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Billster promised a video on Monday hope Teabag has his organ tunes ready.

Suffering from the results of a radiator dropping on my toe last summer, during demolition I had boots on but NOT steel toe caps, I had a pair by next day and was pleased to have them as standing on nails was a hazard of the demo and they offered sole protection also. Gloves, goggles and hard hat were also warn, so I was worried about Yannis, well done Billster
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On Billy Petherick's vlog today, he responded to readers who had been commenting on Yannis' lack of safe work boots. So, Billy acknowledged the viewers and gave Yannis a proper pair of work boots (especially important now, as they demo part of the second floor of the convent). Total opposite of how Stephanie would have handled the situation. She'd delete any of those type of posts-let alone spend a penny on someone other than herself.
Got to say, the Billy Petherick do have a good work ethic and get the job done. As well as concentrate on one project at a time and finishes it. And always manage to have lots of friends to help when needed. Says much about his character.
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Lady Lindy

Chatty Member
Nobody asked but I reluctantly have to admit that Fannygrift is a genius. Feeling the threat that even her most loyal followers might, at some point, begin to balk at the amount of stuff she is sent through her charity channel, she has found a way, by dropping it, to keep getting the gifts, not have to show them on the vlog, not have to seem grateful, not have to explain them and not have to thank anyone. She no longer has to sit down for a tedious two hours a week to raise money for "charity" - not that there is any account of it going there really. Now, by raising money through her star project, the gifters believe they are giving to a good cause...she has become the charity - the recipient of the lot - no questions asked. I cannot believe people don't see through it but it seems like she will raise all the money for the chapel through these donations - even though she said she had already put aside most of the money for it. I think the idea now is, that she will fundraise for chateau work and keep all the income from Patron for herself. The next fundraiser - sponsor a something for the lake will be the next biggie.
I explained Danny's adopt a star campaign to my other half and he just said OMG she is just a snake oil salesman!
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Lady Avonlea

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Appears Snorty received his gift on Christmas Eve when John came to the cocktail reception (apparently solo).
Snorty even wore his 'new' snowflake suit! Funny when Fanny called Snorty out on his new rags saying she'd never seen the suit, but Snorty tried to say it was an old suit he just hadn't worn often. Snorty definitely dressed to impress one person on Christmas Eve (and it wasn't Fanny).
Fanny headed off to bed early with Ratso. No prizes for figuring out who Snorty stayed up with ringing in Christmas and singing show tunes with.

p.s. - what was that crap about only serving finger food at the cocktail party (no cutlery needed) then FRK brings out chocolate mouse for dessert. How the hell were people supposed to eat that - lick the ramekins?


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Ok y'all - what is on your menu for Christmas?

Also, what is bread sauce? Never heard of it before F4F, but I am from Texas.
Bread sauce vile stuff, puke on a plate.

Just the two of us

starter - either petit verrines with prawn annd advocado mouse or foie gras with fig chutney and sea salt,
main - leg of lamb roasted with apricots and figs, roast taties, glazed parsnips, mashed buttered swede and another green veg to be decided
cheese course
dessert - something light if we have one at all

nice bottle of champers and a good bottle of red (Mr Spratt's bought a selection)

Just getting ready to go to friends for dinner and staying over so we can both have a drink.
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Thank you @ComtesseRose for the new thread and @tuffiti for the patreon uploads.

Congrats also to @graciemckitten for the name and @Fleur du mal @Boleyn sister for the nom.

It's also nice that long timers who have been in the background are now joining in, brilliant.

Tata is beginning to definately look a bit rough, not quite so polished as she was in her first appearances on the Shit Show.

Don't normally have wine with lunch arse!
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Karma baby!

VIP Member
Well, Fanny failed once again. The young and hip crowd don’t wear clothes that look like a walking billboard for a brand. Or an overripe banana.

View attachment 2652265
How can you reach 50 and still don’t know which colors look good on you?!
Every time she wears yellow she looks like a sickly Victorian child on verge of perishing from consumption
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Just Grift Wood

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Fanny and her brass neck cheek, working hard my arse-they have cobbled together a very mediocre website to scam money off the lonely. Climbing up into the vault with her lace underskirt showing, she is the most ridiculous pathetic needy creature. She is so lazy this advent she has just put out utter crap. The money rolls in but the people have long departed she is a bore and a frightful hostess thus she has ten paid companions for Christmas. Even her cousin can't stand her. Poor old pompous Potts Mum looks like a frozen hedgehog. Even the Chateauverse people don't call anymore because everyone knows she is a con woman and will sully their brand. Only the desperate like Shrek and Permasmile kiss her arse because picking up any followers is crucial if they don't want to just share with their relatives.

What the fuck was prancealot wearing he makes me cringe and recoil and the thought of him stuck on the loo pebble dashing just about does me in. I imagine he has a very hairy arse.

Fanny the fake who purports to love Christmas but can't even make a Christmas pudding. She is so tight fisted and bone idle she could make a pud yesterday if she wasn't so sloth like. There is certainly not the easy banter between her and Potts even that seems strained and forced. When the grift ends Fanny will be all alone at Christmas she has burnt her bridges. Even Kat and Dan don't want to come. She doesn't even mention Michale Petherick anymore because that fall out I now believe is complete.
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Phyllis was very angry and upset for most of the Christmas gift opening in the Marquis' salon and was unable to engage with anyone in the room except Ratso.

Phyllis first refused to budge an inch to assist Potts with the squeaky drinks cart (by the way, there is no excuse for that squeak -- what a bunch of layabouts). He was upset that no one heaped praise upon him for his efforts in decorating the room all night long and saving Christmas once again.

i'm ignoring you.JPG

Phyllis was further humuliated by serving as a tripod/phone holder for Annemarie when he made his big announcement before Mummy/Godmother in South Africa. Snorts shot a nasty, contemptuous look at Annemarie when he realized a split-second before what was about to happen -- the only time he ever looked at him.


phone boy.JPG

No words of congratulations or even acknowledgement. No celebratory clinking of champagne flutes. Natzy the phone and e-mail assistant is now bona fide family, and Phyllis must kowtow to her also. He wanted to run out of the room and have a cry on one of the new chairs in his study. By now the others must be used to his frequent tantrums and hissy fits, and they enjoy pushing his buttons even further. They know he's more likely to shut up, or go elsewhere to sulk.

The passive agressiveness in the HMN is off the scale. Phyllis believes he has complete control over everything in his curated interiors, and he freely places things (and crap) wherever he pleases. He takes great personal offense when anyone else upsets the equilibrium of his design vision, most especially when they break the cardinal rule and place something on one of his own treasured pieces of furniture or those he considers to be his. (The inlaid flip-top tea table in the Chinoisserie dining room is one such piece that only he can use). Because he was tiffed on Christmas morning like a petulant little child, Phyllis left the bauble boxes out in full view on the side console, right up against Annemarie's chair railing and the tapestry wallpaper. At the very least, the asshole could have placed them on the ground out of view, if only for the guests, but most definitely for the climatic Christmas gift-opening vlog and its tens of thousands of viewers. But everyone had to be reminded of the work he had done. Then his beard pretended not to notice the boxes as she delighted over the expensive imported Christmas breads directly next to them. She was ticked off, but lifting a finger to sort it is beneath this princess. So they remained.

elephant in the room.JPG

Everyone got back at Phyllis by placing things on his billiards table: the table that just had to be restored at extraordinary expense and then shifted from room to room at his command -- even though no one plays billiards. Poor little Phyllis must have been fuming.

pissing on the pool table.JPG

I suspect Phyllis is also still enraged for being excluded from the HMN owners' emergency powows (Fanny, Mummy/Percy, Baghead, Potty, and Potty's mom) about the death investigation. They must have told him to leave the room each time because they had business to discuss. He's a paid employee and little else. Fuck off, loser.
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This morning's Patreon videos:

This one I couldn't be *rsed to watch as am ill which is enough suffering for one day thank you very much:


Here con artist Stephanie Jarvis of the Chateau Diaries at Chateau de Lalande gleefully anounces that she has raked in 200.000 euros with her newest scam:



Happy xmas Tattlers ❤🎄
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Cleo's Asp

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Hanni was definitely part of the legal advice.Potts was a web designer/ programmer and Fanny is a scammer. Perfect team for a con.
I still wonder about the actual legality of her not knowing how many stars there are and now it is for a tile on the floor and as others have mentioned when will she stop this scam?.
How it has cost €200 thousand for two men to work there, pay for a limited amount of scaffolding and minimal materialsIDK.
How many actual days have they been on site?

Yes she is paying for architect to manage portakabins , b and b but… divide days by €220 k so far???
When Nathan the heating engineers quote was €300k and he has been on site for ages with very expensive machinery and often more than two men?.
Yes, I find 200k for that, plus another 200k for the paintings, and then more for the floor, way over the top for that amount of work and time, especially when you consider that the whole of the heating system and labour was 300k. Something just does not add up. It's a great pity that she does not legally have to show the actual invoices to those who are paying for it. It just proves how easy it is for someone like her to scam gullible people. It's not so very different from internet scams that some elderly or vulnerable people fall for. Her excuse is that it's being preserved for future generations but, as we have all said before, these "future generations" are not the public, they are the heirs of the wealthy private owners, and the building is not historic or even that noteworthy; the recent surveyors confirmed that. Also, if she can raise 400k, why wouldn't she use that to make the house secure for family and staff before doing the chapel? She says how important the chapel is to her but we also know how she has abused it in the past. Whichever way you look at that woman, she comes out as a despicable con woman.
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Up the" Bitch slut from Hell " goes in a dress to check out her $chapel !!!
It was sickening when they all had to go up and look ...... I was hoping the chapel guy would brick the lot in and then go home for his holidays!

Potts Mother had to go into the store room with all the goods FRK bought ..... I wonder why? Creepy much?
FRK bought Fanny sushi and Fanny opened it after having Ratso chewing on her fingers - Yik . Bet she did not wash her hands.
On the subject of FRK ..... what a suck up artist she is being to Fanny .... playing with Ratso and all her baby talk to Fanny....... OK FRK - what the hell do you want???
Oh...... and why didn't old Natti go up into the Chapel roof too????
Plus ..... I am on a roll ....... why don't you make your own bloody pudding ???? Tons of people do !
What was all that with yogurt and Squirrel ??? Why eat the darn stuff if you are "allergic" ??????
I have to stop .... my blood pressure ! :mad:
Took my words. I was going to also say. Good job Fanny your non barking dog apparently barks and also bites with no discipline... good job also mocking along with Nasti regarding your "boyfriend " having the shits later from the yogurt. Snorts get your self some lactaid pills. Amazon has them educate yourself on your lactose intolerance problem your stupid cow. That's all. Oh also FRK we see your love language with Fanny it will not end well.
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Last nights flog and wasn't it a tiresome flog at that.

Marie had the right idea 'sod you lot I'm off to bed'. A double whammy blow for her on Christmas Day so now wonder she's pissed. MariA being asked back for next Christmas and The Engagement.

Mummy Potts in various locations around what rooms are safe trying to get warm.

The kitchen rammed to the gunnals with all of the plates, glasses etc from the Christmas Eve, I suppose at least they were washed up. Obviously putting them away was just one step too far for that pathetic prick, he's still sulking he didn't get an engagement ring.

The SA Gurner doing the only thing he's mildly capable of, more sodding bread and burnt BBQ. Sorry Dana but just looking at that dishwater soup would have had me running or the downstairs loo. I wonder just how much food has been wasted over the last three days as I'm sure they've been pissed for most of them. Who wants to eat a BBQ at bloody 10pm!

Someone else was supposed to be there yesterday but threw a sickie, can you blame them.

Still not grand finale gift grab.

Morning, thick fog here.

I'm off to work for a couple of hours and Mr Spratt is not happy as he's had a call out (got the call Christmas Day so really unimpressed) to the Chateau I use to work at, boiler not working. Needs to be sorted as they've got a New years Eve bash in their restaurant. He's still got his end of year stock take to get done. Happy Days.
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Le Baiseur

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Billy and Michael serving up something special.
I hope Fanny doesn't weasel her way up to Mayenne and find an excuse to sing.
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What in the hell does she see in him? Everyone has to laugh and talk about him behind his back. Even the frozen Grannie is probably laughing.

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