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Worrying indeed for Percy, it could have been the end. Going back some years, I had a medical problem that had been going on for some time and I was told I'd have to just get on with it. When we moved to France I went to my Doctor here and it was all done and dusted, operation to rectify it within 6 months. My brother in law in the UK has just had a tumour removed from his stomach, the lead up to this has been going on for nearly a year and this op was cancelled twice within the last month. Now done and the outlook is positive but not good for someone with cancer, took far too long to get sorted.
@JackSpratt A former colleague who moved back to the UK has been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. His lack of treatment has been appalling. He knew something was wrong 3 years ago, but was brushed off.

The only way he knew it was terminal was when he was so sick at home (after the hospital refused to admit him) and an emergency GP was sent to him. He heard the GP on the phone outside his bedroom say, "As it's terminal, should we look at a hospice opening?".


He went to see his specialist a few days later, and the appointment was cancelled as he was sitting in the waiting room. He kicked up a fuss and they admitted him.

It's so unfair. He just retired from many years at Fleet Street then in New Zealand, and now to be told he has a year, if that.
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I'm hoping that the weather on Patreon day will be like the storm that Dan showed in his yurt vlog. Driving rain straight into the open barn they dined in last year.
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Why not quote Shakespeare’ TB or not TB , that is the question…….
Absolutely. Here is my opinion. Percy may have seen a specialist in UK. She went as far as to suggest a private consultation at Addenbrooke's. He said, (according to Fanny) that in his expert opinion, that given Percy's travels, age, symptoms etc, he would be looking to screen for cancer, or check for benign tumour, or bacterial infections. He would have said if it was TB, Percy would be weeks/months in hospital, cancer would be much treatment. He would have said Percy would have to go private whatever the outcome and either way, private treatment is a lot of dosh. Isabelle gets outside the door and said they must return to SA where Percy would be covered healthwise and when they went back did not know which illness he had. But if a blood test was done, and there was another appointment, the TB would have been picked up or a serious bacterial infection and then they returned to SA knowing they were putting others at risk. What I do not believe is that after an initial consultation the specialist said cancer without any screening and let Percy return to SA believing that was what it was.
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I've been awol from the shatoo universe. Very interesting to see real discussions regarding sales of pottery sets and whatnot to fund renovations. I think people seeing Dan with his constant work is making them question the inactivity at lalande

Seriously who is Brenda? she has all but flung out a PowerPoint deck on the articles
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Indeed very misleading. The way it's worded is vague and open to interpretation, just the way Fanny & Co. like it. You could interpret it as the Association, i.e., Fanny, Isabelle and Nati, is dedicated to the restoration but not necessarily the money you are pledging. Also, the use of the word benefactor generally implies some kind of financial kickback, that is certainly not the case here. And how would you ever know if your name was on the BACK of a panel against a wall? Even a photo is not proof as we all know the trickery The Dump crew come up with using photoshop. What can you say about a fool and his/her/their money?
And why does Brenda believe she’s the expert? Why does she think she has the ability to make these statements about Patreon, the Association, and taxes? Has Stephanie Jarvis fed this crap to Brenda so that she’d publish it (not Stephanie)? That way, Stephanie’s hands are “clean” if anyone challenges it? Stephanie can just say “Well, I didn’t say that…Brenda did!” Unbelievable.
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No Patreons, Band B guests, seasons etc etc would STOP me travelling to SA, I would drop everything and everyone if my mum or dad were in hospital. Leave Snorts at CHMN he must entertain them. Anyone wanting a refund could have one. But Fanny wants the $$$$$$$
maybe percys family are not keen on having sj there.. let alone philip
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Karma baby!

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I thought she was from Belgium?
Nick’s Marie is French, originally form Champagne region.

And of course this was discussed whilst opening a box full of champagne bottles sent to them for free in an early version of GAG 🙄
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Just Grift Wood

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Can the TB bacteria be passed on through glasses, cutlery, crockery etc? We have all seen a lot of the porcelain, cutlery and glasses are not dishwasher safe so are hand washed in the utility area. Are they washed thoroughly in hot water using detergent or given a quick rinse and put away? How often are tea towels and wash clothes cleaned?

the answer is no which is a relief but you can suffer from latent TB

Exposure to TB
What is TB?
“TB” is short for a disease called tuberculosis. TB is spread through the air from one person to another. TB germs are passed through the air when someone who is sick with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, speaks, laughs, sings, or sneezes. Anyone near the sick person with TB disease can breathe TB germs into their lungs.

TB germs can live in your body without making you sick. This is called latent TB infection. This means you have only inactive (sleeping) TB germs in your body. The inactive germs cannot be passed on to anyone else. However, if these germs wake up or become active in your body and multiply, you will get sick with TB disease.

When TB germs are active (multiplying in your body), this is called TB disease. These germs usually attack the lungs. They can also attack other parts of the body, such as, the kidneys, brain, or spine. TB disease will make you sick. People with TB disease may spread the germs to people they spend time with every day.

How was I exposed to TB?
You may have been exposed to TB if you spent time near someone with TB disease of the lungs or throat. You can only get infected by breathing in TB germs that a person coughs into the air. You cannot get TB from someone’s clothes, drinking glass, eating utensils, handshake, toilet, or other surfaces where a TB patient has been.
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Also for the La Landers who read here especially our foragers Maria and Marie (and Brenda), I do hope you are following the Gippsland Victoria (Australia) case of foraged mushrooms causing the deaths of 3 people, a fourth victim awaiting a liver transplant. And an earlier victim some months earlier. Possibly incompetence (random foraging) or murder (allegedly).
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In school I had a labradoodle named Theseus and a hamster named Caligula (vicious little beast, very bitey). Much later a frenchie named for the last queen of France (not MA). There was a cocker spaniel named Jasper for the one in DuMaurier’s Rebecca. Hmmm, also a Sealpoint Siamese named Amalfi along with a Himalayan named HP, which stood for House P*ssy. My boss named him as I was stumped. I’ve lost track of the livestock names over the decades. Except for my gran’s nasty, horrid gander. Mom called him the Ripper. I still have a scarred bum from not being fast enough. Not pretentious at all here.😂
I love little stories like this! 😘 for sharing.

During the Great War, members of my great great grandfather's battalion rescued a puppy from a bombed out French farmhouse. Apparently this poor little soul was "mad with fright" and was taken in by the battalion as their mascot. In true Aussie laconic style, the dog was named "Ici" which of course is French for "here." Ici remained with the battalion, loved and cared for by the troops, until he was returned to his original, and utterly delighted owner, in 1919. The owner kept the name. Ici died in his sleep aged 17, lying by an open fire and sleeping on one of the battalions old Australian Army coats. Members of the battalion kept in touch with Ici's owner and family until WW2 stopped all communication.
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Morning All,

Feeling sorry for poor old Percy and the TB diagnosis and I wish him all the luck in the world for a speedy recovery. TB Is a strange disease.

My Son In Law, in agony with suspected appendicitis, was admitted to hospital and operated on. Boy did the Surgeon get a shock. Upon opening him up, they discovered a solid mass on his bowel.
Once tests confirmed it was TB (and had been latent and undetected), he was asked where he'd been abroad in the last 10 years or so. Tunisia was the culprit, as it was the only other country he'd visited apart from France. Tunisia he was told, was rife with TB as was Morocco, Egypt etc etc. You get the picture! 8 hours later, and minus some bowel, he was back on the ward. Took him him months to recover and he was approximately 34 at the time.
As a side note, his Mum confirmed he was not vaccinated against TB as a child, as she missed the appointment for some reason and forgot to re-book it. He's forgiven her now but it took a while ;)
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Yes they do, I was told by someone who lives near Nice that customs officers sometimes check on trains from just along the coast in Italy as there are a couple of big markets which are known for counterfeits.
Her luxury brand items are indeed real, Steph simply can’t put them together elegantly so it looks cheap
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Unfortunately, they have now devolved into shows that are highly inappropriate for all but adult audiences. I have a very good friend who is a well known drag Queen in my area and even he thinks they have jumped the shark. But you can google those stories. They are everywhere now.
I’ve attended a few of the drag queen story hours here, as volunteers were needed to help wrangle the attendees. It was frankly charming to see how delighted the kids were with the events and I don’t even like children. Most of them saw it in the same way as a clown show. Any questions that would’ve yielded inappropriate answers were deftly sidestepped by the drag queens. No idea how it’s done elsewhere in the country but I’ve never seen anything untoward here.
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SJ announced this so Patrons will ask about Percy’s health, talk about their own ailments & then no questions about the accounts.
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Brenda attempting to rewrite history….not so fast Brenda!

1. Fanny promised on multiple occasions to be transparent with the accounts….after dozens of delays and more promises and assurances, she never mentioned it again. She did say, at one point, that the accountant needed to hide some info on individual salaries, as Fanny felt it wouldn't be right to share that info publicly. Then, nothing ever again!

2. Fanny changed the terms on Patreon without notifying patrons. Patrons were named members of the association. Not sure what wording she now uses, as im no longer a patron.

3. it‘s absolutely correct that Fanny can spend her income as she chooses, however, this does not mean she cannot be criticised for her personal spending habits, when she continually asks for help to save the chateau. She is a public figure by her own choosing.

4. Fanny, friends and her most loyal fanatics censor, delete, ban and block any and all legitimate questions and concerns, using fake aliases and proxies like Brenda and Gooder, among others to control the narrative, and in some cases, lie, in her favour. If shes doing nothing wrong, then why the need for an arsenal of brand defenders?

5. Lalande is just another large old rural property in France, not protected, and has very little to offer in terms of significant history, architecture or features (staircase, paneling, painted frescos, grand ballrooms or original historical features, other than the defences) which brings us to the biggest lie…Patrons are saving what exactly? Why? And for whom?

As far as I‘m concerned any registered business (she likely draws an income from a corporation) pulling in millions of dollars, as is Fanny, let alone one that is entirely based on sharing her life with viewers, is open to legitimate public scrutiny. A registered not-for-profit has additional disclosure rules.

I get that many people fell in love with the romance of it all, and Fanny’s charm, but snake oil is still snake oil. Trust in influencers is actually at an all-time low, rightly so because they do wield power for personal gain. Other than Tattle, who else is holding Fanny to account?
Thank you…absolutely correct.

In addition to #1…

1. Fanny promised on multiple occasions to be transparent with the accounts….after dozens of delays and more promises and assurances, she never mentioned it again. She did say, at one point, that the accountant needed to hide some info on individual salaries, as Fanny felt it wouldn't be right to share that info publicly. Then, nothing ever again!

At some point I recall Fanny asked her Patreons what content they wanted to see…what’s important. Several responses came back specifically saying that the accounts weren’t important to them (fancy that?). I suspect these answers were “planted” by Fanny’s minions. So, Fanny pivoted away from the accounts “at the request of her Patreons.” Makes me want to puke.
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Chatty Member
Oh my goodness I am in shock with the location of the patrons reception. The terrible tables and chairs used to serve the patrons luncheon. If it was a luncheon, was it? Maybe she just served cheap drinks. I don‘t remember ever seeing the video of the patron day if there was one and I missed the absurdity of that reception facility completely. I just can not believe she set tables in the stables, on that stone floor, with those school chairs… It is so repugnant. Those were mostly old ladies, with sandals, maybe some with hills, they could have fallen, twisted ankles or worse. She hasn’t got a clue about hospitality or good services… they pay her a fortune a month and she can not show some appreciation by preparing something pretty. Rent a nice tent, lights, tables and comfortable chairs, and please order a proper cake or two… everything is so miserable, poorly prepared and ugly. I can not imagine the reason why a patron would like to set feet in that dump.
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I’m just waiting for Fanny to turn the tuberculosis diagnosis into a musical…starring Fanny…all the drama, the tragedy, the grift…Moulin Rouge!

Welcome to La La Lande!




Our Heroine…Fanny…



Her Lover…



The baps…


Everything going so well…


Tragedy strikes…



Please send money…Patreon Association Members….Gofundme…


(I love this film!)
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Lochness Monster

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Have I got this right? Percy flew to England and was told he had cancer of the throat and that he would have to wait two to four weeks for radiotherapy to start. So he flew to S Africa, where he could start radiotherapy for throat cancer earlier. Then, when he arrived in SA for tests, his son asked for him to be tested for TB of the throat - and they did and it was. So the question is (are there any medics here?) would Percy have been given radiotherapy for cancer he did not have if he had stayed in the UK? And what would have been the result of that?
In the Uk you are not diagnosed with cancer at the first visit!
If…. It was suspected a biopsy would be done and I believe under general anaesthetic,not something to recover from overnight!
Her London flat is damp too…

I have no doubt Percy is very unwell and has had a cancer scare but as always Fanny is LYING. She is covering for her get away to SA . Not just the few days to see Percy her father in law who she loves dearly bla bla but so she can get away from the dump, the chapel etc etc.
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