, spend some time contacting a few. Here, I've given you a little head start......

Siguret Christophe
6 Pl. de champagne, 36000 Chateauroux, France
+33 2 54 34 15 20

Traiteur Carpati
RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE 74, 36000 Chateauroux, France
+33 3 54 07 44 29

Traiteur Douelle
Street of Buxerioux
+33 1 64 33 33 33
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T Rex

VIP Member
Searching the charity shops and she pulls out a book on table manners for Phyllis- which that child needs! Remember him wearing a manky old beanie and ripped jeans at the dinner table with guests! He’s so 🤮
But Fanny did purchase herself a cashmere jumper, which she did not have cleaned, but instead wore straight away for the charity event!
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Toys in the attic

Chatty Member
The storage containers should now be referred to as the annex. Expensive, grungy and ugly, just like the rest of Lalande.
They might as well furnish the containers now, so they can easily move in when the CHMN falls down. I can't wait to see which expensive wallpaper Fanny chooses for the annex.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
It’s glaringly obvious, of course, but I feel compelled to remark that, if it weren’t for paying guests, paid employees and paid actors, she’d have absolutely no one to talk to now. The chateau used to be filled with so many friends, family, staff, volunteers- a constant buzz of activity and life! That’s why we all started watching.

Little Orphan Fanny has scared everyone away with her greed and grasp. Even her family has shunned her. The chateau is dead and virtually empty now. It must be killing her to be alone, energy vampire that she is.
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Hedda Hopper

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But now it's back.....I can see it!
I thought Stephanie already gave out the dates? Or was that a fever dream?

ETA: Looks like she amended the second slide at the bottom with her email address to apply and an admonition to only apply if you meet the requirements. QUESTION: Does Marie meet all the requirements? Has she made lunch for 30-50 people?

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I am so tempted to make up a CV, send it and see what kind of response I get!
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Gertrude Maud

VIP Member
While Philip was showing Stephanie his boot load of books, Mr GM said, how does he pay for all this. I said, she pays him to be her boyfriend. Not missing a beat he replied, that's the only way she'd get one.
they watched Rita Konig's interior course- he will have Herend, expect a trip to Robert Kite and Daylesford in the future, oh and match strikers
Philip didn't just buy one tureen as shown on the backseat, he actually bought three.
When that tureen was shown on the back seat I was hoping the lid would fly off as it was unsecured.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
The new cafe in town looks lovely and will become a great gathering spot for the all the community (except Fanny)
Fanny went to one meeting, sent a cheque, and hasn't been back to town until the brocante & cafe opening day.

They are selling some wonderful local food products, but looks like they are selling someone else's honey and not Fanny's. Gosh, if Fanny still had her chickens, she could have sold her eggs there too.
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So many volunteers and helping hands - except Fanny's giant man hands and Snorty's dainty digits.
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Those who couldn't volunteer to do physical labour generously donated items, like the wooden peel. Except Fanny didn't do that either - she's clutching to the wooden peel she was gifted in Grabeaux for her condemned bread/pizza oven.
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Surprise Fanny, the cafe has a wall mural of the shitoo painted in the 1960's, when the previous Marquis & Nadaillac family gave a fuck about the local community, were held in high regard and weren't the town jester.
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Except for the local Marie, Fanny has no idea who any of these people are. Fanny can't stay and mingle because she's far too busy and she brought no money to buy a glass of wine or anything for sale in the cafe. But Fanny's not too busy to scurry back to the brocante and beg the owner to give her an ugly mirrored/plastic trimmed tray (that she doesn't even like) on a trial basis.
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Imagine looking into that mirrored tray and seeing this ghoul staring back at you!!

I think they may need something significantly stronger than those 2 cans of Raid in the kitchen to expel this level of unwanted pest!


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I think the only thing Amaury would confront Fanny about is his workshop. As we've seen, he is able to shut the door and not allow her to come in. I imagine she has already crossed the line of messing with his tools and invading his space and he had words with her. Do not mess with someone's workshop, ever! Sacred space.
I’m the same way with my workshop. But the one unforgivable sin in my book is getting your grubby hands on my fabric scissors and cutting anything and everything with them. I won’t just cut a bitch. I will stitch your fingers together and tattoo “unteachable git” on your forehead. And woe-betide you should you repeat the offense. Then I will get really nasty.

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I actually did a poll on my Facebook page about how many pillows are required on a guest room bed and the consensus is four pillows so four pillows to use for sleeping, not decorative pillows so even my friends who live in Florida or the Midwest or Amman Jordan or Italy they all say four pillows How can you have a B&B without four pillows to sleep with every hotel I’ve been at has given four pillows plus extras in the closet .

And by the way, if any of you wanna message me on my Facebook Instagram or TikTok I’d be happy to chat with any of you. I don’t really care about privacy that much.
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T Rex

VIP Member
I'm sure you're correct, but in my opinion letting her lasagna rest WILL NOT help that lasagna. It looks like refried beans. It lacks cheese, which should be through the lasagna, not just on top. It just looks nasty!
*I'm assuming the tomato topped 1/3 of it is for Lord Douchebag.........I can think of a hundred different things to top a lasagna with that would be better than out of season tomatoes that would still give the lasagna some integrity.
As a lactose intolerant who lurves cheese (some are okay and some are not), I am not buying that Trixie made his "casserole" (I refuse to refer to this monstrosity as a lasagna) with "soy cream". That ish separates like a mofo when heat is applied- believe me, I've tried many brands of it, and it always ends in disaster. Even in rural France, one can find Valio, Matin-Leger, Candia, and Lactel who offer "grandlait délactosé" (lactose-free milk.) Trixie portrays himself as a delicate flower who has no issues scarfing down creme brulee (my stomach cringes every time he eats it), bucketfuls of pineapple yogurt (while lactose intolerant people can eat Greek yogurt in moderation, they certainly cannot in the quantities he ingested in South Africa!), gelato and hot chocolate. Whilst Trixie COULD have made a bechamel sauce with lactose-free milk, he was too busy reading Tattle, bidding on more crap on eBay and reading his new books to be arsed with putting in any effort, so threw together a casserole (with regular old milk or cream he found in the fridge.) FRK said it smelled like her childhood. Aww! My mum was (and still is, bless her heart) a shyte cook as well- so I understood the nostalgia. Ah the memories- sitting at the dinner table until 10PM while my mum ranted on about WHY I needed to eat dinner and starving children in China... Just a random plate of slop topped with tomatoes- seems legit.
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Hedda Hopper

VIP Member

Twatting on about her grifted tat again, encouraged by the adoring masses on Instagram

With at least some measure of sane dissent
This clip was disgusting. It's just more of her romanticising imperial colonialism and the reckless slaughter of wildlife. Does she know how those hunting elephants were trained and treated? I doubt it. I can't stand her.
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C'est moi

VIP Member
Watched the flog!

🎼The Porche is back and it ain't goin' nowhere
Hey la de la.🎶 to the tune of "My boyfriends back" by The Angels.

Because, as previously stated, they own that fucker. Despicable fanny time to come clean. Don't take your patreons and fans for stupid. They're beginning to rumble.

Armoires worktop. Good job 👍 It's only taken 20 fucking years and many cooks/chefs! Marie, do not put cookbooks on it. Clutter. By all means use the back lip for you condiments but do not clutter your worktop with shite. Despicable fanny DO NOT put back the ratso piss soaked meridian. Take it out to the walled garden, put in on the bonfire, douce it with petrol and strike a match. Now get those fucking cupboard doors sanded and painted and get that petri dish of a kitchen table sanded, waxed and sealed. You have chosen to have deaf ears to the kitchen "issues". It will be your downfall.

The chapel. The chapel is a building site. It maybe on her property but it's still a building site with professional workers (currently mysteriously absent). Is she permitted to climb the scaffolding in the absence of the workers? Was she wearing a hard hat? Was she wearing toe capped boots? I think the answer is evident! If she had had an accident there would have been no cover. No insurance payout. Nada. Stupid fucking bitch.

The chapel, continued...
At 6.39 the Oxford grad puts the words "fairly patchily" into the sentence. I'm no eng.lit. grad but that does not sound correct! Or comfortable to say. But what do I know.
At 6.20 she uses is "pretty spectacularly" and has a strange sound affliction on the end of the word, spectacularly. In a similar vein to her pronunciation of little. Duchess, I think you're accent is slipping.

Permasmile viv. Is there a more hideously, fawning person out there? 🤢🤮. People with class DO NOT name drop. My Roxy Music dress. Roxy Music are my favourite band. I was wearing this dress when I met Bryan Ferry. Did you keep the knickers you threw at the stage? Or did some unfortunate sweeper have to do the cleanup once the auditorium was empty.

I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said about:
The London trip
The facial work
The shopping
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