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Chatty Member

You have to understand, at this stage I can not longer listen to her voice, hear her laughs or see her face, she disgust me so much and it is nearly difficult to explain so much disgust… and don‘t get me started on that repulsive supposedly male creature she’s been carrying around in the last years, that pair gives me nightmares.
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I've never seen a table look less Christmas more Spring. What a prat he is, who can't lay a table, he really is obnoxious.
He is a jackass in every way. I hope Amaury secretly adds dairy products to every meal Snorts eats at the Dump in 2024 and repeatedly steals all of the toilet paper out of Snorts’ bathroom every day he works at the Dump.
They all seemed fed up with each other by dinner.
MarIA even seemed fed up after a one minute facetime ambush from Fanny while MarIA was vacationing in Germany. Potty’s mother, Judy, was weary of having a camera crammed into her face constantly. I think she was probably fed up with Stephanie and her inability to “ adult” causing Judy to likely have to travel 30 hours to the freezing Dump to deal with some legal issues and other issues to cover up Stephanie and Khillip’s lazy, shifty incompetence. I think both Pottie and his Mummy do not like Ratso.I believe very human and animal ( to include Ruby, Ratso, the chickens, the peahens, peacocks, etc.) at the Dump are fed up with PranceALot Slovenly greedy irritating smug smarmy romancer of the elderly Snorts.
I stand corrected - Fanny had this coat 2 years ago - it still looks like a duvet though!
Some people have coffee, or tea or OJ, but nothing says Merry Christmas and Happy Engagement than to start the day with a breakfast beer (and not even a Miller Lite)!
Fanny has had makeup smeared all around the collar of that coat for the past couple of years. Holiday from hygiene Stephanie will not have the cost laundered and keeps wearing the coat. She literally has over 20+ coats to wear but repeatedly wears this coat with a wide ring of smeared, smudged makeup around the collar. She is just a dirty person.
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Nobody asked but I reluctantly have to admit that Fannygrift is a genius. Feeling the threat that even her most loyal followers might, at some point, begin to balk at the amount of stuff she is sent through her charity channel, she has found a way, by dropping it, to keep getting the gifts, not have to show them on the vlog, not have to seem grateful, not have to explain them and not have to thank anyone. She no longer has to sit down for a tedious two hours a week to raise money for "charity" - not that there is any account of it going there really. Now, by raising money through her star project, the gifters believe they are giving to a good cause...she has become the charity - the recipient of the lot - no questions asked. I cannot believe people don't see through it but it seems like she will raise all the money for the chapel through these donations - even though she said she had already put aside most of the money for it. I think the idea now is, that she will fundraise for chateau work and keep all the income from Patron for herself. The next fundraiser - sponsor a something for the lake will be the next biggie.
The star grift idea was actually suggested by a viewer in the cd comments, Fanny took up the grifting idea, and never credited the viewer. The viewer wrote a comment about first suggesting the idea to the Dump crew. I will see if I can locate the comment Or whether it has been deleted.

She isn’t a genius, she is an unscrupulous, dishonest thief of ideas.
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I agree with you, @OhIDontKnow... ....if it's not for Channel 4, Stephanie isn't willing to go through the motions of making the place look "magical". We are seeing Lalande exactly how it is there every day, all day. Just sloppy with garbage and stuff everywhere. I sure hope all the people who bought their stars see what she thinks of them in exchange for their patronage.

Speaking of stars, I went on Facebook and this was in my feed (I haven't disentangled myself from Brenda's group yet, but will just so I don't have to see this kind of stuff and get angry). This poor woman from Australia, husband just went into a nursing home, she's working, bought herself a star. These are the type of people that enable Stephanie, the very ones that Stephanie preys on heavily.

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Can Snorts actually do anything? He put up an artificial tree wrong, crooked and silly looking. To spend all that money on a fake hard could it be to snap together??? Usless tat everywhere. And Fanny saying " we read all the comments" should have said " we delete all the comments we dont like "
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Cleo's Asp

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[QUOTE="JackSpratt, post: 17809120, member: 230) I can see The Pethericks surpassing her. They're actually doing something and doing it bloody well. They make her really look like the vapid old has-been she is.
Dan's a dick but he's a achieved more in his short time than she has.
I think all of the other chateaux owners, however annoying some of them may be, have all worked hard and achieved far, far more in a very short time than Fanny has in nearly 20 years, and the vast majority of them started off and continued with far less money than she had, and now has. This includes sophisticated people with elegant taste, and those with more dubious taste like Ash and Terry who are not afraid of hard work and who also mix with the local community. They should all be proud of what they have achieved. What's more is that they haven't had a large entourage of staff and volunteers working for them, nor are they travelling all over the world and spending like there is no tomorrow. Those who vlog also manage to produce interesting and well-edited content regularly. There is no comparison between them and the lazy, unskilled, lying spendthrift!
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Fanny and her brass neck cheek, working hard my arse-they have cobbled together a very mediocre website to scam money off the lonely. Climbing up into the vault with her lace underskirt showing, she is the most ridiculous pathetic needy creature. She is so lazy this advent she has just put out utter crap. The money rolls in but the people have long departed she is a bore and a frightful hostess thus she has ten paid companions for Christmas. Even her cousin can't stand her. Poor old pompous Potts Mum looks like a frozen hedgehog. Even the Chateauverse people don't call anymore because everyone knows she is a con woman and will sully their brand. Only the desperate like Shrek and Permasmile kiss her arse because picking up any followers is crucial if they don't want to just share with their relatives.

What the fuck was prancealot wearing he makes me cringe and recoil and the thought of him stuck on the loo pebble dashing just about does me in. I imagine he has a very hairy arse.

Fanny the fake who purports to love Christmas but can't even make a Christmas pudding. She is so tight fisted and bone idle she could make a pud yesterday if she wasn't so sloth like. There is certainly not the easy banter between her and Potts even that seems strained and forced. When the grift ends Fanny will be all alone at Christmas she has burnt her bridges. Even Kat and Dan don't want to come. She doesn't even mention Michale Petherick anymore because that fall out I now believe is complete.
Nah, with those manicured nails and (ahem) flowing luxurious lock will he have a hairy arse.

He's a back, crack and sac man for sure (nightmarish thought).

I want to know why the pug poofs are no longer present. It's gone from being there at every given opportunity to zero!

The friendship with Michael Petherick is done and dusted. I feel she and shithead were the catalyst to his going doodle ally tat.

I can see The Pethericks surpassing her. They're actually doing something and doing it bloody well. They make her really look like the vapid old has-been she is.

Dan's a dick but he's a achieved more in his short time than she has.
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I'm pages behind but while it's in my head.

Last nights vlog
Nice to see Snorts preparing himself for the excess of Christmas dinner by giving himself a cleanse, eating the huge bowl of yoghurt knowing the after effects 💩💩💩💩💩

Fanny as ever suitably dressed for crawling around in a Chapel roofspace.

The strategic placing of the Sanitol cleaning spray on the kitchen table, shows they read here.

The South African Gurner showing just what a tit he is, brings his baked masterpiece to the table just as everyone has finished eating.

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Spent another year shopping despite
Having no money and no
Occupation. The
Pathetic Gay Twank
Acquired yet more junk to
Hoard in a chateau already
On the verge of collapse filled not with
Life, love and laughter but
Instead with
Crap, crap and more crap!

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T Rex

VIP Member
Ok y'all - what is on your menu for Christmas?
Mr. T Rex and I spent this week with my outlaws inlaws, which was lovely (we put them up in a beautiful large Air B&B, which I highly recommend when a large group of relatives comes to visit) and they all went back home today. We took them out to dinner the first night, they had us over for takeout the second night, we hosted dinner at our house on the 3rd night, they hosted a BBQ on the 4th night, and last night was pizza night. My house stayed clean, we used paper plates and disposable utensils and cups, and it was nice to just enjoy their company without having to constantly cook, clean, and wash a ton of sheets and towels after their departure.

We are going to our friends' house for Christmas Eve. Our tradition for Christmas Day is pretty chill- the dogs open their presents, we stay in our pajamas all day, watch movies and make Christmas Nachos. Since I am pretty "chipped out" from the previous week's appetizers and dips, I've made the command decision to deviate from tradition, so Christmas Dinner will be Korean (because why not?):

Beef Bulgogi (I make my own marinade because the stuff in the jar is abysmal)
Yachaejeon (Vegetable pancakes)
Gyoza (made from scratch, even the dough)
Cucumber kimchi (super easy to make)
Cabbage kimchi (made by an unknown Ajumma from the Asian grocer)
Gamja salad (potato salad)
Gamja Jorim (braised potatoes)
Pickled daikon radish
Steamed Jasmine rice
Gochujang paste (because it goes on everything)
Lettuce leaves
Drinks: Diet Coke and Aqua di Panna

Dessert is going to be straight-up Italian (because that is how I roll):
Tiramisu (made by my own hands, of course!)
Panettone (store bought- unlike Kylie Flavell, I don't have the time, patience, nor do I intend to put on a mini skirt, thigh-high boots, a midriff top and dance around for days faffing about with dough! That girl is as touched in the head as Fanny!)
Drinks: Double espresso for me with two sugars, and a froufy latte for Mr. T Rex.

Meanwhile, my mum (who finds my Christmas traditions blasphemous) is hosting a traditional dinner for 50 (not even exaggerating)! I usually Facetime her, my siblings and cousins after dinner (in my pajamas), so I really don't feel I am missing out. My mum is really over the top when it comes to Christmas, so that is probably why I am the opposite.
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Happy winter solstice festival, haydurs. Thinking of you all snug in your beds listening for the approach of Santa. You've all been so naughty this year I know he will bring you something good.

Shortest Day

Susan Cooper

So the Shortest Day came and the year died
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow‐white world
Came people singing, dancing,
To drive the dark away.
They lighted candles in the winter trees;
They hung their homes with evergreen;
They burned beseeching fires all night long
To keep the year alive.
And when the new year's sunshine blazed awake
They shouted, reveling.
Through all the frosty ages you can hear them
Echoing behind us ‐ listen!
All the long echoes, sing the same delight,
This Shortest Day,
As promise wakens in the sleeping land:
They carol, feast, give thanks,
And dearly love their friends,
And hope for peace.
And so do we, here, now,
This year and every year.
Welcome Yule!
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On Repeat

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I am miles behind but just want to mention how lovely the Petherick Christmas vlog has been presented. Hard yakka, co-operation, talent and the planning ahead for the library, which is going to be epic. Beautiful Gwen and her food. This episode has pissed all over the disgrace of Lielande.

I know Amy from Rosieres reads here because any publicity, good or bad, is great for her ego:

Amy from Rosieres- you have lost me for good. You have dumbed yourself and your family down. I have defended you and your home here before, but not anymore. Your place to me is the best of the bunch- really interesting, original condition, fantastic position.
Why does old money Marc need to be commercial? If his family stipend isn't enough for you to renovate your property how about he or you return to some paying work. You are both highly qualified, you are very proud of your degrees as you have repeated constantly. Well then bloody well use you education and stop the grifting. Some people just aren't cut out for vlogging and opening up their private lives, and you are one of them Amy.

In Marc's former life there would be no way that the types you are mixing with at Lielande would ever be accepted. Particularly Stephanie Jarvis. Her stench of deceit can be smelt a mile away. By association Amy, you have belittled your family and Marc's proud legacy.
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shatcho shiek

VIP Member
money bitch money.jpg

C ant you see
One for all and all for stephineeee
None but mee mee mee

Filter taken off reall picture adjusted youre welcome
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
Cheapest, fucking nastiest garlands in the shitoo. It looks so fucking naff. Why has not the weed whacker been working on getting proper nice ones.
They live in the countryside and are surrounded by their own woods, yet he had to put up a ghastly, imitation ugly green plastic tinsel garland. The whole room was full of cheap, tasteless tat. He and Fanny are stuck in a time warp with the taste of a primary school child. Actually, most children probably have more taste! Compare that with the Fleuries, no matter what we may think of them, they have good taste and would never contemplate having the tat that Fanny has. LL must be a laughing stock amongst the other chateaux owners. Since Fanny likes to think she's a cut above the others and likes to shop and stay in the most expensive establishments, her own home gives her away as the tasteless trollop that she is. Snorty is just ridiculous, pretending to be an adult but exposing his immaturity and looking totally ridiculous by arranging the most tasteless Christmas display anyone could imagine.
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been questioning Fanny’s holiday decorations, or lack thereof. We know last year she decorated and filmed her Christmas content in early fall. That’s why she had to have all those artificial trees. Most, if not all, bought from Balsam Hill. Granted they are beautiful trees, coming pre-lit with high quality storage bags/containers, they are wildly expensive
I seem to remember her saying they were in a sale, or reduced, as, according to her, are most of her purchases!!!!!! I suppose her lies show that she knows some patrons might actually wake up and notice her spending sprees.
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Just me this year as I’m on call, so I’m going simple with cranberry and rosemary roast chicken, whipped goat cheese butternut squash and bacon dripping sautéed brussel sprouts tossed in balsamic glaze. No starter but afters will be homemade rice pud with some of my great aunt’s shortbread. She sends me some every year at the holidays. She doesn’t like baby brother so he gets a tin of store bought brittle!🤣
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
Natti was risking it, sitting on the kitchen chaise longue. Ratso looked as if he was about to pee on it earlier in that vlog and Fanny moved the camera quickly just afterwards!
Marie not only labels her tins with nuts, etc., there was also a shelf in the kitchen cupboard with her name label on it. It must be a bit like living in student accommodation when everyone labels their own food!
The amount of food they were preparing was colossal and all very expensive stuff. Tante didn't look very pleased to know Fanny would also be in the kitchen filming when she was preparing food and Mrs Potts had to linger at the door when she saw they were filming. They don't have one day without the phone stuck in front of them.
Wonder how much Fanny spent on the OTT toile dog bed. In no time, it will be filthy or torn to pieces. There's no doubt another vlog on the way showing Fanny indulging herself which she does virtually every day, not just at Christmas.
Wishing all Tattlers a very happy festive time and let's hope 2024 will bring peace and better conditions throughout our world.
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Karma baby!

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I still think it is suspicious that not a single Balsam tree was hauled down from the attic for this year’s celebrations.
The one they put in the dining room is the big Balsam Hill they bought last year. You can tell because the bottom portion is on wheels and they wheeled it in when setting it up. I think all trees they now set up are Balsam Hill, but they have probably been stored in a hole somewhere and a bunch of crap were dumped on them, hence all the wonky and broken trees they have now!

Of course they don’t care about a $700 tree, that’s only 2.5 stars and they have plenty of those! 🤬
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LOVE the attention to detail! (She couldn't even be bothered to paint the missing wallpaper patch the same color as the moulding and ceiling - it looks dingy and wet!)

And I've said it before, that moulding is too large for the room.

Screen Shot 2023-12-26 at 2.04.06 PM.png
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Thanks for keeping the star theme going @ComtesseRose.

This was from the last thread:

View attachment 2644927

Just after that clip did you all notice what Fanny said next:

View attachment 2644936

Who is she trying to kid? Her Uncle couldn't keep a straight face when she said it. :ROFLMAO:
Taking a good look at that wine, I notice a couple of things. First, wrong glasses, second three times as much as should be in the glass (piggy, piggy) and third there appears to be condensation on the glass. How cold does it have to be for the wine to cause condensation on the glass? We know it’s ridiculously frigid at Shat-oh Icicle but that’s horrifying! Or do we think the glasses are just that nasty and smeared? I never knew glassware could be manky but ewwww!
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