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Do do you see how Stephanie is amping up her audience for the next big push of the Grift a star/adopt a star program at the dump?

If she was really being transparent, she wouldn’t put the seven year limitation hidden in the page full of disclaimers on the adopt a star site. I believe you are also misled into believing that the funds from the adopt a star program are going to a specific designated protected chapel account. Nope, the viewers don’t understand that they are not really sponsoring restoration of the chapel, instead they are just enabling the extravagant, nonstop spending of tea, porcelain and antique, obsessed, and traveling, obsessed, shopaholic grifters.

She really needs to rename the program, Foster a Star because people who purchase the rights to name a particular star in the chapel are only guaranteed a seven year period in which the star will be designated for their loved one. They are not really adopting a star, because that would be for a lifetime. Instead, viewers who purchase a star are like foster parents, who care for the star, talk about the star, name the star, but only for seven years.

Another alternative name for the program could be Rent a Star, Stephanie’s Folly, The Great Porcelain Caper, etc.
9 minutes ago
When the new stars are painted will you make another adopt a star campaign to cover the shortfall and finance the floor, drainage/humidity fixes and any other chapel related overexpenditure
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On Repeat

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And apparently people who actual professional experience, unlike herself
Imagine being a trained cook and rocked up to help prepare lunches, and had to work under stupid Marie. The fallout would reverberate across France. Any experienced cook would be mortified dealing with her nonsense.
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Imagine being a trained cook and rocked up to help prepare lunches, and had to work under stupid Marie. The fallout would reverberate across France. Any experienced cook would be mortified dealing with her nonsense.
There is absolutely no excuse for Stephanie, who is going to scam in excess of $1 million this year from viewers and patrons, to not cough up a couple thousand dollars to have the event catered or to hire a good cook and serve decent food, not radishes from the garden and all that crap.
Stephanie is her own worst enemy because she is so brazen, entitled, and cheap that she continuously telegraphs her disdain for the very group of people who have been funding her extravagant lifestyle and her paid for gay concubine for the past 4+ years without demanding accountability for the disappearance of close to a million dollars, She is incredibly greedy and ungrateful for anything that she has been given in life, which is everything she has ever had in life. Marie shouldn’t have to go ebegging to find cooks and assistants to help cook for the patron day extravaganza.

Stephanie treats her patrons like trash, just like she treats her bed and breakfast guests poorly. I predict she will use the same gamey, dirty tents that she can borrow from the local governmental offices, along with a bunch of dirty, broken old folding chairs. She is totally selfish. She is well aware that she treats patrons and people who contribute to her indulgent lifestyle, funded upon her continuous, intentional deception and mountains of daily lies, like shit. She and Philip are so smug. Both of them had the Duper’s delight looks on their faces when they are indulging themselves at auctions, dinners, and luxury vacations.
Let's recreate Fanny's Thrifty Day in London Town.

I call BS - I don't believe Fanny did all this in a single day, especially if she traveled by bus, as she said she did, for most of it. This itinerary would have included close to 4 hours travel time in a single day, plus all the filming.
  • Gets dressed, eats yogurt, bids Davy farewell
  • Walks to Angel Station
  • Travels on the 19 bus from Angel to Regent/Oxford Street (60 minutes travel time)
  • Visits Massimo Dutti store & tries on altered pants (and who knows what else)
  • Travels to St. John's Wood High Street by bus (30 minutes travel time)
  • Visits 4 charity shops
    • St. John's Hospice (tries on clothes and bought an orange cardigan)
    • Cancer Research UK (explores the clothing rails)
    • Oxfam (explores the clothing rails and purchased a book)
    • Shelter (explores the clothing rails
  • Travels back to Angel via bus (60 minutes travel time)
  • Changes clothes and does hair for the evening
  • Travels from Angel to Yves Delorme shop in Chelsea and picks up sheets
  • Travels from Chelsea to Ladbroke Hall in Notting Hill
  • Attends Patrimoine de France Evening Fundraiser at Ladbroke Hall
  • Travels with Snorty via car back to flat in Angel
DAMAGE CONTROL: Fanny shops at charity shops, buys used clothing, rides the bus multiple times, attends a charity fundraiser, and doesn’t make any large purchases? They must’ve spent a bundle at the Château auction. Just wait, in a few weeks, she will time travel again, and she screws up the dates for our trip to London to go to the flower show. She will probably try to meet up with cat again and will try not to be shown spending too much money. Stephanie believe that people are very short memories in regards to her ongoing deception of the past 4+ years. She is wrong.

it is ironic that one of the most duplicitous ebeggers in France is attending a charity event. The only charity that Stephanie Jarvis acknowledges in her life is for herself. All the rest of it is acting.
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4 hours ago
What ever happened with the tiles your father designed, Stephanie? The back splash for that area was going to be digitized onto tile two years ago with your dad’s amazing drawing of Lalande. We never heard any more after that and I’ve been longing to see them installed.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

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My nutty dog who is part Basenji wants to chase and kill everything. He does kill every single lizard that comes onto my pool enclosure and he will try to chase bunnies squirrels anything else that’s out there. He will try because he’s a dog. I keep him on a leash while walking because he’s a knucklehead And either will try to attack large dogs or just run away not realizing that I feed him and let him sleep In my bed. But he is a dog that equals animal! He has many toys ( spoiled rotten ) an elephant, a lion, a possum that he shakes and tries to get this squeaky out of. I’m assuming he’s trying to kill them. He rips off their arms their ears I sew them back on. But he is an animal again. I do not send him to doggy daycare. He’s 13. He has a 3000 square-foot house to run around in and enjoy his day. I do have a video camera and alarm systems because we had a house-fire 12 years ago that killed my two big dogs, old English & lab, I never would’ve got this crazy cowboy dog. If it wasn’t that he was needing a home. I had first agreed to foster him and then of course now he’s my boyfriend and I’m madly in love with him. If He’s not trying to kill lizards or animals. He’s asleep next to me somewhere. I would think it would be nearly impossible for that tiny dog (lance ) to catch and kill all the chickens, but I am also surprised that the princess did not use the death of the chickens in a video like all the other people have done. I know very little about chickens or if they run fast or fly, but I know all the bunnies in my neighborhood kind of sit there still, and then soon as my dog starts to go after them, they takeoff. He would never catch them even off a leash. I do feel bad for that dog, but it seems like he loves to be outside. He has a lot of freedom and he has people around him all day. Just because Fanny and PP don’t take care of him it seems as if Ann Marie is an animal lover and Marie does seem to love him and he has a BFF and Ruby and all of us have been worried about Ruby now we get to see Ruby so often. OK, I’m done.

PS I have had the worst worst hair color that I’ve ever had in my whole entire life and now I just want to stay in my house and cry. The hairdresser said she’ll fix it on Monday but until then I’m wearing a hat to the grocery
My condolences on your current hair debacle. Take comfort in knowing that at least you do not have a “hair system” comprised of clips, combs, shellac and applesauce.
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Cleo's Asp

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Twatting on about her grifted tat again, encouraged by the adoring masses on Instagram

With at least some measure of sane dissent
Good for those commentors. It sounds as if she's going to do a whole series of insta stories on stuff in the dump. Heaven help us, her manner: gesticulating and posing, is deplorable. I feel like throwing something at her, preferably something fragile, maybe a piece of Spode.
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Wearing that jacket, he's trying to look like a country gentleman, the lord of the estate. He is, however, completely unable to carry it off as he is so ungainly, so crass, and so ignorant.
Tweed in London (“brown in town”) - an emphatic no.

Once a jumped-up prat, always a jumped-up prat.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
I'm usually pretty good at sorting out Fanny's timey-wimey trickery, but this one is odd. No wonder Fanny was late posting 3 vlogs last week, because she has done a lot of editing to cover up their trails and timelines.

Was shown driving away in the Porsche (which could have been a setup). I suspect he drove to the Netherlands for the birthday party, but then drove back to France, met up with Permasmile, and went to a chateau content sale where he bought more damn tureens and books (and who knows what else).

I suspect he left the Porsche at the airport in Tours (in the Loire Valley near the Permasmile's chateau), which is about a 21/2 hour drive back to the shitoo. The question is: why did Snorty fly to London for just one night? Does anyone know which small airport this is in France?
View attachment 2897979

Was definitely in London for at least 5 days - lots of surgery and shopping. The reason Fanny didn't vlog regularly is because there was so little content. Instead, Fanny jammed her 5 day London visit into 1 vlog and pretended she was only away 2 days.

It's a miracle!!! On the day Fanny left she showed the stonework falling from the shitoo, but when Fanny & Snorty return the stonework was still in place. The countryside drive and arrival at the shitoo was just C-roll that Fanny uses to fill in the narrative.
View attachment 2897982
What a tangled web they weave, when they practice to deceive…

The twisted, convoluted upside down and backward machinations she goes through just to hide her sins, crimes and misdemeanors will be her downfall. And it can’t come soon enough.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member

12 minutes ago
Stephanie, you really need to slow down... I can't bear to watch you wear yourself out on account of us. We can do without a video for a few days. Please take care of yourself. You were so sick yesterday. Love ya my dear.

16 minutes ago (edited)
I so love Phillip’s response to Stephanie telling him about the dressing table set. “And you came back with this???” He sounded so disappointed
I love how these dolts think Fanny's doing this "FOR US." Sure, Jan. She's doing it for THE MONEY you absolute fools. If there was no $$$$ coming in, she'd throw down the little pink camera forever and focus on shopping and traveling full-time until every penny runs dry.
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they watched Rita Konig's interior course- he will have Herend, expect a trip to Robert Kite and Daylesford in the future, oh and match strikers

Please God those two never get even close to Daylesford. It’d lower the tone of my the neighbourhood. Without venturing into the countryside, they could always pop into one of the Daylesford Organics’ shops in London. Wildly expensive but everything par excellence, and it’s all beautifully put together.

I reckon that the prancing twerp has been scouring the internet and auction houses for ages, buying pieces from the Herend Rothschild Bird service wherever he can find them. His life’s mission is probably to have enough for 16 (from a starting point of 6 or 7 dessert plates that SJ had in her rag, tag and bobtail collection of mismatched china). The tureens are undeniably lovely but a completely unnecessary addition to Lalande’s crammed interior.

As for the guests, do they even know what they’re eating off? Do they even care?

Everything about Stephanie and her ghastly sidekick is grostesquely pretentious. Affectation after affectation. Unadulterated role playing. It has got much worse since Philip got in on the act. Uncontrolled delusions of grandeur. Unstoppable spending on fripperies. Beyond frightful.
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Ep 149 | The Pine Marten kills every chicken in the coup | From French Chateau to Farmhouse oh NO. This is so sad for Anna and Peter, they really loved their flock . Their last episode was pouring concrete in the small holes to protect the chicken palace.
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Pencil Pine Principessa

Well-known member
Exactly. It is the same fellow & no one stats for a week or two weekends. This fellow was at the chateau last weekend, not this weekend. If she rushed home for that dinner that means this was filmed last weekend not this weekend.
Please observe all posted Lielande Time Machine safety rules, and follow all verbal instructions. Keep hands, arms, legs and feet inside the Lielande Time Machine at all times. Secure all loose articles, including wallets, change, sunglasses, cell phones, and hats. Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure and/or heart conditions proceed with caution. The Lielande Time Machine may make sudden erratic movements to the past, the future or even to infinity and beyond.
Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 8.57.58 PM.png
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Bogue de Juin

Active member
No surprise - it appears Fanny's away traveling again this week.

It's hard for Fanny to post Patreon vlogs on a Saturday because :
  • she's packing on Saturday and rushing away from the shitoo for the week (after having dinner with guests on the Friday night), or
  • she's rushing back to the shitoo & swooping in for cocktails just in time for Saturday night dinner with the guests
View attachment 2901538
Hello from Lalande everyone!

I'm writing to let you know that this week's Patreon video will be posted on Sunday (tomorrow) again. It's made me realise that it's tricky for me to post on a Saturday during our guest season, because Friday and Saturday nights are the evenings that I spend with our guests, so I tend not to have enough time to film and edit within a single day. Would you rather I let you know each week when it will be posted, as I'm doing now, or should I just post on Saturday or Sunday depending on when it's finished? Please let me know what you'd prefer!

Lots of love to you all from Lalande,

Stephanie x
Just stop with the head kisses you fake fuck.
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Fanny’s new green dress is the same shirt dress as the lemon one from Boden

Fanny was wearing a new pearl ring that later Snorts was wearing..

Snorts has a whole stack of those Herend plates . We know he has to have the whole family of china.
Since his arrival he has had to get the country ware cabbage plate set, the Spode fleur delay set, his horrid Persian bird set,
He is adding to this deco style blue plates in large numbers,
He is now adding to his Herend set. I may have missed some.
He needs to go to a salon and get his hideous nails cut.
I’d forgotten his (profoundly odd) remark about reuniting plates with their “siblings” in order complete a happy family of an entire dinner service. I mean, really…?

That aside, I don’t understand why the sliced up baguettes are served in a china soup bowl.

I wonder if he’ll learn anything from the book Stephanie bought him, Perhaps he’ll cast it aside as irrelevant because, in his mind, he knows everything there is to about table etiquette. If I only he realised that time spent as a waiter and watching Downton does not make one an expert.

Seeing the smug prat sitting at the table and being waited on makes my blood boil. I cannot even begin to count the ways in which I dislike that young man. Thank goodness I shall never have the misfortune of meeting him.
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I've just watched today's vlog. Fannys just blown up her ORIGIN story for how she payed for her half of the chateau by selling her 2 bedroom flat. Her father gave her gave over 3 hundred thousand & said she had to bye a 1 bedroom flat so she would have a home in English & the rest was to be used to reno the chateau. Today dave was starting in the flat s guest room. Making it a 2 bedroom flat. Lie lie and more lies
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Apologies for the random question, but surely there must be a parody account on IG for Fanny, her faux friends, & the crumbling Chateau. Or would that get shut down by the humourless.
Chateau Grift on Facebook is hilarious.

*Also, your TL profile name makes a little nervous.🤷‍♀️
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I call Bull crap... if Snorts could not go because he had to light a fire??? Why was he lighting the fire when she came back??? What did he do the whole time she was gone???? Afternoon delight??? And for f sake, Fanny had no money on her, yet had to have a tray she didnt even like, wants to alter it, and for 30 euros. True shopping addiction...
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So loving that Fanny spent a few days getting her fillers refreshed having her hair done and trying to convince Americans that Islington is a down at heal area. Islington is a great place to live, it is a creative area full of arts and great restaurants. Fanny trying to make out it is not is laughable. Weirdly I was shopping on the very street she was in St Johns Wood yesterday, shame it wasn't last week. She didn't manage to pop in to Panzers deli to buy over priced foodie stuff for Marie just another cardigan to go in her over stuffed wardrobe to go with her over stuffed face. She didn't wash the cardigan. No way did she do all that in an afternoon as we know she doesn't get up till at least 1pm. Why didn't she just walk up to Baker Street tube station to get to Chelsea? She is so frugal using the bus.

On Patreon day catering even if Fanny used caterers and allowed £25 per head it would only cost her about £1500 not much from nearly 400k a year. She is so bloody mean. Why did Snorts have to come to London? They just spend spend spend and spend on themselves yet resent spending anything on guests or patreon days. I am sure the patreons will want to meet and chat with MarIE who lets face it is the majority of Fanny's content these days. Amaury the speedy Gonzales of carpentry still hasn't finished one poxy work top, just as well he's leaving if he had started the Grand Salon it would have been his life's work.

The bedlinen can't save that bedroom which is an affront to any designer. Wall lights too high, inaccessible light switches, fabric ruched and coming away from the walls. Tatty ill fitting second hand bedspread and hideous table cloth that doesn't suit the colour scheme in the room. Gosh what a mess.

Why on earth did Fanny pay Massimo Dutti to alter her horrid trousers she has a sewing machine or two. Why does she say "separates" for the love of God that expression is only used by 90 year olds. Velvet trousers ummm sure she already has some of those somewhere.

I'm not being funny but the image of her in bed is far from alluring she has skin like corned beef and her mouth looks all deformed and she just looks smelly.
I love that , “ Amaury is the speedy Gonzales of carpentry.” Snorts is the speedy Gonzales of spending. Stephanie is the Speedy Gonzales of lying. FRK is just not speedy at all. Ratso runs circles around all of them day and night. He is so bored.
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I am increasingly convinced that I must lead a very sheltered life as I am quite certain that I have NEVER encountered a man wearing a pearl dress ring.
If you didn't know otherwise, I am certain that most people would identify these hands as belonging to a girl/woman.
Yes Pheeph’s delicate lady hands are quite the contrast to Fanny’s grabby man claws!🤣
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