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Without the Richmonds, yesterday’s festivities would have been even more Lalande-lacklustre. Oncle and Amoire at the helm with tent construction, Michael Potts seemingly playing statues. Tante creating tablecloths (what happened to last year’s tablecloths that Sarah took so much trouble making?) and marking (the deeply weird) Jared’s birthday by making cupcakes.

Having said, everyone else did try and do something useful. Everyone, that is, bar Stephanie and the prancing twerp. The former did her usual ineffectual wafting and I suppose the latter was busy “editing” (glued to an online auction).

Thanks to scrambled editing, Gerald was in situ before he arrived.

SJ is no doubt exhausted from doing nothing but change frocks but will soldier on. Next stop South Africa, where she’ll be as useful as a chocolate teapot.
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My dad was Greek, first generation born in America. I ate lamb a lot growing up. I have never, ever seen lamb shredded or chopped up like dog food and served the way it was today. Just another way Stephanie had Stuart make a little go a long way. Marie would have flowered it all up, made a tart out of it, made it something really complicated to make it more than it was.
Anyone seen Aloysius recently?
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Just Grift Wood

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They only appeared to massacre one leg of lamb for 30 people so they had to chop it up finely. The cheese board was a paltry offering. They couldn't be arsed to make pud or go to a local patisserie to get an array of beautiful tarts. Don't get me started on the K plates. Why was Marie the most grateful to patreons? Amaury was not comfortable talking to strangers the whole day just screamed cheap
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Lochness Monster

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Oh Brenda! There are 2 dresses- we found the other one ( shown here) too and its even more expensive! If Fanny and co doesn’t want us to comment on her dress purchases- don’t buy tonnes of new expensive dresses out of patron funds
Apologies repeating trying hard to distract myself as am exhaustedwith very little sleep. My husbands dementia is driving me mad.
Fanny who only thinks of herself...
Incidentally buying expensive dresses and bags etc will not solve the lack of companionship Fanny craves. Her adoring not her but the lifestyle
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what gets me too is she never does the cheese course, most people go to France for the fabulous cheese and wine at Fanny's they get neither. I think that is because cheese would cost more per meal than the whole budget. That piece of cod was tiny. They never have a French meal the food is lousy

she could easily have got patreons on board with restoring the apartments so she could become more self sufficient and that money would increase the value of the dump. She has played it all wrong.
That’s because she only sees what’s right in front of her face! She has no capacity for forward thinking or long term strategy. She could’ve had years of increasing income from patrons and the heap if she’d done it right. Instead of $350,000 annually from Patreon, however much from YouTube, sponsorships, B&B and gites, she’s sacrificed everything for fast funds that she’s frittered away. I do not believe there is any money put back for any project…at all. We’ve all seen her spending, she’s living payout to payout. Between Princess Putrid and Little Lord Snorts-a-Lot the coffers have been drained faster than the Étang de Lalande!
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Ferris Wheel

Active member
Looks like a outdoor Halloween set up!
She says the Mayor offered those tents, she says Dan offered to come and film... How would the Mayor even know if someone didn't ask? And I don't believe Dan said, "let me leave this build Fanny, I'd rather help you, let me film even though I'm up to my neck in reno's here" Dan didn't offer... he was asked and felt obligated..
Per Dan's last video, he made a statement at the end about being at the Stephfraude's place, it was my impression from that statement that he wasn't asked to do it but felt obligated. Too very different things in my mind. And he being there is a massive loss of income for him.
He needs to part ways. I know he may think he is beholden to her but he isn't at this point. When he was working at the dump maybe but not now.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
If I was Fanny I would:

Fix the grand salon and get the shack structurally sound before anything else
Complete heating
I would then do the apartments so I could let them out as gites this would include making a swimming pool
I would renovate the kitchen and completely re model

This would be at least 2 year project and would see money rolling in. I would also be seen to do some actual work. I would start showing some humility
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In my view, if you can afford to buy and wear a $300 dress, or a $600 dress, you can certainly afford to have the dress altered to fit you exactly.
The best tip I ever learned from What Not To the best clothing you can afford and pay to have them tailored to fit you.

In other news, @mousepanda8 reported on some of the goings-on in the Patreon video via pictures - I haven't watched the video yet. In one of them, she/he said Stephanie had made a comment to Jared about finding a holiday home close by. I hate to break to Stephanie, but he has announced other plans.......

I think I understand his trepidation now......

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Karma baby!

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This whole thing makes so much sense when you realize what kinda people tend to fall into SJ’s trap…. Desperate and dumb as a rock!


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T Rex

VIP Member
Thank you @tuffiti for the Patreon vlog! I have been busy, so am now just getting round to watching the Patreon vlog, and will watch the regular vlog later. I am just barely into the Patreon vlog, where Fanny remarks that she will be posting the footage for the next couple of weeks so that if you couldn't be there, you can feel like you were.

So get yourself a bottle of cheap wine, and eat from a bin behind any restaurant, and you too, can feel like you were there!
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My boys at that age wouldn't have been seen dead in that situation. Crammed next to "auntie" opening crappy presents. He will be teased horribly when his school mates see that. There are more sinister risks putting a young kid like that on show. Does he ever bring a mate to hang out with at the shitshow? I don't know how they coerce him to do that, it took me all my efforts just to get my boys to have a shower at that age!
-New thread name suggestion
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Hedda Hopper

VIP Member
My husbands dementia is driving me mad.
Same. I'm so tired today. I hope I can get a nap in. Between the cat and my husband being up and down all night I figure I got about 3 hours sleep. This is the effing toughest disease to live with. I hope you find some joy somewhere today. ❤
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You can get beautiful red Sancerre too. There are some wonderful small vin yards all around the dumb bag. Seriously couldn't she have bought some Champagne and served it with a bit of Cassis as an aperitif before lunch the money she is grifting.

Fanny's title of the vlog should have been:

It takes a village to get the dumb Fanny up and dressed in the morning
A kir as an appero would have been appropriate. She could have ordered in some fizz from my favorite Veuve Amiot in Saumur, which comes in white, red and rosé. She could have done so much more for her salary providers, hired in a catering service would have been better, they would have done it all and given a seasonal menu. Then the inmates could then give the guests their undivided attention and poor old Dave wouldn't have to be the scullery maid in the kitchen.
Thank you for those kind thoughts. I don't wish this disease on anyone.
I'd come and give you a hug too if I could. Xx
Respite is almost non existent as he has capacity and can therefore choose what he wants and this is always remain at home and me do it!
I have found some time today to try and find somewhere that may be acceptable. We looked at three care homes and when we got back he said do I really have to go there and I cried for three hours .

I am trying to find something that might be acceptable for us both….it’s the physical and psychological burden.
Last night I read a diary of a wife living with her husband and dementia.She was a nurse for geriatrics and even she found it impossible.
I have also discovered that money does not buy what we need or would want. I wonder how other countries care for their elderly or demented as here they seem to be a financial target.

My husband, always very kind and generous when he was well bought me a sewing machine and I have decided to try and dress make again…
I have been inspired by the quilters and sewers here, so thank you
My Dad had Motor Neurone and Mum nursed him alone for almost two years. He was adamant he wasn't going in for respite but was persuaded to as Mum was exhausted (she was also working 2 nights a week as a nurse). Once there he was happy. It started as just one day a week and built from there. Even if you could get that, it would help both physically and mentally for the pair of you.
Looks very much like a church group ⛪ shouting 🗣 hallelujah with all those grannies 👵🏻 in their granny dresses. Oh yes, so chic, so French! 🇫🇷 Why are they raising their arms anyway? 🙆‍♀️
Fanny looks manic as usual with her big mouth open. 😮
Tartan Gnome front and center with a big thumbs up! Go Gerry! 👍
Andi, do you need some attention? 🙋🏼‍♀️
Disco Dana getting down in the back row. 🕺
Little old man on a chair? 👴🏻

Somebody has to answer the phone and reply to the emails. Also, watch to make sure nothing is slipped into the granny totes. I can just see Nati trying to be incognito as she goes from room to room discreetly eyeing the patrons and telling them not to touch the valuable 'antiques'.
Everytime I look at Gerry, I just see this.

P.s I can't stand that pratt Potts either, another lazy arsehole.
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Bogue de Juin

Well-known member
If SJ ditched all the outfits in her wardrobe that neither fitted her or suited her what would she be left with? Has anyone got a picture of her where she just looks nice? I know it is subjective, but is a clean and tidy, well fitting and suitable outfit something she has ever achieved?
I realize we're discussing dresses here but I honestly think she looks the most youthful, fresh, and in vogue when she's wearing jeans...which she rarely does.
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Been a nice not too hot day today and we went to the coast with friends and spent the afternoon scoffing oysters at the lovely oyster bar we've found. I've progressed to the large ones now
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Lady Avonlea

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She mentioned Andie......and Andie was even shown in the vlog as well as mentioned by Stephanie a couple of times.
Though I'm not really sure why.....

Andie is mentioned here between Nick & Nati

View attachment 2376226
The extended family we saw in vlogs totaled 23: Fanny, Snorty, Stuart, Ricardo, FRK, Nick, Andie, Natti, Gerry, Dana, Jared, Dan, Maria, Potty, Amaury, Ombeline, Pavlina, Tante Chantal, Oncle Stephen, Vivienne, Simon, Sara & Stephen. If Mummy & Percy had been there, as planned, that would have been 25. I don't recall seeing Kirsty or Davy and that would have totaled 27.

All to host about 12 guests each day - some of them children, who would have been happy with a hotdog and ice cream. What a joke! Kudo's to Dan, because he was a master in editing the film to try & make it appear like a full house.

What baffles me is why this 'extended' family agree to return to the HMN and do all the work preparing for Fanny's parties (ex: Easter, Patron Day, Christmas). They are all fools! When will they wake up and realize they are not the guests but just unpaid help. Fanny is the only person who benefits - financially (YT income), socially (others do all the work so Fanny can just be the hostess), personally (feeds Fanny's ego because she is the centre of attention).

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