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Maybe he is not really gay but only identifies as gay ? 🤔
That’s kind of what PhiPhi has said. He’s never confirmed his orientation (I don’t believe) but he portrays himself as a straight man who “embraces his feminine side.” Trying to be like Harry Styles but definitely nowhere near that. Selmar said PhiPhi is bisexual and that he would sleep with anyone every day. PhiPhi’s just a strange little person who probably thinks his affectations and quirkiness make him endearing or interesting. They don’t. It’s annoying.
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Maple fairy

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Who are Steve and Vivian? Bill running out of money could that be code for we want you to leave Selmar!
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And I hate my own feet being messed about with and just kick out.

I can't stand having my feet touched either and this is probably why . . .
'The soles of your feet contain more sweat glands and sensory nerve endings per square centimeter than any body part. No wonder why the feet are the most ticklish part of the body.'

Generally speaking, I also think feet are the least attractive part of the body.
I wonder if Philip takes as much care of his feet as he does with his hands.
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toe nails.jpeg
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Under a a different pseudonym to Madam de P I started praising the concept of the Cadeaux at the Chateau channel and asking naive questions “really wanting to know more about it“. Caroline the No Gooder took up the replies so I asked about the charities that fraudulent Fanny was giving to and why the list was so behind as it had not been updated for months. Caroline the No Gooder gave some ridiculous response which led to me commenting that “Something was rotten in the state of Denmark”. I was immediately blocked and I cannot be arsed creating yet another dummy account as I know it will only end the same way.
I was blocked by the fragrant Brenda G under my real name (Eeek I don’t like people knowing that).
Well, my story is, under my actual name, commenting on how useless Philip is. Asking why Stephanie is allowing her brand to be undermined by uneducated, tasteless, talentless fool. I was blocked and Stephanie continues to steer the ship into abject ruin. I guess Philip knows best.
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Kudos to Michael, he used proper soil for planting. He is always very polite to thank his parents for their help. The quality video, editing, choice of music is always top notch. Loved how it featured his nephew helping, too. They did the cottage garden with local nursery stock not imported items or landscape architect from Belgium.Amazing, good job!
I never really watch his videos, but I did watch this one, and I was impressed. Beautiful shots of nature....loved his choice of background music and the interaction between grandpa and the little grandson. You can tell from how Michael was shoveling the dirt that manual labor isn't in his wheel house, but overall I thought it was a really nice vlog. I sincerely hope he keeps this up and continues to stay on a good path in life. He is a talented artist whether it comes to makeup, decorating or rehab/ remodeling. He has more taste than the two horrific " tastemakers " at the Dump, that's for sure!
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What has changed is her ability to pull in a crowd of like-minded hedonists. People move on, have families and careers, even grow up and see the light, but in her case the clock has stopped in that era of partying. The result is a pathetic 50 years old trying to still to be in that time. That's why she will put up with PhiPhi as her escort because he is way younger and she feels that his youth will make her seem youthful. But just look at her physically, she has aged beyond her years in a short amount of time. Because of her vacuous life she is empty and a childish, stupid woman in mid-age is not attractive. The photo of her looking longingly up PhiPhi's nostrils is actually very sad. She is lost.
What does SJ's channel stand for? *crickets*
It's not about renovations, it's not about gardens, it's not about sewing, it's not about event management.

It's SJ running arround, showing off other people's work. When there is a party, someone prepares food, Snorts table and SJ herself. There is nothing shown which would draw the viewers back in. There needs to be story line instead of dreamy "one days".

She mentioned surveys for grand salon were ordered a couple of months ago, but she never mentions it again.

Survey ordered -> received -> source contractors -> building work starts -> explain in each video a baby step -> work done - next.

SJ way:
Talk about a problem -> cry about it in front of a fire -> talk about it some more -> invite people for survey --> talk about the problem -> order a survey -> never mention it again.

She never gives me badass boss woman vibe.
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Stephanie and Phi phi give off creepy illicit mommy son vibes when they try to pretend they are “lovers.” Gross and totally unconvincing.
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shatcho shiek

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Also how unprofessional was Snorts standing in the dining room stuffing a croissant in his gob!

More sodding coloured 1980s stemware, it's just buying for the sake of it even Fanny didn't sound convinced but it seems whatever he says goes.

Guess paying top dollar for this lieland experience includes this , maybe thats her brand nowdays . She who shouts from balcony no longer deserves all this some twat faker . I noted he threw the plastic bags behind the prep/dishes room door on the floor from his emenus purchases , for some one else to pick up latter ,probably natty or cuz . Also did you note the glass was shoved in the flithy cupboard unwashed from the emenus where hundreds of people visit which on review is now jump cut out .
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I commented on Jumpsuit Jill Scott butting in to answer every question asked in the comments( the forerunner to Caroline Goober) and was promptly blocked when I said that my question was address to SJ and not Jill. This was way back and just before the inaugural CD thread here on Tattle.
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I just watched Dan’s latest video.

Why does Dan refuse to use safety equipment? Almost half of the comments on his videos are people reminding him of common sense safety practices that he will not do. He has received literally hundreds of comments expressing concern over his failure to use appropriate gloves, a safety harness, safety glasses, performing dangerous work alone at his crispy chateau, and using unsafe work practices, He doesn‘t acknowledge these comments and doesn’t change the reckless way he performs work. People anxiously comment about safer ways to perform tasks.

Why do you think he is so reckless? Does he not understand that he can be seriously injured or setting himself up for future health problems? He has 2 small sons. What is going on with him? Is he stupid, overconfident, attention seeking? People would send him safety equipment.
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Oh I so agree with you. In the beginning he was so keen and happy to be there. He was so enthusiastic! I got the feeling from what he said that he truly idolized his older cousin. As a young boy she probably seemed glamorous to him. Unfortunately for him the reality of her true self has hit him greatly. It took awhile for it to sink in but I’m sure the presence of tit head made it difficult to ignore.
i would say he was promised and expected something different. Making panels, later windows, but he came into dirty colapsing pighouse, being bossed around and exploited.
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I just watched it. While I appreciate that she is "allegedly" trying to minimalise the waste, she is only serving the bare bones of brekkie (croissant, pan au chocolat, bread, butter, jam, juice and coffee)- of course there will be food waste when this is your actual business! Why not send some of the leftover pastries in a bag with the guests when they leave? Problem solved, and they have a snack for the road! The empty mini jam jars- why?!? Is she insane?!? Those jars will constantly need to be cleaned, sanitized and someone needs to refill them- kind of gross. One can not just scoop jam into them and leave them out for the next guests. Why on earth is she not not just sourcing a restaurant supply store to purchase miniature jars of jam?!? (And yes, Bonne Maman makes them in miniature!)

Karen's meager brekkie offerings (um, hello? You advertise your business as a "Bed and BREAKFAST"!) actually make Fanny's sad offerings (which I suspect are more for show lately than anything- it is the beginning of a new season at CLL, and we know full well the pickings get slimmer as the season progresses because Fanny is busy traveling and everyone gets lazy.) But, I'd probably fail financially if I were a B&B owner- I love to cook elaborate meals for my own friends and family when they stay with us, and they usually leave with tighter waistbands.
I’ve just been talking to my ex mother in law about what food she would like me to buy for when I watch the coronation with her next weekend. There are just the 2 of us but she has bought so much just incase anyone passing should wave as they pass her window. I will be sent out to drag them in and feed them. I’m not drinking as I will be driving so she has only bought 2 bottles of bubbly. And yes I do have a couple of things on my list to buy when I pass marks and spencer on Tuesday just incase we don’t have enough. 😂😂
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Cleaning that dump is a full-time job. Fanny either needs a live in housekeeper or two, or a professional cleaning team hat shows up every day or at least a few times per week to clean bathrooms, dust, vacuum and mop, change linens, etc. Sorry, but Mary a popping once a week doesn’t cut it.
Fanny was using the Workaway volunteers as cleaners until she got kicked out of the program. One of the female volunteers wrote a scathing review of her treatment there. She was put on laundry duty and worked well over the 4 hours per day that’s supposed to be the max. Isabelle was the task master, making her work long hours, and this volunteer said she was fed starvation rations. However, there were some cute, young male volunteers there at the same time who were able to do a few hours of work and then play the rest of the time. The female volunteer said she put in her time because she had made a commitment, but said she’d never go back. I would have told Fanny and Isabelle to f** off if it had been me!
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